US Citizenship through a grandparent – a guide from the initiated

March 13, 2007 at 1:28 am 1,186 comments

I’ve found that many American expats tend to mistakenly assume that as US citizens their children are automatically eligible for citizenship.  As far as they’re concerned all they have to do is go over to the embassy and register their kids and they’re citizens.  In fact to pass on your own US citizenship to your children you need to fulfill at least one of the following requirements:

1) Be married to another US citizen OR

2) prove that you have lived for at least 5 years in the US of which at least 2 years have to have been past the age of 14.

Once they discover this requirement many older expats who moved with their children when young and whose children have married non-Americans are dismayed to realize that while their kids may have lived for 5 years in the US, the 2 years over 14 requirement means that those kids will not be able to pass on US citizenship to their children.   Some of the more savvy ones have heard somewhere about the possibility of a grandparent passing on citizenship to their grandchild but there’s really so little information out there that most either give up or at most pay out a lot of money to immigration lawyers to sort it out for them.

Well no need no more.  I’m going to explain to you here how to get start getting citizenship for your grandchild of a US citizen whose own parent is ineligible to pass on the citizenship due to the requirements stated above.  I first wish to make a disclaimer though.  I am NOT a lwayer or government official and make no guarantees.  All I present here is based on my own experience of naturalizing 3 children using the grandparent law and doing it on my own without any need for professionals – it’s just about understanding which forms you need to use.  Anyone else’s personal success will depend on various things such as the center they apply to and the documentation they are able to supply.

First I should note that the requirements listed above for naturalizing your child are for passing it on automatically at the embassy here in Israel.  If you came (as I did) before age 16 and aren’t married to a US citizen then that’s indeed not an option for you.  However there is an alternate option which is to apply for citizenship for your child under section 322 based on their US citizen GRANDPARENT fulfilling the second option (i.e. proving they’ve lived 5 years in the US at least 2 of which came after the age of 14).  Note that the grandparent needn’t be living in the US now nor will they need to go to the US at any point with the grandchild.  Unlike the automatic transfer from parent to child, however, citizenship through a grandparent will necessitate the citizen parent to take the child to the US for the naturalization interview (though there is no set amount of time you have to stay – if you want you can fly in the day before the interview and fly out a few hours after the interview).

Start the process by going to this page

which is to apply for citizenship

And downloading the forms there. They’re in pdf format so make sure you have a program (such as acrobat) that can read pdfs. If you don’t have one you can download it for free at

and fill out the forms (the pdf file includes instructions on what they want of you).

Please note that while the citizen grandparent won’t have to appear at your child’s interview s/he will need to provide the applying parent with Xeroxes of

1) his/her own birth certificate and proof of his/her US citizenship

2) proof that S/HE indeed lived there for 5 years at least 2 after age 14. What is proof? They won’t tell you outright – they just tell you to provide the best you can. My advice is pour on the official documentation: School transcripts, degrees, employment records – anything legal which can establish his presence in the US for those 5 years. You may not need all that much but remember the interest in their becoming citizens is yours not the Immigration service’s and so the tighter the case you can build documentationwise the safer you are (which is good since living abroad its not like you can just come back in three months with more documentation).

The citizen parent must also have their own

1) birth and marriage certificates

2) child(ren)’s birth certificate(s)

3) You can submit Xeroxes of both your and your citizen parent’s documentation (in fact you SHOULD provide Xeroxes rather than the originals) but WILL be expected to bring the originals to the interview and produce them for the interviewer if asked (they never asked for my originals but Murphy’s Law says that if I hadn’t had them they’d have asked)

4) proof that you have custody of your child – ridiculous for a married parent I agree but that’s bureaucracy for you!  What I did was got a printout (15 shekels apiece) from the Interior Ministry’s census registry which showed that we both (me and my kids) have the same address and that im living with their mother and am married.

5) All non-English documents must be accompanied by an English translation with the translator affirming himself competent to do the translation. You can abilitywise probably do it yourself but they don’t approve of that as it could affect your translating.  Also it’s best to have someone with a different last name do it.  Note that the Ministry of the Interior now offers a bilingual (Hebrew/English) birth certificate for the asking so you can save on translating that.

6) since you’re going to have to take the child(ren) to the states for the interview anyhow you might as well apply to a small processing center. Applying in New York LA or Miami could take several years till it all goes through. I applied through Philadelphia which is relatively small and it still took me almost 2 years. Someone else told me they did it through the Hartford Conneticuit office (which they said was an hour’s drive from NYC) and it all got done very quickly and in a friendly manner and I’ve heard similarthings about Rhode Island.  In any case best to pick a place that nobody immigrates to.  Coming from abroad means you have the right to apply to any field office anywhere in the US so check out the list here and send your completed forms there along with xeroxes of the documents you intend to present to them as requested on the forms and listed by me above.

After a certain amount of time which can range anywhere from 3-4 months to 3-4 years depending in large part on what field office you apply to you’ll receive a letter from USCIS instructing you to appear before them at the field office with your child on a day they’ll set for you (usually about 3 months or so from when they send the letter).   At that point you make your travel plans and submit a request to the embassy for a visa and include a copy of your letter from the USCIS with your other documentation to the embassy.  They’ll issue you a limited 60 day visa to take your child to the States for the interview.

The interview itself is a formality essentially.  They’re not likely to invite you to come to the US unless they’re already convinced after reviewing the documentation you sent them that your case is sound.  Of course they may want to check that you didn’t just create the documentation and that’s why it’s so important to have the original documentation with you.  I don’t know what they do for older kids but for my kids who were all under 5 when I took them, they spoke exclusively to me, asked me basic questions about my dad’s documentation and then printed up naturalization certificates for the kids within an hour or so at which point they were US citizens.

One final note: in the interview letter they ask you to bring proof that thevidence of the applicant child’s entry into the US.  What they want you to do is the following.  On the plane they give you this white card to fill out about your plans for being in the country etc.  When you go through border control they’ll take part of that card and leave you with the other part of it and stamp your kids passports (and yours) to show that you came through border control.  The citizen parent should make a photocopy of the page in each applicant child’s passport that has that border control stamp on it and bring to the interview (with the other documentation of course).  The interviewers appreciate that, especially since most people forget and then they’ve got to go photocopy the passport themselves – best to get them in a good mood right off by saving them the hassle.  Naturally they should also bring the kids passports and that white card from the plane with them to the interview as well.


For any of you out there interested (and many of you may be considering it relates to the content of this group) I’ve started a Facebook Group called US Expatriate Parenting to discuss all things relating to being a US citizen raising kids abroad.  I’d be happy to have you join me there if you feel it could be relevant to you.

Entry filed under: Guide, legal documentation, US. Tags: , , , .

Relicensed to drive Jews on first – and every other position

1,186 Comments Add your own

  • 1. TBONE  |  April 29, 2007 at 12:33 am

    A very good explanation for a terrible law.

    • 2. Sundararaj  |  July 1, 2010 at 11:19 pm


      I am planning to apply for my kids citizenship under n600k category. Could you acknowledge this mail mail once if you receive it. I appreciate your early reply.


  • 3. isranglo  |  May 2, 2007 at 3:54 pm

    Tbone – thanks for the compliment on the explanation but why would you call it a terrible law? A convoluted process certainly but why a terrible law? Without it those of us who left the US at too young an age to pass on citizenship ourselves but old enough to feel patriotic enough to want our kids to have our US citizenship would be left with no recourse to obtain citizenship. If what you mean, however, is that things ought to be made a lot simpler (such as negating that pesky “2 years past the age of 14” bit which makes no sense – why should someone who lived in the US from age 16-21 and then leaves get to pass on citizenship automatically while someone who lived there from birth till 15 doesn’t?!) then I’m with you!

  • 4. dennis hendrickson  |  July 20, 2007 at 4:59 am

    Thanks for a lot of helpful info. You mention getting U.S. visas. Who needs them? The kiddies? How are they best gotten? Any cost involved or bureaucrapic hassel?
    Again, thanks for your help.

  • 5. isranglo  |  July 20, 2007 at 8:20 am

    Since in order to get citizen the kids need to enter the States, ipso facto they won’t have a US passport to enter the US with. They need to enter with their native country’s passport and therefore need a visa.
    If I recall correctly the cost is roughly in the hundred dollar range (unless it’s risen). In Israel you can call 171, the post office site, for more information. They have a special department for a courier service to the embassy. You send them your passport, a chit of payment from the post office showing you’ve paid (the larger post offices have them available) a copy of the letter ordering you to come to the US, a passport photo of the kid (I forget how many but it says on the form) and the form requesting a visa obtainable off the embassy site. You submit it all by courier and they’ll pick it up for you and return it with the visa inside.

  • 6. Yaniv Kaplan  |  November 12, 2007 at 5:52 pm

    Thanks a lot. I heard this was an option however I was told it is complicated so I gave up before trying. I am in the exact same situation with my daughter.

    The only thing is that it seems worth while to wait until you have all your kids and do them all in one shot (otherwise you will have to go over the procedure for each one, right?)

  • 7. isranglo  |  November 14, 2007 at 12:50 am

    it’s more annoying than complicated but once you’ve done it once it’s basically resubmitting the same documents for yourself and your parent each time and submitting the new child’s documents as relevant to them.

    No I’m afraid I wouldn’t advise your all in one shot deal for several reasons

    1) do you know what a pain it is to take all those kids on a plane 🙂

    2) Laws are always changing and there have been rumors around in recent years of them closing up the grandparent option. Do you really want to wait it out until the last kid only to discover the law was changed a year or 2 previously blocking off the option for those not already in the system?!

    3) If you’re earning a non-American salary you can be eligible for up to $1000 per child per year from the US government till they turn 18(one of the reasons they’ve talked about closing the option I think) but it’s only retroactive for about 3 years. So lets say you have 4 kids, and now they’re ages 12, 9, 5 and infant. So no problem with the infant but you’ve lost as much as 17 thousand dollars on the other 3. Let’s just say that the thousand dollars I received on each kid just for the year in which I took them, more than covered the cost of both our round trip tickets to the US (by taking them before age 2 their ticket is like 10%), protected them from any future change in the law and provides a nice little sum per year till they turn 18.

    4) the only reason to wait for them all to be born is if you want to go the other route of getting them citizenship which is to say you want to immigrate with them to the US, apply for citizenship for them on that basis, go to the US, pick up their citizenship and move back. As I understand it though that’s more complicated and could be problematic. You’d probably need an emigration lawyer to help you out which I didn’t need for the grandparent route.

  • 8. emma  |  June 16, 2008 at 10:03 pm

    thanks for this info. please tell me how you can be eligible for $1000 for having a child as a US citizen

  • 9. Sharone  |  June 24, 2008 at 6:38 pm

    Thank you very much for this information. It is very useful as I was unable to get the exact information from neither the US Embassy in Tel-Aviv website nor the USCIS one.

    Are you sure that the grandparent option is still available?

    One other question – Is it necessary to first apply for a Report of Birth from the US Embassy or can I just fill out the forms and use the Israeli Birth Certificate?

  • 10. ilona lerman  |  June 26, 2008 at 9:36 pm

    Your explanation seems to clear up a very unclear procedure. I still have a few more questions.
    1. As the citizen grandmother do I have to include MY marriage certificate?
    2. Do I need to show all the times I spent in the states or only that I lived there 5 years including 2 years after 14?
    3. Translation of a document by a friend is okay? Do I understand right that a notarization is not necessary?
    Thanks in advance.

  • 11. Shiri  |  September 2, 2008 at 8:42 am

    I have done this procedure for my 2 children.
    I want to know if there is an child age limit for this process. I mean do they have to be minors ? Under 18 or 21 ?
    I am asking this for my brothers children.


  • 12. isranglo  |  September 7, 2008 at 11:14 pm

    yes it’s still available as of the last time I checked which has been since your post.

    As for the birth certificate you use obviously it must be the israeli birth certificate. If you were eligible to report your child at the embassy you wouldn’t need to go the grandparent route. The report of a child is to report an American child born to an american parent. your child isn’t an american child nor has automatic claim to it. If they do then they don’t need to go via the granddparent clause

  • 13. isranglo  |  September 16, 2008 at 11:52 am

    I wish I could be more encouraging but I’m afraid you’ve missed the boat on this law. Even if your mom might be able to make a case via her dad (and that’s highly unlikely through regula channels is my guess as she’d have likely have had to request it when young) you’re still too old to get anything from her via your grandfather being past age 26 yourself. The fact that your GF is deceased is another strike against you as the law tends to fluctuate such that it is often the case that they want the GF/GM alive when you apply. Wish I could be more encouraging but the GP law is very tenuous in terms of who they accept as it is even with kids whose parents are citizens and GPs are alive.

  • 14. Linda  |  September 18, 2008 at 9:30 pm

    Hello Isranglo,
    Bless your soul. You definately have a good heart explaining this N-600 K process step by step. This is a great help.
    I had to make like 35 calls to the USCIS 1800 number to get only part of the info you are giving here. I would have loved to have seen this blog months ago(would have saved my a lot of agony )
    I have submitted the N-600K for my 2 kids and am waiting for the interview at this time.
    I have one question for you .
    -Can you tell me the exact questions they asked during the interview?

    Thanks for your help.

  • 15. Linda  |  September 19, 2008 at 4:04 pm

    Hello Isranglo,
    Bless your soul. You definately have a good heart explaining this N-600 K process step by step. This is a great help.
    I had to make like 35 calls to the USCIS 1800 number to get only part of the info you are giving here. I would have loved to have seen this blog months ago(would have saved my a lot of agony )
    I have submitted the N-600K for my 2 kids and am waiting for the interview at this time.
    I have one question for you .
    -Can you tell me the exact questions they asked during the interview?

    Thanks for your help.

  • 16. Judith Guzman  |  September 23, 2008 at 10:57 pm

    Hi Isranglo,
    Thanks for all your insight. I have already filled the N-600K for my two daugthers. Can you tell me exactly which were the questions the adjudicator asked you during the interview.
    I want to be prepared for when I have to travel for the interview.

  • 17. Linda  |  September 24, 2008 at 12:02 am

    Judith is standing right next to me.
    Thank you for responding.

    Great help!


  • 18. isranglo  |  October 12, 2008 at 12:21 pm

    I suppose presumably it would be possible but 1) could cause confusion 2) might cause more problems than it will help and 3) to submit an application costs about 400 dollars now. i know the dollar’s dropped against the shekel (and almost everything else) but I’m not really sure you want to send 400 dollars a bunch of times for them to process you in different places.
    Just send to a not so busy office and it should get done relatively fast. If you don’t care about where you go (you plan to stay at a motel or something) go somewhere like Idaho or Kansas or who knows where where noone would immigrate and where noone outside of those towns have relatives outside the state :-). If you want to stay by relatives you’re already limited anyhow to a reasonable radius from where you’re staying (appointments tend to be in the morning).
    Just stay away from coastal centers like New York New Jersey, LA, Miami etc. where there are large immigrant populations because EVERYONE doing this is sending to there so they can stay with their cuban/irish/italian/name your immigrant group relatives

  • 19. dude  |  October 23, 2008 at 11:13 pm

    out of curiosity, how did you get hold of this info?

  • 20. isranglo  |  October 27, 2008 at 12:05 am

    1) the immigration service’s website
    2) people who went through it before me
    3) I’ve been through it myself twice
    4) when people go through it and find that things have changed they’ll alert me as to significant changes

  • 21. isranglo  |  October 27, 2008 at 12:12 am


    A friend who just applied to naturalize her children passed on a letter she received in reply from them. A couple of changes worth noting as of (apparently) mid-2007

    1) diplomas from recognized institutions are no longer good for the period of the study unless accompanied by actual transcripts. From what I can understand they’ll give you credit for one year per diploma but no more than that without the grades. So if like me you have the parent’s high school, BA, MA and PHD certificates (formerly proving WELL above the 5 years necessary of residence) you still need to prove anoter year.
    2) they’re asking for all translations now to be official, certified translations. It doesn’t say notarized so it’s not clear official from whom or certified in what way.

  • 22. Raeanne  |  November 17, 2008 at 10:29 am

    Wow, I love this! My Grandma grewup in the States and appeantly my Aunt is trying to help her get citizen for my Dad and siblings. My Dad figured that they wouldn’t have a problem… and mentioned that I might be able to get it from him. Reading this, obviously makes me realize that its almost impossible for me since Im 20 years old. Kinda sucks, but glad I know now instead of paying out $400 to apply and be denied. Thanks

  • 23. isranglo  |  November 17, 2008 at 10:19 pm

    well I’m glad I saved you the money – wish I could have been more helpful about the citizenship. One thing you should note about this though is that even to give your younger siblings citizenship via a grandparent its critical taht your father have the citizenship before they do. You might also want to have him make sure as to whether they can still be elegible if he wasn’t a citizen at the time they were born. I didn’t see anything to contradict that but for some reason I can’t quite explain I seem to remember seeing somewhere that there might be a problem there.

  • 24. Sue  |  February 2, 2009 at 1:44 pm

    I have filled in form N600k for my 16 year old son to get citizenship through his grandparent (my deceased Dad).
    What is the best way to send the $460 to the USCIS in the U.S.?

  • 25. Ilan  |  February 3, 2009 at 12:11 pm

    you are very kind to share this experience and information. Thank you. I am starting the application process. Maybe you can help me with some specifics if you know these answers or where I may turn to for them.

    1. My kids are all Israeli and Canadian citizens already. The oldest was born in Canada and made ALiyah with my wife and I when he was 14 months. The other three were all born in Israel and we applied and received citizenship for all of them in Canada. We all live in Israel. So, do I need to provide proof of citizenship for both countries? Also, my son who was born in Canada is Jeremy Tzvi in Canada but just Tzvi in Israel. Any idea what I should put in the application form?

    2. I would like to apply in Buffalo. Our families live in Toronto Canada, so we would plan to fly to Toronto and just drive across the border to Buffalo the day of our meeting. However, we usually don’t get stopped at the border when driving through – we just go. Do we need to stop and ask for some proof of crossing into the US for our kids and should we be telling them at the border the purpose of our visit for citizenship in the US?

  • 26. isranglo  |  February 5, 2009 at 10:59 am

    1. Not sure what to do about the name issue – that could be tricky – I believe though that his Israeli passport has the name written one way in English and the other in Hebrew and that might be able to constitute proof that it’s the same person. In any case keep in mind that a) the important thing isn’t proving his Canadian or Israeli citizenships but proving he has a right to an American one and therefore b) that you have the proper documentation to support that. It’s also not clear to me from what you wrote whether you’re trying to apply through a grandparent or have the right to pass on the citizenship yourself.

    2. You WANT to stop at the border to get stamped. Part of obtaining US citizenship for a foreigner whether through immigration or through the grandparent clause is to prove that he’s been on US soil. That’s really the main reason they call you to the US for the interview. Otherwise they could just train someone at the local US embassy to do it. Definitely tell them the reason and make sure they stamp (Jeremy) Tzvi’s passport as having entered there.

  • 27. DC Mobile  |  February 5, 2009 at 3:23 pm


    Thanks for the quick response and sharing your past experience at this stage. I am going to the Buffalo office and hopefully all goes well.

    Thanks again

  • 28. ben elias  |  February 7, 2009 at 5:49 pm

    We have been looking at your blog and it seemed to us that you seem to be the best informed nin-governmental source available.
    We are planning to take our two children to the states in August (if that proves practical) to establish their US citizenship.

    I could be grateful if you could respond to my e-mail address.

  • 29. ger  |  February 10, 2009 at 11:20 pm


    This is a very insightful blog.

    My kids have been called for an interview and I plan on giving a date about 2 months out to try and ensure it would be available.



  • 30. isranglo  |  February 11, 2009 at 1:18 pm

    Thanks – glad you’ve found it useful. Good Luck!

  • 31. DC Mobile  |  February 11, 2009 at 6:45 pm

    WOW…My children (11 & 14) have now received US citizenship certificates from the Buffalo field office on Feb 10, 2009.

  • 32. ilan kazin  |  February 18, 2009 at 10:17 pm

    Shalom and Thank You,

    My question is this. I was born in Israel and received my American passport from my deceased father (does it matter how long ago he died?). If he is no longer alive is there a point of applying in his name? (i have proof of him living there 5 years, 2 of which were after 14).

    Thanks alot

  • 33. Sharon  |  February 27, 2009 at 2:46 pm

    Hi, great explanation-thanks a lot!

    I would like a clarification regarding the “proof that you have custody of your child” – I understand that you got a printout (15 shekels apiece) from the Interior Ministry’s census registry which showed that you and your kids have the same address and that you are living with their mother and am married.

    How can I get this printout? do I have to go there myself and request it or can it be done online? is it really necessary?

  • 34. isranglo  |  March 13, 2009 at 11:29 am

    Your case number when applying for citizenship is called your A number because it’s a code beginning with an A. Whether it’s later printed on the certificate or not I don’t know though because this is the first time they’ve ever bothered to tell me what my A number was. In the past for who knows what reason they just dealt with my case without giving me any acknowledgement of it until they sent me the letter to come for the interview so I never knew what my kids’ A numbers were. If it’s not on the certificate though I don’t have a clue of why you’d be expected to remember it now! I’d suggest calling their service center number listed on the site and asking there.

  • 35. Assaf  |  March 16, 2009 at 10:26 am

    Hi. can’t tell you how much ya helped us.
    tnx again !

  • 36. isranglo  |  March 16, 2009 at 5:02 pm

    glad to help :-). As to your questions
    1) there is no hard and fast rule as to what’s acceptable proof but yes official grade reports are probably the closest you can get to “guaranteed,” especially since they say you MUST have them in order to get credit for individual school years of a degree (it used to be, for example, that having a BA gave you an automatic 4 years but now it’s only worth 1 unless you have grade transcriptions).

    2) no guarantees but traditionally Buffalo, Rhode Island and Hartford are all supposed to be relatively quiet offices.

  • 37. assaf  |  March 18, 2009 at 2:53 pm

    Hi again.
    We are filling in the form. Just to be sure:

    My wife is a US citizen, through birth in Israel to a US citizen parent and does not fulfil the conditions (did not live 5 years in the US at least 2 of which came after the age of 14).
    Her mother is the US citizen GP, fulfiling the mentioned conditions of living in the US.

    Who should be applying on behalf of our kids – my wife, (the US citizen parent) OR the US citizen GP ?
    Part 5 of the n600k form got me mixed up…


  • 38. Martin  |  March 22, 2009 at 2:28 pm

    What a useful blog!!! Your patient and knowledgeable answers are an inspiration.
    If you were looking at using USCIS offices in Portland, Maine or Manchester, New Hampshire which would you prefer for getting an appointment as soon as possible?

  • 39. isranglo  |  March 24, 2009 at 4:33 pm

    thanks Martin
    Though i haven’t used them I’m guessing that both of those offices are going to get you in fast as they’re not near any major immigrant areas that would tend to attract people looking to combine their citizenship trip with a visit to relatives. To my knowledge neither of those places has a major immigration draw of any sort so it should go quite fast.

  • 40. ASSAF  |  April 2, 2009 at 2:30 pm

    We are filing the forms for both our children.
    We want the same office and interview date for both..
    how should we file? two seperate envelopes, each with all the documents, or both together in one envelope ?

    thank you so much !

  • 41. ASSAF  |  April 20, 2009 at 2:29 pm


    any knowledge of the Atlanta USCIS field office ?
    Is it crowded ?


  • 42. Ben  |  May 6, 2009 at 12:28 am

    Thanks for the very useful blog post… I’m currently looking to go down the N-600K route for my son and have been a bit overwhelmed by the difficult procedure and lack of information. The US embassy in Cairo gave me utterly incorrect information each time on three separate visits.

  • 43. shmuel  |  May 27, 2009 at 12:33 pm

    I did a N600k application 2 years ago at Philadelphia for 10 grandchildren and it went very smoothly (4 one time and 6 two weeks later)
    For proof of my residency they accepted the accompanying form to the report of a birth abroad for my children, ( the applicants parents) which stated the times that I lived in the States.
    They said if it was approved by the State Department then it was good enough for them. I did bring along my transcripts, yearbooks and even graduation invitation just in case but never had to use it.

    It took about 3 months for the appointment and they were very nice, I sent in a new application for a new grandchild and am awaiting notification of scheduling

    One thing not mentioned is that if you want to get the tax credit you need a social security number and that is obtained at the Social Security office which is a whole new ballgame. It can be done on the same day after receiving the citizenship papers on a walk in basis.
    In Philadelphia they would not accept a US passport as proof of birth and required a birth certificate so you have to have all your papers with you when you go there. There is no fee involved, download the forms in advance, and it should take about a half hour once you get to the clerk.

  • 44. isranglo  |  June 7, 2009 at 11:46 am

    Thanks Shmuel – great post. allow me to caution though that while you and i didn’t have to show our documentation, Murphy’s law states that if we ever DIDN’T make sure to have it all, that would be when they asked for it. Better overprepared then under but you’re right that there’s no need for panic. They’re generally not people to travel to the US unless they think you already have a strong case.

    I was in the social security office in Philly too and I should note that they asked for 2 forms of ID and allowed the Israeli passport to be one of them. However, I’d basically say that if you just take everything to the citizenship interview with you in a ring binder with sheets as I did (a section for birth certificates, another for marriage certificates, passports etc.) take the binder to social security with you too and you’ll have everything you need there and more.

    True, that while I always get the social security number while there, I didn’t actually discuss it here. the reason was because the post was a guide towards the citizenship and I wanted to at least TRY and focus on that part. That said, your point is a good one – it’s also less of a hassle to get it while there than to run over to the embassy (unles you live in Tel Aviv perhaps).

    • 45. zaze  |  June 12, 2009 at 4:13 am

      Thanks Isranglo for all your advice. We applied 6months go and received an email this week to say “The children’s files have been preliminarily reviewed. We would like to set up an interview with you and your children here in our Albany office.” Does this mean that we are through!! Also what is this tax credit that you can get for your children, can anyone explain further

    • 46. shmuel  |  September 3, 2009 at 12:51 pm

      I went to Phili again this July and there were new people there. They would not accept the State department form 240 as sole proof of my residency and asked for transcripts diplomas etc
      Of course I always carry a complete file of original documents and it was no problem.

      The entire interview took 20 minutes with a kind and professional staff. Social Security was also no problem

      In general if you are looking for a location do not believe the USCIS website for application times. From personal experience it is generally not correct and it is best to try to contact the office and get a feel for times

      • 47. Randel  |  September 3, 2009 at 2:50 pm

        Thank for the new info, shmuel. Glad to hear it went well. What exactly is a State department form 240? Did the authorities in Phili want current proof of your of your exact home address abroad, or did they merely want proof that you live abroad? What sort of transcripts, diplomas, etc did you have to show them to prove your present residency abroad? I am just about finished with putting together my N-600K app for my little boy and — regarding proof of my present residency (in Germany) — I hope that a document from the local registration authority stating my current home address will suffice. One more thing: did you actually call the Phili office and talk with them about approximate application/waiting times? Were they actually willing to talk abou this (which would contradict what I have read about this elsewhere online)?

  • 48. assaf  |  June 11, 2009 at 8:23 am

    Hi – A month ago i sent my kids n600k forms to the Providence office in RI.
    this is the email reply i recieved:

    The cases for your children have been pre-approved. Please provide me with dates that you and your children will be able to visit the United States to receive the certificates.

  • 49. assaf  |  June 16, 2009 at 9:12 am

    We have been re approved by the Providence RI office.
    They aked us what dates we would want to come with the kids, and gave us the instructions regarding the Info pass appointment. You need to have an appointment for each child. Also, you cannot make the appointments until two weeks prior to the date you wish to visit the office. For example, if you wish to come on September 21 you need to wait until September 7 to make the Info pass appointment.

  • 50. Martin  |  July 22, 2009 at 6:14 am

    Hi, I came back again because I have filed for my 2 grandchildren at the Portland, Maine field office. From what I could glean from the USCIS site, it will be at least 6 months until they get around to our applications. Meantime, since I will be visiting (by myself) in the states and am to meet the accountant that takes care of my IRS issues. He mentioned to my brother the $1000 per child idea. Aside from getting Social Security numbers for the kids, what other procedures are involved? If you prefer to relate to this not in this blog, I’d be happy to have a mail from you with whatever you can contribute. Thanks again for your “crusading efforts!!”

  • 51. itman  |  July 26, 2009 at 1:55 am

    Hi isranglo,

    Thanks for a wonderful job on presenting this info in such a thorough yet precise and digestible way (and entertaining, which is no mean feat, subject matter being bureaucracy)

    Much appreciated!



  • 52. isranglo  |  July 29, 2009 at 9:41 pm

    generally speaking once you’ve gotten an invitation (and assuming your original documentation is in your hands and not forged 🙂 ) you’re through and the interview (at least for younger kids which is what I have experience of) is a formality.

    The tax credit is for up to $1000 per child per year. Make sure to get a social security number while in the States (less of a hassle than doing it here I’ve found) and speak to an accountant who deals with the tax credit issue. Here in Israel for example I found a fellow who specializes specifically in this.

    As a US citizen you’re legally obligated to file tax forms even while abroad. This is even if you make nothing ot not enough to pay US taxes. But the plus side is that you’re also entitled to tax credit.If you owe nothing but are eligible for child credit they give you a refund and a refund off nothing means money for you.

  • 53. isranglo  |  July 29, 2009 at 9:43 pm

    thanks – much appreciated :-). I’ve found that if you can’t laugh about bureaucracy than you end up tearing your hair off and gnawing your leg off and the hat and prosthetic leg are such a pain…:-)

  • 54. isranglo  |  July 29, 2009 at 9:47 pm

    A friend I helped who just came back from the Conneticuit office wrote to tell me that everything went so smoothly she was in and out in under and hour. They were very friendly and they didn’t even ask to look at any documents

    Meantime I’m heading off to the States in just a few hours with an appointment scheduled for next week. If any of you are scheduled to report to the Portland Oregon office a week from sunday I’ll be the one with the especially cute baby :-). I’ll report on my experience when I get back.

  • 55. zaze  |  August 1, 2009 at 3:12 am

    HI . I HAVE an appt in 2 weeks time. can i ask, are the children ok to fly back and apply for the us paspsort back at the embassy?

  • 56. Randel  |  August 30, 2009 at 12:03 am

    Hello Isranglo (and all visitors to this Website who read this message). Very helpful Website. I have just about completed the N-600K application for my little boy. One question about the $460 filing fee: did you send a money order? We are based in Germany and I am planning to try and get/purchase (in Germany) an international money order, since I do not have a bank account in the US. Any info on this matter would be very helpful. Thanks.

  • 57. isranglo  |  August 30, 2009 at 11:34 am

    ok people sorry so long but I’ve just been to the States to get another child citizenship and I’ll soon be posting my experiences in the Portland Oregon office.
    meantime to touch on the questions above
    1) According to a friend’s friend who I spoke to while in the states (albeit too late to help my paranoiac worries) and who works for border control there’s no need to do the passport in the US and even if you do you should still take the kid out on the israeli passport so they can close the I-94 on them.

    2) as to the fee I’ve always found that almost anyplace where there are Americans who want this for their (grand)kids said expats tend to know a lot of other expats and there’s almost always someone in the community (usually many) that keep an American account (for business reasons or whatever). I try and find someone like that and have them write a check for me to homeland security for the fee and then depending on how they prefer it and how close I am to them either pay them the amount in the local currency on the spot or have them tell me when the check is cashed by homeland security and pay them then by that day’s exchange rate. I’ve never had trouble finding someone willing to lend a hand with that especially if you offer to pay them back up front.

    • 58. zaze  |  September 1, 2009 at 11:21 am

      does it mattert if the us granparent is deceased for the l;ast 5 years but was a citizen for 15 years?

  • 59. Arinak  |  August 30, 2009 at 6:16 pm


    We heard about this possibility about three years ago and it has taken me two years of research, phone calls and surfing to try to gather all of the correct information.
    Finally ( thanks to a friend who was trying to help me fill in the forms) we have found a source with detailed” how to” information!
    I would like to repeat what others have said: THANK YOU so much for sharing your knowledge and for keeping this going.

    We are applying for our three children, ( also Canadian and Israeli) and were going to do it through Baltimore , but now will look into the Buffalo office.
    As well, since we are unable to get someone to give us checks from a US bank, has anyone written a money order from an Israeli Bank? Do we need to send a money order for each application or can we send one that covers the cost of three?
    Good luck to everyone and again, thank you !

  • 60. konrad  |  September 6, 2009 at 1:34 am

    hi, i heard about this grandparent rule a month ago and I am very interested. My grandmother became an american citizen in 1932 at the age of 27, voted in the presidential elections in1933 and returned home after 11years and died in 1994. I am 23years now and I am not sure if I am intitled to this citizenship rule. Is this only applied to young grandchildern ie. 16years and under? or can any grandchild apply no matter what age old or young? I would be very very grateful if you could help me on this matter.

  • 61. isranglo  |  September 8, 2009 at 8:55 pm

    as far as I know the grandparent has to be alive at the time of the filing at least if not at the time of the interview but the rule there is hazy and seems to switch at various times.
    In any event though the offer is only valid assuming 1) the applicant’s parent (grandparent’s child) has citizenship (even though they’re not able to pass it on themselves due to not fulfilling other requirements 2) the applicant is under 18 at the time of application.

  • 62. isranglo  |  September 8, 2009 at 9:03 pm

    thanks for the compliment – I do what I can to help :-).
    1) obtaining a 3rd citizenship can be tricky in any case. You have to be sure all the nationalities allow it or at least the one you’re applying for doesn’t mind. Not sure how Canada feels about dual citizenships in general and with the US in particular but more important is how the US feels about Canadians applying for US citizenship

    2) you can definitely pay for all 3 at once but only if you send all 3 at once. Remember that homeland security requires that you submit a seperate application for each applicant. My response was to do so, put each sheaf of papers in a separate envelope, and then put the kids (in your case 3) envelopes into a larger envelope. In the larger envelope you’ll include a letter asking to have your appointments assigned to the same case officer and scheduled for the same day and payment covering all of their fees.

    3) I don’t know where you live but most decent sized cities in israel have city lists such as janglo and raananalist etc. I’ll bet if you explained your issue onlist and offered to pay upfront you’d find someone willing to help out with a check. I’m afraid I know nothing about money orders.

  • 63. Richard  |  October 2, 2009 at 4:59 am

    This information has been a great help. Tx so much for making it available. I have been living outside the US for many years, and have minor children. Can you please explain in more detail the steps/process involved in applying for the $1000 per year amount per child. How does one go about it, and are there any “cons” involved. i.e. if up to now I haven’t been filing tax returns, but start all of sudden, might that create potential problems etc? I am not doing business for profit, but running a charitable foundation. Thank you.

  • 64. Candy  |  October 9, 2009 at 7:29 pm

    Thank you for the great advice you give! It is by far the most informative web source on the N-600K process I have found!

    I am applying for my 7 year old son (as his US citizen parent) and have the physical presence requirements already (got the 5 years AFTER he was born). Will be applying at the Buffalo office…

    My questions were:
    a) which section of the N-600K form does the citizen parent sign? Part 7 or Part 8?

    b) For those who applied at Buffalo… what was the processing time from receipt of the application to the time you went for the interview? Am told it is about 6 months….

  • 65. Assaf  |  October 11, 2009 at 4:56 pm

    Came back from Providence RI, with my citizen kids… The process went smooth & quick.
    We filed the applications for the Social security cards in Providence, but have’nt received yet the cards/numbers.
    My question: Can we file the Passport requests in the embassy in Tel Aviv, before we recieve the Social security number ?


  • 66. Moira  |  October 15, 2009 at 9:49 am

    I’m going down this route with my 15 year old son in the UK. I’m an American born woman married to a Brit but I’ve only got 10 months residence as I was a baby when we left.
    My father lived in the US from his birth till we left the US in 1955. Both my parents are now dead and my mother destroyed much of my father’s documentation. To prove his residence I have gone for his original first passport application available from the Department of State and have a copy of his Social Security Number application when he was 16. The passport application is a certified copy. I’m taking the view that he couldn’t have left the country without a passport from his birth till he got his first one. The officials I have dealt with have been optimistic that this will be acceptable.

    Another question. can you change the appointment date when you get it? My son is in a crucial year in the UK education system and with both exam’s and continmuous assessment I can’t take him out of school – even at 3 month’s notice. The next two years are similar as they have important exams and course work until they are 18.

    Has anyone else gone down this route?

    And thanks for the info about the offices to use. I had been planning New York, on the assumption that you had to go back to where you were born.

    • 67. Darcie  |  September 16, 2010 at 6:03 am

      Just wondering whether the use of the birth certificate through passport application “bookend” strategy worked for you to prove physical presence? I am assisting a friend in getting her citizenship approved, and we would like to use the same strategy to show her father’s physical presence for the required period before her birth in 1970.

  • 68. TranquilityBase  |  October 19, 2009 at 1:53 pm

    Very interesting information – referred to me by a lawyer!

    My situation is a bit different. My Grandfather lives in the USA, and I’m an adult living in the UK. I’ve been advised that the route mentioned here is the best way forward for me, but would the forms required be different?

    The form here seems to be for a parent to fill in for a child, not for child-now-adult seeking to make the application himself.

    Any pointers here?

  • 69. sister mo  |  October 23, 2009 at 5:05 pm

    Thanks so much for keeping up this blog for such a topic! As mentioned before it is indeed a most valuable resource on the matter.

    A question: Can this process take place, if the grandparent is a citizen (and fulfills all the requirements), but the parent of the grandchild isn’t a citizen?

    the longer story goes like this: The grandparent is a US citizen for many years, and issued a Greencard for her adult son. The son lived for a few months in the US, then returned to Israel and the Greencard was physically lost. The son did not bother replacing it. Now, after a few years the son found himself completing 4 years of relocation in the US, on a visa. He has 2 kids who were born before the relocation in Israel. The son is NOT a citizen. His mother (the grandparent) IS. Is there a way that she can transfer the citizenship to the grandchildren?

    If indeed so: the grandmother lives in NY, NY. The son and grandchildren in Denver, CO. where should they file?

    Thank you so much in advance
    & Shabat Shalom

  • 70. Martin  |  October 25, 2009 at 6:51 am

    We returned erev Succoth, but only now did I find time to share this. We applied for 2 kids (1 and 3 yrs.) at the Portland Maine office,. The appointment in South Portland, Maine was set up in very good time (the receipt for payment is dated June 1 and the invitation letter is dated August 1 for the appointment on September 29). Being less than 2 hours from Boston, it is a nice option for anyone having reason to be in that area of the country. The office itself was well organized and efficient, the officer who interviewed us was polite and basically, we were out of there with our two certificates of citizenship and little American flags for the kids in about an hour and a half. As already discussed here in the blog, the original documents we brought were not requested, and the photo copy of the immigration cards was duly appreciated.

    We applied for our Social Security numbers the same day at the Portland, ME office, and that took only about 1/2 an hour, including our wait in line to get to the counter.

    Once again, I wanted to thank you personally for your valuable blog.

  • 71. Yaniv Kaplan  |  October 27, 2009 at 7:28 pm


    This is Yaniv (back from comment 5 two years back…)

    Till this date I have done nothing (was abroad) but I have decided to do this now.

    I have a question – why do you state I need to provide my father’s birth certificate? I am reading the N-600K instructions and from what I see they ask only for my birth certificate.

    I am asking since I have a hard time believing I can ever find my father’s birth certificate…



  • 72. Jonathan  |  November 3, 2009 at 1:58 pm

    Isranglo, thanks a lot for your all the information you give.

    I am working on collecting all the forms for the Grandparent citizenship.
    I had two quests:
    1. My Dad has two doctor’s degrees from US universities. Is this enough to prove that he lived in the US for 5 years? It take more than 5 years to become a doctor!
    2. Regarding my marriage certificate: did you just translate it or did you go to the rabanot in Jerusalem to get it signed and authorized by them?

    Thanks a million,

  • 73. kell  |  November 4, 2009 at 7:50 pm

    My father is a US citizen, but has never lived in the US. My grandparents were both US citizens and my grandfather meets the residency requirements, but they are both deceased. I am 32 years old. Is there any way or chance of getting my case approved?

  • 74. isranglo  |  November 5, 2009 at 3:46 pm

    ok first let me apologize for taking so long with both answering questions and with posting my report about my most recent trip to get citizenship for a child in Oregon. Between getting back from the trip, the schoolyear starting, the Jewish holidays and recently computer issues I just haven’t gotten a chance so now I’m going to try and catch up on some past stuff. I’ll start with your questions…

  • 75. isranglo  |  November 5, 2009 at 5:24 pm

    The N600k is dependent on the citizen grandparent’s having fulfilled all the requirements that would be requested of a parent were the parent able to pass on the citizenship personally. therefore as part of your parent’s documentation you have to show their right to US citizenship based on the claim you’re making that they have such citizenship. In otherwords either a US birth certificate or a certificate of naturalization. If your parent is US born you’ll have trouble proving they’re naturalized since they weren’t :-). If they were naturalized and you have their certificate of naturalization you might still need a birth certificate but it will likely be less important. But just proving they lived in the US doesn’t necessarily prove they’re a US citizenship. They could have snuck over the border from mexico as so many do…:-). And yes I’ve always had the officers ask about where my dad was born in both offices I went to for the interview.

    So to the more important question which is, what do you do if you’re missing yours? Well these things are usually kept on record somewhere. Possibly city hall of the town where he was born or perhaps some other recors office. I don’t know where he’s from but I’m guessing if you got online and typed the state name (or city name if it’s a large city) and keywords like “birth certificate” you could find out where to obtain a copy of said certificate.

  • 76. isranglo  |  November 5, 2009 at 5:38 pm

    your story underlines an interesting problem with the whole process which is that there’s a lot that NOONE can tell you about what will/won’t be acceptable. There’s a lot of gray area where officials can decide to accept or not accept the proofs you give. For example I asked about their requirement to prove that the child is in your custody. For a divorced couple that’s no problem: there are papers attesting to it. But to a married person go prove that your kid’s in your custody! It’s so self evident you’d think you wouldn’t need to but when I asked them about it they just said “well you’ll have to bring whatever you can think of to prove it.” Therefore it’s possible that your argument will work and a case officer could certainly legally let it through as far as I understand…but only if they want to. It’s in their hands and so you’ll just have to trust to getting a sensible case officer if you can’t find more solid evidence.
    As for changing the date I never had any trouble with that in the offices I went to (Philadelphia and Portland) but I’ve been told that in other places there are problems though I can’t recall specifically which offices gave no option to change.
    and yes at any event if you can help it avoid the large field ofices.

  • 77. isranglo  |  November 5, 2009 at 5:51 pm

    I’m flattered to hear that lawyers are referring people to me as a source considering I have no academic standing in the area – but of course go through a process enough times and you learn things academics don’t teach you :-).
    I wish I could be of more help but I’m afriad you’re right. The N600K is for minors wishing to apply via a grandparent. Once you hit 18 this isn’t the right form. I’ve been trying for a long time to answer your question for a cousin of mine who’s in the same position and have met with a solid “can’t be done through grandparent transference” in every direction. However if your grandparent lives in the USA you may be able to apply through the regular immigration system with him as your sponsor. The fact that you could have done it pre-adulthood would probably strengthen your claim at least to a green card over other weaker cases. If you somehow find a way to get transference through a grandparent even once adult be sure to write and let me know as the question is often asked here.

  • 78. isranglo  |  November 5, 2009 at 6:02 pm

    sister Mo
    wow that’s a complex one – you may need a lawyer this time but let me at least tackle what I can (besides the shabbat shalom which since it’s thursday now I can still answer likewise 🙂 ).
    so first of all about the green card I’m not so sure the physical card is what matters as that can probably be accessed through government files. The question really is whether he broke the terms of the green card which requires, to my understanding, a minimal presence in the US for a certain succesive period of time. Any kids born in Israel before the relocation to the US would likely not be eligible via the N600k as the parent was certainly not a citizen at the time of their birth but they may be able to claim citizenship automatically should their father (if he becomes a US citizen while they’re still minors) choose to “immigrate” with them to the US (though he may of course choose to cancel the “move” once they’re given the citizenship).
    In any event until the son has citizenship the N600k shouldn’t work for them – sorry, but the citizenship chain is necessary.

    • 79. sister mo  |  November 5, 2009 at 7:57 pm

      Thank you so much for your reply. It was definitely enlightening and explains the way to go…

      Shabat Shalom again 🙂

      ps: i have entered another post, the same, as I thought that this one was not accepted. please delete it if you haven’t already…

  • 80. isranglo  |  November 5, 2009 at 6:16 pm

    Glad to help. 🙂
    1) the answer alas is no. The 2 degrees would have been good until a couple of years ago and worked for my first 3 kids. Unfortunately, a couple of years ago (maybe less) a new law came into effect whereby you could no longer just hand over a BA degree (4 years in the states) and have it count for 4 years. Pity as it was very convenient.
    if you want to have a degree considered for more than one year you have to provide official transcripts from the institution of study for all the years you want counted. The degree alone will only count for 1 year without the transcripts.

    2) the Rabbanut translate it? Lord help us all? With all the Shas and Aguda appointees there you’d be hard pressed to get a translation unless it was into yiddish maybe :-). Anyone is allowed to translate your documents (though it’s best to steer away from self-translation or having a relative of the same name do it) as long as they attach to it a written statement wherein they affirm their knowledge of both languages and their competence to translate from one to the other and sign their names and put their details there in case any contact is needed (noone’s EVER contacted my translator but one does it for form’s sake).

    • 81. Jonathan  |  November 7, 2009 at 10:04 pm

      Thanks for answering so quickly.

      My Dad gave me three degrees he has spanning graduations from 1964 till 1969. he also found his graduation year book from one of his universities. Also on his marriage certificate it says that he got marriade in the US in 1963. so I have 6 years of proof. Do you think that will cut it?
      Also he can’t find his birth certificate although he has a US passport and in his marriage certificate it says that he was born in the US. Does he have to have his birth certificate per say? or are these enough.

      I asked about the rabbanot drill, because I heard of Israeli’s who got it signed by the ministry of relegion in Jerusalem and then had the whole thing translated. good to hear that that is uneccesary.

      Thanks again

  • 82. isranglo  |  November 5, 2009 at 6:20 pm

    I’m afraid it’s that last bit which is the killer. the N600k as far as I know only applies to minors (up to age 18). Were you 15 years younger you’d be almost a shoo-in for citizenship alas I’m afraid you waited too long. On the up side should you decide to apply though regular channels the fact that you had this option may improve your argument for immigration over people without this background, especially if you have a relative taht will sponsor you.

  • 83. Yaniv Kaplan  |  November 5, 2009 at 6:56 pm


    My father was not born in the US, he was naturalized. Won’t my father’s passport do the trick to prove he is a US citizen??? Isn’t that what that means?



  • 84. RB  |  November 17, 2009 at 12:20 am

    Hello Everyone! Hope you are all well. In early Sept 2009, I finally sent the N-600k application for my 3-year-old little boy (German citizen, born and living with my wife and me in Frankfurt, Germany) to the USCIS office in Charlotte, NC, and only FOUR weeks later I was contacted by email and asked when I planned to travel to Charlotte! Wow, guess the Charlotte office is really on the ball! My son and I will travel to Charlotte later this week. I was pretty much able to choose the week and day for the interview (i.e. Nov 23).

    HERE IS MY QUESTION: I noticed that some/many of you, when you travelled over for the N-600k interview, immediately followed up with visits/meetings to other offices to obtain your child’s Social Security Number and/or US passport. Would you recommend that I try and obtain these while in Charlotte, or can it wail till I return to to Frankfurt (i.e. via the US Consulate in Frankfurt)? THANKS! RB

  • 85. Moira  |  November 21, 2009 at 6:18 pm

    I’ve just had a copy of my father”s original passport application, duly certified by the State Department, and with both his and my birth certificates attached. Suggest this is a good way to get your documentary evidence. Obviously as it was don in 1955 things may have changed a bit but the case officer checked if I wanted copies of any subsequent applications for me or him.

    Just about to send everything off to the Rhode Island Office. will report back on progress.

  • 86. Moira  |  November 21, 2009 at 6:23 pm

    Just noticed the thread on Social Security numbers. I’ve never had one and it has never been a problem getting a pssport – even an emergency one when it has been stolen.

  • 87. Carmen Malacara  |  November 28, 2009 at 6:21 pm

    I cannot locate the address where to send the grandparent’s N600K form. Since I would like to choose the office nearest me, can you tell me where I can find the addresses where I can sen the forms?
    Your blog was very helpful. Thank you for taking the time to give us the information on your experience.

  • 88. isranglo  |  December 3, 2009 at 1:03 pm

    this was a tough one but I finally tracked it down at
    hope this helps. If not let me know where you want to apply to and I’ll track down the relevant field office

  • 89. isranglo  |  December 3, 2009 at 1:05 pm

    that’s amazing to hear. It’s a basic on every passport form I ever recall seeing. Perhaps there are forms that don’t require it or perhaps it becomes more of an issue now when applying for a child’s passport. In any event I did it recently and it was required.

    • 90. Moira  |  May 4, 2010 at 9:24 am

      Only just catching up on this blog. Just to say that although the passport application form has a slot for SS number it does not have to be filled in. I do not have a SSN and have never had a problem with getting a passport.

      You don’t need one until you plan to work or live in the US – unless you earn so much money you need to file US tax returns.

  • 91. isranglo  |  December 3, 2009 at 1:07 pm

    it can be done back in Germany but it can be a hassle and is often more expensive than if you do it in the US. However there shouldn’t be a problem leaving the US without the child’s US passport even though he’s now a citizen and theoretically is expected to leave the country on the US passport. However from what I’ve been told by someone in customs you had best leave the country on the same document you entered it with (even if you have the US passport) as otherwise it plays havoc with their filing.

    • 92. RB  |  December 3, 2009 at 1:26 pm

      Hello Isranglo,

      Thanks for your reply. Got back from Charlotte last Saturday. The n600k interview went very well and took only 30 minutes (early last week). We walked out with the certificate for US citizenship for my 3-year-old son. Next day, we tried (on a walk-in basis) to obtain a social security number for him, yet the social security office was totally jammed with people and I decided to wait till we got back to frankfurt to apply for the social security number and then a US passport (which I will at the US consulate). In any event, now my little boy has US and European Union citizenship, which is certainly really nice to have (and which I unfortunately cannot obtain, as the German authorities will quickly grant me German citizenship, yet demand that I give up my US citizenship).

      One more thing. I must say that the USCIS authorities in Charlotte were very helpful and friendly. After I sent in the n600k application by mail, I received an email only 4 weeks later asking when I was planning to come over. I was also asked to provide a US address, which I was fortunately able to do (namely, my brother’s address in Charlotte, where we were staying). STRANGELY ENOUGH, during the interview last week, I was told that the US address I provided would be put on my son’s certificate, which it was. I politely questioned why that was necessary, as we permanently reside in Frankfurt, Germany, yet the USCIS person interviewing us simply told me that it had to be this way. I still doubt if this correct, as the whole point of the n600k process is for people who do NOT reside in the US. In my case, I wonder what would have happened if I had been staying at a hotel and was not able to provide a US address. HAS ANYONE ELSE HAD THIS EXPERIENCE (i.e. of a US address being entered on the certificate)?

  • 93. TranquilityBase  |  December 3, 2009 at 1:43 pm

    Is there any way to speak to USCIS on the phone for advice, or else to contact them via mail/email? Being a grandchild myself but somewhat older than 18 puts me in a very difficult position. Short of paying lawyer hundreds of pounds just to sit down and talk to them for half an hour, I am kinda wondering where I can go next.

  • 94. draipleArrava  |  December 12, 2009 at 12:48 am

    Stunning… really stunning subject. I will blog about it as well!!

  • 95. Arinak  |  December 17, 2009 at 10:21 am

    Still haven’t sent in applications as my Dad can’t find his certificate of Naturalization. He will be in the States soon so will go and apply for a copy.
    I would be very interested in getting in touch with the family who in February 2009 was inquiring about applying for their kids also Israeli and Canadian citizens like mine.( Ilan | February 3, 2009 at 12:11 pm) We have done a little research and there shouldn’t be a problem with them having the other two citizenship already. But if I can hear that someone else has already done it successfully, I would feel more comfortable.
    Thank you for your continuous support

  • 96. Avi  |  December 29, 2009 at 2:23 pm

    One word of warning –

    If you are flying to get citizenship to get the child tax refunds of up to $1000 per child, talk to a legitimate preparer first. Your naturalization papers state that the citizenship is from date of issue, not from when the child is born. Therefore retroactive filings are not recommended.

  • 97. Jonathan  |  December 29, 2009 at 3:05 pm

    I am about to submit the forms to the USCIS using the grandfather rule. I am the parent. It may seem like a silly question, but whose photograph do I need to submit? my photo or the grandchild’s?
    Also I am applying for my two children. Do I send the application together? do I need to send two copies of all MY documents and the grandfather?


  • 98. lisa  |  December 31, 2009 at 10:52 am

    i am about to start the process for my 1 year old.

    to all of you who have already been through this process:

    how do i send the $460? where do i send it to? what form of payment?

    do i need to send it in with the forms?

    if i send it through a wire transfer do i need to send proof of transfer along with the documents?

  • 99. adam  |  January 3, 2010 at 9:41 pm

    i have 2 questions if anyone can please answer it would be much appriciated
    first of all are we talking about a living grandparent or one whom has passedaway is alligeble ?
    secondly if a dead grandparent is not alligeble how about a great great grandparent?

  • 100. isranglo  |  January 3, 2010 at 9:56 pm

    I’d listen to Avi above regarding the child refund issue as I do in fact use his company to prepare my tax forms for this 🙂

  • 101. isranglo  |  January 3, 2010 at 10:00 pm

    you send the CHILD’S photo as he is the one being applied for. Regarding applying for 2 togethr the answer is yes and yes. You DO have to apply for each child separately and include copies of all the relevant documentation in each child’s package BUT what I did was to
    1) prepare the packages separately each in their own envelope
    2) place the 2 envelopes into an even larger envelope along with a check covering both kids and a letter asking that for convenience sake the 2 files be assigned to the same case officer and be invited for their interview on the same day even if it delays the interview date as a result. – I had no problem whatsoever and the kids both became citizens together.

  • 102. isranglo  |  January 3, 2010 at 10:05 pm

    you send the money in with the forms . as far as I know your 2 options are money order or check. I personally have never had a problem finding someone in the local American community where I am who could and was willing to write me a check on their American bank account as long as I was paying them the money up front (if it’s a friend they might even just say you can pay them when the money comes out of their US bank account). You send it to the field office to which you submit your N600 and documentation as part of the sae package

  • 103. isranglo  |  January 3, 2010 at 10:08 pm

    the issue of whether the grandparent has to be alive at the time is a gray area and over time the instructions on this have seemingly changed. Best to look at the most recent instructions on the N600k that comes with the forms when you download them.
    as for your further back ancestor you can’t stretch beyond a grandparent to my knowledge. However if you have a great great grandparent still alive I wish them long life and health!

  • 104. Yaniv Kaplan  |  January 3, 2010 at 10:33 pm


    I am doing the process myself these days with the help of an immigration lawyer (case is a bit complex)

    We discussed this exact point and the lawyer claims it is not needed that the grandparent is alive for the application – he/she needs only to have been a US citizen at the time the grandchild was born and need to have died a US citizen.

    Hope this helps,


    • 105. adam  |  January 4, 2010 at 6:47 am

      yaniv thanks for your comment – im just starting the process and would be thankfull if you could tell me if you succeded by the way his grandmother died in israel not in the states but i understand that dosent matter have a nice day

  • 106. Yaniv Kaplan  |  January 4, 2010 at 7:54 am

    Adam – I do not think it makes any difference if the grandmother dies in Israel or in the US. My case is different (I just said we discussed such a case) but I am sure those are the things I was told by my lawyer.
    good luck

  • 107. adam  |  January 5, 2010 at 6:47 am

    what do parents whom are not married do – understand that it becomes much more complicated that way -and i would need to appear infront of judge in the us ? does anyone know anything about this ?

  • 108. isranglo  |  January 6, 2010 at 3:06 pm

    an excellent question to which I do not know the answer. PLEASE let us know if you find out as my brother’s in just that situation and I’d love to be able to help him out. Also if you’re finding out find out if there are different rules for whether the US citizen parent is the one who has custody of the child. I assume there are at least different procedures but the question is whether it can be done at all if the citizen parent doesn’t have legal custody. If it can I suppose there must be some kind of document needed from the parent who does have custody granting their approval but I don’t know exactly what would be needed. If you check into the issue and could report back any of this information it would be a great help to myself and I’m sure to many others out there.

  • 109. adam  |  January 7, 2010 at 6:19 am

    im not shure about this but would belieive that they would want to see some kind of an agrriment from a lawer (translated of course}
    mabey even nutariezd (hescem mamon) about the question of custdy i think you would have to show them a court house rouling
    in order to astablishe the fact that the two parents are truly the parents and are or were in a realationship together

  • 110. isranglo  |  January 7, 2010 at 11:04 am

    thank you. I’d venture to guess that something would be required but to be honest I’m not really looking for educated guesses – I could do that myself. I’m looking for hard info should anyone know it. Proving that they’re the parents is no trouble as they’re both on the birth certificate and national identity card. Can’t get too much more official about a parent child relationship from Israe than those 2 documents. The question is whether that’s enough and if not specifically what’s needed. Thanks anyhow 🙂

  • 111. isranglo  |  January 7, 2010 at 12:19 pm

    I’m writing in response to a letter I just got which, with all due respect I’m not going to post. It was from a lawyer offering their services in the area of immigration. I assume the person also has some background in the N600k though it wasn’t mentioned specifically.

    The fact is that MOST of the cases I’ve run acros don’t require a lawyer and just need common sense and the willingness to follow the directions on the USCIS website and get tips from people here. I’ve put 4 kids through the process with no legal training and without a hitch at 2 different field offices. I’ve had many others both on and off this site report to me that with my help their kids got citizenship. And unlike the lawyers that do this I’m not making any money on it. This site doesn’t even have any ads on it for the few pennies that might make me.

    The point of this page is to enable those who can to save on lawyers fees. Obviously those with unusual cases will need to talk to an immigration lawyer and should then go to one recommended to them – not one who comes here to let us know they offer the services. I’m not making any money here and I’m certainly not running an ad service for anyone who wants to charge for this.

    I’m not claiming to be a lawyer or an expert on immigration in general. But I do know that in most cases the N600K doesn’t require a lawyer based on personal experience. Should you read this blog and the USCIS instructions and feel you need a lawyer go ahead and find one but at least I hope you’ll do so from a better informed point than you would have had you not read this page.

    Of course should any lawyer, offer to do what I’m doing – that is to give people all the advice they want pro bono – more power to them. But the moment a phone number, website or email is posted to try and drum up business I’m trashing it. You want to answer questions people ask feel free to do it here on the blog.

  • 112. Michele Wolgel  |  January 7, 2010 at 2:31 pm

    In response to post 104 about a case in which the parents are not married
    the answer to this depends on whether or not the U.S Parent is the mother or not
    If the Citizen parent is the mother it should not matter, if it is the father it is more problematic as the child would have to be “legitimatized”

  • 113. isranglo  |  January 7, 2010 at 9:01 pm

    thanks for your answer – that was my assumption as well. The real question though would be what the legitimization would be. I, for example, have a similar case I’m looking at where the parents are unmarried but the child appears on the parents national identity card (teudat zehut) and the father appears as the father on the child’s birth certificate. The question is whether that would be enough and if not what documents could possibly be more for connecting parent and child.

    I should also note that I have sent this question off to the USCIS service center who received it (I requested a delivery receipt) but have yet to reply.

  • 114. isranglo  |  January 7, 2010 at 9:10 pm

    incidentally all, as a followup to my earlier post (108) I’d like to point out that I have nothing personal against lawyers who deal with these issues. The point of this blog is that most cases can be done without going to them but there will always be
    1) special cases with unuorthodox circumstances and
    2) those who even after reading this blog still feel out of their depth
    to those people I would certainly recommend asking around and finding a good professional.
    That said, THIS blog is aimed at those interested in first ascertaining whether they can do the process on their own before they pay for a professional service. As this is a self help blog as it were, I prefer not to publish details of any one lawyer or another as I don’t want to turn this into an advertising forum which is in danger of happening should I let anyone advertise nor do I want to deal with the responsibility of saying lawyer x can put their details here and lawyer y cannot.
    while I realize that said info may be useful to some that visit here it’s not something I want to get into and as I’m doing this for free myself don’t feel a responsibility to provide. Hopefully people will get something out of what’s been written here. If I’ve failed to help anyone reading this then my apologies and I sincerely hope you find a topnotch professional to do the job – but I don’t intend to provide a listing.
    Thank you to any and all lawyers, however, who take the time to answer any questions posted by people here. I’m sure those helped by it appreciate your taking the time to answer.

  • 115. lisa  |  January 18, 2010 at 11:09 am


    i have a couple of questions:

    it says in the form that the citizen parent should fill out all the times he/she has visited the US – do i really need to fill that out? don’t i just need to fill out the dates that my mother (the grandparent) has lived there?

    Regarding marriage certificate and proof that i have custody of the child – are those documents relevant when the citizen parent is in fact the mother of the child?

    Last question: Do i need to go to a notary in order to translate hebrew documents?


  • 116. isranglo  |  January 19, 2010 at 1:34 pm

    1) good question. I really can’t recall which I filled out. hopefully someone here will remember though.

    2) The marriage certificate seems to be required in any case but the proof of custody doesn’t seem to be an issue in any event (unless your divorced) even for the father. I went fanatic about it the first time and they never asked and by the 3rd time didn’t even bother and wasn’t asked for it. I’d say provide a copy of the marriage certificate if you can and don’t bother with the custody thing unless divorced and in your cover letter give them an email to contact you at in case there’s any more proof they’d like you to provide. If they need you they’ll get in touch and if they invite you to the interview without it they most likely don’t care.
    3) unless they’ve changed the rules you don’t even need a certified translator. All you need is for whoever does the translation to sign a statement at the top/bottom of the document attesting that they know both languages and affirm the attached document to be an accurate translation of the original. That’s what I was told, what I did, and what they accepted at 2 service centers.

  • 117. sara  |  January 26, 2010 at 11:31 pm

    I have been searching the Internet for months to find any helpful information about form N-600k. I am so glad I found this blog…
    What I want to ask is: Do old passports for the grandfather provide enough proof of physical presence in the US? and do i have to provide proof of my presence in the US? I only lived there for 12 years (from birth up to my 12th birthday) and I can’t seem to find my school records…

  • 118. isranglo  |  January 27, 2010 at 12:13 am

    well I’ve had this piece up for about 2 years but in any case I’m glad you found it :-).
    In answer to your question, passports are definitely legal documentation but could be hard to prove a residency from. You might make a case if it’s a multi-year passport and you can show that the only stamps of leaving the country are 5 years apart but ven so it might not be enough. You’re better off taking your father’s social security or school (transcripts though – not diplomas) or work records if you can obtain them.
    Your presence in the US isn’t an issue as long as you have citizenship. I’m quite familiar with your situation as I also left the US just before my 12th birthday. You’re applying on the basis of your father’s presence there not yours. All you need to provide regarding your own stay there is your birth certificate.

    • 119. Shira  |  February 3, 2010 at 11:18 am

      I’m also in the process of registering my 6 month old baby to be an American citizen, and I sent all the required documentation to Boston, MA with my own personal check (I have a bank account in California), and just wanted to let you all know that within a week they sent it all back, stating that they do not accept personal checks anymore, but only money order or a certified bank check. So I went to the bank here in Israel and they issued me a certified bank check in dollars (I had to pay only a small fee for that since I don’t have a dollars account here), and I resent everything, and now waiting to hear from them again. Hope all goes well!!

  • 120. Ezra  |  January 27, 2010 at 11:56 pm

    About deceased grandparents:

    Click to access USCISgparentnov03.pdf

  • 121. Michal tugov  |  February 1, 2010 at 8:55 pm


    WOW – thanks for all the information. It’s amazing.

    We have one question. We are filing for our three kids. We plan to travel to the New England area on August.

    Which field offices are recommended? Since we are traveling, we are not constrained to any particular city.

    Also, when to apply – now (six months prior) or later?

    any ideas?


  • 122. Jonathan  |  February 7, 2010 at 1:47 pm


    I sent my application to Hartford CT two weeks ago and within a week got an E-mail that they received my application. they accepted my personal check,
    They sent me a whole list of things that everybody needs to submit in order to get approved. if you like i can post it here.
    It seems that they are getting tougher and tougher. I sent them 4 diplomas for my Dad (the grandparent). And tt now turns out that not only does each diploma acount for only 1 years but, also that each diploma must be accompanied by a certified transcript for it to count at all! does anybody know what that means?
    They also said that the best is to send Social Security quarterly statements as proof. Has anyone done that? How do you get them? I sent them an annual statement but I don’t know if that is good enough.
    They said it will take them 15 months to complete the process. seems quite long for a small office in Hartford CT.
    Can anyone provide any usefull info ?

  • 123. Michele Wolgel  |  February 7, 2010 at 1:53 pm

    All of the offices are in fact getting stricter, however, Hartford asks for Certified Transcripts while most other offices use Student copies. Also while it might say that it take 15 months, in my recent experience it does not take that long there. Lastly, while they do not do so all offices are in fact supposed to accept personal checks as per the instructions.
    Diplomas however are only good for one year each in any office.

  • 124. Michele Wolgel  |  February 7, 2010 at 1:55 pm

    One more addtion regarding the previous quetion about a Social Security statement
    If you sent an annual that means that it was a benefit statement they want an earnings statement which you can order on line or through the mail.

    • 125. Jonathan  |  February 7, 2010 at 2:44 pm

      I sent them a social security statement that looks like this:

      including the earnings record on page 3. which shows my dad had income for several years back in the 1950-1960.

      Is this the form you had in mind?
      Will this satisfy the USCIS?

      If not, what is the form I need?

  • 126. Michele Wolgel  |  February 7, 2010 at 3:12 pm

    That in fact should be good for them it is the correct form

  • 127. isranglo  |  February 8, 2010 at 5:27 pm

    thanks for fielding the questions Michele – you’re more on the ball than I am 🙂 I’d just like to note that when I did my 4th child (I applied a little over a year ago and took him this past summer) they’d already changed the diploma rule. That said, I sent the diplomas in and wasn’t asked to provide transcripts unless I wanted to get credit for more than one year (ironically I actually HAVE transcripts as my dad’s a packrat and no doubt if I looked hard enough I could have provided them with a kindergarden transcript for him as well complete with marks for sandbox and milk & cookies) and they had no problem with that. So my question would be as to whether this has changed again to the extent that they’re only crediting one year even with the transcripts (seems kind of silly since the point isn’t to prove your education but to prove you were located on US soil) or if there’s simply a difference among field offices on what they demand?
    I, at any rate, had no problem with this in the Portland (Oregon) field office.
    I should also note vis-a-vis the Conneticuit office that I recently sent them a question and they used every type of doubletalk they could to avoid giving me a straight answer. I don’t know if this reflects their attitude as a whole but it leads me to believe that the various field offices DO have some degree of latitude in what they’re able to (and choose to) require and so it may be worth looking into this before deciding to which office to apply.

  • 128. Michele Wolgel  |  February 8, 2010 at 6:01 pm

    The offices have plenty of latitude, while Hartford used to be a very good office they have become more difficult. Be that as it may I have a client who just filled for an infant there and already has an appointment for his other children and they said that while they don’t do cases out of order they received they process quickly enough for him to file and have all of the children interviewed together in April. I have yet to see if if works as we haven’t even gotten the receipt yet. As per the transcript/ diploma I always send both if I have and there is one office where I did in fact send 5 diplomas from High School thourgh PHD and a Report of Birth Abroad where only the mother was a USC and to my great surprise they asked for transcripts.

  • 129. George S  |  March 20, 2010 at 4:03 am

    Question about “legitimation”.

    I am the grandparent.

    My daughter and her partner (unmarried) have 2 children under the age of 3 years old.

    Daughter received her US citizenship 6 months ago after she and I completed a number of forms, presented a lot of documents, including a DNA test, and went to a US Consulate to be interviewed.

    I live in the USA, they are all born outside of USA and have never been here.

    I qualify under 322 to sponsor the grandchildren.

    What constitutes proof of “legitimation”? Is this some affidavit that attests to the fact that they are domiciled at the same address and are, in fact, a family?

    Father’s name appears on the birth certificates.


  • 130. isranglo  |  March 21, 2010 at 11:34 am

    ah the $64k question…as it so happens i’ve been dealing with this exact question recently with the BCIS office. First of all let me note that if the mother is the US citizen then it’s not at all clear that the parent has to prove a marriage at all since the requirement is showing that the child is that of a US citizen parent. In the case of a father proof is certainly needed but by the mother maybe not.
    In any case though if you’ve asked and they told you you DO need legitimation than you’re no better off than I am with the case I’m dealing with. The immigration offices explained to me that “legitimation is whatever is deemed by the country in which the child was born to constitute legitimation” (now is that sentence worthy of a doctoral thesis in bureaucratic doublespeak or what). Basically the point was “it’s your headache, you figure out some creative way to prove it and if it happens to seem logical to us we’ll let it through.” When absolutely pressed to the wall (and after numerous exchanges of letters) the person was willing (in careful non-committal speech) to acknowledge that were the parents to get married and produce a marriage certificate that that would “most likely” be considered sufficient prrof of legitimation. So unless you have some really creative ideas in mind and they still want to get the kid that citizenship…mazal tov – you’ve got a wedding to plan :-)!
    As for your affadavit plan – good idea and I thought of it too as well as producing official documentation from the ministry ofthe interior showing we all reside at the same address but the person said that all that shows is that they reside in the same place but doesn’t confer legal legitimacy (unless it’s deemed to constitute legitimacy (a term which they were unable or unwilling to even define in english let alone what the parallel may be in another country) by the country the child was born in. Father’s name on the birth certificate (in my case he’s got that plus his children are listed as his in his national ID card issued by the ministry of the interior) is also deemed insufficient. Kind of makes one think twice the next time one rails about the buraucracy in the countries where we live.
    ah well…weddings are fun and the children will make adorable bridesmaids/groomsmen I’m sure :-).

  • 131. Michele Wolgel  |  March 21, 2010 at 11:51 am

    I have filed many cases where the mother was the Citizen and have not had legitmization problems, whether or not the father was on the birth certificate. Examples are same sex couples and single mother’s, whether through sperm donation or not. The only thing the USCIS offices wanted to insure was thet the father was not a USC.

  • 132. George S  |  March 21, 2010 at 4:40 pm

    Dear Michele and isranglo..

    Thanks for you input.

    This started when I stopped at a USCIS office and asked an officer what we need to provide to fulfill the “legitimation” question on N-600K since there was no marriage. After I explained the circumstances the agent said if they are (were) “domiciled” together that would suffice.

    The officer went to the computer and mined some data on the subject. He printed out text from a file he found on this subject. I forgot about this printed sheet as it was co-mingled with other documents.

    Presented below is that text:


    Born Out of Wedlock: For immigration purposes, the term “born out of wedlock” means a child’s natural parents were not legally married at the time the child was born.

    If the child was born out of wedlock and he / she was not legitimated before his / her 18th birthday the child may still qualify for the benefit sought as a “child born out of wedlock”. To qualify, it must be shown that a bona fide father-child relationship was established while the child was unmarried and under the age of twenty-one years age. Such a relationship will be deemed to have existed where the father demonstrates or has demonstrated an active concern for the child’s support, instruction, and general welfare.

    Evidence relevant to establishing a bona fide father-child relationship is varied and widespread in nature and may include, but not limited to the following:

    Photographs: Old family group photographs covering an extended period of time taken with person(s) for whom you need to establish the relationship. Each photo must be identified with the time, date and place the photo was taken.

    Military Records: Records that name members of the family you are claiming, such as military pay allotments, Selective Service registration forms.

    Insurance Policies: These documents should indicate beneficiary(ies) named, and the relationship to the policy holder.

    Miscellaneous: Government identification papers, passports, deeds, medical records, school records, business records, income tax returns, social security records, census reports, family bible entries, records of family events, money order receipts or cancelled checks showing the farther’s financial support for the child.

    Documentary evidence for establishing a bona fide father-child relationship must originate from the period of time when the child was unmarried and under twenty-one years of age. The most persuasive evidence for establishing father-child relationship will be documentary evidence that originated from the period of time when the beneficiary was an infant and young child.

    * Important: If the father and child have ever resided in the same house, it must be indicated when (the specific month/years) and where.


    Now that I digest this, and the comments from this Blog, for my application I think we can easily provide proof as indicated above.

    Again, it seems to mean marriage is one way to “legitimate”, the other is to have established a demonstrable family unit, i.e. domiciled and living as a family.

    As Michele said, same-sex couples, single parent households, sperm donation, etc have certainly thrown obscure legal terms from 150 years ago into a tailspin.

    I called my daughter and asked her to plan a wedding around my next scheduled visit. In the meantime I’ll start collecting the relevant documentation. ;-(

    So, one more question:

    Does the N-600K need to filed in the city where I live, or can we file in a city more accessible to those who have to travel to the USA for the interview? I forgot to ask that question when I was at USCIS. From this Blog, it would seem some offices are more busy than others, and that might be a deciding factor.

    Can we file in New York City and the interview be performed in San Francisco?

    I am neither an attorney or a PhD in gov’t doublespeak, but for the past 10 months I’ve met a lot nice people who are willing to help with these obscure processes.

    Thanks for all the advice…….

  • 133. Yoni  |  March 23, 2010 at 10:15 am

    I am also interested in starting the process and I would apreciate input.

    My situation is such that my wife’s parents are US citizens, living in the US (through naturalization) for the past 15+ years. My wife and me do not have a US citizenship.

    Are our children eligiable for citizenship through her grandparents? is it the same process?


  • 134. Yaniv Kaplan  |  March 25, 2010 at 8:25 pm

    After a long process of struggling to get the required documents (due to the complexity of our case) with the amazing help of Michele Wolgel (Go Michele!), we just got our interviews scheduled!!!!

    In less than a week from sending the documents out!!!

    Thanks to:

    Israngelo – for posting the amazing and helpful blog – without you this would never happen (I am registered for more than 2.5 years – see comment 5 up there)

    Michele – for being there at hard times believing this will end up well and leading us towards this day (and for charging such a reasonable fee for doing that :-))

    I will update on the interview once we are after it….


  • 135. Blip  |  March 26, 2010 at 10:42 pm

    some people here were asking how to pay for the procedure.
    We found out at our local bank (Otsar Hachayal) that we can get, not for free of course, a certified check in $. Since two bank employees had done it, it was quite easy. It took three days since it wasn’t done at the local branch and it cost us 21$+exchange comission.
    good luck to every one.

  • 136. Blip  |  March 26, 2010 at 10:49 pm

    oh – Iforgot to ask –

    From all your experience how long does it take for the Vermont office to process the applications and set an interview date from the day they recieve the papers?

    We send our papers to te Vermont office. We got an answer that our papers are bein processed and that it takes between 3-6 monthees before an interview could be schedualed.
    since we were planning on mid august we are kind of worried we win;t be able to make it happen.
    we can’t buy plane tickets for August only a few weeks ahead, and we don’t want just to buy te tickets and than change at a high cost.


  • 137. isranglo  |  March 29, 2010 at 10:34 am

    thanks for the very informative sheet you provided us with and Michelle thanks for your input on the subject. Note that my answer was less about what the official rules are then about what I was told by an official at one of the immigration offices. Unlike Michelle, I am not a lawyer and the purpose of my blog is to try and make it as simple as possible for people with fairly straightforward cases to get through the process without the need to pay a lawyer (apologies Michelle) thus freeing Michelle’s and her colleagues time up for the cases that really need a lawyer’s help. This doesn’t mean that i don’t welcome tips on the more complex cases – it just means that I’m more cautionary as to dispensing information in more complicated areas. My rule of thumb is “if you don’t know – don’t pretend to.”
    So yes it’s possible that old family photos showing the family together etc. may suffice – but then again it may not. This is one of those areas where its up to the discretion of the case officer whether to accept it or not and it may be one will let that through and another will need Michelle to lean on them in court. Just something to consider is all I’m saying.

    As for your other question Gorge you have to file where you want the interview – otherwise everyone would file in alaska or some other place in the boondocks and then interview in New York. In any case consider that the sped at which your case will be decided based on 1) the speed the filing office deals with your application and 2) the speed at which the interviewing ofice has a place for you in their schedule. Even if alaska zipped it right through why would you suppose New York would shove an Alaskan interview high on the list when they have tons of applications to their own offices. If you’re going to New York file in another office drivable from there like Rhode island Hartford or Philly where the wait is shorter and make the drive. It’s a bit of an inconvenience but still better than waiting to push it through in New York.

  • 138. isranglo  |  March 29, 2010 at 10:38 am

    Sorry but the grandparent law is there to enable the children of US citizens who themselves have citizenship but not all of the requirements to pass it on automatically to their children to apply for citizenship using their parents qualifications. If the parents themselves have no citizenship the kids don’t qualify.
    You MIGHT have an advantage going through regular immigration channels if the grandparent is willing to sponsor the kids but that still would necessitate the kids going through the regular citizenship process.

  • 139. isranglo  |  March 29, 2010 at 10:45 am

    thanks for the tip on paying. It’ll be useful for those who for whatever reason can’t find anyone willing to write them a check from an American bank account (I myself have never found a lack of people willing to do that favor but apparently some do).

    regarding your August plans, there’s really no way of knowing about any given office though as you can guess applications pick up towards summer since lots of people want to do what you’re doing. I’ve always found that it’s best to send WAY in advance safely within a reasonable time frame (say 9-10 months in advance) and tell them in an attached letter that you’re planning to be there at a particular time and to please see if they can fit you in then even if it means putting other people ahead of you. It’s much easier for them to move you back to august if they’ve processed your application and intend to give you a June date then to move you up if they’ve given you an October one. If you’re counting on a particular time without a safe buffed to allow them to process the application under the worst case scenario then you’re taking chances. Good luck though if you’ve already sent and i hope it works out.

  • 140. Michele Wolgel  |  March 29, 2010 at 4:07 pm

    Yoni there is a way to do the Citizenship proess for your children although not through the grandparent clause. Through the Grandparent clause the Citizen parent is the applicant, thus not a Citizen not an Applicant.
    This is one of those cases where a lawyer can help as isranglo points out sometimes things are not so straight forward.

  • 141. George S  |  March 29, 2010 at 4:24 pm

    Dear isranglo,

    Don’t sell yourself short. Even the most savvy case officer must follow the processes, rules and procedures which are written in their operations manual. In that these words are a cut and paste directly from the manual, it would be difficult for the officer to discount them.

    “Photographs: Old family group photographs covering an extended period of time taken with person(s) for whom you need to establish the relationship. Each photo must be identified with the time, date and place the photo was taken.”

    It was interesting that when the officer printed this out for me he said there is more but it’s not available for the public to see. I’m sure that an attorney could lean on them to release the entire text if one were interested.

    I will tick through the list and provide at least one, or two, of each item listed. I did this when applying for my daughter’s citizenship last year and it went very smoothly.

    The consulate officials commented on the accuracy and completeness of my submission and the accompanying documentation. Our case was very complex because of the number of years that passed from birth to obtaining citizenship, over 40 years.

    As complex as it was, the process to get her citizenship went very quickly and the consulate staff was extremely helpful in walking me through the process. Possibly because they had never seen our situation before and were themselves interested in helping us to work it out.

    Thanks also for the info on where to submit. I think we’ll use an office on the east coast as it will be easier for them to get there than vs. the west coast where I live.

    Thanks again, great blog….

  • 142. adam  |  April 24, 2010 at 7:27 am

    i have a question about the documents that are in hebrew or any other foriegn languauge do they have to be translated by a lawer or a noteriun or by just any bylingule speaker – what do they mean by a person that is competent to translate?

    • 143. jon  |  April 25, 2010 at 9:47 am

      I had it translated by a friend who knows English well. he also happened to be a canadian notary, but that is not neccesary.

      Just find someone who knows english well and isn’t a family member.

      I also wanted to update that after 3 months from handing in the documents to hartford CT office, we recieved an invitation for an interview. I hope all goes well in the interview and there are no surprises.
      This guide and everybody in the comments helped me very much.
      Thank you.

  • 144. Arinak  |  April 29, 2010 at 1:40 pm

    You mean the translation of the Tamtist from Misrad Hapnim can just be translated by an English Speaker and sent without a notary’s stamp? That is amazing! We thought we had to have every page stamped and that would have cost us over 1000 NIS
    Great news!

  • 145. Orly  |  April 29, 2010 at 3:36 pm

    We received an interview confirmation from the Hartford office and although it is stated that the dates can’t be changed we asked them to reschedule the interview. They refused.
    Is there a way to make them change their mind?

    • 146. Michele Wolgel  |  May 4, 2010 at 3:49 pm

      It is very difficult to do, you need a very serious reason
      I have some cases that I have managed to change and some that they refused
      It is a good reason not to file in that office

  • 147. arinak  |  May 2, 2010 at 4:08 pm

    I seem to recall that we needed to attach passport pictures of the children ( applicants) to the application forms . But I can’t see any reference to it anywhere.
    If I do, how many pictures 1 or 2
    Many thanks

  • 148. Carlos Alvarez Jarvis  |  May 4, 2010 at 3:48 am

    What if I am over 18 years old and my grandparents are dead? Can I use the Grandparent option for
    obtaining USA citizenship?

    • 149. Michele Wolgel  |  May 4, 2010 at 3:47 pm

      The bottom line answer is no. Under the grandfather clause you must obtain Citizenship before your 18th Birthday
      Additionally, your parents (father or mother) would have had to have been a USC in order to apply for you

  • 150. Moira  |  May 4, 2010 at 9:01 am

    We have just had our invite to go get my son’s certificate. We proved his dead grandfather’s residence qualification by getting:


  • 151. Moira  |  May 4, 2010 at 9:11 am

    We have just received the invite for my son to get his citizenship certificate. It has been an exercise in ingenuity and the use of, seeing as my father was born in 1926 and died in 1971 having lived 16 years in the UK. The documents that have been accepted to prove his residence are:
    His original passport application
    His Social security records
    Both were obtained from the US, for a fee of course. Couldn’t have done it without the help of this blog.

  • 152. isranglo  |  May 4, 2010 at 3:43 pm

    glad of any help we could provide – congrats to your son 🙂

  • 153. isranglo  |  May 4, 2010 at 4:11 pm

    as far as I know once you’re past 18 you can’t apply via the grandparent law anymore. sorry.

  • 154. adam  |  May 4, 2010 at 6:51 pm

    i have collected all the documents nedded the only thing is me and my spouse are not married we have an egreement between us authurized by a judge here in israel how can find out whether this is enough for “them” before i file the application should i write and ask do they hand out information like that?
    {i dont want to send in the application without knowing and get a refusule }

  • 155. Shira  |  May 11, 2010 at 12:22 pm

    Yaaaaay!! So I just got an email from the Boston office saying they would like to schedule an interview for my son! My question is-what kind of documents do I need to bring with me for the interview?
    I’m so excited, and am hoping all goes well:-)

  • 156. isranglo  |  May 11, 2010 at 12:32 pm

    the answer’s very simple 🙂 Bring the originals of all the documents you sent copies of in your original application package. Not the INS forms of course but any documents you sent them copies of for “proof” they have the right to ask for the originals. In addition, once you get to the states make a photocopy of the page in your son’s passport where they stamp that he arrived in the US and also bring them the white card (I forget what it’s called) that you have to fill out for him on the plane when he enters the country. I seem to remember that they take part of it at passport control and part stays with you or something like that. Bring those 2 things in addition to the original documentation. Good luck!

  • 157. jon  |  May 11, 2010 at 12:58 pm

    I have an appointment for my kids for an interview at Hartford CT in the summer.

    Does anyone know what kind of VISA I need for my kids? I filled out form DS-160 , but didn’t know what kind of VISA to ask for.

    Thanks again isranglo and everybody for your help.

  • 158. Michele Wolgel  |  May 11, 2010 at 2:16 pm

    The little white slip is called an I 94
    It is the bottom half of what you fill out on the plane

  • 159. isranglo  |  May 11, 2010 at 6:10 pm

    glad i could help. personally I don’t even remember what kind of visa my kids got and it didn’t matter because I never asked for it by name. Each time I simply applied for a visa with the invitation letter from the INS attached and a letter explaining i needed a visa that would let them come for the interview and the passport came back from the embassy with the proper visa inside. 🙂

  • 160. Emil  |  May 17, 2010 at 3:59 pm

    Hello, Just like everybody else here I was born in the US and I have american citizenship but unfortunately I haven’t lived in the US long enough to pass citizenship to my son and daughter.

    Ok here is my question. I suppose it’s not important because nobody here has mentioned it but I notice is that on the N600k form it says “Expires 09/30/09”. I even downloaded a new version from the USCIS website and it says the same thing.

    Any ideas on exactly what it is that expires?

    Thanks to isranglo and everybody for your invaluable help.

  • 161. Emil  |  May 21, 2010 at 11:24 am

    Another question.

    In your original post you mention that although the grandparent won’t have to appear at the child’s interview I will have to show

    “his/her own birth certificate and proof of his/her US citizenship”

    I hate to be anal about this but isn’t a birth certificate already proof of citizenship? If not, what would be proof of citizenship a valid passport?


  • 162. isranglo  |  May 26, 2010 at 6:12 pm

    regarding your first question it presumably means that that version of the form has expired. Generally this isn’t a big problem especially if no new version has been posted but they put that on so someone running across 2 versions of the form won’t wonder what the heck is going on and whether they’re supposed to fill out one or the other. I’d suggest either calling the USCIS call center listed on the site and asking them or including a letter when you mail in your application in which you note that you’re including the expired form because as of the time you filled in the form a newer version wasn’t available. The forms are usually almost totally similar so at the worst they’ll ask you to refill out the forms and most likely won’t bother though they might ask you to clarify any info the new form requires that they can’t find listed on the old one.

    As to your second question anality is fine but if you were REALLY so you’d have read the sentence more carefully 🙂 If you had you’d realized that it says “birth certificate” not “US birth certificate.” So if the grandparent has a birth certificate from Sierra Leone that doesn’t prove they’re US citizens and Sierra Leone citizenship gives no claim on passing on US citizenship! But the naturalization certificate you provide would prove that they acquired it. Obviously a US birth certificate WOULD prove it. But those are what you have to show (birth and US citizenship) and for some people it can be done with one document while others require more.

  • 163. Shira  |  June 2, 2010 at 9:24 am

    just one quick question-what kind/type of visa do I need to get my child onto for flying out for the interview?


    • 164. Avi  |  July 1, 2010 at 4:20 pm

      A tourist VISA (you can state that this is the reason of your trip)

  • 165. Chaya  |  June 3, 2010 at 9:57 pm


    If I’m US because my parents are US however i’ve lived in Canada all my life. Now i’m living in the states – but had my baby in Canada -do i have to do the same thing?

    Thank you,

  • 166. Heartbroken  |  June 12, 2010 at 10:42 pm

    Hi! Great blog! Born American, but left when I was 13, I was misinformed at the Consulate about the right procedure to pass on citizenship to my teenagers. My whole family lives in the US., and my mother could have easily passed it on no problem. They started an immigration procedure instead, and I was put through the Adam Walsh scan(lost 6 mos. there). Sadly my eldest is now 19, and the youngest to turn 18 in 1 month. They are looking into it at the consulate, but I have learned to be well informed myself, mistakes are always possible.Time is not on my side,Please please, what should I be doing????

    • 167. Michele Wolgel  |  July 1, 2010 at 8:20 pm

      If you have all of the documents it is not too late for your younger child
      You will not get help from the Counsel
      I can prepare the case for you and get you the appointment if you can get a visa on time
      See Yaniv’s Kaplan;s post above
      it would be a shame for both of your children to miss out

  • 168. Khally  |  June 15, 2010 at 6:19 pm

    I just submitted the N600k to Hartfort, CT. They emailed me the receipt and it indicates the procesing time it between 12 to 15 month. is this correct? I thought it would be faster. They also send me a checklist of documents to send, if I hadn’t already done so.

  • 169. Claudio Russo  |  June 23, 2010 at 12:42 am

    This blog is fantastic and a real service to the community.

    I’m just getting my original submission together but now wonder whether I’m supposed to include certified birth certificates and marriage certificates or just Xeroxes of those. Obviously I would bring the certified copies with me to the interview.


  • 170. Claudio Russo  |  June 23, 2010 at 1:03 pm

    Thank you for this wonderful blog.

    I have a simple question. Is one supposed to include original certified copies of the birth certificates and citizen parents marriage certifcate or is it sufficient to include Xeroxes of both and present the originals at the interview?

    Thanks for you help!

  • 171. isranglo  |  July 1, 2010 at 5:24 pm

    Glad you like 🙂 you should include only copies in what you send and keep your originals to yourself and have them ready to present at the interview should they ask.

  • 172. isranglo  |  July 1, 2010 at 5:27 pm

    interesting question. Let me put it this way. Generally hartford according to all I’ve heard always went much faster – there’s a good chance they gave you that length of time as a safety net so if it does take that long you won’t complain and if it’s faster then you’ll be happy. That said, the fact that Hartford has traditionally been known as a fast place to go may have attracted more applicants over time anxious for a quick process at a place close to New York so that nowthe waiut may have in fact become longer.

  • 173. Jonathan  |  July 1, 2010 at 9:05 pm

    Regarding Hartford: I sent in my kids forms in December and in April was invited for an interview. so it took around 4 months. I think originaly they said 6 months.
    I doubt it will take a year. they are probably just playing safe.

    Good luck!

  • 174. Dodo  |  July 22, 2010 at 12:48 am

    Hi, Thanks for the useful blog
    We just received an email to schedule an appointment, Just wanted to know if we have to apply for the visa for our child at
    the American citizen department at the embassy or the non citizens section as it will take long time to schedule an appointment in out country’s embassy, please advise

  • 175. isranglo  |  July 23, 2010 at 12:19 am

    probably best to call your embassy, explain the situation and ask. In Israel there’s an automatic service you can do via telephone where they come and pick up the kid’s passport and forms and bring it to the embassy and return it with a visa within 2 weeks butI don’t know who they take it to or what the procedure is in your country or if they have something similar.

  • 176. Dodo  |  July 27, 2010 at 1:01 pm

    Thanks for your reply , one more question , please correct me if I am wrong, we sent them now for a date selection for the appointment , then we will wait for their reply , after that they will send me a paper which I will take to our embassy to apply for a visa for the child ? then we will travel for the interview which is a routine to give the baby the passport there. ???

    • 177. Jonathan  |  July 27, 2010 at 3:14 pm

      Hi dodo,

      The embassy will give your kids a visa for one year so that they can go to the interview and get their US citizenship. if you do it via mail (which you can for ages below 14) then there is no problem. if you don’t do it via mail -if you do go there, you will need to schedule an appoitment and then wait on line like all Israeli’s do.
      We just did this process and are going to the interview in two weeks.
      good luck.

  • 178. Dodo  |  July 29, 2010 at 2:47 pm

    Thanks Jo for the information, I just received the letter by mail from the USCIS office, I will contact the embassy to get a visa for my son , do you know any case who did the interview and failed to issue the passport for the child ??

  • 179. George  |  August 2, 2010 at 3:52 pm

    Question to the experts.

    Once you receive the invitation to come in for an interview, is there a window of time that the interview must occur..

    For example, if we get the invite on Oct 1st can we schedule the interview for June 1 of the following year?

    We have to bring over 2 small children and everyone’s school and work schedules will require a lot of planning.

    Thanks you…

    • 180. Michele Wolgel  |  August 5, 2010 at 6:59 am

      It really depends on the office some are more flexible

  • 181. Rachel P. Cohen  |  August 4, 2010 at 10:32 pm

    Can the process be started before birth of the grandchild (during the mother’s pregnancy?

    Thanks for the info.

  • 182. isranglo  |  August 5, 2010 at 12:57 am

    in the letter they give you the date you have to be there. In some cases they give you an option to change if inconvenient in others they don’t even give you a phone number to call and try and reason with them. This seems to be by case rather than state because I did one of my kids at more or less the same time as another friend did at the same office and I got no contact info and an order for a specific date and she got an email she could use to contact them.
    Incidentally, I also have gone with 2 small ones at the same time and the summer is when more or less everyone wants to do it for the reasons stated by you (and remember that the people dealing with this particular issue are ipso facto dealing with kids up to 18 since after 18 they’re no longer eligible – so EVERYONE is a schoolkid needing to come at a convenient time) so for there to be any chance request a date far in the future and hope they give it.

  • 183. isranglo  |  August 5, 2010 at 1:01 am

    what exactly would you submit? There’s no child born to a US citizen parent yet if there’s no birth. And while I think they’d be amused to get an ultrasound photo of the baby in uterus (I won’t even ASK how you’re going to get the baby to position its head in the necessary way required for the passport pictures that must be included with the application) I doubt it would get you anywhere

    • 184. Rachel P. Cohen  |  August 17, 2010 at 10:26 am

      If there are two older children, can’t the process be started (the forms filled out and an appointment made in the US) and completed when the third one is born?


      • 185. Michele Wolgel  |  August 17, 2010 at 12:04 pm

        While I told you that I could do this many offices do not and make you wait as if you had filed all at the later date

  • 186. Dodo  |  August 10, 2010 at 3:06 pm

    I received the letter from the USCIS office in philadelphia , but the embassy here is asking about the (General G-56 Call in Letter)
    is it the same letter?

  • 187. Yoni  |  August 16, 2010 at 10:25 pm

    If you successfully receive citizenship thru a grandparent for your first born, must you repeat the process of going to the US for future kids or can they then get citizenship at the US embassy without having to fly to the US? Thanks.

  • 188. isranglo  |  August 17, 2010 at 2:56 am

    I don’t know the form number but all I ever needed was the invitation appointment letter from the USCIS.

  • 189. isranglo  |  August 17, 2010 at 2:58 am

    you need to do the whole thing over each time and make sure to use the most updated forms and keep with whatever the current requirements are at the time you submit them. Hey they’re giving your kids the opportunity for citizenship but they’re not inclined to make it any easier than they need to.

  • 190. Natalie  |  August 23, 2010 at 3:24 pm

    Do you know if it is possible to claim citizenship through a garndparent if you are over 18?

  • 191. Tome Shkedi  |  August 23, 2010 at 5:00 pm

    Dear writer!
    Thank you so much for your detailed info.
    I guess i’m pretty much under the same category you are – a citizen born abroad. lived in the u.s. for 3 & a half yrs. under the age of 4 and than after i was married with 2 kids, i lived there for another 4 and a half yrs.
    I didn’t understand through the embassy’s websight weather i have to live a total of 5 yrs. in the u.s. before my children are born in order to pass on the citizenship to them, or do i have to live in the u.s. for 5 years, and 2 of them over the age of 14 (in no relation to when my kids were born.
    I have an appmt. in the next 2 days, so I’d appriciate a quick responce if possible please.
    Thank you sooo much! Tome

    • 192. Michele Wolgel  |  August 30, 2010 at 1:27 pm

      The answer it 5 years total
      2 after age 14
      All before the birth of your children

  • 193. isranglo  |  August 24, 2010 at 12:03 am

    Sorry – the grandparent law is just till age 18. After that you apply as an adult with the same forms as any foreigner though it might improve your case if you have US residing relatives willing to sponsor your application. But your advantage of being a grandchild ends at 18.

  • 194. Rob  |  August 26, 2010 at 5:32 pm


    I just want to know if you think it’s worth it to still apply under the Grandparent law with me being over the age of 18? Are there ever exemptions in RARE circumstances or is the rule set in stone?

    Also would I have any advantages in applying for a green card since I have both a Grandparent and Parent who are U.S. Citizens? My Grandparent lived in the U.S. but my Parent did not.


  • 195. isranglo  |  August 29, 2010 at 10:49 pm

    keeping in mind that I’m not a lawyer but also bearing in mind that I’ve had years of experience of dealing with this and (through my blog) interacting with people who deal with it my answer would be absolute waste of time and (if you hire a lawyer) money. So far as I know it’s set in stone and I do know of people who have been rejected because of age even though they missed it by mere weeks. As far as they’re concerned at the USCIS the N600k is a special case to begin with as it’s a backdoor way of allowing certain people to get citizenship IF the rules apply to them. They’re not looking to try and enable people to slip in through it – they’re willing to allow those who qualify to apply for consideration.
    You MAY have an advantage applying for a green card but as I’ve only ever dealt with the grandparent clause I don’t actually know. I’d guess if your parents only got their citizenship by virtue of their parents you likely have no advantage one over 18 but you might as well mention it when applying for a gren card if you’re applying anyhow.

    • 196. Michele Wolgel  |  August 30, 2010 at 1:25 pm

      Rob the answer is correct it is set in stone and I am a lawyer
      18 and 1 day and you CANNOT do it
      There might be a way to file for a green card if your American parent wants to file for you.
      this can only be done in Israel until you are 21 then it has to be filed in U.S.

    • 197. Michele Wolgel  |  August 30, 2010 at 1:26 pm

      Rob the answer is correct it is black and white and I am a lawyer
      18 and 1 day and you CANNOT do it
      There might be a way to file for a green card if your American parent wants to file for you.
      this can only be done in Israel until you are 21 then it has to be filed in U.S.

  • 198. isranglo  |  August 29, 2010 at 10:55 pm

    That’s a good question and one I’m not sure of though I guess by now you know so it would be helpful if you could pass on the information to all here. That said your question is only relevant to this site if you need to have it all before the kids are born for it to count. If you can do it even after the kids were born then you’d just pass along the citizenship yourself and have no need of the grandparents. On the flip side if you need to have that time before the kids are born for it to count then living there for 4 years or 1 day is meaningless as your presence no longer matters then but just your parents presence.

  • 199. Arinak  |  August 29, 2010 at 11:02 pm

    We FINALLY sent our applications ( 3 children ) in May. We received a letter asking us to re send large size Canadian birth certificates which show that we are the parents. We sent it right away, both by mail and scanned copy to the e-mail address we were contacted from.
    Still haven’t heard anything back. We’re getting worried as our eldest is turning 18 in November.
    We thought Buffalo would be quick.
    Has anyone applied to Buffalo recently? Have they become slower ?

  • 200. Bob  |  September 13, 2010 at 6:42 pm

    You are doing important work with this site.

    My daughter is filing for US citizenship for her two daughters on the basis of my status as their American grandfather. We have some problems filling out the application.

    Part 4(e) My daughter received her US passport two days after my wife was naturalized. Is my daughter’s date of naturalization the same as my wife’s?

    Part 4(g) and Part 5(g) It is impossible for me to list all of my visits to the US over 37 years (at least once each year), nor can we know exact dates of my daughter’s visits. Should we list only periods of residence?

    Our case is further complicated by the fact that my daughter was adopted by me and she lives with but is not married to the father of her daughters. Do you think that, given these complications, we need the assistance of an attorney? Would you be able to recommend someone?

    Do you happen to have an up-to-date estimate for the length of the process in Newark, NJ?

    Thanks in advance for any assistance you can give us.

  • 201. isranglo  |  September 15, 2010 at 1:11 pm

    thanks Bob – glad if the site’s helping 🙂
    ok so let’s take the questions one by one 4e) I’d assume that they’re the same but let’s start with something important which is that the passport and naturalization dates are unconnected. A person can go years without getting a passport if they choose. Your daughter’s naturalization date is whatever it says on your DAUGHTER’S naturalization certificate. Presumably it will be the same as her mother’s but if your daughter isn’t US born then she must have been naturalized and must therefore have a certificate. It’s possible that due to some bureaucratic snafu it wasn’t given or mailed to you but it should have been and it exists (or at least a naturalization number exists)
    4G and 5G – don’t sweat it – give as many of the more noticeable ones (i.e. 2-3 months or more rather than the weekend) as you can recall and then note in an accompanying letter that you’re a frequent visitor and are unable to recall every single time. They never even asked me about it. They just want to get a general picture of your relationship to the US – hardly a game changer. Do your best and don’t fret about what you can’t remember.
    The fact that she was adopted by you probably shouldn’t be a problem but not being a lawyer I can’t say for sure. Your real problem could be the last point – about her not being married to her kids father. If it were your son I’d say pretty much forget it based on my experience, however a daughter may be ok since a woman doesn’t have to prove as heavily that she’s the children’s mother (there are witnesses to the birth) as opposed to a father for whom it’s just the mom’s say-so and since the citizenship’s coming through her it may be ok.
    If you take it to a lawyer the only one I know of offhand (though I’m sure there are thousands) is Michelle who often visits this blog and graciously offers her advice on matters I don’t have the answer to. I myself never needed a lawyer with my kids but my experience of Michelle on the blog has been that she knows her stuff.
    New Jersey? Don’t know and wouldn’t advise it. One of my top tips on this process has been that if you want to get things moving along do it at a center that isn’t located in an area with a large immigrant population (NY, NJ, FL, CA) as everyone doing the process from abroad wants to go to those places so they can save on hotels and get a visit in etc. by staying with relatives. This ultimately means that places with such populations have long waiting lists while places like kansas and alabama won’t (let’s be honest – how many mexicans/pakistanis/french etc. are popping by for a visit for relatives in those places? some maybe but not masses).

  • 202. Yaniv Kaplan  |  September 15, 2010 at 4:12 pm

    Hi Bob,

    Continuing isranglo’s reply to you – I have used Michele’s help with great success. Our case was complicated and she managed it very professionally and not less important – at a VERY reasonable rate. She is also well connected to a law firm in NY that handles immigration issues.
    I think NJ processing would be extremely long (months or even years) however she got us an interview scheduled in less than a week from filing the papers.
    Anyway – best thing (and harmless) is to give her a call – 02-5903444 (from your post it is not clear if you are from Israel. If not you need to dial +947-2-5903444)

    Good luck,


    • 203. Bob  |  September 15, 2010 at 9:46 pm

      Thank you both for your help. There is information about processing times at the various centers in Citizenship and Immigration Ombudsman Annual Report, 2009.

  • 204. Dodo  |  September 16, 2010 at 7:19 am

    Thanks guys for the support,
    I just finished the interview and had the certificate of citizenship,
    one last q.
    how to apply for a passport and is there any special steps

  • 205. arinak  |  September 20, 2010 at 12:55 am

    We are on our way to Buffalo for an appt. Thank you so much Isranglo for all of your help and everyone’s comments .
    It took about 6 months, but it must be because we had to send a different copy of our children’s birth certificates ( they wanted to see us as parents on them).
    Our children are big ( 17-15-13) They have heard from friends that they will be asked questions? To swear allegiance? Rumors? Can someone please verify?

  • 206. S. Gail  |  September 20, 2010 at 3:22 pm

    I recently took my 17-year old to the office in Albany. They asked very few questions and luckily asked me recite the oath instead of him since he is under 18 (google the US naturalization oath to see the text).

  • 207. Fred  |  September 27, 2010 at 12:31 pm

    Fellows in misery!

    Gee, wish I had seen this blog years ago! Great job. I have been living in the US up to the age of 14 when we moved to Germany. So I have to go through this crap as well.

    Anyway I figured out this topic by myself by now, but could need further advise on following: I do have interview appointments for my 2 kids coming soon. (What do they want to interview infants in the first place?!? My kids don’t speak English yet anyway – In fact one doesn’t even speak at all!) I have already approved to the appointments, but now I have decided to leave one kid at home and take only the other. My daughter’s health situation (mentally disabl. & epilepsy) makes it nearly impossible for her to do such a long flight. But her situation may change in a couple of years – she’s making quite good progress. So now I would like her interview to be delayed on a long term. Is there any maximum term defined? Does the USCIS officer have a leeway?

    Of course, I would rather have the ‘interview’ done here in Germany at the consulte or embassy. Is there absolutely no exception that applicants must visit the interview IN the US?


  • 208. Riz  |  September 28, 2010 at 8:02 am


    I am applying N-600K for my biological child based on my father’s(her grandfather) presence as a citizen in United states for 5 years or more.

    I am just what sort of document can be provided as a proof of his presence. He studied at NYU (but he wasn’t a citizen then) He later practiced in Manhattan as a dentist for more than 10 years while he was a citizen.

    His tax records good enough evidence?


  • 209. isranglo  |  September 29, 2010 at 3:28 pm

    Glad it’s helpful – but I haven’t had it up for that many years :-). I wish it had been up when I was doing it myself but of course until I did it I wouldn’t have known what to write 🙂
    The “interview” is just a formality as far as little kids go. They’ll just ask you questions – not them.
    I’ve never heard of them conducting an interview anywhere outside the US but maybe in this case if you can show that circumstances are such that the child really can’t travel. On the other hand they don’t really have a reason to be accommodating. It’s not in their interests in any way. I’d be shocked if they agreed to that. The reason for going to the US is that the law states that you have to enter US borders to become a citizen (or something similar)

    The delay of the interview though shouldn’t be a problem (except bureaucracy may make it so) and even if they say you have to refile I’m sure it won’t be held against her down the line when refiling that she didn’t follow through this time around.

    • 210. Fred  |  October 26, 2010 at 10:36 pm


      just to give you feedback after having been in Boston Field Office: you were right in all aspects. 😉
      The interview for N-600K must take place within the US – no exceptions, no leeways. I explained the officer why I could only bring my son without his sister and finally I was given an additional 2 years time to reschedule for my daughter.
      There are times I wish I was a US-mother abroad out of wedlock (like my sister): although also not have residing within the US after the age of 14 she had no problems obtaining US citizenship for her daughter in a consulate here in Germany! Had the child been within wedlock they would have had to file in the US …

      However, I had a wonderful trip with my son – now a new US citizen – travelling from NJ to Cape Cod and Boston during indian summer.

  • 211. isranglo  |  September 29, 2010 at 3:30 pm

    Riz – tax records issued by a US government agency are among the best proofs. Most of us aren’t so conscientious and well ordered as to hold on to them though. If you have 5 years worth of them that’s perfect.

    • 212. Riz  |  October 25, 2010 at 10:33 am

      isranglo! thanks a bundle for your kind reply. I could not get the tax records but I have the following.

      1. Social security statement showing my father’s earning record from 1974 to 1987.
      2. His naturalization certificate (1981)

      Is there anything else required/needed to show his presence?

      Secondly, who should sign Part-7 of N-600K (my child is just 6 months old). and whose pictures are required mine or my child?


      • 213. Michele Wolgel  |  October 25, 2010 at 11:35 am

        It sounds like enough proof to me
        You ( if you are the Citizen parent) sign the N600K
        The pictures are however of your child as they are put on the Certificate of Citizenship

      • 214. isranglo  |  October 25, 2010 at 11:53 am

        ok looks like Michelle beat me to it :-). The only thing I might add (so as to seem someone useful) is that it’s standard in this process that where a form needs to be signed by the applicant that the parent fills it in for the child. YOU do the interview and when you get the naturalization certificate they’ll ask you to sign on it with a note that you’re signing as the applicants “mother”.

      • 215. Riz  |  November 12, 2010 at 11:23 am

        isranglo, Micele!
        Thanks a bundle again. I am now almost ready to file.
        Now just wondering which center to file in. Posting this question in a separate post.


  • 216. Shira Schreier  |  October 7, 2010 at 3:19 pm

    I tried to do the process myself to register my daughter’s two kids as US citizens. I applied to the W. Hartford office but wasn’t able to get the date I wanted for an interview – they were pretty backed-up. I called Michele Wolgel at the recommendation of a friend and from the first phone call, I felt I was in very professional hands and I was sorry I hadn’t gone to her in the first place. I met with her and she explained that I was missing a very important document (Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the USA – not the smaller green document but the A4 size white paper with the consulate stamp – which proves the lineage with the grandparents and even has the dates when the grandparents lived in the U.S. – very important document for this purpose!! Luckily I found it at home. She also told me that you can get a birth certificate in Hebrew and English from Misrad Ha’Pnim – the Maalei Adumim branch will print it out on the spot!!
    But never mind that, most important, she got me the date I wanted within a week by transferring the file to the Vermont office. The most amazing part was that before I had even gotten home from meeting with her, there was already an email waiting for me from the Vermont office saying that, according to my lawyer’s request, they have asked the W. Hartford office to transfer my files to them. I was very impressed with that speedy action – I love email! So I am going to Vermont with my daughter and grandkids next month and I’ll let you know how it goes (the Ben & Jerry’s factory is nearby – that’s the best reason to go there). Michele’s number is 02-5903444. Her email is: Highly recommended!! Shira

  • 217. isranglo  |  October 10, 2010 at 1:04 pm

    I’m glad to hear you met with such success. Note that while generally I’m rather careful regarding people making recommendations on here for professional services (after all I don’t even have this site adworded – though I’d be willing if someone could tell me how to do it here without transferring the blog to another site – any advice is welcome :-)). The site is after all based on the principle that most of the time a lawyer is not needed for the naturalization through a grandparent and while somewhat complex can generally be done by the total layman (such as myself).
    That said, I will not deny that there ARE more complex cases where a lawyer can make a difference and far be it from me to deprive those people of a good lawyer. Michele has for some time now been an active contributor here, giving gratis of her own time to answer people’s questions that I either haven’t seen or can’t answer and so I’m letting this post through. This does not mean I’m going to start allowing postings of every lawyer looking to advertise on here (or their clients). That is fully at my discretion. But Michele’s longtime regular help here combined with such a recommendation from someone whose used her personally makes me happy to send this recommendation on through to the blog.

  • 218. arinak  |  October 25, 2010 at 8:07 pm

    Hi, sorry it has taken so long to post this.
    We finally got an appointment from the Buffalo office ( about 6 months after we submitted all of the paper work- we were missing a birth certificate stating that we were the parents so that probably slowed the process)
    The appointment date was sent via e-mail. We were asked to come a month after the e-mail.
    We asked for a closer date ( the following week- Sukkot) which was immediately accepted and confirmed by the office.

    Give yourself time before the appointment time as we needed to go through security and had to go back to the car to leave water and camera.

    Punctually, I was asked to come in, without the children. The judge made me affirm/swear that the information was true. We went over the forms ( hair colour, height, weight). She asked to see the original birth certificates, and my father’s original
    tax reports.

    She also asked for the passports with entrance date. Thank you so much for the suggestion to have the entrance stamps photocopied as well as the binder organizing all of the paper work.

    Two surprises: the children 13,15,17, were asked to read the Oath of Allegiance ( wasn’t expecting it but they provided them with a simplified version) and my son was told that when he turns 18 he will have to register for the Selective Service System ( army lottery) .

    Everyone at the office was very pleasant, the whole thing taking about 40mn .

    From there, as suggested, we went to the Social Security office to get the children cards.
    1- One needs to have a local NYstate address to have the cards sent to. An Israeli address is not acceptable. ( We gave them a Canadian address which they did accept)
    2- Children over the age of 12 need to have a personal interview with an agent there. So make sure you tell them you are in the States temporarily. We were only made aware of this when we were back home.

    Isranglo, thank you again, for all of the invaluable information that was posted and shared. It took us over two years to get the whole thing organized, but we finally did it!
    Good luck and don’t give up.

  • 219. isranglo  |  October 27, 2010 at 1:02 am

    so glad I could be of help. Always nice to hear success stories after the fact and hear about people’s experiences in the various centers. It’s good that you stres that they asked to see your original documentation. They never really asked to see mine in eithe center I went to but thepoint is they can and in your case did and so it’s important for people to have everything arranged nice and orderly so that you can produce it if needed.
    and the binder to keep everything organized is really very useful. If you’re organized and they see you’re prepared they’re much happier about the whole thing and it makes them naturally more amiable.

  • 220. Bob  |  October 31, 2010 at 3:24 pm

    A recent post suggested that citizenship could be obtained for a child born out of wedlock without the parent and child having to go to the US for an interview. I am wondering why this is possible and what constitutes being born out of wedlock. Does it include children whose parents are not married but who are both listed as parents on the child’s birth certificate?

    • 221. Michele Wolgel  |  October 31, 2010 at 4:55 pm

      If the USC parent is listed on the birth and the couple is not married then the Residency in the US requirement is one year continuous residence
      This means 365 days consecutively, one day out ruins it.
      It also is at any age
      Lastly if it is the mother it is very doable but if it is a father they can ask for DNA testing
      However, if this is the case then the child can be registered here as a USC and issued a CRBA

  • 222. isranglo  |  October 31, 2010 at 8:55 pm

    as long as we’re on the topic, permit me to ask a followup question. At what point does the couple need to be married in order for the regular process to be available. What I mean is, let’s say a couple had a couple of kids without a marriage certificate but the father was listed on the birth certificate. Then the couple got married and they applied for citizenship for the kid via the N600k. Would the kid be eligible for citizenship if the father was the USC because he’s on the birth certificate and there’s a marriage certificate for the 2 parents or would the kids have to spend the year in the US to be eligible because their births predated the marriage certificate?

    • 223. Michele Wolgel  |  October 31, 2010 at 9:37 pm

      I’m not sure that I understand the question but I think you’re asking is if they were not married, are married and do not have the 1 year residence
      In this case they can file the n600K for all of the children, the out of wedlock is supposed to make the case easier not harder, that being the reason you can simply register here if you have the requisite residency.
      If I didn’t understand correctly please ask me again

  • 224. isranglo  |  November 1, 2010 at 2:32 pm

    I think we’re on the same page here. So basically you’re saying is that even though they weren’t legally married at the time of the births, and as long as the USC dad’s on the birth certificate as the father, if they go ahead and get married legally now they can proceed with the N600k process for the kids and submit the marriage certificate the same as if they’d married before the births without the need for the kids to live abroad. Is this correct? Lol if so it’s time for me to light some fires under someone to get married…:-)

    • 225. Michele Wolgel  |  November 1, 2010 at 3:02 pm

      Yes I agree with what you wrote
      The marriage is sort of a Legitimization, you would just need to make sure to check the correct box that the parents were not married at the time of the child’s birth

  • 226. Abby  |  November 2, 2010 at 8:53 pm

    Thanks for your great website. Very helpful!
    I am putting together the N-600K applications for my 2 kids. Based on my mother-in-law being a US citizen and having lived in the US for the min number of years. I live in Toronto, Canada. I kept putting this off, but have recently learned that the filing fees are going up from $460 US to $600 US after Nov 23, 2010. So, needlesss to say, I am rushing to get this done asap. I have a few questions that I hope you can help me with:
    1. Which field office do you suggest that I use? Preferable NY and something within reasonable driving distance.
    2. What are the processing times?
    3. Payment: How can I get a money order drawn on a US bank? Can this be done at a Cndn Bank?
    4. Do you reccomend that the grandparent also attend at the apt/interview?

  • 227. Danny  |  November 3, 2010 at 1:43 pm

    Do I need to notarize my translated documents? Do you know if this is necessary to translate the Hebrew documents by translation company, or can we do it on our own (someone with excellent English)?


  • 228. Sarit  |  November 3, 2010 at 10:25 pm

    I don’t need to tell you how helpful this is. I believe I have all documentation, but I still have couple of questions..
    I’m applying for my 2 daughters. One is 8 yrs old and the other is 1 year old..
    my older one is from my first husband (I’m divorced for 5 years now). I do have all paper work to support my divorce.
    You have mentioned that proof of custody is needed. I went to the internal ministry office and got a form showing me and my daughters on the same form, but I’m not sure it is the correct form. Is there any other form I can provide? Is a copy of my divorce agreement which shows that my daughter is under my custody will do?
    I’m a bit insecure at that part as I’m not sure I have the correct form.

    Looking forward to get your reply.

  • 229. isranglo  |  November 4, 2010 at 12:08 pm

    Glad if the blog post was helpful :-). Thanks for the tipoff about the filing fee being raised. there’s someone I wanted to light a fire under to get started and maybe this will help :-).
    Now regarding your questions I’m guessing the nearest New York office for you would be Buffalo which traditionally is supposed to have a decently short waiting time but I believe you can find the times on the USCIS site. I wouldn’t get too attached to their numbers though as there’s no way to no absolutely for sure. I ended up getting an appointment a week before my friend – I’d filed a year+ before and she’d filed only 3 months before.
    I’ve never used a US money order for this. I always just found me a nice American (always plenty about) willing to write the check on their US account for me to include with my submission and then had them let me know when their check was cashed (they can see on their bank statement usually) at which time I pay them in the local currency (in my case shekels). People have always been more than happy to do it especially when hearing it was for a kid. If the grandparent wants to take a trip for the fun of it, why not?! I imagine the USCIS would be happy to see them. But as far as their NEED to be there it’s unnecessary unless their proof of residency is somehow problematic.
    Good luck!

    • 230. Abby  |  November 4, 2010 at 6:04 pm

      Thanks for your quick response! Just a few more questions:
      1. At part 4 (G), it has a space to enter all the times the US citizen parent resided/was physically present in the US. Considering that the application is based on the grandparent as a US citizen and that the parent didn’t spend enough time in the US, do I simply leave this blank? Or write “N/A”? Or do I have to enter in each and every time the parent visited the US even though it obviously is not enough time?
      2. At part 4 (H), it asks about the parent’s spouse’s immigration status. I checked off “other.” What to put as the explanation? ie My husband is the US citizen. I am Canadian. We live in Canada. So should I simply write “resides in Canada.”
      3. Not sure if you’ll know the answer to this one…. For the parent’s marriage certificate. In Canada, there are 2 kinds. The short form and the long form? Which do I send? (I have the short form at home, but would have to order the long form if it is needed.)
      4. The grandparent is currently looking through her papers to ensure that she has enough proof that she resided/was physically present in the US for the min amount of time. I sure hope that she does. She lived there from birth to marriage, when she was in her 20s. She should have transcripts, etc.. But I’m a bit worried if she doesnt have neough paperwork. Not sure who we could ask for an affidavit from that would remember her…. What do you think of an affidavit from her parents, the great grandparents, saying that she’s their child and that she lived in the US all those years?
      Looking forward to hearing from you.

      • 231. isranglo  |  November 5, 2010 at 4:35 am

        My pleasure. Now to your questions 1) no parent using this form has enough time in the US to qualify the kid for their citizenship on their own account – that’s the POINT of the form 🙂 So it wouldn’t make sense for them to put in a question that would have every applicant write not applicable. You need to fill it in with the dates of visits to the best of your ability. Don’t go crazy obsessing about some time you crossed the border for a couple of hours to eat waffles or something like that but do the best you can – especially on longer trips and anything you can’t remember simply say that there were other trips so short you can’t even recall their exact dates. They’re not looking to check the parents alibi for the time of a murder 🙂 just trying to get a general sense of the amount and frequency of time spent in the US.
        as for immigration status I always put in something along the lines of “hasn’t applied for immigration and no plans to do so.” I thus make it firmly clear that this isn’t some plot to try and immigrate the foreign spouse via the kid but simply about getting this kid their citizenship.
        I don’t know the different typed of marriage form in Canada but long form sounds a lot better. Remember, my philosophy is the more information you can give them on any issue the happier they are and the easier they make your life. If it’s a hassle to obtain then the short form is likely to be enough (or if not they’ll tell you and you’ll get it then). If it’s not a hassle the long form is likely the better one.
        If the paperwork isn’t available that’s when it gets tricky but best cross that bridge when you come to it. You say the GGP are alive. They’d probably be amused if you came in with the GGP to vouch for the grandparent and it might work (like that old joke about a place with special benefits for people over 90 with a note from their parents). But it also may be that the GGP would have documents proving THEIR residence in those years which would support the fact that their under 20 child would have been there with them during those years. But in any case why not wait to see whether the documentation is or isn’t available before getting paranoid and panicking 🙂

  • 232. isranglo  |  November 4, 2010 at 12:14 pm

    no notarization has ever been required of me through 4 kids. And no you don’t need a professional translator though of course they should be a competent one. And don’t translate them yourself (you’re not unbiased so it doesn’t look as good), or if you do then let someone proofread it for you, make changes as necessary and claim it as their final translation. Once you have the translation have the translator certify it. By this I mean have them write/type at the top something like “I so and so do hereby attest that I am fluent in both English and language X and have translated the below document fully and completely” and sign their names and date it.

  • 233. isranglo  |  November 4, 2010 at 12:23 pm

    You don’t need to but I appreciate the compliment anyhow :-). My answer to you would be “well, why not?” Is there any reason not to submit both? I’ve found that the INS loves and respects paperwork and preparation. The more solid a case you can build, the more angles you can cover and possible loopholes close the happier they are and the less concerned they are about something being out of place. You’re right. Show your timidity and they’re likely to go hunting to check carefully that you’re not timid because you’re hiding something. Give them a mound of supporting proof to sort through and they’ll just glance through it and say everything seems to be in order. Did I say they love paperwork? what I mean is they love the feeling that YOU’VE already taken care of the paperwork – taht way they don’t feel they have to as much. The divorce paper showing custody should be enough. But if you’ve more paperwork that can in any way support you put that in too. And then show up at the interview with a ring binder like I did with plastic sheets, clearly labeled, each of which has certain documents in them for quick referral. That way when they asked to see a document (there weren’t many) I just muttered “dad’s birth certificate…ok here’s the birth certificates folder” and whipped it out and the guy even noted how organized I clearly was and what a help it was. Submit all the paperwork that can possibly back you up – better to include than exclude.

    • 234. Michele Wolgel  |  November 5, 2010 at 7:24 am

      All of the responses have been on point just wanted to add that for status of other parent I always check other and write ALIEN, this just about covers everyone

  • 235. Abby  |  November 8, 2010 at 11:11 pm

    Thanks for the responses.

    I had the photos taken of my kids this weekend. My 3 year old was no problem. But my 18 month old would not stop smiling. 😉

    Saw my MIL and she gave me all her documents. I am not sure that it’s enough, but I’ll send it in now anyways. I want to get it in before the fee goes up. Hopefully they will accept the applications and come back to me for any deficiencies/asking for more documents. (In the meantime, I’ll ask my MIL to look in NY, next time she’s there, for more documents, and maybe have her parents, the GGP, sign affidavits.)

    I have heard from other Canadians that have gone through this process that they have sent in money orders drawn on Canadian banks (i.e. TD Bank) and have not had any problems.

    I will keep you posted.

    • 236. Abby  |  November 9, 2010 at 12:24 am

      Ok, one more question.

      I just noticed that the proof that I have that my husband is a US citizen is a Form FS-545 Certificate of Birth Abroad (green paper). Is this simeply an older version of the FS-240, Consular Report of Birth Abroad? Or is that something that we need to apply for? My MIL tells me that this is all that she got when she registered my husband as a US citizen in 1980.


      • 237. Michele Wolgel  |  November 9, 2010 at 6:04 pm

        The Green Birth Certificate was a placebo and they did not give it without the Report of Birth Abroad which is the American Birth Certificate
        Be that as it may you do not need to replace it just use the Green plus a bilingual Birth Certificate from Misrad Hapanim
        Even if you replaced it it would be the new form which adds no into that is not on the Israeli Birth Certificate

  • 238. Abby  |  November 9, 2010 at 6:11 pm

    Just to clarify:
    We live in Canada, not Israel. My husband, the US citizen parent, is Canadian born.
    My MIL told me that the Form FS-545 Certificate of Birth Abroad (green paper) is all that she got when she registered my husband has a US citizen and no other papers. I am going to send it in and hope there are no probs.

    • 239. Abby  |  November 29, 2010 at 5:22 pm

      FYI – I sent the papers in by courier so that they arrived before Nov 23, 2010 (when the fees went up from $460 to $600 US per kid). I will keep you posted on what/when I hear from the Buffalo feild office.
      Thanks everyone for all your help!

      • 240. Abby  |  December 1, 2010 at 5:59 pm

        I received a letter from the USCIS field office in Buffalo confirming receipt of payment. Now are waiting for an interview letter…

  • 241. Michele Wolgel  |  November 9, 2010 at 6:24 pm

    It was NOT the only paper she might not remember and might have lost it but they always gave both until they changed the form to a combined one in 1990
    Use the Canadian one which has parents names the green one does not and thus there is no basis for the case based on it

  • 242. Riz  |  November 12, 2010 at 12:04 pm

    Hey my nice helpers.

    Thanks a lot for guiding me on my earlier queries. Now hopefully one last question.

    I am now almost ready to file and wondering which USCIS field office ‘close and quickest’ to Jersey City should I choose to file? I wouldn’t mind traveling up to 2-3 hour.

    I am looking at
    • Newark, NJ:
    • Garden City, NY
    • Mount Laurel, NJ
    • Albany, NY:
    • Hartford, CT:
    • Philadelphia, PA

    Which one would you think would be the quickest if I apply in 2 weeks time?



  • 243. Miriam  |  November 13, 2010 at 10:14 pm

    Hi, thank you so much for providing us so selflessly with this extremelly useful service!
    I am a US citizen through my parents, since they had me in Brazil. They went back but I stayed and am now married to a Brazillian, we have a 2 year old. We were informed by our Consulate here that all we needed to do was show up at a USCIS center with her grandparents, and within 30 days all would be settled! Ha!
    Anyway, silly as it may be, I’m already stumped with section 2 of the N-600k… As we are trying for citizenship through Grandparents, has the Form changed in the past 3 years (beginning of this blog), or do we check letter A (parent applying for citizenship on behalf of child)?
    The Grandparent option (C) seems to require that I be deceased…
    Thanks again!

  • 244. isranglo  |  November 14, 2010 at 1:09 am

    My pleasure with whatever help I can provide. Obviously your consulate hasn’t a clue – I find the embassies and consulates generally haven’t and it’s rare to even have someone who knows that the grandparent method exists let alone how to go about it. I had to muddle through it myself which is why I then wrote up this posting so others could have it easier.
    Of course the first thing they got wrong is the grandparents issue – there’s no reason her grandparents have to show up at all and neither does your spouse. My parents and wife didn’t and I’ve done this 3 times for 4 kids in 2 offices on either side of the US – never a problem!
    While I don’t have any kids needing naturalization at the moment I have used different versions of the form over the years. There hasn’t been any drastic changes since the beginning of this blog (except maybe the filing fee which I hear is about to b raised yet again 😦 ) but I went to check the latest version to refresh my memory before answering your question. So yes, of course as you’re not dead (or this is too spooky for me 🙂 ) then unless your child is adopted you should be checking A. YOU’RE applying for the child’s citizenship for them. You’re just using your parents credentials for the residence issue but you’re the one applying on the grounds of being the child’s parent and a US citizen.

    • 245. Miriam  |  November 16, 2010 at 7:54 pm

      Thanks again, over and over!

      • 246. isranglo  |  November 27, 2010 at 11:25 pm

        my pleasure :-). Just today someone told me about some roundabout way she had to take to get her kids citizenship because the embassy where she was gave her completely wrong information on this issue. The embassies are useful in many ways but when it comes to the grandparent clause, I’ve found they generally haven’t a clue.

    • 247. Ari  |  November 25, 2010 at 10:14 pm

      Thank you for all of your posts and helpful insight!

      We reside in Canada and we applied for US citizenship for my kids through my father (I am US citizen with no US residency).

      We had trouble compiling evidencing my father’s years there, but we did the best we could. We sent everything in around mid-October. Just this week we received a letter from the Buffalo field office with a January appointment date with the 3 kids. Does that mean that they are more or less satisfied with the evidence we submitted? Is there a chance that we’re schlepping the whole family across the border for no reason?

      As well, my report of birth abroad lists my father’s 11 years of residency in the US (four of which are after the age of 14). How much weight would they give that form?


      • 248. isranglo  |  November 27, 2010 at 11:33 pm

        Canada’s no biggie – most people here are going from much farther away :-). Still, whether it’s an 11 hour plane ride or a trip in the car you’re right it’s no fun getting there to find out there’s a problem. I personally have never had trouble and have found that once they invite you it’s basically (assuming you haven’t forged any of the documents you sent them 🙂 ) a rubber stamping process. The law says that you can’t become a US citizen this way without having been in US territory (not including embasies/consulates) which means you have to bring the kid to the US anyhow in order for them to be eligible. So they do the ‘interview’ bit for a formality. The ONLY case I’ve heard of where there were problems when they got there was a case in which the grandparent had clearly been their for years (50+ actually) but the official records were in such a state of disarray by him he was having trouble proving it technically. But even in that case it got sorted out.

        But putting the above aside, I’d have said even before you got the appointment that the chances are that if your US government issued report of birth abroad lists those years for him living in the US it’s a VERY good proof.

  • 249. Riz  |  November 26, 2010 at 2:27 pm

    Hi folks

    I’ve been looking into USCIS field office processing times on their website . It appears they are mostly working on time. I am beginning to wonder how accurate are these timings? any comments..

  • 250. Ari  |  December 1, 2010 at 5:28 pm

    Thanks, Isranglo.

    Through my read here and other websites, people seem to refer to some form of preliminary approval by letter and then an appointment. I only received a letter of appointment to appear with my children with the “reason for appointment” listed as “application for of citizenship for A, B and C. D (me) must attend interview with A, B and C” (with A, B and C being my children’s names). A specific date and time for the interview is listed in the letter. I am instructed to bring that letter with me along with all original documents submitted, passports, etc.

    There is no language within the letter with respect to any conditional or preliminary approval. Is this consistent with your experience?

    Thanks again,


  • 251. isranglo  |  December 2, 2010 at 2:47 pm

    if you got the letter that IS your preliminary approval :-). If you got the letter then you obviously submitted your documentation to them already as requested by the N600k. As you’ve also noticed they didn’t just send you an appointment date a week after you submitted said documentation. That’s because they needed to do a preliminary run through of your documentation (what you’re referring to as the preliminary check) to see that all seems to be in order. Once they’ve reached the conclusion that (assuming you have original documents and they aren’t forgeries) your documentation is sufficient to entitle the kids to citizenship they send you the appointment to come in so they can ask you a few questions as a final checkup on what they’ve already seen in the copies you sent them and barring any major issues they give you the kids naturalization certificates within an hour or so of the interview. The appointment letter basically means “approved unless you’ve been messing with us and sending forged documents.” They know people come for this from abroad so they don’t bring you until they’ve essentially approved you already. As long as the kids don’t come in wearing kefiyes and ski masks and shouting ‘death to the imperialist satan” you shouldn’t run into any trouble at this point. 🙂 Do remember to comb through past posts in this blog though about things to remember to bring to the interview (like the photocopy of their passport page which has their entry stamp into the US on it).

    • 252. Ari  |  December 6, 2010 at 11:32 pm

      I wonder if Canadians need to have their passport stamped (as we don’t always even use passports to cross the border – we can use nexus cards, etc.). We typically don’t need a visa to cross. I will look into it and advise. Thanks for the heads up!

      • 253. Abby  |  December 21, 2010 at 10:58 pm

        Ari – For the interview, did you need a visa/stamp in your passports as proof of entry into the US? We are in the same situation — We are Cndn and will be traveling to the US soon for our interview, by car, Toronto to Buffalo. Thanks.

      • 254. Michele Wolgel  |  December 22, 2010 at 8:16 am

        Not every country needs a Visa in order to enter the U.S.
        For example there are 22 countries in Europe that also Waive in, they enter under the ESTA program and do not get Physical Visas
        What is required for the N600K interview is a lawful entry not a Visa. This lawful entry is an I94 and is especially important for a Canadian to ask for as they do not even need this to enter. I actually had one Israeli client who was born in Canada and while the rest of her family entered on their Israeli Passports with Visas and got I94s she did not even get an I94 and they almost made her go back to the border to get one. They convinced them that she was a small child and the other Visas should prove when they entered but a Canadian should certainly be sure to have proof of lawful entry as opposed to lawful permission to enter (this is what a Visa is)

  • 255. isranglo  |  December 2, 2010 at 2:50 pm

    I think most are pretty much on time but keep in mind that any individual case can go awry. I once had one get lost somewhere in the shuffle at the Philly office and it took well over a year to process while another time at the same office it took about 8 months. There is an element of chance involved but on the whole things seem to run smoothly.

  • 256. arinak  |  December 3, 2010 at 7:21 am

    We just got the letter by e-mail giving us a date and time for the appt. ( the original letter arrived later). We e-mailed back with a request for a more convinient time. The clerk in the Buffalo office was wonderful and very accommodating. She gave us the date we wanted.
    Good luck!

  • 257. Silvia  |  December 10, 2010 at 2:00 pm

    I am filing as a grandparent. Do I need to go or only my son and grandchildren? I could only go in July since I work. Which offices are most flexible in terms of giving the appointments?
    Is there a compilation of the offices which are more accomodating?
    Thank you

  • 258. carol  |  December 20, 2010 at 11:07 pm

    I have been following this link for the past few months and Isranglo, I have to commend you and all your contributors for the wealth of information here. I am almost ready to submit applications for my 4 young children and like most of you, want to make sure we get a date during the summer holidays as we are travelling from europe. Reading the posts to date, Hartford CT office doesn’t seem to be very accommodating. For that reason, I am now looking at filing in Vermont. I wonder if anyone has recent experiences of getting a date they requested in either Hartford or Vermont? I am looking at filing in early Jan and requesting a date in early July which is within the 5 month quoted processing timelines for both offices. Thank you for your help.

  • 259. Abby  |  December 21, 2010 at 11:12 pm

    We just received an interview letter in the mail (did not get anything by email). Yay! Have a date in early February.

    Although website says processing time for Buffalo is 5 months, it will only have been 2.5 months from time application received in Buffalo to date of interview.

    Also, note that they accepted a US Money Order from a Canadian Bank (BNS).

    One more question:
    Ltr says that we need to bring originals of all documents submitted.
    Do we need to bring the original US passport and birth certificate of the US grandparent?
    My MIL will let me take her original transcript, year book, etc…, but highly doubt that she will let me take her original birth certificate and passport. What if she needs to travel on an emergency while I have them?!

  • 260. Maureen Murnane  |  December 29, 2010 at 8:34 pm

    Hi, just came across your site now and have found all the comments to be really insightful. I am a US citizen living abroad who left the US at age 11. I intend to apply for US citzenship for my three children through my parents, one of which is a US citizen by birth and the other who is naturalised. I downloaded a copy of the N600 form and have begun to complete it but have a few questions. I had a previous form in 2007 which had a section (Part 5) applicable to grandparents. However, the new form in Part 4/55 has a seciton information about your US citizen father/mother which I presume is the grandmother option but I’m not sure. My children are 13, 10 and 7. Do I fill up Parts 1-3 relevant to the children, Parts 4 and 5 relevant to the grandparent and sign the form on behalf of the children myself. I find the form to be really confusing. Please advise.

    Thanks and regards

  • 261. Willow  |  December 30, 2010 at 10:16 am

    I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all the information I’ve found here over the years.. I’ve been on this journey for amost 4 years, having difficulty obtaining birth certificates, getting a US cashiers check, etc. etc.

    And then their email got lost… in the mail (maybe SPAM?) and instead of receiving the invitation last April I will now be going this April (after investigation on my part as to what happened to my application throught consulates and the embassy).

    It turns out they sent me an email just 5 weeks after they received my application!!!! For those interested, it’s at the RI Providence field office.

    Florence, Italy

  • 262. isranglo  |  December 31, 2010 at 3:09 am

    glad for any help I could give. Sorry for that messup that cost you so much time – I sympathize but these things happen. I had a similar screwup at the Philadelphia ofice one time that I did it and a different time they were perfectly fine and have had friends who had good experiences with them. It’s a bummer when you’re the one that falls between the cracks but that doesn’t necessarily mean everyone will.
    In any case I’m glad you’re finally getting to go and that I could be of some use in helping with the process.

  • 263. isranglo  |  December 31, 2010 at 3:35 am

    ok take a breath and relax :-). The forms do change from time to time and can be confusing but they can be filled out by a layperson like us. First of all I see on the uscis site that it says previous versions of the form are acceptable so you could use the 2007 forms if you liked presumably.
    as far as I can see parts 1-3 o the present form are about the child. part 4 is about you the citizen parent who can’t pass on the citizenship yourself and part 5 is about the citizen grandparent. Then you skip 6 sign part 7 and leave the rest blank.

  • 264. Maureen Murnane  |  January 3, 2011 at 10:53 am


    Thanks for the reply. I’m going to go with the 2007 form as its easier to complete. Just another question: I’m not sure where to file; Newark (because this is the airport I’d be coming into) or Albany or Buffalo. I also see that you have to give an address when in the States, I would have relations in both New Jersey and Yonkers NY. Does the address you give have to be in the area the field office covers, ie can you give a Yonkers address if you file in NJ. Please advise. Also, does anyone have any comments on any of the three field offices I may be applying to? Thanks for your assistance to date.

    • 265. S. Gail  |  January 10, 2011 at 10:54 am

      Maureen — I took my son to the Albany office last August. Everyone there was very nice. We arrived early and they didn’t make us wait. The process took less than an hour. There is a free parking lot right outside the office. I definitely recommend this office.

  • 266. isranglo  |  January 3, 2011 at 2:02 pm

    since you’re coming from outside the country you can file anywhere in the US you wish and you will then go have the interview at that field office. The address you give in the US does not seem to matter – all they want is to know where to reach you if they need to – they have no worries that wherever you are you’ll show up on the day and at the time of the interview. I had a friend who came and stayed in Brooklyn New York and did the interview in Philadelphia and other friens (usually New Yorkers who make their base in New York and) do the interview in Rhode island or Vermont or New Haven.
    I’d advise against registering in Jersey as Jersey’s a big immigrant State. Lots of people plan to do the interview and stay with their relatives and therefore states with large immigrant populations are very busy and take longer. Places like New York New Jersey Florida and California are going to be filled with applicants. On the other hand who goes to Nebraska or thereabouts. Of course you likely don’ want to do nebraska because you DO want to say with relatives. But at least pick a close non-immigrant area (such as upstate New York) rather than Jersey or Manhattan where it can drag on forever.
    Glad to help 🙂

  • 267. Stella  |  January 6, 2011 at 10:28 pm

    Hi ! I am 29 years old a us citizen born in us but left when i was 3 . My parents are us citizens thru naturalization. Can my 3 year old son can get citizenship by N600k or any other way . My dad become citizen 1975 and my mom 1980. Thanks ! Hope you will help me !

  • 268. isranglo  |  January 7, 2011 at 12:57 am

    As long as one of your parents lived in the US for at least 5 years, 2 of which took place after the age of 14, and has documentation to support that claim then you should certainly be able to get your son citizenship through the N600k. Make sure they have supporting documentation (social security records, school records, rental contracts or similar) and then doanload the N600k and fill it out.

  • 269. Ari  |  January 7, 2011 at 4:19 pm

    Firstly, thank you everyone for your assistance. My children had their interview in Buffalo this week and everything went smoothly. We left with ceritificates of citizenship and then applied for social security.

    Pretty quick process overall – sent application package to Buffalo mid-October and interview was first week of January!

    One clarification re post 254 above – Canadians do not need an I94 or anything else when crossing the border. We ended up using our Nexus cards to cross and all the interviewing agent in the Buffalo Field Office wanted to see was the children’s passports. She said as Canadians entering with a Canadian passport, that was that was necessary to establish proof of lawful entry (no stamp, form, approval or anything else necessary). She (the interviewing agent) entered “B-2” in the box on the application as proof of lawful entry (notwithstanding that there was no “B-2” visa stamped in any passport). As stated above, we didn’t even use our passports at the border! Just our Nexus cards.

    For those of you not from Canada or the US, a “Nexus” card is a special card that allows US and Canadian citizens to have expedited crossing at the Canadian/US border – separate dedicated Nexus lanes, no lines, very few questions asked at the border, if any at all.

  • 270. Ari  |  January 7, 2011 at 6:22 pm

    One follow up question – now that we have “Certifcates of Citizenship” for the children, are they considered American from birth or only from the date the certificate was issued?

    I’m asking because the certificates are issued in 2011. When filing my US tax return for 2010, do I list my newly US children and their social security numbers? Am I entitled to the tax credit for 2010 even though they were not American in 2010?

    Thanks again.

  • 271. Stella  |  January 8, 2011 at 1:04 am

    Thanks for your help. Also I would like to now if i can send my mom or dad with my son to the Field Office to take care everything ? because they travel to the US almost every year .

  • 272. Silvia  |  January 8, 2011 at 6:46 pm

    Has anyone filed in Baltimore?

  • 273. Sarit  |  January 16, 2011 at 10:50 am

    We are applying for both of my daughters, using the “Grandmother option” using form N-600K
    One daughter is 8 years old, and I’m divorced from her father for few years now.
    My second daughter is 18 months old and I live with her father, but we are not married.
    My questions are:
    1. Do I submit both applications for both of my daughters together? Do I just put both applications in one envelope? How to separate it? I would like to get the interview for both at the same time..
    2. Maybe a stupid one.. but in the instruction page it sais ” 2 pictures of yourself” – I guess it’s pictures of my daughters, right?
    3. In part 4 of form N-600K section H, I need to provide information about my current spouse.
    We are not married, but I live with my spouse.
    As I mentioned above, he’s also the father of my youngest daughter.
    Do I need to provide his information in this section even if we are not married? It is not clear from the instructions if necessary to provide spouse information only if now married.

    Thank you so much,

  • 274. isranglo  |  January 16, 2011 at 3:19 pm

    well, noone can claim you’ve got a boring situation there :-). So first of all with your older daughter there shouldn’t be a problem providing that you have sole custody, that your ex doesn’t object to the citizenship and that the citizenship is coming through your mom and not his.

    Your younger daughter’s a different story. Generally speaking they demand a marriage certificate but they may be lenient assuming the citizenship is coming through you, the mother as opposed to through your partner.

    I would suggest that you leave that section blank and include a letter in which you explain the situation and give all his necessary details so that they can fill it in if they want the info but it will be left blank (and won’t be construed as trying to pull a fast one on them) should they not want that info there. Provide all the paperwork necessary for a situation where they want the father’s info but don’t fill in the info as though you’re married. Also leave a phone number and email in the letter and offer that they call you with anything that needs clarification.
    And I’d do what I advise in the case of any 2 kids even in straightforward cases (since I assume you want to bring them in one trip and not 2) which is to create 2 separate packages each with copies of all pertinent documentation and then at the end of it all place both packages into a larger envelope together with a letter asking that they be reviewed by the same case officer and called together even if that necessitates a longer waiting time (you can also put a single check for the entire fee for both girls into the outer envelope (simpler for you anyhow) thus making it less of a bureaucratic headache for them to assign them together to the same officer rather than having to deal with the bureaucracy of having to register the same check in 2 different places.

    Of course if Michelle speaks up differently on here then go by her as there may be info I, as an amateur am unaware of that she as a lawyer would have.

    • 275. Sarit  |  January 16, 2011 at 3:37 pm

      Thank you for your prompt reply.
      As it looks complicated, I think that I will be okay..
      And yes, I’m the American citizen and the applications for both of my daughters is being submitted through my citizenship and not their fathers..
      My ex has no objections and he’s very cooperative in this issue.
      I will leave it blank as you suggested, and will attach a letter explaining where we stand..
      BTW, we live in Israel. Do you know where can I issue a money order to pay the application fees? Is any Israel bank will be able to do so?
      The pictures they ask in the application.. It should be of each child, right?

      Thank you again..

    • 276. Sarit  |  May 23, 2011 at 11:38 am

      I submitted my applications for both my daughters in the beginning of March. It was sent to Hartford, CT office.
      As you suggested, I’ve included a letter explaining my “special” situation. I did all by myself and did not use an attorney. I just made it very organized and included all documents.
      I also included an email address (that was an excellent tip!!), as couple of weeks after submitting the applications, they have notified me by email with the reception of the applications.
      Not only that, but couple of weeks ago, I’ve received an email from the Vermont office. They mentioned my applications were reviewed by them, and now ready for interview scheduling!!
      They even asked me if I’d like to be handled in the Vermont office, or prefer that they return the paperwork to Hartford, CT..
      As I managed to communicate over the email with this nice lady from Vermont, I kindly asked her to get the interview in Vermont.
      She was so nice that I even asked for a specific date in August, and she confirmed it!
      The interview invitations were received by email for both my daughters. The entire communication was done ever the email and it was great!!
      I hope all will go well, and I will write about my experience when I’ll get back.
      Thank you again for your wonderful and helpful blog.


  • 277. Michele Wolgel  |  January 16, 2011 at 4:23 pm

    I have some comments but for sure they can be sent together with one check
    While each application will in fact have different documentation and different answers
    I would say that this is one case where an attorney would be useful

  • 278. isranglo  |  January 16, 2011 at 7:57 pm

    I would agree that consulting an attorney could be useful in this case since of 2 of the usual requirements (married parents and parents living with kids) one is absent in each case.
    I have no idea where one gets a money order though I assume a bank could do it. I’ve always just found someone i know who keeps an American bank account for business purposes (there are tons of them around. If you don’t know one you probably know someone who knows one) and have them write you a check to the INS in exchange for that amount in NIS which you pay them. Whether you pay them for it up front or whether they agree that you’ll pay them when the check clears in their bank account is already between the 2 of you. Generally though there are plenty of people out there willing to help out. Maybe ask on your local Israeli Anglos city list (there are at least 40 cities that have them including all the major cities) for someone who can help out.
    and yes – the pictures are of course of the child 🙂 And make sure before taking them taht you carefully read the requirements for the picture (they’re very finicky about minute details like distance of face to edge of picture and jewelry and headcoverings and angle of head etc. so read carefully)

  • 279. Shira  |  January 26, 2011 at 11:08 am

    We have our interview set for the first week of April 2011 in Boston. Assuming I immediately go to the Social Security office to obtain my son’s number (I believe they give you the number on the spot, but the card arrives later in the mail), can I put my son on my 2010 Tax forms in order to receive the child tax credit?

    Thanks for your help!

  • 280. isranglo  |  January 26, 2011 at 12:12 pm

    I’m not a tax expert and I don’t recall what the exact issues are but I recall that my accountant explained why it was a problem to claim the tax credit for a child who got their citizenship during that tax year. I recall it specifically because in the past I’ve been able to claim backwards for several years and there was no problem but apparently the laws have been revised in the last few years so that he advised against claiming for it – but best to check with your tax person – and then if you’d be so kind as to let the rest of us on the board know what your answer is since I’m sure many here would be interested in a detailed explanation.
    What I can point out is that your assumption on the social security seems slightly flawed. Even if you go right away the number will take you at least a week to get AND you have to request WHEN APPLYING that you want to receive the number ahead of the card (the card takes about 2-3 weeks from application).
    Also take this piece of nonsense into account…When applying for social security they require 2 pieces of the kid’s identification. Easy, right? WRONG! Because the 3 most obvious pieces of identification (the child’s naturalization certificate, foreign passport (that they entered the country on and the US visa are all useless to you immediately after the interview. The naturalization they may or may not accept that day but the fact is it can take a few days until it registers on their computers. As for the passport they won’t recognize that at all because by using the naturalization to apply it means they no longer recognize the validity of any other citizenship (the US looks the other way on dual citizenship but technically they don’t recognize it as existing so the computer won’t accept it) and of course the visa becomes void the moment they become a US citizen and therefore they won’t accept it though clearly if it was invalid you wouldn’t have been able to get the naturalization. Don’t you just love bureaucracy?! In the end what they did accept was a letter from my minister (or in my case Rabbi) stating that I’m a “member of the tribe” as it were. Ah, but not your local Rabbi wherever you’re from who actually knows you – no, that would make too much sense. This one has to be by a minister who leads a congregation in the US. So basically an Israeli passport and birth certificate and a US government issued visa are all unacceptable as identification at social security. But a letter from a Rabbi who’s met you once on official synagogue stationary – that works. Maybe they’ve made things more efficient since 2009 but hey…let’s not hold our breaths!

  • 281. S. Gail  |  February 1, 2011 at 10:20 am

    When I took my son to the Social Security office in Troy, NY directly after naturalizing him in Albany in August 2010, we showed the clerk the new naturalization certificate and his Israeli passport as ID.

    • 282. Willow  |  March 11, 2011 at 11:10 pm

      This is great news as I was trying to figure out what to use as proof of identity etc. for the social security number.
      I presume you just have to show them and they don’t need to take them because they talk about original documents — even mailing them, but I can’t imagine giving anyone the original documents (like a passport or naturalization certificate!)

      Will definitely come back here after my visit to tell those interested if in Providence they accept an Italian passport as id!

  • 283. Sarit  |  February 24, 2011 at 12:24 pm

    Hi again,
    Reminder.. I’m filling up the application for my daughter. I’m a US citizen and my mother is too.
    In part 4, section G of the application, where I put the information about myself, I need to provide a list of dates of residence, and/or physically presence in the United States.
    As I never lived in the US, but visited many times since birth.. most visits were short (up to 2-3 weeks) and I can’t remember all my visits..
    What should I write in this section? Should I estimate? I’m talking about 30-40 times I’ve been in the US..
    I checked here in the embassy, and they have no records, or a list of entries to the US..

    • 284. Moira  |  April 10, 2011 at 3:25 pm

      Don’t worry about your residence. I left the US when I was 10 months old and I am now 56. What you need to do is prove your Mum’s. I got hold of my Dad’s social decurity records and original passport application. And my Dad died in 1971. It was all happilly accepted by the RI office.

  • 285. Bridget  |  March 30, 2011 at 3:53 am

    Am looking at trying to get my 16 year old son’s US citizenship. I immigrated to Canada with my parents when I was 15 years old. My parents are also naturalized Canadians residing in Canada, but they have maintained their US citizenship as well, renewing passports, submitting income tax forms, collecting Social Security when they came of age, voting in absentia in US elections, etc.

    We will likely apply through the Buffalo office. I ‘ve been right through the blog here, and one thing I’m not clear on from either the blog or the forms themselves is whether the Grandparent also needs to attend the interview or just the child and parent?

  • 286. isranglo  |  March 31, 2011 at 11:59 am

    just the child and parent unless there are extreme circumstances where they might ask for the grandparent if something’s messed up with the records. But then they’ll specifically ask for the grandparent ahead of time. Otherwise just parent and child.

    • 287. Bridget  |  March 31, 2011 at 1:18 pm


  • 288. matthew5,16  |  April 6, 2011 at 11:43 am

    Hey there,

    I read all the official information about this form and all seems clear. One thing they never mention at any official site is the process time.

    Can anyone help me who RECENTLY applied for it with this? When you applied and how much you had to wait to get an appointment and when was (or going to be) your appointment.

    It would be VERY important for me to know. And a HUGE help of course.

    Thank you so much for all your help!

    • 289. isranglo  |  April 22, 2011 at 4:04 am

      actually at one point they posted the estimated process times on the INS site. If they don’t have them anymore that is likely because people became to attached to those times and then got disappointed when they weren’t kept to. Generally the process in most of the quieter offices (i.e. cities without naturally large immigration magnets like New York, California and Florida) is about 6-9 months but that can vary wildly. For example I had a friend who got an appointment for a week after me in Philadelphia on one trip. But I’d applied over 14 months before and she’d applied just 3 months before her date. My case was no more complicated than hers (at other times my same case with the same documentation took far less time to process) it was just a case of falling between the cracks or something – maybe mine was placed on a pile of cases that took longer till they got to them – who knows. The point is while 6-9 months is around the norm they project there’s little point in building expectations on that time frame. Just send as early as possible and don’t haunt your mailbox anxiously – they’ll get to you eventually 🙂

      • 290. Michele Wolgel  |  April 22, 2011 at 7:32 am

        Just wanted to say that I agree with this statement and find that it does happen exactly as stated. I always tell people that the average time is 6 months and the worst 2 offices I’ve had people found in terms of time are New York and Miami.
        In these 2 i have had to transfer cases out that had been sitting for a year and in those offices I would say that is the norm.
        while again once in a while one case might be faster it would be because it was put on the wrong pile

  • 291. Alexander  |  April 16, 2011 at 12:13 pm

    Wow, I love this! My Grandma grewup in the States and appeantly my Aunt is trying to help her get citizen for my Dad and siblings. My Dad figured that they wouldn’t have a problem… and mentioned that I might be able to get it from him. Reading this, obviously makes me realize that its almost impossible for me since Im 20 years old. Kinda sucks, but glad I know now instead of paying out $400 to apply and be denied. Thanks
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    • 292. isranglo  |  April 22, 2011 at 3:57 am

      Sorry you didn’t find my blog on time for this to help you but hopefully you’ll at least be able to pas on the info to othrs you know who it might help.

  • 293. Garret  |  April 20, 2011 at 2:25 pm

    As instructed we provided all the documentation and filled out the N600k and submitted in person with payment but were denied on the grounds that we didn’t have the requisite 5 years as they failed to mention it goes by the law at the time of the child’s birth. My mistake for not being more thorough.
    My question is: We do have the 5 years needed from the grandmother and have the proper documentation for that as well, could we update the form already submitted and use the funds already paid or do we need to start all over?
    Your help is much appreciated,

    • 294. Michele Wolgel  |  April 22, 2011 at 7:29 am

      Garrett it depends on the office and the method of communication
      If they corresponded by email try to email them immediately
      and ask some offices will do this and some will not.

  • 295. isranglo  |  April 22, 2011 at 3:55 am

    I’m guessing that they’re probably going to make you start over again but I don’t know for sure. My advice would be to try and contact your case officer if you can recall their name and see whether they can do anything for you since they’ve already reviewed the case. If nothing else it might make things go quicker since you’ve essentially gone through the process already and they’ve checked out your material.

  • 296. Willow  |  April 22, 2011 at 4:31 am

    Just wanted to say thanks again! We picked up the certificates in Providence, RI today. The photocopy of their passports with the entry date was highly appreciated (thanks for that tip!) we were in and out in 30 minutes for two kids.

    Only disappointment was getting the SSN which wasn’t possible because they needed to send it to us because we’re leaving in two days, but they can’t send it abroad and wouldn’t send it to a relative here. So we’ll have to do that when we get back to Italy. But the main mission was accomplished: we have 2 new US citizens!!!

  • 297. matthew5,16  |  April 24, 2011 at 8:37 am

    Fist of all, congratulations Willow!

    Second of all, thank you for your replies. We will send the form as soon as we can.

  • 298. Avi  |  May 1, 2011 at 9:26 am

    I’ll appreciate help!

    My brother (father of two young children) has passed away. He was an American citizen (but without the 5 years physical presence). Our father does have 5 years of physical presence, so we would like to use the N600-K form to apply for citizenship for his children (I’ve done it a few years ago for my older daughter and a few months ago filed for my younger daughter). However, the following issues aren’t clear:

    1. Can his wife (not an American citizen) be the legal guardian, or must the legal guardian be an American citizen?
    2. In case his father (the childrens grandfather) will file the application, does he also have to go to the interview with the children?


  • 299. isranglo  |  May 1, 2011 at 9:41 pm

    Avi that’s an excellent question but beyond my ken. It would seem to me that whoever the guardian is would most likely have to be the one to take the child to the interview but I really don’t know. Possibly our on-topic immigration law expert Michelle has an answer for that one but this clearly isn’t a typical situation.

    • 300. Michele Wolgel  |  May 1, 2011 at 9:52 pm

      As far as I know the Grandparent can apply if done within 5 years of the death
      He does not have to be the legal guardian but does have to go to the interview as he becomes the applicant.
      this is the case that I usually tell people you don”t want the grandparent to sign as that would mean the USC parent is not alive

  • 301. Dorotheen Strass  |  May 5, 2011 at 11:33 am

    Your website is hopefully an answer to our prayers. My daughter left the US when she was 6 and I left when I was 26 so maybe we have a chance of getting US citizenship for her two daughters. But isn’t there an age limit? Must the children be under the age of 16? One child just turned 14 and the other is 11.

  • 302. carol  |  May 9, 2011 at 9:37 pm


    If you go to the USCIS site home page, on the left hand side you can scroll down to find National Processing Times & Volumes which will give an actual measure for each site. I found this helpful to find a site that processes a relatively decent number of cases per month and within the 5 month national target timeframe.
    I ended up applying for my four children at the Albany site office in Vermont in early February. I received confirmation of receipt by email within days. After 5 weeks I received invitation for interview noting that no further information was required and requesting me to submit 3 dates for our interview…I got the 2nd date I requested in July…(they don’t do interviews on Fridays). All correspondence was by email. Incidentally, my sister submitted an almost identical application for her children 2 weeks after me and got confirmation of her interview invitation after only a couple of days! She got her preferred date in August. It seemed like pot luck as to who opened the packages.

  • 303. Rachel P. Cohen  |  May 9, 2011 at 10:03 pm

    Don’t you mean St. Albans, VT, and not Albany?

  • 304. carol  |  May 10, 2011 at 8:21 pm

    Sorry, yes, I mean St Alvans VT….the uscis site office on Gricebrook Rd. Not the national processing center which is also in St Albans.

  • 305. Mary  |  May 11, 2011 at 12:33 am

    Thanks isranglo for all your information. It was very helpful in preparing my application. It has been submitted and I now have interviews for my 3 children in August. The children are aged 16, 14 and 11. Can anyone give me further information on the interviewprocess? Will the children be questioned on American history? There is a booklet issued by USCIS “Learn About the United States – Quick Civics Lessons for the Naturalization Test”. This lists 100 questions – 10 of which may be asked at a Naturalization Interview. Can anyone advise if it is necessary for the children to study this booklet? Also are the children interviewed individually or jointly with me, the US citizen parent?

    • 306. arinak  |  May 11, 2011 at 9:05 pm

      Hi Mary,
      We had the interview last october. Our chiildren were 17, 15 and 13, They only asked them to read a simplified version of the pledge of allegiance. Nothing more. They first took me in to review all of the paper work and then they called the children in and I was of course there.. Something we weren’t aware of is that boys need to know they may be drafted to the US army by lottery and only in case of war. GOOD LUCK!

  • 307. isranglo  |  May 11, 2011 at 7:35 am

    Always nice to be able to answer a prayer 🙂
    As far as I recall it’s up till age 18. 16 is the age where if a kid’s lived their life in the US till then they’ll become eligible to pass on citizenship themself (5 years living in the US with at least 2 years past the age of 14). But I’d get started on your application right away and preferably at the smaller/more obscure processing centers to avoid a long waiting time just to be on the safe side.

  • 308. isranglo  |  May 11, 2011 at 7:39 am

    Good question. Personally I always recommend doing this with the kids as young as possible and then you don’t have to deal with this at all. The oldest of my kids that I took to an interview at any point was 4 and they didn’t ask her her name or age even – all questions were directed at me and they didn’t ask any questions of that sort of me – just about my application.
    That said, there are people who for one reason or another discover this option late and so I hope someone answers your question so we have this information for them here 🙂

  • 309. Michele Wolgel  |  May 11, 2011 at 7:51 am

    Not to worry there is no interview like that for Naturalization. While most offices ask nothing they could ask the USC parent questions about the documents. There is no need to have any knowledge of American History or Government or language as with Naturalization, here it is simply a matter of law, if the child comes within the qualification of Section 322 INA (N600K) then they are entitled to Citizenship if the application is filed and the Citizenship received before their 18th Birthday.

  • 310. Mary  |  May 13, 2011 at 9:42 am

    Thanks for the clarification!

  • 311. Rivka  |  May 14, 2011 at 12:46 pm

    Happy I stumbled on this blog. I was born in the US but moved to Australia when I was 5. I want to file a N600K for my kids through my father, however, he has a unique situation. He was not born there, he moved to USA as an adult from Russia, he was virtually stateless until he received his citizenship 5 years later. so yes, he lived there for 7 years but only 1 as a US citizen. Does this mean we will qualify? I have tried to find the answer but nothing specifies. I have no idea where to ask or what to do. $600USD is no small fee to lay out just to take the chance. I do know that on this basis he was able to acquire citizenship for his own kids that weren’t born there. But that was done by the embassy in Australia, perhaps they didn’t pick up on this or the rules are different! If you don’t know the answer, could you tell me perhaps who can help me?

    • 312. Michele Wolgel  |  May 22, 2011 at 8:56 am

      There is NO requirement that he lived there for 5 years with Citizenship
      You just need to prove that he lived there for 5 years and that he is a Citizen
      I have a client who lived there for 10 years and returned to Israel 1 week after he got his Citizenship and his Grandchildren all got their Citizenship through this path
      Luckily for you your situation is not that unusual you just need the proof that he lived there for the 7 years that he did and again the proof of Citizenship

      • 313. Rivka  |  May 23, 2011 at 6:44 am

        Thank you very much! I tried getting the answer through 2 US immigration lawyers. One wanted to charge me $750 for the research it would entail to find out. The other one claimed that you can only acquire citizenship through a grandparent if the US citizen parent was deceased! Even though I told her that I have a few friends who have done it, she continued to insist! Not very comforting to know these professionals don’t know their stuff.
        Another question, is it true that they wont’ allow you anymore to choose the office of application (ie where you want your application to be processed). I read somewhere this would be the new law, has it changed yet? I would like to have my application processed in Hartford, CT.
        and one more question. Do you recommend I apply for all my 6 children at once, or do one at a time. Financially I can’t afford a trip to the US from Australia with 6 kids at once, however, I am concerned the laws will change til I get to do one at a time.
        Many thanks,

      • 314. Rivka  |  May 31, 2011 at 4:07 pm

        Does my father have to have received his citizenship before I was born? He lived in the USA for 7 years during which time I was born (about 2 years into it) and got his citizenship a year before he left. was born there and have a US birth certificate and passport.
        Sorry, I just need to know I am for sure eligible to apply before i bother with 6 kids!

  • 315. Celine  |  May 20, 2011 at 7:17 pm

    Hi Isranglo,
    I have an appointment for my children at the Raleigh-Durham (NC) field office in August. Out of curiosity, I’ve read the Oath of Allegiance and now come up with a question about dual citizenship. My kids are French & I’m a dual French-US citizen (born in France of a USC mother, naturalized at birth at the Embassy). What about the oath of renunciation (of previous nationality) and allegiance (to the US) ? Is it just some arcane wording or should they renounce their French citizenship (anyway, they don’t speak English… They’re 5 and 9 and I guess I’ll be reading for them.. ??) ?
    Thanks for this precise but crucial point…
    PS : I’ve been checking at your tvteaches blog which is great ! Would you recommend a specific program for my little ones to really get into English speaking ?

    • 316. Willow  |  May 22, 2011 at 9:40 am

      Hi Celine,Just in April both my kids got their US citizenship (11 and 13) and they specifically said that until the age of 14 the Oath of the Allegiance is waived and she actually crossed it out on the form! So no problem there. And in any event, being minors I don’t think that their citizenship can be renounced (mine are Italian).

  • 317. isranglo  |  May 22, 2011 at 9:26 am

    I’m glad you’re enjoying my tvteaches blog – thanks for visiting and if you’re visiting my sponsors thank you even more. Maybe the pennies google gives me for people clicking on my ads there will help me pay for the webhosting :-). The site is still new as you can see but look at thissite. This piece on US citizenship was a single posting and now it’s basically the main hub of the site so here’s hoping. 🙂

    Advice as to what programs would really get their English jumpstarted. Well the truth is that the best place to ask that would be on the site but since you ask already I’d note that it really depends on the kids’ ages. For very beginning readers I’d recommend the Leapfrog series and “Between the Lions” but if they’re older kids that would likely seem babyish to them. You can also try my webstore/resource center at and try browsing by subject (in this case English) and/or age to see what programs I’ve recommended for different ages (both the programs above appear there. And of course as I expand the site you’ll be able to read my reviews of those shows (both the above have been reviewed already) and how they worked with my kids.

    Now regarding your citizenship question it’s an interesting issue. Personally I never had to take any such oath when I took my kids there. The oath of allegiance to the US shouldn’t be a problem in any case even if they do have to take it as you can simply argue that the US and France are allies and uphold the same principles and therefore there’s no conflict (if there ever was a serious conflict you might have to choose but then likely the difference would have to be so glaring that the choice would be easy). Remember that when you swear an oath to America you’re swearing it to the principles of the nation and not to agree with the philosophy of a specific administration.
    I went searching for you now and I found reference to the renunciation (appearing WITHIN the oath) to the extent that ‘it’s there but not legally binding or enforceable’ I’m guessing that’s the case since as I mentioned my kids never had to take it at all (or I for them).
    Perhaps our resident legal expert Michelle could clarify whether there’s anything legal at all to be concerned about if regard to give the statement of renunciation. For myself, I suspect that while if (heaven forbid!) your kid ever became a dangerous criminal or terrorist and they were looking for something on which to hang a cause for which to revoke citizenship they might be able to hold that up as a legal excuse but other than that there’s nothing to worry about. But of course if Michelle knows differently I’m open to correction.

    • 318. Michele Wolgel  |  May 22, 2011 at 11:14 am

      There should not be a problem with the pledge of allegiance
      Many of my clients have 3 citizenships and the U.s. never gives a problem. There are however some other countries that do not allow and the child needs to decide, usually on 18th birthday which Citizenship they want to maintain. Holland and I believe Canada do not allow more than 1 or 2 Citizenships.

  • 319. arinak  |  May 22, 2011 at 2:36 pm

    My children have Israeli, Canadian and US. I do as well and have not had a problem. Good luck

    • 320. Michele Wolgel  |  May 22, 2011 at 2:39 pm

      Glad to hear that
      So I know there are others but as far as I know Holland for sure does not like multiple Citizenships.

  • 321. Celine  |  May 23, 2011 at 2:45 am

    Isranglo, Michele, Arinak and Willow
    Thanks for your contributions. This blog is definitely a warm place to hang around !

  • 322. Michele Wolgel  |  May 23, 2011 at 7:23 am

    Rivka sorry you had such a bad experience with Immigration Lawyers, most American Immigration Lawyers do in fact know the law and I don’t know any who charge that much for a consult.
    However while there might be a change in the future you can still pick the office of your choice. While Hartford used to be one of my favorites I no longer send there. How many children to do is up to you but you should bear in mind that if the law does change then you will not be able to pick the office the next time so if you’re making the trip it might pay to take all. Also as I’m sure you know you have to complete the process before your child’s 18th Birthday!

    • 323. Rivka  |  June 29, 2011 at 2:37 pm

      Do you know when the law is changing regarding choosing the office of application? I am trying to do this asap but just want to know if I have to worry yet.

  • 324. Rivka  |  May 24, 2011 at 3:18 am

    My friend who did 6 of her kids in Hartford (one every year) just had a terrible experience for the last 4 and her file in fact got transferred to Vermont who processed it within a day! (after waiting months and months for Hartford)
    Do you know which office near NY or CT has the best reputation and fastest processing times?
    Thanks for your help

  • 325. Sarit  |  May 24, 2011 at 9:20 am

    I submitted my applications for both my daughters in the beginning of March. It was sent to Hartford, CT office.
    As you suggested, I’ve included a letter explaining my “special” situation. I did all by myself and did not use an attorney. I just made it very organized and included all documents.
    I also included an email address (that was an excellent tip!!), as couple of weeks after submitting the applications, they have notified me by email with the reception of the applications.
    Not only that, but couple of weeks ago, I’ve received an email from the Vermont office. They mentioned my applications were reviewed by them, and now ready for interview scheduling!!
    They even asked me if I’d like to be handled in the Vermont office, or prefer that they return the paperwork to Hartford, CT..
    As I managed to communicate over the email with this nice lady from Vermont, I kindly asked her to get the interview in Vermont.
    She was so nice that I even asked for a specific date in August, and she confirmed it!
    The interview invitations were received by email for both my daughters. The entire communication was done ever the email and it was great!!
    I hope all will go well, and I will write about my experience when I’ll get back.
    Thank you again for your wonderful and helpful blog.


    • 326. isranglo  |  May 31, 2011 at 11:55 pm

      It’s always nice to hear about success stories like this. It’s also gratifying that my tips provided concrete help in helping you navigate the system.
      What I found most impressive was the fact that you had a means of direct communication with the office. Not all offices provide that service and some do sometimes and don’t others. It makes things much easier when you have an actual contact there to talk with. I believe that at least part of your getting that service may have something to do with the letter you wrote and included in your package. After all, just because someone’s a bureaucrat doesn’t mean that they’re not human as well (sometimes, anyhow :-)) If you approach them directly with a personal appeal there’s a better chance that they’ll relate to it then if you just send another impersonal run of the mill application.
      I look forward (as I’m sure we all do) to hearing about your experiences in Vermont when you return with your 2 new citizenettes 🙂

  • 327. Rivka  |  May 24, 2011 at 12:16 pm

    Sarit, as you say your file was transferred to Vermont. How do I know that if send mine to Hartford it will get transferred to Vermont? Also, you say you included a letter explaining your “special” situation. I don’t have a special situation. I just want this to happen as quickly as possible.

    • 328. Sarit  |  May 24, 2011 at 12:59 pm

      Rivka, I think that you can send the application directly to Vermont, can’t you? They were very nice and things move fast over there. You don’t have to include any letter if you feel you have it all in order. What you can do is to include a “thank you” letter and conclude it with your phone number and email address for any questions they might have.
      The application should be complete and should include all supporting documents. I made the documents very organized and included sticky notes per each document explaining the purpose of each document
      Make sure you have your email included in the application as well.

      I hope this will help.

  • 329. Rivka  |  May 24, 2011 at 2:00 pm

    Sarit, I can, its just that I prefer Hartford bc I have family there. I don’t even know where Vermont is.

    • 330. Sarit  |  May 24, 2011 at 2:21 pm

      It’s not very far. It’s around 260 Miles away from Hartford. It should be around 4 to 5 hours drive (from Hartford to St. Albans in Vermont).


  • 331. Avi  |  May 27, 2011 at 10:17 am

    Does anyone know the fee for filing an N-600K form by a grandfather on behalf of a deceased citizen parent? From the N-600K instructions it isn’t clear if it’s $550 or $600.


    • 332. Sarit  |  May 30, 2011 at 10:40 am

      Get ready to pay 600 USD per application..
      The 550 one is in case of a deceased US citizen parent or if you are filing on behalf of an adopted minor child.

      • 333. Avi  |  May 30, 2011 at 11:33 am

        I’m talking about the case of a deceased citizen parent. The question is – how much does a grandfather who is filing instead of his deceased son have to pay? Is it $550 or $600?


    • 334. Michele Wolgel  |  May 30, 2011 at 12:00 pm

      It is in fact $450 if you are filing by a grandparent on behalf of a deceased parent. Please note also that this filing needs to be done within 5 years of the parent’s death

      • 335. Michele Wolgel  |  May 30, 2011 at 12:01 pm

        I meant $550 hit the wrong key

  • 336. Rivka  |  May 30, 2011 at 2:54 am

    Does anyone know anything about or has applied at the office in Hawaii?
    Its much closer to Australia than the rest of USA.

  • 337. Sara  |  May 31, 2011 at 11:03 am

    Has anyone applied to the Pittsburgh office or heard if they process the applications fast?

    Regarding the following..
    4) proof that you have custody of your child – is the printout in Hebrew or English (is it the attached piece of paper to the teudat Zeut)?

    • 338. isranglo  |  June 1, 2011 at 12:07 am

      ah and this is the 64 million dollar question…
      first of all, for the nonIsraelis out there and especially for those readers coming from countries where people are not required to carry identification I’ll just point out that a “teudat zehut” is an Israeli identity card which all citizens are required to have (and by the strict sense of the law obliged to have on them at all times). It comes in a plastic case in which besides the card which has the holder’s identification on it there’s also a piece of paper with their address on it and also details and ID numbers of their children who are still minors.

      Now in answer to your question Sara there’s no precise answer to it and it cost me a ton of time talking to the INS national calling center as well as a number of emails to find that out. They refuse to tell you what you need to have in order to prove custody. In the case of a divorce of course it’s simple, but go prove that your child that is with you is in your custody. There’s no document for it – just circumstantial evidence and as they explained to me “the burden of proof is on the applicant” to satisfy the case officer. If they want to be a stickler about things they can put you through hell but in my experience they never make a big deal about it.
      I’d presume that the Israeli ID card would work but you’d need to have it translated. In my case what I did was to ask at the ministry of the interior for printouts of mine and the child’s vitalstatistics from the national population registry which show us both at the same address and had that translated. You likely don’t need that but I already was at the ministry anyhow to get the bilingual birth certificate printed out so I asked them to do that as well.

  • 339. Rivka  |  May 31, 2011 at 4:09 pm

    Does my father have to have received his citizenship before I was born? He lived in the USA for 7 years during which time I was born (about 2 years into it) and got his citizenship a year before he left. was born there and have a US birth certificate and passport.
    Sorry, I just need to know I am for sure eligible to apply before i bother with 6 kids!

    • 340. Michele Wolgel  |  May 31, 2011 at 4:43 pm

      the quick answer is no it’s fine if he got it after you were born and yes your children are eligible

      • 341. Rivka  |  June 1, 2011 at 1:45 am

        that sounds worrying-“quick” answer. What’s the long/slow answer?

  • 342. Rivka  |  June 1, 2011 at 1:53 am

    I need to know what I can provide as proof of evidence of my father’s physical presence. He wasn’t really working bc he didn’t have proper papers/citizenship when he was there til before he left. I have a copy of the deed to his house, a letter stating he was enrolled in the Kollel but they are unable to give me a transcript (it was 30+ years ago), an affidavit sworn by a friend that he lived near him and knew him. Will this be enough? What else can I provide. Would copies of my siblings’ US passports help? (They weren’t born there and got naturalised in Australia).

    • 343. isranglo  |  June 6, 2011 at 1:32 am

      an afadavit might help but isn’t ironclad. If you can get a letter from the kollel stating he was there for the entire time that might also help. Basically any supporting evidence helps to build an at least circumstantial case. There are no 100 percent guarantees with this though and so your best bet might be to talk to someone such as Michele (who unlike myself is an actual lawyer). I created this site based on my experience and on the assumption that the vast majority of cases are straightforward and don’t actually require legal advice and fees. That said, those with more complex cases might feel more confident consulting a lawyer and based on the answers Michele has always provided here she certainly seems to know her stuff.

      • 344. Rivka  |  June 22, 2011 at 2:29 am

        So how do I contact Michele?
        Also, I have a few letters from my father that attest to his working there, being a student in the kollel but they were faxed to him when he was naturalizing his own kids, so they are not originals, is that going to be a problem?
        I have a letter (unoriginal) that he was enrolled in the Yeshivah for the full period of 8 years. Now that I have asked the yeshivah to prepare a transcript, he will only do it for 1 1/2 years of that time. I am at a loss of what to do, if I should submit the letter or just the transcript? Surely there are people who weren’t studentts the entire time they resided there. Do I have to show something for every year of the 5 years? Will a letter from the Rabbi of the shule he attended help?
        Many thanks for your help

  • 345. Karen Morgan  |  June 2, 2011 at 2:42 pm

    First I want to thank you for your blog. I have 2 questions:

    1- Do I have to send the prove that I have full custody (I am not divorce) when I send the application forms? or I prove that in person when they ask for the interview?

    2- Do you have any idea about Dover office?

    Thank you.

    • 346. isranglo  |  June 6, 2011 at 1:37 am

      my pleasure 🙂
      1) copies of ALL things pertinent to your case should be sent with the application. That way if what you send isn’t enough then they can tell you what you need to add before you make the trip and if it is sufficient then they’ve accepted it and you don’t have to worry about it further. Naturally all originals should travel with you in a nicely organized manner (I personally use a looseleaf with plastic sheets for document holding) to the US for the interview.

      2) I don’t know but possible someone else here will.

      • 347. Karen Morgan  |  June 6, 2011 at 2:24 pm

        Do I have to take the originals, like my fathers birth certificate ?

        Thanks again.

  • 348. Avi  |  June 4, 2011 at 1:24 pm

    Can US documentations (certificate of naturalization, school report cards, marriage certificate, etc.) be notarized by an Israeli lawyer, or do they have to be notarized at the US embassy?


    • 349. isranglo  |  June 6, 2011 at 1:48 am

      in my experience they can be notarized by anyone because notarization is unnecessary. If you did need something notarized it would have to be by a US notary (and thus at the embassy) as israeli notaries have no standing in the US as far as I know.
      But why would you need notarization for any of the above? A US certification of naturalization is a US government document. The only school report cards of any use to you in such a case are those of US based institutions and a marriage certificate is a governmental certificate which is either American in origin and this on record there or a foreign one in which case an official foreign document.
      The only place where you might have thought you’d need notarization is on translations of foreign documents and here too I’ve never needed any anytime I went. All they ever required was that the translator certify the document (not notarize) meaning essentially that they sign a statement on the top of the document which approximately says “I Harold Shmatholovichsteinberg (or whatever, should he happen to have a different name :-)) do solemnly affirm that I am fluent in English and (fill in other language) and am competent to translate this (name of document)” and sign their name. That’s always been sufficient at the field offices I’ve applied to though of course if this has changed I’m sure Michele or someone will inform us 🙂 But that’s been my experience thus far.

      • 350. Michele Wolgel  |  June 6, 2011 at 7:44 am

        There is in fact no notarization of documents needed just a certified translation
        The one thing I will add to this is that the translator should not be a relative and they need to write their contact info as well as title i.e. English teacher, accountant or whatever they do that would presume that they know both languages, many offices are getting stricter about this, obviously if I certify there is no problem as I am a lawyer in both countries
        Last when a notarization is needed like if there is an affidavit when there is not enough evidence or when there is a legitimization by a USC father then an Israeli notary is fine no need to go to the Counsel/Embassy
        An Israeli notary looks and is official and I have never had a problem submitting papers with my Israeli notary seal, ribbon etc.
        If is really a serious document then an apostile seal can be added making it valid in USA under the Hague Convention.

  • 351. Avi  |  June 6, 2011 at 6:40 am

    I’m worried from the case that the original documents get lost/stolen/ruined. At the interview they require original documents, and the question is if they will be willing to accept copies that were notarized by an Israeli lawyer (and not at the embassy). Reading the embassy web page isn’t completely clear.

    • 352. Michele Wolgel  |  June 6, 2011 at 7:46 am

      Rule you NEVER send originals
      Only regular copies, if they require originals you bring to interview

  • 353. Avi  |  June 6, 2011 at 1:22 pm

    They always require originals at the interview. I prefer not to fly with originals – I prefer to fly with notarized copies of the original documents. The question is if such documents are considered originals if notarized ny a non-embassy lawyer.


    • 354. Michele Wolgel  |  June 6, 2011 at 2:25 pm

      They do not always require originals it depends on the office
      You can do an “Ishur Tzilum Notary” it costs 72 shekels for each page
      If you are taking originals it’s cheaper to just take them as it would be cheaper to replace than to notarize and also they still can ask for an original.

      • 355. Maureen Murnane  |  June 14, 2011 at 7:10 pm

        Hi, I just got called for an interview with my three children in Charleston, South Carolina for the 29th June. I won’t be able to make that appointment and would like to contact them by phone, email so that I arrange another appointment. Does anyone know any contact details for this office?

  • 356. mimi  |  June 16, 2011 at 10:01 pm

    im usa citizen grandparent daughter citizen husband and she going to us for post-doc

    husband on j-1 visa what visa does child need if around same time apply for citzenship through grandparent can they choose field office or go to closest field office where they will live

    • 357. isranglo  |  July 17, 2011 at 9:57 pm

      I forget what it’s called but don’t worry. Once you tell them at the embassy or consulate where you live what you need the visa for they’ll let you know what you need. But as for which field office they need to go to it’s to whichever one is handling their case. So if for example she’s planning to be in New York she’d best apply to one of the east coast offices in that region that she’ll be able to reach for the interview. When applying you can apply to whichever one you want but once you’re in the system at a given field office you need to interview at that field office barring a special request which is unlikely to be fulfilled and even if fulfilled will likely seriously affect the time frame in which you’re likely to get an interview.

  • 358. Renee  |  June 21, 2011 at 6:40 pm

    I am so glad that I found this blog. As a result, I was able to find out that my son is entitled to citizenship through his grandfather. His father was born in the USA, but despite the fact that he has been here most of his 52 years, was not in the US 2 years after his 14th birthday and before my son’s birth in England. My son has been in the USA since 22 months and is now 26!

    Today, I contacted the USCIS (who are so helpful by the way …) My fear was that my son’s grandfather dies in 2009. The officer said, “It doesn’t matter!” If you can prove that his grandfather filled all the requirements … i.e Is a US citizen, lived 5 years in USA with 2 years after 14th birthday ,,, We have his grandfather’s birth certificate, military records, etc.

    I am really just writing this to let anyone else out who may be in a similar situation! The US immigration laws, especially INA 320 on child citizenship with all the amendments is so incredibly complicated!


  • 359. Tzvia  |  June 21, 2011 at 11:28 pm

    Hello all,
    I’m looking for information.
    A friend told me that once I have completed the n-600k procedure for my first son, I can do this for my newborn without traveling to the USA.
    I have not found any details on it. does anybody know more?


    • 360. isranglo  |  July 17, 2011 at 10:02 pm

      indeed you can fill out an N600k for your newborn without going to the US. You could fill it out for your older son without going there as well :-). However if you want them to get citizenship you’re going to have to apply separately for each one and take them to the US. It is true that if you haven’t submitted your older son’s N600k yet that you can submit for both kids at the same time (2 packages put into a larger envelope) and request (in a letter in the larger envelope) to have both cases taken by the same field officer and be put together so that you can bring them both together. But you can’t get citizenship through the grandparent law without interviewing in the US.

      • 361. Michele Wolgel  |  July 17, 2011 at 10:05 pm

        Couldn’t have said it better myself

  • 362. Michele Wolgel  |  June 22, 2011 at 7:00 am

    Michele can be contacted by googling Michele Wolgel or contacting my by email at;

    • 363. Rivka  |  June 23, 2011 at 1:45 am

      Hi Michele,
      I want to know what evidence I should be providing for my father’s physical presence in the US. He emigrated to USA as a DP from Russia and was virtually stateless for the first 6 years he was there and then a year before he left he got his US citizenship.
      I have a copy of the deed to his house;
      He has no utitlies bills;
      I have a letter stating that he worked in an organsation as a volunteer (he has no employment records or ss records bc he wasn’t a citizen and not really allowed to work); This is not an original as it was faxed to him when he applied for naturalisation of his own kids, will this be OK?
      I am getting a letter from the Yeshivah/school where he studied – does this have to be a transcript? And it is not for the 5 years but rather 1 1/2.
      I have 2 affidavits sworn by friends who knew him;
      I can get a letter that he was a member of the synagogue there, would that help?
      Shall I provide copies of my siblings’ US passports, those that were naturalised abroad based on his citizenship and physical presence? Will that help?
      What has to be original or is it everything?


      • 364. Michele Wolgel  |  June 27, 2011 at 1:16 pm

        I cannot answer this question unless i see the documentation

  • 365. Pter  |  June 24, 2011 at 7:21 am

    First of all, thank you for all these helpful information. I am just starting the N600K process for my 2 children at the San Francisco DHS office. Has anyone ever applied at this office before? I am a bit worried about the time process.
    Thanks again.

    • 366. Debby  |  August 9, 2014 at 10:52 pm

      Hi Pter,
      We are planning to do the interview for my daughter in San Francisco. Can you share your experience and impression?


  • 367. adam  |  June 27, 2011 at 11:40 am

    does anyone know – whtheaer there is a change in attitude of the us government about an unmarried cuple which have an agrimennt {heskem mamon} i am us citizen and my mother was my spouse – is not a us citizen – what are my chances are on getting it for my children does anyone know?

    • 368. Michele Wolgel  |  June 27, 2011 at 1:08 pm

      If you are the biological father of the children and they live with you and you fit the other criteria for Citizenship then you are in fact entitled to file under this clause.
      Together with the filing we need to submit papers showing that the children have been ‘legitimized by you”
      I have done this successfully in several offices.

  • 369. adam  |  June 28, 2011 at 3:30 am

    i am in fact the bilogical father of the kids – and answer to the other criteria for citizenship- what papers would i need to submit to show that the cildren have been legitimized by me ?

    thank you Michele

    • 370. Michele Wolgel  |  June 28, 2011 at 7:45 am

      This is a case that i really don’t give answers on line
      I have however done this for my clients

  • 371. Lee  |  June 28, 2011 at 10:29 am

    Im planning on submitiong form n600k for my child. I read that I shopuld send proof of custody of the child ( even if I am merried to the childs father ). Id that really nececery? if so, how do I obtain such proof?
    thank you

    • 372. isranglo  |  July 17, 2011 at 10:11 pm

      ah the age old conundrum which the USCIS won’t actually answer (I know, I tried to get them to commit to a straight answer by phone for ages). According to them (and leaving aside their polite telephone way of saying it) their essential answer was “the burden of proof is on you. You have to figure out how to prove it and we’ll accept it or not.” Being as there’s no actual answer, I can tell you that my method has been to get ahold of official documentation showing that the child and I both reside at the same address and that’s generally been enough for them. But yes it IS moronic (since a married couple has to prove custody and only once their divorced can anyone have guaranteed documentation) that married couples have to prove custody. Still, that’s their law!

  • 373. tugova  |  June 29, 2011 at 11:51 pm


    we have gone through this process and now we have to issue visas for the kids any myself, the mom who is not the American citizen.

    What kind of visas do I need? the regular visas b1/b2 that Israelis are using? do I have a different procedure because my husban is a citizen? do I need the K visas for the kids.

    I’ll be gratful for some answers.


    • 374. Michele Wolgel  |  July 17, 2011 at 10:16 pm

      All of you need a B1/B2 Visa a K is for a fiancee

  • 375. Shai  |  July 2, 2011 at 10:03 pm

    Hi, I am new to this site but I have already gotten very far forward in the process of getting my two sons (14 & 6) their American citizenship through the grandparent law. I applied in May via the RI office of USCIS and received a positive response via e-mail telling me everything was OK with my documents and I need to come for the interview already at the beginning of June (!) We have now made our plans to go in August to the States to finalize the process, but I need some advice on certain outstanding issues. 1) according to the last message I got from the office in RI they say I can only book an appointment two weeks before we come via the infopass service. This is a bit complicated because we have to plan what dates we will be in Providence and book a hotel or something in the vicinity. The clerk who sent me the message claims that I will be able to book a date for an interview according to my needs. Is this true by your experience? 2) After we do the interview and get the certificates of citizenship, do they issue the boys with American passports in the same office? And if so does it happen on the spot or do we need to come back to pick them up? If so, how long can it take? If not, how does it work, because we have to have passports for them before they can leave the States. 3) If we want to get them also social securit numbers, where do we go for that and how long does it usually take to get them to issue the cards? All these questions have to do with the amount of time we will be stuck in RI and when can we move on. I really would appreciate any advice based on prior experience on these practical matters. Thank you in advance, Shai.

    • 376. isranglo  |  July 17, 2011 at 10:30 pm

      This is quite a detailed letter. I’ll soon be offering my services privately for consultations on N600k citizenship services (by now I think I can fairly be considered an expert 🙂 ) and this is more relevant to that than here on the blog where I give general answers.

      That said I’ll throw out a couple of thoughts for your consideration. 1) this is either a new development or specific to Rhode island as most places insist on setting the date for you a long time in advance. Many people would PAY to be able to set up an appointment just 2 weeks beforehand.
      2) not a chance. In fact the real way you’re supposed to do things is to get a social security number BEFORE the passports because if I remember correctly they want your SS number when you fill out the passport forms. passports I seem to recall can be done at many regular post offices in the States (there are also passport centers where you can get it done faster apparently). The passports can take 1-3 weeks. In special circumstances it can be rushed somewhat but it does take time HOWEVER it doesn’t really matter because they don’t need their US passports to leave. I left with my kid in 2008 on his Israeli passport. In fact I was advised by a big cheese at a large US airport that they actually PREFER that the kid leave on that passport because it’s the one they come in on and if the kid leaves on a different one it messes with their bureaucracy. So when the passport arrived too late I just went with the Israeli one (no problem) and had the other one sent on to israel (I could have also chosen to do it through the embassy upon returning).
      3) social security cards are applied for at a social security office. You can look up a relevant one by googling it – likely it’ll be not so far from the uscis. There’s also a good chance they’ll know where to send you for it. But oh was that ever a mess – much worse than the passports. They wanted 2 pieces of proof as to the child’s identity and wouldn’t accept 1) the Israeli passport (the kid’s now a US citizen thus anything issued by a foreign government claiming him is disregarded) 2) the US government issued visa inside the Israeli passport (the kid’s a US citizen hence the visa’s invalid and can’t be used for ID) and of course as the kid doesn’t have a passport (since he needs the ss number) you can’t use that. The naturalization certificate would be fine but the computers don’t automatically update so it can take up to a week and a half before its considered valid ID. Oh and you have to state to them at the time you apply for the SS number that you wnat to be told the number ahead of time (before getting the card) and then by going back to the office you can get it in about 10 days while the card itself can take up to 3 weeks.

      • 377. Michele Wolgel  |  July 17, 2011 at 10:36 pm

        This is the procedure in Rhode Island and only Rhode Island to the best of my knowledge and has been so for many years.
        It is actually not as convenient as it sounds since you don’t have an exact date until 2 weeks before and sometimes the infopass is down and it is not user friendly.

  • 378. lee  |  July 7, 2011 at 5:50 am

    Im applying for citizenship for my child. Do i need to send in proof of custoday ( Her fother and I are merried ).

  • 379. Michele Wolgel  |  July 17, 2011 at 10:38 pm

    This is the procedure in Rhode Island and only Rhode Island to the best of my knowledge and has been so for many years.
    It is actually not as convenient as it sounds since you don’t have an exact date until 2 weeks before and sometimes the infopass is down and it is not user friendly.

    I left out however it does in fact work and you will get an appointment in the time period that they told you,

  • 380. Paula  |  July 18, 2011 at 11:53 am

    Hi. Thank you for creating this site.
    I am in US citizen living in Australia and want to file N600K forms for my two children using my father’s residency (he was born in the USA).
    I have a few questions I am hoping someone can help me with.

    Are the processing times listed on the USCIS accurate? If it says 5months, is that 5months till you get a letter giving you an interview or 5months till your interview?
    My children have Australian passports. Can they enter the USA using the VWP for their interview?
    Just with my Father’s residency. Is there any documentation that is considered “iron clad”? What is the best evidence to have?
    Do I need to submit my father’s birth certificate or is a copy of his US passport enough?

    Thank you

    • 381. isranglo  |  August 7, 2011 at 10:18 pm

      the processing times are accurate up to a point. They try to aim for those times and in some cases do and others don’t. It really varies from center to center.
      There is documentation that’s iron clad for somethings and not for others. For example a birth certificate is a birth certificate. However in other areas such as “proof of residency” for your dad to show he lived in the US for 5 years (or possibly 10 years if it was during a certain time period) and proof you have custody of your child there isn’t anything ironclad though some documents work better than others. No guarantees though. On the bright side the likelihood is that they don’t call people to fly to the US until the flying there is just a formality. So if they call you already the odds are your documentation was considered sufficient.
      yes you do need to submit his birth certificate.

  • 382. Paula  |  July 19, 2011 at 12:01 am

    Sorry another question.

    Has anyone had any experience with the office in Norfolk, Va. ?

    Either Norfolk, Va or Charlotte, NC would be best for me. According to the USCIS website Norfolk is a 5 month wait and Charlotte is longer.


    • 383. Michele Wolgel  |  August 8, 2011 at 7:44 am

      In my experience North Carolina does not take 5 months even if the site says so and they are pleasant to work with

  • 384. Michael  |  July 25, 2011 at 2:44 pm

    I would like to know if I can fill for SSN in any SSN office and get the SSN sent to Israel

  • 385. jacoub  |  August 6, 2011 at 11:12 am

    Thanx for the nice blog , it was really helpful , but unfortunately i didn’t see it before i filled my n-600k forms ,
    i have send 2 n-600k forms with 2 money orders and the evidence.and i have sent it to the NY office. that was 2 weeks back .
    till now i didn’t get any email or mail ” the recipient of delivery .”.
    should i be waiting for one or not ? how will i be sure that they processed the papers ? and when will they send me an email or mail for the next step . please advise asap.

    • 386. isranglo  |  August 7, 2011 at 10:10 pm

      well the good news is you probably don’t have to worry about the ASAP. The bad news is it’s because this process can take a looong time. I’m sorry indeed that you sent the forms before finding this blog. I have often advised here never to send to the major processing centers. That is the centers located in cities with large immigrant populations such as New York, LA and Florida. That’s because most people DO register there since they generally plan to stay with or at least visit family when they come. Everyone from around the world and their brother have a brother/sister/cousin/3rd uncle twice removed in places like New York. I’ve personally been told of cases that took up to 8 years to process -without complications! I’d like to reiterate for those who haven’t sent the forms that if you have family in New York register in Philadelphia (busy but less than NY) or Rhode island or any small out of the way office drivable from the city (with some effort) but without that kind of major immigrant population.

      Now that doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily always that way. You may get lucky and happen upon a quiet period there. But I certainly wouldn’t be worried about not hearing from them within a couple of weeks. Even in a normal center it can take awhile to hear anything from them at all – as long as a month or two sometimes. In New York it may well take far longer. Thre’s really no way I know of to get an answer on that question even if you could get a number. It’s a VERY busy center and you’re talking about a case for which you not only don’t have a case number to give them but aren’t even sure there IS a case number yet. Your only real choice is patience. Best of luck!

  • 387. Michele Wolgel  |  August 8, 2011 at 7:41 am

    If you are really interested in speeding it up it can be done via another office
    In addition to taking a long time to do anything New York asks for documents that other offices do not and even after they get to the case this will probably happen and will make it take even longer
    I just moved one from New York and a week after I sent the request they sent a (RFE) request for more evidence.
    In other words they first looked at it when they got the request to transfer, this was a year after filing.
    The office who asked for the file for my client then contacted them saying they had already asked for the file. They got it after several tries and said it was complete and scheduled an interview.
    Again I have done this from New York and from other offices and I would recommend doing it. I would be happy to put you in contact with my client’s who I have done this for.

    • 388. jacoub  |  August 8, 2011 at 8:37 am

      how is it possible now to move the case from NY office to any other other office and i dont have any case number or anything , please advise

  • 389. Michele Wolgel  |  August 8, 2011 at 8:50 am

    Basically as an attorney I can ask for the number through another office
    i don’t know of a way to do it other than that

  • 390. marvinbik  |  August 22, 2011 at 11:12 pm

    Can you please elaborate on the following quote from the messages:
    “if you’re earning a non-American salary you can be eligible for up to $1000 per child per year from the US government till they turn 18”
    What gov agency makes the payment. How to apply for the payment?
    Is this actually an income tax deduction or cash payment?
    Much thanks,

  • 391. Vinnie  |  August 25, 2011 at 1:01 pm


    First off , Many thanks for all the helpful advice

    I have used this blog to assist me in gathering all the documentation that I think should be required to apply for citizenship and I am now almost ready to file.

    The only issue is that my children are still very young (18 months and 2.5 years).

    I am considering delaying my application for another for few years until it will be easier to travel with them and to make a longer holiday out of the trip.

    Although I’m sure its an impossible question to answer, I’m wondering if anyone has any thoughts on whether they expect the relevant legislation to change in the next few years.

    My worry is that the law may be changed in the future so that it will no longer be possible to apply through the children’s grandfather. (I myself am a US citizen but do not satisfy the 5 year residency rule).

    Any thoughts on whether these worries are unfounded and the law is unlikely to change or whether I should just go ahead and apply now while they are still eligible under current legislation.

    Many thanks

  • 392. javoub  |  September 6, 2011 at 3:49 pm

    Michele , How much would u charge to move two n-600k cases to other office and speed up the case ?

    • 393. isranglo  |  September 6, 2011 at 9:44 pm

      lol somehow my non-profit site has gone pro :-). I’ll let this through though because Michelle’s always so good about donating her time and expertise to helping people here. But Michelle if you ever set up an affiliate program don’t forget to cut me in for the traffic sent your way 😉

  • 394. shlomo  |  September 7, 2011 at 12:49 am

    Wow, what an amazing site. It’s really kind of you to create such a site pure to help others without making money. I believe, you can count me as one more human being that will be able to go through this grandfather immigration process easily and successfully (hopefully), thankful to your site.

    Just to sum up all the small important tips for a speedy and successful immigration process.

    1) Attach email address with your documents.
    2) Copy of Stamped Passport
    3) A thank you letter added with all documents, make sure to add your phone number as well if they would have any questions or so.

    Here are the offices which seems to go smooth and quickly according to the info provided within the comments of this site:

    1) St. Albans, VT
    2) Rhode Islands
    3) Raleigh – Durham, NC

    If anybody has any other speedy offices, feel free to reply.

  • 395. Michele Wolgel  |  September 7, 2011 at 5:34 am

    It is Michele
    You need to contact me personally for a price quote
    My email is

    I do not intend to set up any affiliate program but I am happy to help out here and I think that anyone who has gotten to me trough this blog is happy they got to me

    Hope we both keep up the good work

  • 396. Sarit  |  September 7, 2011 at 5:07 pm


    As promised, after we returned with 2 new American Citizens, here are the complete details about our Vermont experience.
    Just a reminder.. We have filed 2 applications for 2 girls (2 & 8) and the applications were originally sent to Hartford, but they probably have forwarded the applications to St. Albans, Vermont, as we got the interview invitations via email from the Vermont’s office
    Well, what can I say.. It was a great experience!
    We arrived to the city of St. Albans, VT the night before the interview.
    BTW, we stayed at the La Quinta Inn, which is 2 blocks away from the Citizenship & Immigration Services office.
    Our interview was scheduled for 11:30 AM.
    We arrived to the office 20 minutes ahead of time. You go through a security check up (very polite and fast).
    Once cleared the security, we gave the invitations to a nice clerk behind a window..
    While waiting at the lobby, the girls got some crayons and a color book from the security guy! It was surprising to see how nice these people are.
    After few minutes, a nice lady came out to the lobby and invited me in. She said no need for the girls to come in, and the girls can stay at the lobby (with my husband).
    In the room, she went through the applications with me (mainly to see if all names and personal details are correct).
    Once done, I signed (under oath) that the information I’ve provided as correct. She asked me to go back to the lobby and that is should take few minutes to have the certificates ready for us.
    After 10 minutes, the same lady came out to the lobby, she gave each of our girls an American flag (the small ones) and handed us the Citizenship certificates. It was a moment to remember!
    Even that we knew ahead of time, she told us where the nearest Social Security offices are (58 Pearl Street, Burlington, VT) and that if we’d like, we can go there and take care of it as well.
    The entire procedure took us about 20 minutes. Very nice, comfortable, and quick.
    It is very important for you to know.. Immediately after the interview, we did went to the Social Security office in Burlington (40 minutes drive) and we filed the applications to get the Social Security numbers for the girls.
    They do accept Israeli passports as a valid identification! So the passports together with the Citizenship certificates should do the work for you.
    It took couple of weeks until we’ve received the SS numbers by mail to our address in Israel!
    Make sure you have the application for SS ready before getting there. You can get it online here:
    You will find there the instructions, but the application is only 1 page..
    I hope you will find our experience helpful as we did use this blog and it was very helpful for us!


  • 397. Willow  |  September 7, 2011 at 5:25 pm

    Hi Sarit, sounds as smooth as my experience in Providence, RI. Just wanted to let others know, that for some reason, the Providence, RI Social Security office does NOT send SSN abroad. So I did that here in Italy but it was actually quite easy and could do it at the consulate in Florence, the same time I applied for their passports. We have the passports, but it will take some time for the SSN!

  • 398. crystal  |  September 9, 2011 at 8:05 pm

    I have two children born in Canada, but the grandparents reside in the US and are citizens. Now their father is a greencard holder but resides in Canada with the children being over the age of 18 are they still eligible for the citizenship?

    • 399. isranglo  |  November 3, 2011 at 8:25 pm

      complicated as this might be if the kids were under 18 if they’re over 18 the N600k isn’t for them.

  • 400. Avi  |  September 15, 2011 at 3:30 pm

    Great contribution, thanks.

    I am the grand-parent (Israeli).

    My wife, B, is the grandparent US citizen (by birth, in Israel, to two US citizens).
    My daughter, G, is the US citizen parent (married to the biological father, an Israeli).
    My granddaughter, R, is an Israeli, for whom we are starting the process of US citizenship application.

    The mother, G, resided in the US for 3+ years, on a green-card, between the ages of 5 to 8. The grand-mother, B, resided in the US at the same time.

    Then again, the mother G returned to the US at age 14+, and stayed there for 2 years and one day (without knowing the requirement). During that stay, she acquired the US citizenship, at the age of 15. She has left the US at age 16+. The grandmother B resided in the US at the same time, for the same length of time.

    Both visited the US for short periods of time later on.


    1. Is there any minimum time interval which may count for the cumulative times required? If not, do short visit count?
    What about short periods of leaving the US during a longer stay?

    2. Are there any other requirements for any short period of time to qualify for the staying requirements?

    3. Is it sufficient to provide the school records (high school), including grade scores, for 2 school years for the mother G, to qualify for the 2 years after turning 14, of is it needed to show strictly 2 years (2 X 365 days)?

    4. As we may take either path, in principle, should we fill the information for both mother and grandmother, and let them judge the status from all the info?

    5. Any info about offices in Detroit, MI, Washington DC?

    6. Is there a US database (similar to the Israeli one) from which one can ask the data of entry and exit to/from the US?

    Although this is a long post, I believe the issues are relevant and of general interest. Thanks very much for looking into it, Avi.

    • 401. isranglo  |  September 21, 2011 at 2:53 pm

      This does sound rather complicated. Why was a green card necessary for G at all? how many years did B live in the US? For her to have lived there long enough to satisfy the grandparent clause G should have had citizenship automatically, no?

      Be that as it may, if she only acquired citizenship at age 15 it seems likely the time count would start from then but perhaps Michelle would know with a certainty and will weigh in here.

      I don’t know about how to string the times together to create a 5 year period but I suspect they want living rather than visiting as the criteria which would likely necessitate showing such things as residing at an address or social security records etc. In any event this is largely within the discretion of the case officer you’re assigned to as to how to approach such stays. I suspect too many things strung together would not be allowed while a permanent stay with a week here or there visiting outside the US would be allowed.

      generally school years ARE counted as years as long as they’re accompanied by official transcripts from the school with the grades listed – but again it’s to some extent up to the case officer.

      I would talk to a lawyer (Michelle perhaps as she seems to know what she’s doing based on my experience of her here though I can’t claimed to have needed her in my more straightforward case to assess which route you should go. Applying for the N600k will cost you several hundred dollars or so whether or not it’s ultimately approved so best to find out if your application this way makes sense at all.
      I haven’t dealt with detroit but according to my rule of thumb (avoid places with large local immigrant populations), Detroit being a heavy muslim area you’re liable to end up backlogged from all the people from arab countries wanting to do the N600k while visiting their relatives in Michigan.
      Good question about the database – haven’t heard that there is one but then again I didn’t specifically ask. If anyone knows I’d love to hear.

      • 402. Michele Wolgel  |  September 21, 2011 at 5:43 pm

        Hi this is Michele
        To answer briefly and to the point the rule is you can only file on one grandparent and it must be the parent of the USC (not the Israeli)
        That Grandparent must have Citizenship today and have lived in the U.S. for a total period of 5 years, 2 after the age of 14.
        It is irrelevant when during this 5 year period the Citizenship was obtained it could have been the day before the Grandparent returned to Israel or left the U.S not during the 5 year presence in the U.S., I even had one such case be happy to refer you to them.
        Also the blogger is correct they do not like trips here and there but if the time can be proved it is in fact acceptable, if the only proof is Passport stamps then it would be hard to prove.

        Last about Detroit I would go with the general thinking process of the blogger and have in fact heard bad things about that particular office the worst of which is you do not get the certificate on the spot which is certainly not the norm.
        I lost which grandparent was which in the story but I hoped this answered the question.

      • 403. Michele Wolgel  |  September 21, 2011 at 6:22 pm

        I just reread your post and want to point out that if the Citizen mother of your grandchild lived in U.S. for 5 years under any status and 2 of them were after 14 and she can prove it then she can in fact register all of her children at the Counsel.
        However if during that last 2 year stay in the state you made any type of trip to Israel or out of the U.S. then she does not have the 2 years and one day after 14.

  • 404. shlomo  |  September 18, 2011 at 11:58 am


    Thanks for this amazing blog.

    I have all paper work ready to send in, The only thing that I am missing is an American check for the $600 fee and I need that as soon as possible. Can anybody help or has anybody any suggestions?

    An other question, on the form that explains you how to fill the n600k, doesn’t mentioned anything about showing a “marriage certificate”. Still, just to be on the safe side does anybody know if a marriage certificate is actually necessary?

    • 405. Willow  |  September 21, 2011 at 2:47 pm

      In Italy the Italian embassy told me to get a cashier’s check in USD from an Italian bank that has offices in the US. Unfortunately the only bank in my neighbourhood that had that required that I have an account with them. Since I didn’t want to open up an account only for this reason in the end I sent my brother in the US money through Paypal and he got a cashier’s check for me at his own bank and sent it to me. I then sent off the package myself with the check in it. That check went around the world a few times 🙂

      • 406. isranglo  |  September 21, 2011 at 2:55 pm

        willow – as you can see below in 396 (I mistakenly posted instead of replying) you’d have made things easier on the check by sending the package to your brother, letting him open it, put in the check and send it on to the INS 🙂

  • 407. isranglo  |  September 21, 2011 at 2:38 pm

    I’d advise asking any Anglos you know in your neighborhood or elsewhere who do business with the US to help you out. Alternatively if you have a relative in the US you could send the package to them to mail on with an enclosed check from them and transfer the money from you to them in some other way (like cash) which they can receive but the INS won’t.

    100% you need the marriage certificate and if it’s in another language (such as Hebrew for example) it needs to come with a certified translation (this doesn’t mean notarized – just taht it needs to be translated fully and accompanied by a statement from the translator to the effect that “I (their name) do hereby certify that I am fluent in (other language) and English and that the accompanying document is a true and accurate translation of the original (other language) version.”.

  • 408. Shlomo  |  September 22, 2011 at 6:05 pm

    Thanks Isranglo for your reply.

    I ended up receiving a check from Bank Hapoalim which has a brand in NY, so they’ve issued a check with US dollars with their American routing number on the bottom on the check. I heard Bank Le’umi, would be able to do the same thing.

    I have send all necessary packages as of yesterday and I really hope, it will go smoothly as possible. I will keep you all posted how everything works out.

    Thanks once again for this beautiful blog.

    I wish you all the best.

  • 409. Maureen Murnane  |  September 23, 2011 at 4:36 pm


    I have been called to the US on the 13th October for interview with my three children. I have been asked to bring original documentation to prove that I am the biologicial child of my parents. I have a US birth cert, however my first name was not added at the time of birth. I have telephoned the Department of Health who confirm it can take up to 90 days to have the name amended on my birth certificate. My question is, would a baptismal certificate which shows my name in full along with my parents names be accepted as being original documentation of myself and my parents. Please advise.


    • 410. isranglo  |  October 4, 2011 at 2:16 pm

      I have no definitive answer for this. As with all documentation it’s really up to the field officer who takes your case. However I definitely would brings such a document with me if you have it as 1) what could it hurt? 2) as you say it’s not like you have the possibility of dealing with the US certificate on time anyhow.

      I personally would take heart from a couple of things
      1) The interview is generally a rubber stamp unless something’s seriously messed up. Since the birth certificate is part of the documentation that you were supposed to submit with your application I assume that they’ve seen it already and decided to let it go through since they’ve invited you for the final interview. 2) at my last interview they wouldn’t accept some official American documents (for ridiculous technical reasons) as valid but they did accept a letter from a local clergyman vouching for him as “proof” of my child’s identity. On the down side they were only willing to accept this letter from the head of a US born congregation so perhaps you could get your local clergymen to send a letter on your behalf to a local US branch of whatever church you belong to and have them vouch for you that could probably help. But as I said if they’ve invited you already you might not even need it.

  • 411. Michele Wolgel  |  October 4, 2011 at 3:10 pm

    While in most offices it’s a rubber stamp some take it very seriously and do go through every paper.
    Thus the Baptismal Certificate should work and if you can get an affidavit or 2 from people who knew you when you were born.
    Don’t know where you live but if you live someplace where there is a family registry then you would be registered as their daughter with your date of birth
    In Israel for example an ID card of a parent has all children listed.
    Lastly you must have had something with your name to get your passport

  • 412. isranglo  |  October 4, 2011 at 3:14 pm

    Ok I know it has nothing to do with the topic but as blogger and moderator (and with no ads even 🙂 ) I can allow myself that privilege once in awhile – its not like I do this all the time! For those not familiar with it there’s a free site called virtapay I use and you can sign up for at that I’ve been using for awhile. They’re trying to become an alternative to paypal. They’ve been growing incredibly quickly and they now have a thing where they give anyone who joins 100 dollars plus another twenty dollars for each day you visit and of course for referrals. The money can be used to buy digital goods at their site some of which are quite nice and which I’ve seen selling for more (and real) money elsewhere.

    Best yet they’ve started this thing where you can get all the goods for one cent apiece as long as you then click to rate what you got on a 5 star system. At the rate they’ve been expanding I think they’re going to be huge eventually and most people will have an account – so i might as well tell you about it early when you have a chance to reap the advantages and I get credit for telling you. And if you sign up it’s a nice (free) thank you for any good I may have done people here with the blog post. You don’t HAVE to sign up of course. You don’t even have to check it out if you really don’t want to. But if I don’t mention it then how will either of us know :-). My referral link again is and if you do sign up then thanks in advance. 🙂

  • 413. Michele Wolgel  |  October 4, 2011 at 3:26 pm

    It’s certainly fine that you posted about virta pay
    I would love to help you our but you need a Facebook account to join and I don’t have one

    • 414. isranglo  |  October 18, 2011 at 10:58 am

      Thanks Michele
      Anyone who has facebook can check it out and if not not. I certainly have no hard feelings but hey if I don’t speak up noone knows to even look :-).
      Thanks in any case!

  • 415. Karen Morgan  |  October 13, 2011 at 4:36 pm

    Hello. In order to prove required residence or physical presence in the U.S. Do you have any idea if I can submit tax returns for 5 years (where is the home address and paid as a permante residence), drivers license for 10 years (home address again? Do you think this is enough?
    Thank you very much.

    • 416. isranglo  |  October 18, 2011 at 11:03 am

      I don’t make the decision of course but to the best of my knowledge that’s excellent documentation. Government forms charging you money at a given address tend to be popular with the INS. A driver’s license I’m not sure of since you can get one day and then move house the next. If you have some way of showing that you were at that same address over a period of that many years it might work (for example a renewal of license sentto the same address after several years) it might work.. Tax returns tend to be sent to an official residence.

  • 417. DavidR  |  October 15, 2011 at 1:13 pm


    I wanted to thank you, Isranglo, for an incredible resource! It has given me the info I needed to get going and do this for my kids.

    I had a few questions:

    1. My Father is the Grandfather for the procedure in my case. He served for 4 years in the US Marines and I have the papers to show that. Does anyone know if that is acceptable proof for US residence during that period? Or if they’re going to wonder if he was out of the country during that time (like in Korea, for example)?

    2. I’m trying to plan a vacation in the US for when I go to do the interview. I was wondering if anyone knows how much flexibility there is for transferring my case to a different office once it is sent to an office. Is it at all possible? Will it cause delays?

    3. Does anyone have experience with the field offices in Denver or Salt Lake City? How long did you wait for an answer once you sent in the forms? How flexible were they when setting a date for the interview?

    Thanks in advance!

    – David

    • 418. Michele Wolgel  |  October 18, 2011 at 11:33 am

      To the best of my knowledge service in the U.S. Military does in fact count as time in the U.S.
      Denver is a wonderful office but they do not review the papers in advance so you need to make sure all of the papers are in order!!
      Be that as it may none of my client’s has ever had a problem and because they do not review getting a date is easy
      I filed once in Salt Lake City and they were not user friendly and did not work with email

      • 419. DavidR  |  October 23, 2011 at 8:09 am

        Thanks very much for the information!

    • 420. isranglo  |  October 18, 2011 at 1:32 pm

      glad I can help.
      1) I don’t know for sure but I think that being in the armed forces is considered the same as living on US soil. Wasn’t one of the recent presidential candidates (Ketty maybe? not sure) born outside the US to a father military man serving at a base in Germany and yet he was allowed to run for president which is only open to US born citizens.

      2) I’ve heard that transferring a case is possible but can be lengthy. I assume how the case is affected depends on the offices in question.

  • 421. Stacey Roca  |  October 17, 2011 at 10:54 pm

    Hi, wonderful site, thank you.

    I think I know the answer but;-

    My Grandfather was born in the States and moved back to Italy aged 5. Never lived there over the age of 14.
    He died in 1982 with a South African passport – Italian prisoner of war.
    NO CHANCE right!?


    • 422. isranglo  |  October 18, 2011 at 2:54 pm

      Sorry Stacey
      I lived there till almost age 12 and another year past 14 and I can’t pass it on to my kids so you’re right – this method won’t work for you

      • 423. Michele Wolgel  |  October 22, 2011 at 10:37 pm

        I want you to post important information. As of Sunday October 30th, 2011 there is no more direct filing of N600Ks
        The cases will be filed centrally through the Phoenix Lockbox.
        I am am uncertain what will then happen but i would guess they will review and that any RFEs will come from them and there will be no leeway in getting the requested paperwork back meaning more denials.They will probably mail the RFEs also giving less time to answer due to international mail.
        Also I don’t know how the cases will then get channeled to the offices of our choosing
        anyway I think anyone who is waiting to file should just send whatever they have by Fed Ex by Tuesday to one of the good offices and then they will be where they want.
        I think this is a very important message for you to send out since I know that you have this blog to help people.
        I am in fact now planning to work round the clock until Wednesday so if you could post this and also post that anyone who wants me to file for them or help them etc should contact me tomorrow or Monday!!
        They can call me at 02 590 3444.
        While obviously I will make money I really want to do it just to help people as I think you know after my help over this past year.
        If you have any questions call or email me

        • 424. Robert  |  November 10, 2011 at 1:09 pm

          We are very grateful to you for alerting everyone to the change in procedures and for your telephone assistance. We were able to submit our citizenship request at the last possible moment, and we already have received a positive response from the Providence office.

  • 425. sammyjo  |  October 20, 2011 at 4:17 pm

    quick question;
    Should i enclude the money order when sending the form and documentation?



    • 426. isranglo  |  November 3, 2011 at 8:22 pm

      quick answer 🙂 yes – it’s a filing fee and thus should be sent with the forms being filed

  • 427. DavidR  |  October 23, 2011 at 8:12 am


    This information is very timely and helpful!

    Could you list the offices you currently consider “good ones”?


    • 428. Michele Wolgel  |  October 23, 2011 at 8:23 am

      I think you know the usual
      North Carolina
      those are my top 5
      Also Denver where they don’t review first but you need to have all before you show up!
      Again not because i want to make more money and really not sleep but because people will be filing incomplete cases I would strongly recommend they contact me and use my services so that if when the offices ask for more papers I can take care of it as i have a good relationship with the clerks in those office

    • 429. Michele Wolgel  |  October 23, 2011 at 8:24 am

      Again they need to arrive at the office by Friday!!
      If you want to see the update itself send me a private email and I will scan it to you

      • 430. DavidR  |  August 21, 2012 at 7:09 pm

        I wanted to follow up by telling how my case ended.

        I sent my application in to Fresno before the deadline and was emailed by the office in the beginning of December asking when I’d like to make an appointment. We set the date for the beginning of August.

        The appointment went very smoothly. My wife was welcome to sit with us during the interview. I was asked to supply originals of just my children’s birth certificates and my Father’s military discharge papers. Within half an hour we were told to wait while the immigration officer prepared the citizenship documents. We came back after lunch and received the papers.

        One point (obvious in retrospect) for those who have not yet gone to an interview: security is very tight at government offices. I was not allowed to bring my tiny pocket knife into the building (luckily nobody found it in the bushes where we hid it during the interview). The guards were very uptight, even about my wife taking a picture of a sign outside the building entrance.

        Isranglo, thanks so much for this web page — it made going through this process a lot easier!

        – David

  • 431. Paula  |  October 23, 2011 at 9:57 am


    Would love some advice please.

    I filed my sons n600ks at the beginning of August. The two offices closest to my family are Charlotte, NC and Norfolk,Va. I chose to file them at Norfolk.

    After reading your list of good offices I am worried that I chose the wrong office and should have filed them in Charlotte not Norfolk. Does it really make a difference?

    Change you change offices? Do you think I should?

    Would appreciate any advice.

    • 432. Michele Wolgel  |  October 23, 2011 at 10:22 am

      I can move it it Charlotte if you are interested
      You are in good shape as your file is already there thus the change in filing doesn’t effect you

      • 433. Paula  |  October 23, 2011 at 10:39 am

        Thanks Michelle

        Would you mind giving me your email address so I could contact you directly please.


  • 435. Rivka  |  October 29, 2011 at 2:04 pm

    I lodged applications for my 6 children early September. I sent them to Buffalo. I have not heard anything from them at all. Is this normal?
    I did receive notification that they got the money order for the filing fees.

    • 436. Michele Wolgel  |  October 29, 2011 at 6:56 pm

      For Buffalo this is normal but remember no more sending directly to offices

  • 437. Michele Wolgel  |  October 30, 2011 at 3:56 pm

    The date has now passed for direct filing of N600Ks
    The below addresses are where to send any applications. The address depends on the method you use to send the application.
    Please note that it is still uncertain if they will simply enter the applications into the system or actually process them at the lockbox.

    P.O. Box 20100
    Phoenix, AZ 85036

    To submit an N-600K via For Express Mail or courier deliveries, use the following address:

    Attn: Form N-600K
    1820 E. Skyharbor Circle S
    Suite 100
    Phoenix, AZ 85034

    • 438. Bridget  |  November 3, 2011 at 8:48 pm

      Also take note to use the NEW N-600K form which has a spot under the signature line on Page 5 for you to enter “Preferred Interview Location” and “Preferred Date” — Note says: Interview date should be at least 90 days after filing Form N-600K and before your (the child’s) 18th Birthday.

      Date on the new forms is 08/01/11

    • 439. Maura Nic Dubdha  |  May 7, 2012 at 8:45 pm

      Dear Michelle, can I request a Preferred Location when sending forms ,because I live in Ireland

    • 441. shterny  |  October 16, 2012 at 1:55 pm

      hi michelle
      does that affect the waiting times? previously i have filed with Los Angeles directly and i still have my email contact there

      • 442. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  October 21, 2012 at 7:42 am


  • 443. Rivka  |  November 1, 2011 at 1:10 am

    I sent them in September.
    So is Buffalo a slow office?
    I remember asking on this blog what are the best offices? Somewhere I read Buffalo was quite good.
    When can I expect to hear from them?

    • 444. Michele Wolgel  |  November 1, 2011 at 7:53 am

      Buffalo is a good office you should hear soon
      If you need a specific date say in December then you should think about moving but if not it should work naturally
      Don’t worry

  • 445. Sylv  |  November 1, 2011 at 7:19 pm

    Hi! I just wanted to say thank you for all the info you’ve posted on your website!!! It’s helped me so much – I was a few weeks short of being able to transfer my US citizenship to my child (left when I was 15 and 6 or 7 months – and visited multiple times afterwards). The law should really be changed – it’s so unfair!
    I was told to provide proof that I am residing abroad (I’m in Canada on a work visa)… any idea what would be acceptable proof?
    Thanks again!!

    • 446. isranglo  |  November 3, 2011 at 8:20 pm

      I hear ya – I left just before my 12th birthday and then did another year at a US college later but it’s still not enough. On the up side think of all the people who have gotten use out of this site who might have had more trouble with their applications if I had been able to pass it on directly and not figure out the grandparent process (and then pass on that info here) so out of bad came good 🙂
      proof that you’re residing abroad? I assume a rental contract in the country you’re living in (in this case Canada) would work as would bills in your name sent to whatever address you live at from Canadian utility companies (phone, gas etc. things that are only relevant to a resident somewhere rather than something you’d buy in the store).

    • 447. Bridget  |  November 3, 2011 at 8:51 pm

      Sylv — my situation is almost exactly the same as yours, I left at 15.5 years when my family immigrated to Canada 35 years ago.

      I hadn’t seen anywhere the proof of residency in Canada, but if they ask for it I shouldn’t have any problem providing house deed, bills, employment records, etc.

      I’m a bit under the gun with my son’s application, since he turns 18 next July, but am sending in his N-600K on Monday.

  • 448. Rivka  |  November 2, 2011 at 1:02 am

    Oh, I didn’t know I would have such an option of trying to get a specific date. Actually my brother is getting married in England in 2 weeks and when I sent the applications in Sep I was sort of wishing we would be granted an appointment so we could take the whole family to the wedding and then do the citizenship in USA around the same time. I didn’t think I could do anything to hurry the process.
    Too late now I guess.

    • 449. Michele Wolgel  |  November 2, 2011 at 1:59 am

      I might be able to move it for you and get you there when you want
      Call me 02 5903444

  • 450. Karen Morgan  |  November 14, 2011 at 2:32 pm

    Hello again. I sent the files to the Hartford office and it arrive on October 29. Do you think they will keep my files there? How long does it take to get a notice of my cases status?
    Thank you again, your blog has been a great help!!!!

    • 451. isranglo  |  December 1, 2011 at 9:12 pm

      glad I could help :-). While I can’t guarantee anything of course, generally speaking I’ve never heard of them moving a case to another office once it’s accepted at one office unless the APPLICANT specifically asked for the transfer so I’d say the chances are good that if you don’t want it moved they won’t move you on their own initiative.

  • 452. Shlomo  |  November 14, 2011 at 5:18 pm

    Hi, I have send in all papers a while ago probably toward the end of September. They emailed me on September 30th letting me know that they received my case. (According the tracking number, they’ve received the forms on September 28th or 29th.) Then one day later (October 1st), I received again an email from them stating that I need to add proof of presence for my child’s grandparent. I didn’t really understand what exactly they meant by that, as I DID include a whole lot of school reports or school scripts as proof of presence for more then 5 years, more then what originally requested.

    I thought perhaps, it wasn’t clear enough or so, so I scanned all school reports and emailed it to them immediately. I have since then not received a reply. It’s about 45 days from then.

    Does anybody have any suggestion what I need to do now?

    I am already here in America, as I moved here already about two weeks ago and my son’s tourist visa may not be valid for more then 3 month total from the day we came.

    Thanks in advance for your suggestions.


    • 453. Michele Wolgel  |  November 14, 2011 at 5:53 pm

      No matter what your wife needs to be at the interview not you
      If you sent to Vermont it is very unusual that you haven’t heard yet

  • 454. Shlomo  |  November 14, 2011 at 5:24 pm

    This is a continuation of my previous comment:

    The main problem is that my wive it the one who is the american citizen and she would need to go together with my child for the interview which we will probably in St. Albany Vermont, as we’ve sent our n600k form over there. The thing is my wife is due in a bout one month and I really would like the interview to be still before my wife’s due date as afterwards it may not be possible for a little while.

    Again, any suggestion or comments are highly appreciated.

    Thanks Isranglo for this great blog.


  • 455. Michele Wolgel  |  November 14, 2011 at 5:54 pm

    If you want me to try to straighten it out you need to contact me
    We should be able to get it done ASAP
    If they have the stuff already

  • 456. Jaime  |  November 15, 2011 at 10:15 pm

    Dear Isranglo.

    You are very kind helping our kids.
    I like to know if the appointment letter would be mail to my overseas address or to the address I gave in the USA? .
    I filed N-600k form to the Washington Field office 6 months ago and still waiting……
    Best regards

    • 457. isranglo  |  December 1, 2011 at 9:17 pm

      glad to be a help 🙂 I’ve never heard of the appointment letter being mailed anywhere other than to your home address (i.e. outside the US). After all that’s what these people are set up for – to deal with kids living in other countries. If the kid lives in the US they probably wouldn’t even need the N600k.

      a 6 month wait for an appointment isn’t unusual. My waits tended to be longer than that but all got here eventually. Have patience 🙂

    • 458. Michele Wolgel  |  December 1, 2011 at 9:26 pm

      I hope that you used an address abroad if you file and say that you live at address in U.S. the cases should be denied since it would mean that you don’t reside abroad as the blogger stated if you lived in U.S. this would not be the right form
      We’ll see

  • 459. Shlomo  |  November 21, 2011 at 8:47 pm

    Thanks Michelle for the advice.

    Just when I started to worry about not receiving a respond, I received a kindly email (one week ago) from the St. Albany office inviting me for an interview and mentioning that no further evidence is required. They gave me the option to choose 3 most convenient dates and they will do their best to available at these dates.

    Just today, I received an other email confirming that my first date which is Wednesday has been confirmed. Within that email, they’ve mentioned that I MUST request an I94 when entering the US.

    The problem is that I have entered the US already with my Vise Waiver (with a European Passport) and have therefore NOT received a I94. All what I have is the ESTA and a stamp with WT in it.

    Any help, thought or advice is highly appreciated.


  • 461. Ariela  |  November 26, 2011 at 8:22 pm

    Anyone know how long it would take to get an appointment in Philadelphia? In NY? and in Chicago?

    • 462. isranglo  |  December 1, 2011 at 9:22 pm

      To give an exact figure is near impossible – I had a friend of mine who applied to Philadelphia 9 months later than me and my appointment was for 1 week ahead of her. My own times in Philly differed between the 2 times I went there. Chicago (I suspect) and certainly New York can take ages. As I’ve noted many times before here if you can stay AWAY from large immigration type areas (NY, NJ, LA). Those places are full of people wanting to stay with relatives while in the US. Better from NY to apply to someplace like Philly or Hartford and make the drive up and back that particular day then register right there in NY but wait years to get processed to begin with!

  • 463. Toby  |  November 27, 2011 at 8:10 pm

    First, thanks to all of you who contributed to the knowledge on this site. It was a tremendous help.
    I am the US citizem grandmom, who, along with daughter and grandaughter, just returned from a successful trip. We filed in early Sept to the Baltimore office and were sent an invite within 10 days to be present for the interview on Nov 16. When our turn came, my daughter was called in to reiterate some of the stuff that was on the form we had filled out and sent to them, and then was asked to sign.
    We were then told to wait a bit, and eventually given the certificate. All rather straightforward.
    At the interview my daughter was told that she should apply for an emergency passport for her daughter in order to leave the US, but in accordance with the advice given on this site we did not do so, and had no trouble leaving the US with her Israeli passport.
    I realize that in accordance with the new filing rules there may be changes in the procedures, but for this time around it was all rather easy if you have enough supporting paperwork, at least in the Balto office.
    Again, thanks for the help.

    • 464. isranglo  |  December 1, 2011 at 9:24 pm

      Glad you had a successful visit and that you know thanks to my experience that the emergency passport is unnecessary and to immigration officials even annoying (since they want you going out on the passport you came in on so their records will be nice and neat.

  • 465. Karen Morgan  |  December 1, 2011 at 7:42 pm

    Hello. I am trying to download the form but it says “expires 11/30/2011”. So my question is do you have any idea when are they going to update form?
    Thanks again,


  • 466. sally  |  December 16, 2011 at 8:45 pm

    Do you have any information about recieving $1000 from U.S. goverment for children?

    • 467. isranglo  |  January 13, 2012 at 1:12 pm

      I’ve used these guys for a number of years now Feel free to tell them you heard about them through this blog. Not that they’ve ever offered me anything for my advertising but you never know :-). In any case they do do a good job for me and I get my money pretty fast and I believe in advertising those who have done a good job for me. Please note though that neither they (or anyone else I’d guess) will apply for the money for you unless you’ve already submitted your FBAR for the years you’re applying for. Of course the FBAR is a legal requirement for all Americans living abroad anyhow so you should be doing that regardless.

  • 468. assaf  |  January 2, 2012 at 3:24 pm

    karen – see

    Note on Expiration: USCIS continues to accept the 08/01/11 edition of Form N-600K (the form currently available for download on this page), despite the passing of the form’s expiration date. An updated from with a new expiration date will be posted as soon as it becomes available.

    This page can be found at

    Last updated:12/08/2011

  • 469. andrewandaimee  |  January 13, 2012 at 10:54 am

    Hi, I have a question regarding the oath? My daughter is 5 presently and I’m hoping to begin this application process. Will she have to renounce her other citizenship even though the other country allows dual citizenship? I have family living in both countries so this presents some problems. I thought the US allows dual citizenship. What have been the experiences of others in this situation?

  • 470. Michele Wolgel  |  January 13, 2012 at 12:49 pm

    To all of you who might be eligible to register your children here but have been denied, meaning both parents are USCs who never lived there for a long time. I am working on fixing this and might be suing the Department of State.
    If this effects you then contact me if not read the article in case you know someone who it might effect.


  • 471. isranglo  |  January 13, 2012 at 1:32 pm

    Just a technical note. I sometimes get posts here that are either 1) addressed to Michelle 2) on related but not focused on the post’s topic or 3) both. So just to be clear

    1) Michelle doesn’t run the blog – I do and I’m not a lawyer. Michelle has been kind enough to on her own initiative join this forum and post and give advice but she’s also a professional who (based on her helpful advice here) is definitely someone you’ll want to consider consulting regarding either a) the more complex details of the N600k or b) personal issues of immigration (or other legal things as advertised on her site

    2) The focus of this blog is the N600k for the vast majority who don’t have special complications and want to get their kids citizenship. I’m not giving the scope for individual cases that can’t help the general public in order not to get unfocused. If you have the paperwork needed and don’t understand questions this is the place for you. If you have specific questions pertinent to your case only such as parents with unorthodox travel histories or unusual documentation methods (“my parents lived 60 years in the states but never kept any documentation except for newspaper articles advertising their performances with their glee club and their official glee club memberships – will that prove their citizenship and does it matter that the glee club is based in Iowa” and so forth) then you should contact Michelle or whatever immigration lawyer you choose to discuss your case with them personally as I can’t help you with it, it doesn’t help the main visiting body here and for your own sake you’ll want advice from someone who has experience of dealing with complex cases.
    Thanks for understanding and thanks to Michelle for her advice here to those people with general questions that benefit the public (which is why I’ve posted your site link Michelle though I know you’ve never asked me to).

    • 472. Michele Wolgel  |  January 13, 2012 at 1:40 pm

      Just wanted to say thanks
      I think you said it all

  • 473. Jaime  |  January 13, 2012 at 4:02 pm

    Dear Isranglo, Ref N-600K

    I am a US citizen by naturalization. My children were born abroad before my naturalization. At the present time I live with my children and wife overseas. I just got a reply from USCIS asking me to prove that I have physical custody of my children. I am not sure what is the best way to prove it.Could you please assist me with this matter?

    Many thanks


    • 474. Michele Wolgel  |  January 14, 2012 at 7:23 pm

      I don’t understand under what section you applied if you obtained Citizenship after your children were born..It sounds like you need help in order to get your children Citizenship.

      • 475. jaime  |  January 15, 2012 at 3:51 am

        Dear Michele,
        Thanks for your reply.I was naturalized in 2010 ,after complying with the green card requirement of living more than 2 and a half years ( 900 days) in the USA within the preceding 5 years .My children were born abroad in 2005 and 2009.At the present time I am living abroad with my children and wife. I filed form N-600k on behalf of them as children born abroad of a USA citizen.I just got an answer from USCIS asking me to prove that I have physical custody of my children .Apparently if I can prove that my petition will be approved. I am not sure how I can demonstrate that I do have physical custody .
        Many thanks for your assistance.

        • 476. Michele Wolgel  |  January 15, 2012 at 7:20 am

          I know how to prove custody and would be happy to help however as far as I know you cannot Naturalize your children through N600K as your 5 years of presence needed to be before they were born.
          I believe that whoever reviewed missed this but it should be picked up when you send back the other proof.
          Again in order for me to help you need to contact me personally and not through the blog see post 465.
          Michele Wolgel

          • 477. jaime  |  January 15, 2012 at 2:36 pm

            Hi Michele,

            I forgot to mention that before I got the green card and naturalized , I lived in the States for 7 years while doing medical training. This time counts for the 5 years of physical presence needed as required by the form N-600k .

            This is the reply that I received form USCIS 7 months after sending the form:

            ” Your N-600K application you filed on behalf of your children are now being process.In accordance with section 322 of the INA, all of the conditions as stated above must be fulfilled.However, before your application can be adjudicated the following documents are needed:

            1.Please provide proof that you, xxxxx), the United States citizen of xxxxxx have physical custody of all your children.

            2.Please provide a copy of your US Passport, including all pages regardless of any entry or exit stamps.

            3.Proof that your children lives is a residential property that you either own or maintain.

            Please mail the requested evidence along with this letter to xxxxx.You have 87 days to respond to this request………..”

            Many thanks,


            • 478. Michele Wolgel  |  January 15, 2012 at 2:48 pm

              Again you need to contact me directly

  • 479. charles smith  |  January 19, 2012 at 5:08 pm

    Hi, so wonderful to find this blog. I want to claim the us citizenship for my son who was born in Germany. I am a US citizen by birth but spent less than 5 years in the states. My Dad is a US citizen by birth (was in the army in Germany) and still lives in the States so I assume the grandfather rule should work. However I have problems filling out the N-600K form. Where do put the information about my dad (the grandfather) ? Part 3 is about my son, part 4 about me and part 5 about my wife.. Anybody who can help? And did I understand correctly I have to pay 600 dollars along with the application?
    Thankful for any help

    • 480. adam  |  February 9, 2012 at 5:57 am

      i just want to thank michele
      we are a couple thats not married with 2 children – i am the american citizen and michele got us the date for an interview
      on the bases of my mother wich was an american
      so thank you very much and good luck to any one in the same
      situation – this is a very helpful blog

  • 481. lee  |  January 23, 2012 at 2:31 pm

    I have filled the n600k in september through the CT office, and still have not hear anything yet.
    Is this normal? should I try to get in contact with them? is it even possible?
    Thank you for ou reply.

  • 482. lee  |  January 25, 2012 at 1:47 pm

    Two days after I posted my question I got a letter in the mail that I need to send more proof of the Grandperents physical presence.
    thanks anywhay.

    • 483. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  May 6, 2012 at 9:26 am

      Glad to hear you heard from them. They are in fact a slow office and they ask for a lot of proof. if you need any help with the proof you can contact me

  • 484. Laura  |  February 5, 2012 at 5:17 pm

    Thank you so much, you have helped me a alot !!!
    But i have one problem. 😦
    When signing the Forms N-400, Application for Naturalization.
    There are 3 options.
    Your applying for citizenship because Your parents are citizens or your adopted….. or your parents have died…..
    I am applying through grandparents, and none of the above.
    What do i do, please help me !!!!

  • 485. Ana  |  February 5, 2012 at 6:06 pm


    I would like to know if there is a chance to become a US citizen,
    if a grandfather had USA citizenship, but died before the grandchild was born. If I would live in US for 5 years now, could it work out?
    And does it matter if I study or would I have to work?



    • 486. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  February 29, 2012 at 8:19 am

      It all depends on if one of your parents is a USC, your going to U.S. for 5 years does nothing except for possibly making you an illegal overstay as normally a Tourist can stay for 6 months and possibly extend to a year

  • 487. Brian  |  February 15, 2012 at 9:12 pm

    Hi Adam,
    Well done on getting an interview date. By the way where did you file and how long did it take to process?
    My son is 17 so it’s time critical that I use a USCIS office that does not have much delays in processing.

    • 488. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  February 29, 2012 at 8:06 am

      If your son is 17 you need to file ASAP in answer to your question and another one posted it takes at least 2 months to get from the Central system to the office that you ask for.
      I took care of Adam’s case so he went to a good office and it went quickly but that is no longer the case.
      I have cases that have still not gotten to the office from Arizona and they were sent in November and December
      Also some cases were sent to offices other than the ones we asked for so the clerks in the offices that I use have been getting them back.
      I think this answered the other question posted as to how long it takes.
      To the person who said they filed in November and have not heard i can get find the file for you if you want to pay for the help

  • 489. Avi  |  February 19, 2012 at 5:15 pm


    Does anybody have any information about the progress/status of applications which have been filed under the new rules (to the central site), after Nov. 1st, 2010?

    We filed in early November, got a message that the application was received, and nothing else since.

    Thanks ahead for sharing any experience.


    • 490. Bridget in Canada  |  February 29, 2012 at 8:02 pm

      I filed through the lockbox – mailed application 08Nov11, received I-797C (Notice of Action) dated 15Nov11, stating it had been received. A receipt number was on the I-797C form. I attempted to sign up for the on-line status updates with the USCIS, and the website told me the “receipt number was not found.” I called the Customer Service Centre and was told by a 2nd Level customer service rep that with the change to the central Lock Box, receipt numbers are being issued for N600-K applications, however they are not trackable on-line. On my original application I had requested an interview date of 02Mar12 at the Buffalo, NY field office. I live in Ontario, Canada, so the Buffalo office is the closest for me, although a 9 hour drive for myself and a 4 hr drive from a different direction, for my son, who is away at university.

      On 16Jan12 I received a “request for further evidence” (dated 05Jan12) requesting my son’s Canadian “long form birth certificate” I was able to order this on line and sent it to the Buffalo office on 19Jan12, and postal tracking indicated the Buffalo field office received it on 23Jan12. I assume that since that was the only information they were requesting, that they found the rest of the provided documentation sufficient to support our case.

      Since then, absolutely nothing. Unless we get something in the mail today, we obviously will not be getting our requested interview date of 02Mar12, which is disappointing on two fronts (1) we applied well within the required time period before our requested interview date and forwarded them the requested extra information without delay; (2) because of my own work schedule and my son’s university studies, the next available date we can make it down to Buffalo would be Friday, March 30th.

      I have tried on three separate occasions since the further information was sent to the Buffalo field office to try to find out the status of our application by calling the USCIS National Customer Service Centre. The answer I keep getting there is no way to track the progress of the application once it goes out to the field office and I just have to wait for further correspondence. There is no way to telephone the Buffalo field office to try get an update directly. The customer service rep I spoke to yesterday suggested I send a letter to the Buffalo field office notifying them of our next available date for the interview.

      Anyone else care to share their “post Phoenix Lock Box” experience?

      • 491. Bridget in Canada  |  March 3, 2012 at 5:17 am

        Update — today, on the date we requested for our interview date in Buffalo, we received notice of our appointment date — March 28th. The letter indicated that if there was no possible way we could be there on that date, we could e-mail to negotiate another date, but only on Tuesdays. Since Tuesdays would be even worse, we’re going to make the March 28th date work one way or another!

      • 492. Martin Tenney  |  April 15, 2012 at 6:56 am

        Hi. Avi asked about this in post 496 and I described my experience with the LockBox in post 497. Note the email address which after 2 weeks sent me, among other things, the phone number of the field office of my choice. Good luck.

      • 493. Avi  |  April 15, 2012 at 11:19 am

        Hi Bridget,
        Thanks a lot for your direct answer to me, apparently I have missed your original post. Will update about my experience, as things evollve.


    • 494. Bridget in Canada  |  May 6, 2012 at 11:11 pm

      Last update from me — we did travel to Buffalo on March 28th for my son’s hearing. Everything went smoothly there, and we then proceeded to the Social Security office to apply for his social security number. We went there first at the recommendation of the official with whom we had the citizenship hearing, since she said the Social Security people would only need to look at the certificate, and the certificate itself would have to go with the passport application. Got through the social security office fairly quickly and proceeded to the Post Office to submit application for US passport (I had already filled out the application ahead of time and had a copy with us). There was no problem with having the passport mailed to our Canadian address, and the passport and original citizenship application arrived in the mail about 2 weeks ago. We have not yet received the social security card.

      • 495. Bridget in Canada  |  June 13, 2012 at 1:53 am

        I said “last update” but figured you’d want to hear that today (June 12, 2012) we finally received his Social Security card in the mail.

  • 496. Michele Wolgel  |  February 21, 2012 at 2:55 pm

    For those of you who follow this blog there are many issues going on that effect those who can register their children abroad
    I have started a website on facebook addressing this issue
    I think it is an interesting and informative read
    Whether or not you have facebook you can read it
    If you have please like it


  • 497. Maura Nic Dubdha  |  February 28, 2012 at 9:27 pm

    I am a grandmother about to give my citizianship to my 3 grandchildren aged 5yrs 3yrs and 9mnts ,my daughter is a US citizan , but never lived in U S ,has visited the U S ,if I fill out the N600k form send all dockumention to U S is that enough ,what is the hartford address please thank you Maura

    • 498. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  February 29, 2012 at 8:16 am

      You cannot file directly with any office so you don’t need the address of Hartford you need the address of the new service center in Arizona
      It is on the blog see my post number 435 above.

  • 499. Brian  |  February 29, 2012 at 11:40 am

    You cant send it to Hartford anymore the new system requires you to send it to a lock box in AZ. All instructions and new forms here:

    Read the instructions carefully and don’t assume anything!

  • 500. Karen  |  February 29, 2012 at 8:16 pm

    Hello again. I sent all the info and I got a receipt on my case on Dec 27th (with the number of my case). At the moment I did not have any other information. Do you have any idea how much do i have to wait for a response?
    Kind regards,

  • 501. Rivi  |  March 9, 2012 at 10:57 am

    I will start with thanking you for your time.

    I am applying N-600K for my biological child based on my mother’s
    (his grandmother) presence as a citizen in United states for many years.

    I have two questions please

    1. I was told that if we go to Connecticut for an interview it will be quicker. Do I send my request to the same address that I want my interview to take place?

    2. my son is 17.5 he most be under 18 when the inrerview takes place or as long as i send my request before the age of 18 we are fine ?
    Thanks again

  • 502. Rivka  |  March 16, 2012 at 1:02 am

    We submitted our applications in September to Buffalo and by November got a letter asking us to come to an interview in June. I changed the date almost straight away to 2 weeks later, then just the other day I asked for it to be brought forward one day to suit our flights.
    Would it be possible to ask them to transfer our file to Hartford, CT? Getting to Buffalo from Australia with 6 kids is proving to be difficult. Expensive flights, lots of changeovers etc and its hard.
    We are going to be in NY, so like this we would just drive to Hartford the day of our interview and back.
    But I would need to have the interview the same time as it is scheduled in Buffalo bc we have booked our trip to USA around that date.
    Can someone advise?
    I don’t want to jeopardise the whole thing by asking them, so if its not worth it…..
    What do you think?

    • 503. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  March 16, 2012 at 8:05 am

      Hartford will not even process it until 6 months after they get it and can rereview it
      You got lucky in Buffalo they are nicer to deal with than Hartford.

  • 504. Brian  |  March 16, 2012 at 9:31 am

    Hi Rivka

    I would be wary of changing it now as it could cause a delay.
    When I requested Vermont to send my application to Hartford for interview it took well over a month before I got a reply back from them, granted this is a different request so who knows.

    Assuming you are flying into New York, Buffalo is only an extra four and a half hours drive compared to Hartford, and while you are up there you can take the opportunity to see the Niagara falls.

    Personally if it was me and time was really tight I would set off at 4am in the morning and red-eye it back to New York that night rather then take the risk that Hartford can’t offer the same date. But maybe jet lag from OZ would make something like that impossible so I hope you can find a solution that works for you.


  • 505. Rivka  |  March 17, 2012 at 1:06 pm

    Thanks Brian
    Til now the woman I have been corresponding with has answered me within a day. I asked her if it is an option to send to Hartford and explained it has to be between our dates of travel.
    I am hoping she will respond before she goes ahead and transfers our file or does anything, because no we can’t come a month later, our tickets are booked!
    We were going to fly LA-Toronto bc Buffalo is 1 1/2 hours from Toronto, but getting to Canada is proving to be very expensive, out of the way, lots of stopovers etc. So if we have the option to avoid it, I would love to.
    My husband is worried that once Hartford gets the file, they may review it again and perhaps change their assessment or ask for additional material, is that possible?

  • 506. Brian  |  March 17, 2012 at 10:34 pm

    Hi Rivka
    If you look at post 325 it would suggest that once reviewed you can have the interview anywhere without it being reviewed again.

    However in 2010 I sent mine to Vermont and received a letter of “Notice of Action” requesting interview location, I chose Hartford and they processed and reviewed my application not Vermont.
    I found the interview process just a formality as they asked to see only one document from me with no questions at all and I was in and out in less than 45 minutes. So it would seem to be a case of once the decision is made that’s it!
    So would they review it again after it’s been approved and signed off by another office? It doesn’t sound likely to me so you could be alright.

    If you are going to change the office location for interview you may as well change it to somewhere a lot closer to you such as Hawaii or on the west coast. As well as saving flying time and hassles your flights could be as much as $600 per person cheaper.

    Another place you can get info is on the britishexpats dot com. They have a US immigration section on there which I found to be great help.


  • 507. Rivi  |  March 19, 2012 at 9:24 am

    I posted my question as u can see on march 9th but it did not go thru si I am asking again please

    482. Rivi | March 9, 2012 at 10:57 am

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    I will start with thanking you for your time.

    I am applying N-600K for my biological child based on my mother’s
    (his grandmother) presence as a citizen in United states for many years.

    I have two questions please

    1. I was told that if we go to Connecticut for an interview it will be quicker. Do I send my request to the same address that I want my interview to take place?

    2. my son is 17.5 he most be under 18 when the inrerview takes place or as long as i send my request before the age of 18 we are fine ?
    Thanks again

    • 508. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  April 15, 2012 at 7:28 am

      Your son needs to receive his interview/citizenship before his 18th Birthday or it is gone.
      The lock box is supposed to send these directly to the office of your choice it you label it properly. I would not recomend CT to then process it quickly. If you would like my assistance you can call me. If not good luck on your own
      Michele Coven Wolgel

  • 509. RC  |  March 20, 2012 at 6:00 am

    I have a complicated case wherein I am married to a non-US citizen and I was born in the US (thus have the passport). I only stayed there for a couple of year after birth. My father lived there for several years and moved out in 1987. I was born in 1984. My father died in 1996 outside the US.
    Now i have 2 kids (5 years & 10 months old), I want to apply for US passport for them and want to apply for it using Grandparent’s route.

    The problem is that I dont have much documentation for my father. I have his passport but its written “cancelled” on it. I took it to the US consulate in HK (where I live) and they say that they cant accept it as it written cancelled on it. Now i dont know why the p[assport was caneclled, may he my dad applied for a new passport. I don’t have any details.
    For a proof that he stayed in the US, I can ask the Univ. of Texas Austin from where he did his PHD. I am not sure whether the univ. will offer to send this letter but I can try.
    Also I can probably ask his former employer in US. It was 20 years ago so I am not sure whether I can get this documentation.
    Please let me know what else I can do. If I cant find another passport of my dad, will USCIS still consider my case ? based on the above letters from Univ or employer and using my dad’s passport number? Will they have record in their system that my dad was a US citizen .

    Please help with your comments. Thanks a lot!

    • 510. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  April 15, 2012 at 7:26 am

      The Grandfather route has nothing to do withe the consul/Embassy where you are living. As per all of the instructions on this helpful site you need to prepare your case and then file through Arizona asking for the office of your choice. In general colleges do in fact provide transcript forever and passports are not proof of much. Last cancelled usually means that a new passport was filed for

    • 511. Dorotheen Strass  |  July 6, 2012 at 10:59 am

      RC if your father was born in the US and you know what state and his date of birth you can get a certified copy of his birth certificate. If he was naturalised as a US citizen you should be able to get a certified copy of this if you know where he was naturalised – just google the official offices in that state and ask for getting copies. Beware of the sharks that pop up at the top of Google links that want you to pay via credit card, usually a much higher fee, than the official sites from the states. Get a copy of your father’s transcript from the U of Texas and a copy of any diploma he has received and send that to him – keep all originals for the interview. Apparently you can also get an affidavit from either an employer who is a US citizen or even a friend who is a citizen and can swear that he lived in the US for 5 years, 2 over the age of 14. Good luck!

  • 512. lee  |  March 25, 2012 at 10:34 am

    I’ve submitted our n600k application in September of 2011 in Hartford, and received a notice by mail in January of 2012 that they need more documents. of course I sent it ASAP and have not heard anything yet.
    In their letter I have a file number, but can not figure out how to check the status of the file number. Is there any way to find out, or do I just have to wait until I get another letter?
    thanks Lee

    • 513. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  March 25, 2012 at 10:44 am

      I can find out what the status is and help you with the RFE
      Of course I charge for this service but it does exist

      • 514. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  April 15, 2012 at 7:31 am

        This last post of mine does not appear to have gone through so in general I can check case status with many offices directly but I do charge for this service.

    • 515. jaime  |  March 25, 2012 at 4:39 pm

      Hi Lee

      There is no way to track the status of the file number.In my case, after I submitted the requested additional documents, I was contacted after 4 weeks by email and regular mail asking me to set a date for the interview which we have on april 9, 2012 in Washington DC.
      Good luck and be patient ( not easy)


  • 516. Martin Tenney  |  March 29, 2012 at 5:03 pm

    Greetings Isranglo.
    I return to your wonderful blog after almost three years as I am in the middle (or hopefully near the end) of preparing for another family junket to New England to get citizenship for our third grandchild. Since, thanks to your treasure trove of tips here, I succeeded doing the process for the 2 older ones thru the Portland Maine field office, I started out again only to discover that things had changed. Based on my previous experience, where I had sent my stuff to the field office in June and received the letter of invitation 2 months thereafter, I assumed that I was fine until I went to the USCIS website. What you knew, but I didn’t, is that they have managed to complicate matters by adding a few new hurdles to the track. The ominous sounding LOCKBOX (does it only sound daunting to my ears?) and after that, the National Benefits Center. I Fedexed all my documentation along with a certified bank check for $600 (wow, did they up the ante!). Package was signed for on March 19. Two days later I even get an email. Great, but what is written there isn’t really music to my ears. They gave me a receipt number, supposedly to allow one to check “My Case Status” on the USCIS website (up till now the number they gave me is rejected) and also informing me that a form I-797 would be sent by snail mail within 10 days, and before receiving that, no progress or inquiries could be made on the case. So here I am, chewing my finger nails because the travel agent is telling me that already now it is getting hard to book tickets for late July, and I am looking at another 2 weeks waiting for the next step with USCIS. Unacceptable, but what can one do? My brother pointed me in the direction of a useful website ( which is useful in helping one get passed those interminable voice menus when trying to get a human being at government agencies. I did get thru to the 800 number of USCIS but to little avail. They just couldn’t get their heads around my quandrum nor, G*d forbid, think of some work around. The lady assured me that there is no way to reach a field office by phone, and if you ask my supervisor, she will give you the same answer. Great! Finally, in desperation, I noticed something on the USCIS page saying “If you receive no response within 21 days of contacting the Service Center, you may contact the USCIS Headquarters Office of Service Center Operations by email at Never mind the 21 day thing. Like a drowning man reaching for a straw, I wrote them that I needed to get info about a date, and was there anyway to be in touch with the intended field office? I almost forgot about having sent the mail, being so sure it would get lost in the government labyrinth, but lo and behold, to my astonishment (and 15 days after having sent my mail) I yesterday got a direct email from Jessica Martin, an officer at the field office of my choice (Portland, Maine) informing me that, assuming the documents would be approved, we could count on an interview date at the end of July. She also put in her phone number (although I had been assured by the USCIS support center that there is no way to reach a field office by phone). Having nothing to lose, I rang the number, and WOW, who picks up the phone after 2 rings? Ms. Martin! Helpful and friendly and assuring me that I can call whenever I have a question. How sweet is that!? Then today I get another mail from one of her colleagues there, saying “the whole summer is pretty much open so you can chose the date right for your family.” and again inviting me to call if I had any further questions. Of course I did, and again, a very pleasant conversation.
    Bottom line is, I can now book my tickets and plan to meet new friends in Portland, Maine this summer (oh ya, and get little Tomer’s flag)!
    I know this is a long opus, so If you want to trim it down before posting it (assuming there is something useful here for others) no problem.
    Thanks again for your great blog.

  • 517. Cortesal (@Cortesal)  |  April 3, 2012 at 5:17 am

    A question about Part 4 Question G for form N-600K asking about dates of physical presence in the US for the child’s US parent. I have way to many physical presence trips to the US than I can recall, a lot lasting a week or less. How detailed does this list have to be?. What is the relevance of this section since I am using the grandparent physical presence in the US to request citizenship and not my own. Some guidance appreciated.

  • 518. Avi  |  April 11, 2012 at 11:05 am


    Does anybody have any information about the progress/status of applications which have been filed under the new rules (to the central site), after Nov. 1st, 2011?

    We filed in early November, got a message that the application was received, and nothing else since (4.5 months).

    Does anybody know where the status of the application can be determined?

    Thanks ahead for sharing any experience.


    • 519. Martin Tenney  |  April 11, 2012 at 1:26 pm

      Hi Avi,
      I made a long post a couple of weeks ago (maybe too long because Mr. Isralngo didn’t approve it). As I wrote in my post, I too was worried about what had happened to my documents once they arrived at the “Lockbox” in Phoenix. They may have sent you confirmation of receiving the documents, and may even have sent you a number which is supposed to arrive by regular mail on an I-797 form. This is what happened for me, but the tracking number they give you doesn’t work in the UCSIS site. In desperation needing to know (I had to make ticket reservations for the family to go to the States) I sent a free text mail to:
      explaining to them what my problem was, mentioning the name of the applicant etc, and also at which USCIS field office I preferred to be interviewed (in my case, Portland, Maine). Although I had been assured at the USCIS 1-800 number that there is no way to talk by phone to a field office, lo and behold, after about 2 weeks, my email was answered, including phone numbers for the field office. I have since spoken to them and exchanged emails directly with them. They are very helpful and kind and seem just to be waiting to assist. Feel free to contact me directly at my email:, Hag Sameach.

      • 520. isranglo  |  April 15, 2012 at 2:05 am

        oh it was a very nice letter indeed Martin. I thought I HAD approved it but obviously did something wrong. In any event the important thing is that all worked out nicely 🙂

        • 521. Martin Tenney  |  April 15, 2012 at 6:48 am

          Thanks for the compliments on my letter, and for posting it in the blog. You wouldn’t believe the personal and friendly ongoing exchange of e-mails that I am having with the clerk in Portland, ME. I get the impression they are sitting there twiddling their thumbs waiting for something to happen and thus are pleased to be able to have something about which to exchange mails.

  • 522. talya  |  April 24, 2012 at 1:40 pm

    Thank you very much for all the information you provide here.
    I am trying to apply for citizenship for my children with the N600-k through my mother. The only documents I have for proof of residency is one diploma. So I was wondering if the birth certificates of her six children (who were all born in the states) would be proof that she was a resident for six years?



    • 523. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  May 6, 2012 at 8:58 am

      The birth certificates will help but she should also order a transcript from where ever she has diploma from

  • 524. Martha  |  April 25, 2012 at 3:47 pm

    Hi I have applied for my son to have citizenship using the N600k form. We live in the UK and have been told we have to attend an interview in the US. Has anyone ever been able to have this interview at the US Embassy in the UK. We are running out of time, his 18th is next Tuesday and there is no way we can get to the states and so he will be unable to get his citizenship.

    • 525. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  May 6, 2012 at 8:56 am

      Unless your son can get his interview by next week he will not get Citizenship!!!
      If you already filed where and when with the right connections it is still possible to do it
      If you need my help call or email me
      Israel 25903444

    • 526. Martin Tenney  |  May 6, 2012 at 10:19 am

      Hello Martha,
      To the best of my knowledge, and from everything I have gleaned from this wonderful blog, the interview must take place in the States at a field office of the USCIS. As explained in the blog, the field office should be in some out of the way place where they don’t handle a lot of immigrants. I am a great fan of the office in Portland, Maine. Feel free to contact me by mail if you have further questions.

      • 527. isranglo  |  June 11, 2012 at 5:58 pm

        as I had a great time in Portland Oregon my last time around it would seem that anyone going for Portland’s ok coast to coast regardless of which state they choose 🙂

  • 528. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  May 6, 2012 at 9:24 am

    CT is not an accommodating office and has not been so for several years.There are offices that will rush it but you will need to send the files ASAP. I would be happy to help.

  • 529. Steven Edell  |  May 7, 2012 at 9:43 pm

    This is a great site! Kudos to all! I’ve read all the posts and did not see my particular problem: I am the grandfather, lived in the US until I was 27 years old, but do not have my original birth certificate. Lost it someplace. I applied for a copy with, I faxed them all the information they wanted, including a copy of my current passport. I live in Israel now so gave them my step-son’s mailing address in Silver Spring MD. I received back two rejection notices from the New York City Office of Vital Records, the first stating, “Two different proofs of address are needed if ID is expired” [ID – passport – was not expired!]. The second one stated, “The utility bill address has to be current with 60 days” ???

    Am I missing something? They have an email address, and a fax, but not a direct telephone listed.

    Any help is much appreciated!

    • 530. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  June 11, 2012 at 5:48 pm

      I believe I spoke to you already but I can help you if are willing to send me papers to translate I will tell you what you need

  • 531. Jerry Delgado  |  May 14, 2012 at 5:45 pm

    I am trying to get citizenship for my son. I am a US citizen and lived in the US for AROUND five years. My deceased USC father lived in the US for more than five years. Since I don’t know how the five years are accounted for (ie date to date, 5 times 365 days, is there flexibility, not…), do you recommend applying first for automatic citizenship at birth and then go for the grandfather? Does a rejection for automatic citizenship precludes using the granfather?

    • 532. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  June 11, 2012 at 5:52 pm

      You can try first it has to be 365 times 5
      If you feel you can switch to Grandfather

    • 533. isranglo  |  June 11, 2012 at 5:54 pm

      the answer is there ISN’T any exact answer to this. the requirement is 5 years (at least 2 above the age of 14. The onus is upon you to satisfy your case officer through the proof you have that you qualify and the decision is his to decide whether or not to accept your argument that you do. It’s really a personal call in the end (though I suppose if you’re really convinced of it and your case rejected you could always try the courts).

      I don’t know for sure but I can’t imagine why a rejected application would in any way affect your ability to then go the grandfather route. your argument would be that you believe that you have the requisite time but an INS official determined that you don’t and based on his decision you’re going with this route. You didn’t use the grandfather route initially because you believed them to qualify automatically through you.

      As to your question of whether you should try the automatic route first that really depends on the nature and quality of your proof of personal residence in the US.

  • 535. eli  |  May 16, 2012 at 2:48 am

    I am wondering if my anyone could help me out. My father became an American citizen within the last 15 years or so, but I am not. Can i still make my kids citizens through him and his citizenship?

    • 536. isranglo  |  June 11, 2012 at 5:48 pm

      I’m sure Michelle will correct me if I’m wrong but I think the very nature of this citizenship method requires that the parent be a US citizen themselves (just one without the power to personally transfer their citizenship to their kids). It doesn’t skip a generation.

      • 537. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  June 11, 2012 at 5:51 pm

        You are completely correct parent cannot be lower level than children and must be a USC

  • 538. Julie  |  May 16, 2012 at 8:58 pm

    Can parents choose which field office to go to for the meeting or do all meetings take place in

  • 539. Rivka  |  May 30, 2012 at 4:13 am

    My father’s birth certificate is in Russian. I am told that I need to bring it translated into English to our interview.
    How do I go about this? Does it need to be translated by a professional and notarised? Or can I just have it translated?

  • 540. Brian  |  May 30, 2012 at 7:56 am

    Hi Rivka

    You can’t do it and it needs to be done by a non family member. We used a family friend but we pretty much done it for them so all they had to do was check it over and if they were happy with it they could sign it.
    We also did not have our translated documents notarized only a signed and sworn statement from the translator as follows: I, “Name of translator”, certify that I am fluent in English and Russian languages, that I am competent to perform the translation and that the above translation is a true, accurate and complete translation of the original document entitled “Document name”. Followed by signature, date and contact details of the translator including phone number.

    Perhaps you could contact the Russian embassy or their website for info on approved or listed translators, this should guarantee that you will have no problems with them accepting your translated document at the interview.


  • 541. Karen  |  June 11, 2012 at 2:46 pm

    Hello everyone!
    Just to let you know I got an appointment from the Albany Office!! I sent the forms in december thru the lockbox.
    I want to help Isranglo for the comitment of these blog, and Michele for helping me with the process very quick and professionally.

    • 542. isranglo  |  June 11, 2012 at 5:44 pm

      glad to hear that you’re on your way to the interview. I’d say have a fun trip but I admit ignorance as to what there is to see in Albany – if anyone has any suggestions though I’m open to hearing them before all the Albany natives here attack me 🙂

  • 543. Rivka  |  June 16, 2012 at 3:56 pm

    We are leaving in a few days from Australia to US for our interview
    on the letter it says to bring the originals of all teh documents.
    Does this apply to my father’s birth certificate? Naturalisation certificate? The deed to his house which he doesn’t have anymore?etc. I can’t bring his original documents with me around the world. doesn’t make sense.
    Someone please clarify before we leave

    • 544. Brian  |  June 16, 2012 at 6:33 pm

      You must bring all the originals of the documents that you have submitted copies of or any others that they have since requested, as they may ask to see all or only some of them.
      For security it is best not to place them in the hold of the plane but take them on board with you, as airlines sometimes loose luggage from time to time.

  • 545. Rivka  |  June 17, 2012 at 2:19 pm

    What if I don’t have the originals?
    My father can’t find his birth certificate since I copied it
    I don’t have the originals of my siblings birth certificates/US passports-they live in a different country to me

  • 546. Brian  |  June 17, 2012 at 11:07 pm

    I think you know what the worst outcome might be.

    I can’t advise you on how best to handle this situation as I am not an immigration attorney!! But I can tell you on my interview they only asked to see one original document. Every case is different so they may ask you for more.

    From the documents you mention that are missing it would seem that they are being used to prove your fathers US citizenship and also his physical presence.

    Has your father got a current non expired US passport? This is an document that is listed as proof of Citizenship, the others being a US Birth Cert and Naturalization Cert.

    If your father was Naturalized at a Court House they most probably have now sent these records to The National Archives. Your father can Fax a signed letter (together with the copy of the original cert to help them find the file) to this local office requesting copies and they can send these documents to the address you are staying in the US for expedience. Their copies will be signed and stamped for authenticity so should be as good as the real thing.

    There will be a charge for this. You can find the list of National Archives office at http://www.archives dot gov/locations/ ( I don’t know if this thread allows links so you need to replace dot with “.”) I have used them and found them extremely helpful so give them a ring and see what they can do for you. Just for you to know my father was Naturalized in the 1960’s and is now deceased. I faxed them a copy of his death cert and I received all his Naturalization documents.

    It may also be helpful if you get a signed and witnessed statement from him stating that he has since misplaced the original documents as well.

    Good luck

    • 547. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  June 18, 2012 at 7:08 am

      That was a very good and informative answer and I am an Immigration lawyer. Some office do check all documents and some don’t. You are supposed to have them in case if the appointment letter states that you need them. Again they might not look at anything but they can and can deny if you don’t have..You sent only copies and they need to make sure the copies are real.The advice on getting proof of Naturalization very good, but if you have old originals the safest is to bring them and be careful. If what you have is copies already you usually can order originals. Good luck! Michele

      • 548. Rivka  |  June 19, 2012 at 2:32 am

        I have his original Naturalisation certificate, it is just the original birth certificate I don’t have. He was born in Poland anyway.
        So will that be OK?
        I had him sign a letter that he misplaced the original birth certificate and the attached copy is a true and correct copy and had the letter certifiied.
        I could try the archives, but they would also only give me a copy.
        Also I am leaving in 24 hours!

  • 549. Brian  |  June 19, 2012 at 8:09 am

    By any chance has he got any old Polish passports? If he has they will show his date and place of birth. Also if you can get copy’s of his Naturalization documents from the National Archives it will also show his date and place of birth and his Polish nationality on the petition documents.

    This with the letter from your father should hopefully be enough to verify the validity of the copy in the absence of the original.

    At the end of the day they are asking for documents that essentially do not belong to you or in your direct control, so the lack of attainability or loss by others is not something that should cause suspicion in its self, so the addition of more evidence should overcome this.

    You will most probably need a letter from your father requesting the Naturalization documents from the National Archives but you need to contact them to confirm their requirements.

    It maybe worthwhile after you get back from the US to do a FOIA “Freedom of Information/Privacy Act Request” for all your fathers immigration files. The information maybe helpful for you or your siblings if in the future you need to file another N-600K.

    I hope everything goes well and good luck,

  • 550. Rivka  |  June 19, 2012 at 3:07 pm

    I have his original naturalisation document so I am hoping that will be enough. I can’t get anything from the National Archives at this point. am leaving in 12 hours.
    I really hope we will be fine, we have spent $17,000 on our tickets from Australia to US not including the application fees.

    • 551. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  June 19, 2012 at 3:42 pm

      Good luck!
      Let us know how it works out

      • 552. Jerry Delgado  |  June 19, 2012 at 3:45 pm

        Please approve my previous comment.

      • 553. Jerry Delgado  |  June 19, 2012 at 3:47 pm

        Isranglo, please disregard my previous comment and thanks for your answer!!

      • 554. Rivka  |  August 16, 2012 at 5:32 am

        I went to Buffalo with my 6 kids in June
        Everything worked out fine, although she only took me and my oldest son in with her and left the others with my husband (what if my husband wasn’t there?!) we were with her for an hour whilst she ploughed through all the applications again, reviewing every single detail
        She did not ask to see any original docs except mine and the kids’ birth certificates.
        then she made us wait a further half hour for the certificates.
        i asked about doing their social security numbers (bc everyone advised me that it is better to do it in USA than to come back home and apply from overseas) but she said we can’t do it, bc they are visitors to the US.
        That does not make sense bc firstly, they are now US citizens
        secondly, how would the SS office know on what premise they entered the country, maybe we live there? I would have shown them the certificates.
        We didn’t have time anyway but i am told by another woman trying to do it here, it has been a big headache. Has to be sent to an office in USA and can take months.
        Thanks for the help,

        • 555. Martin Tenney  |  August 16, 2012 at 7:43 am

          Hi Rivka,
          In response to your comment about your experience in Buffalo.
          I also just got back, but to process citizenship for just one grandson (we did my other 2 grandchildren 3 years ago). Both times I chose the office in Portland, Maine. In my case also, the only original documents requested were birth certificates and my daughter’s and my US passports. The interview took about 20 minutes, so 2 hours for 6 applications doesn’t sound unreasonable. We also waited maybe 10-15 minutes to get the Certificate of Citizenship, along with, of course, the little American flag. I asked if they could give me 2 more flags for the other kids, and they were happy to comply. My 2 experiences with the Portland ME office have been pleasant. Friendly people, and by any bureaucratic standard, efficient.
          Now about SS cards. This time, and the previous as well, we went straight form the USCIS offices to the SS office in Portland.
          Applying is quite straightforward. If memory serves me, all you need is the Cert. of Citizenship and relevant passports. The clerk informed us that the application could only be finalized after a period of 2 weeks, since the proof of citizenship is a Certificate rather than a passport. They send the SS cards by mail to any address you request. If you have a sense of humor and patience, you can even enjoy the experience, like answering questions about previous marriages or previous legal names for your 16 month old applicant!!

  • 556. Dorotheen Strass  |  June 24, 2012 at 4:31 pm

    A thousand thanks to you and this helpful, encouraging website. We found out about this website around a year ago, took note of all the info and made an application in January 2012 for my two granddaughters (aged 15 and 12) through my daughter, an American citizen who didn’t meet the 2 years after age 14 requirement. I am the US citizen grandmother who met the requirements. As a result, the kids have now an interview date in Salt Lake City for 16 July 2012. I found the N600K form a little confusing, but eventually we understood that the kids had to actually sign it (the applicant or parent signature threw me). We sent in everything possible to prove my residency period, including high school transcripts, copies of report cards, marriage licence, baptismal records – everything. Nothing additional was asked for and we heard nothing since sending the applications off except notification that they were received and our friends’ confirmation that they had cashed the two 600 dollar checks. Then, out of the blue, on 9 June my daughter received a request asking the older daughter to come for interview on 16 July. We phoned up to enquire about the younger daughter as we wanted them done together, but the 0800 number you go through could only put an action on it. We received the younger daughter’s interview invitation a week later, it had been posted on the same date as the first but apparently delayed in the post. You can check online to get an idea of how long application waiting times take at the different centers and my daughter chose Salt Lake City because it had a relatively short waiting time. I am hoping it all goes smoothly and will report back our experiences as soon as we are back.

    Once again Thank you so much for the info and experiences people have had through your wonderful website.

    • 557. isranglo  |  July 6, 2012 at 8:59 am

      glad to hear I could help (well, via running the site) and that all went smoothly 🙂

    • 558. Laura  |  September 12, 2012 at 2:43 pm

      Dear Dorotheen,

      Thank you for sharing your experience. As the grandmother, did you fill out the application yourself or did your daughter fill it out?

      I will be giving birth soon and I am doing my best to avoid giving birth in the USA (too far and too expensive without insurance). My mom is a US citizen born in the USA and I am also a US citizen but was born abroad and do not meet the living time frame requirements. I am so glad I found this site and it was such a relief. But I am also worried that it might not work in my case. Any thoughts?

  • 559. Brian  |  June 24, 2012 at 6:34 pm

    Hi Dorothen

    Well done I am glad to hear you were successful.

    Was the 16th of July the preferred date you requested on the form or did they give you a different date? Also what was the date on the first confirmation so as to get an idea of their processing times?

    You are right the child now has to sign unless under 14 years old, and since you have filled out the form on their behalf you have to sign as the preparer, as per instructions but not both. I had previously signed on behalf of my 17 year old son in 2010 without any problems, so this has changed recently.

    “Part 7. The Child’s Signature
    A parent or legal guardian may sign for the child if the child is less than 14 years of age. The child may also sign the Form N-600K on her or his own behalf without the child’s parent’s or legal guardian’s signature.

    Part 8. Signature of Person Preparing Form, if Other Than Applicant
    If you do not fill out the Form N-600K yourself, the preparer must also sign, date, and give his or her address. If the preparer is a business or organization, its’ name must be included on the form.”

    I must admit I had a bit of head scratching and trepidation on that one before I sent it.


    • 560. Dorotheen Strass  |  July 6, 2012 at 11:16 am

      Brian, my daughter didn’t specify a particular date but because of UK exams of the 15 year old she asked if the interview dates could be in the summer break and fortunately they gave us such dates. She received confirmation of receiving the application about 2 weeks after she sent in in mid January 2012. That was the last she heard until the letter regarding the interview and she had trouble online with the receipt number given on this confirmation when she tried to find out at what stage the applications were at. Then the interview letters just came “out of the blue”. I think choosing an office (which she just specified on the top of the N600K as she couldn’t find out where to actually fill it in) that had a quick turn around we were able to get the dates within 6 months. As far as the wording re signatures on the form go, I just thought I was losing it a bit where US bureaucracy is concerned, having been out of the country for over 30 years. Glad it is not just me.

  • 561. Rosaria  |  July 3, 2012 at 8:00 am

    I need help. I am an us citizen, I am born in us and lived there till I was 13. Then my father decided to come back ti Italy (where I live since 1990). I gat married with an Italian and have two daughters. I want them to be us citizens, but I do not meet the 2 years after age 14 requirement. My mother (grandmother of my childs) is an american citizen too. But I don’t know if she has the residence requirement. She immigrated in us when she was 15 and lived there for 20 years. She became a us citizen by naturalization. so she didn’t live there before 14. Can I fill the form n600 K, and have the citizenship for my daughters through my mother? Thank you. Rosaria

    • 562. isranglo  |  July 6, 2012 at 8:48 am

      you seem to b a textbook case of whom the N600k was meant for. if your mom lived there for 20 years she definitely has the resident requirement (which in its strictest form never exceedded 10 yars to my knowledge). Her living there at a later age is no problem. the law works in favor of those who lived there later. A person (like myself who lived for many years in the US but came before the age of 16 (as in my case – I moved out of the US 30 years ago today) may have the 5 required years but be lacking the 2 after 14 part. But your mom has everything from what you describe. as long as your daughters are still under 18 and you can show proof of everything you just wrote here you should have no problem making them Americans.

  • 563. isranglo  |  July 6, 2012 at 8:56 am

    just a general comment to those of you experienced people helping others out. while most people do it the correct way, I’d like to draw the attention of those who haven’t noticed it to the fact that each message has a reply option for it. when you use that it attaches the reply to the original question and 1) is more orderly 2) makes it easier to maintain the thread in general and 3) makes it less likely to get overlooked than if you put it in an entirely different message. This should in no way be construed as a criticism but just a tip for those who hadn’t noticed the reply function and an attempt to help people as efficiently as possible.

  • 564. Alejandro Cortes  |  July 6, 2012 at 10:30 pm

    I posted this before but got no reply, any help is appreciated.:
    A question about Part 4 Question G for form N-600K asking about dates of physical presence in the US for the child’s US parent. I have way to many physical presence trips to the US than I can recall, a lot lasting a week or less. How detailed does this list have to be?. What is the relevance of this section since I am using the grandparent physical presence in the US to request citizenship and not my own. Some guidance appreciated.

    • 565. Brian  |  July 8, 2012 at 5:56 am

      You should not give inaccurate information to the USCIS, but it is also important that you list all your physical presence that you are able to!

      Therefore only list the dates that you are sure of and if necessary in an additional attached sheet list approximate dates and number of visits which also must be signed and dated by you.

      If you are unsure state it so there will be no come backs, Such as ” I believe I was physically present in the United states for the period of 11 days during July 2003″ or “I had approx a two week vacation sometime between June and August 1978′ etc.

      At the end of the day it’s the grandparents presence that is really important so don’t undermine it with statements that maybe discovered to be incorrect.

      It is possible to request your entry and exit information from the US Customs, info here:,-foia


  • 566. Anat  |  July 9, 2012 at 12:35 pm


    Do you know if I can apply for a citizenship for a child who’s mom is a US citizen (from born until age of 4) and the child’s father isn’t, but the grandfather (from the father side) is a citizen?

    Thanks, anat

    • 567. isranglo  |  July 12, 2012 at 4:02 pm

      thee must be a direct line of citizenship from a citizen grandparent to a child seeking to be naturalized. If the maternal grandparents have the requirements to naturalize do it through them. But the paternal grandparents are useless for the grandchild if their son (the child’s father) was never naturalized

  • 568. fisheyedreams  |  July 10, 2012 at 6:51 pm

    This is a wonderful and very helpful site.
    I am in such stress because I applied for N600K for my son and after a lot of problems I got an email from the Baltimore office on May 17th that asks for the dates that I would be available for an interview. I replied on May 20th and stated that I would be there on July 23- July 27th. I stıll haven’t received any confirmation letter. I even got a ticket for the 17th of July which is 7 days away. I have to have the letter in order to apply for a visa for my son to enter the US. I contacted the call center and email two times the email address that they have sent me. The call center says that I need to just wait. But how can I be available at the dates I presented if I cant get a letter for a confirmation and apply for a visa?
    I just don’t know what to do? How long does it take for the confirmation letter to come? Did anyone receive a confirmation letter through email? What if they don’t send it what happens?
    Please help…

    • 569. isranglo  |  July 12, 2012 at 4:12 pm

      as you’ve doubtless understood by now, the proper way to have gone about this was to not order tickets until you got the letter of confirmation inviting you for the dates you wanted. Yes they do give you some choice but they don’t HAVE to accept your choice and the ONLY official document that’ll get you the interview is that invitation. I realize you did all this because tickets for the summer and finding time convenient to you can both be super hard things and you wanted to get a jump on things. That said you took a tremendous risk in assuming you’d be given something just as asked and it sounds like the attempt has failed

      As for what you can do now there’s really only 2 options none of which i’m afraid is heartening
      1) wait and hope a letter arrives in the next couple of days
      2) call the INS national center, explain your issue and see if you can get ahold of a human (i,e, not a machine and not a call center person who can’t see an inch outside her official rulebook) who can get such a letter to you immediately.
      3) consider cancelling the tickets or moving the dates for the citizenship trip or alternatively just plan a fun trip to the States with your present tickets and without your son and then when the letter eventually comes for whatever date they DO assign you you’ll go back with him.

      Sorry you’re going through all this and here’s hoping the letter arrived in today’s mail. even if it did though you’d better find away to get to the embassy with it pretty much by tomorrow in order to have a chance of pushing the visa through on time.
      best of luck!

      • 570. fisheyedreams  |  July 13, 2012 at 3:11 pm

        Dear Isranglo,
        Thank you very much for your reply. I got my letter through email and went to the embassy today with a print out. Hopefully I will get my sons passport on Monday. But if I dont get a message from UPS for the passport I will change my flight dates. (which will cost me and as you said shouldnt have purchased it) After two years I am very happy at least I got a date and a visa :)) Thanks again for your site and reply. Best wishes,

    • 571. Martin Tenney  |  July 12, 2012 at 9:21 pm

      Elif, I don’t know if they will cooperate, but the Portland Maine office has been very helpful to me. Perhaps using their phone number they could help you get in touch with Baltimore about your date. The number there is 207-253-3022. Maybe best not to say Martin sent you though. Good luck.

      • 572. fisheyedreams  |  July 13, 2012 at 3:14 pm

        Thank you Martin for your reply. I have received my interview date and got my visa approved but Im waiting for the passport to arrive on Monday. Hope everything will go well. Very nice to meet you all. Will write again after the interview.
        Best wishes,

  • 573. Oren  |  July 19, 2012 at 10:13 am

    This is probably the best site i’ve found on the subject. The follow up comments are great as well.
    One question – My daughter is a also a UK citizen, through my wife. Can she enter US on her UK passport and save on Visa cost or should she enter on her Israeli passport since that’s where we reside and where she was born?

    Just about to start the process so wish us luck!

    Thanks 🙂

    • 574. Maura Nic Dubdha  |  July 19, 2012 at 1:51 pm

      Sent of all forms July 6th for my three grandchildren ,all three N600K forms returned ,spelt different to what I had put on forms they never heard of the names before ,all been Gaelic names ,they just recieved the forms a second time, as I got an e-mail this morning ,thanks for all you help on your website , your really very helpful, I will keep you updated on my progress Thanks Maura Nic Dubdha

    • 575. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  July 19, 2012 at 3:54 pm

      She can enter on VIsa Waiver no reason to pay for a VIsa that will only be used once

    • 576. Brian  |  July 19, 2012 at 6:23 pm

      Just in case you don’t already know, she will need an Esta to enter on a UK passport.

      • 577. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  July 19, 2012 at 9:48 pm

        This is correct I should have mentioned it

      • 578. Oren  |  July 21, 2012 at 7:31 pm

        Great! She has ESTA, been to the US this past June for a family visit. On the same subject – the forms ask for nationality of my daughter and I was wondering which country to put down but. Guess if she’s entering on UK passport I might as well put down UK.
        Can anyone recommend a USCIS office for the process? (my local US family is north east coast based, (NY, CT, RI, MA etc.) so anything in the region would be good).
        Thanks again and have a great week!

  • 579. Yetta J.  |  July 24, 2012 at 10:06 pm


    Great website!

    First of all, I’d like to share a page that I just stumbled across; it will give people an idea of which offices are busier and less busy (note that Philadelphia seems to be busier than Hartford):

    I also have a specific question: I have already helped two Israeli nephews get citizenship for their children. Now I want to help a niece. She has never been married, had her baby through IVF with an unknown donor. Do you know what she would need to do to have the child “legitimated” in Israel? Thanks!

    • 580. isranglo  |  July 27, 2012 at 5:34 pm

      thanks for the compliment. I fail to understand your question though. All that matters is that the kid be the child of one american parent and that the grandparent be eligible to claim naturalization. In Israel the mother is always on the birth certificate and there’s no such status as an illegitimate child for someone whose never been married. Does this child not have an Israeli birth certificate with the US citizen parent listed as the mother? If so what’s the problem? By father’s I know it’s an issue or can be but not for a mother so far as I know!

      • 581. Brian  |  July 27, 2012 at 8:39 pm

        I don’t really understand the question either, but I will assume that you want to get citizenship for your niece’s child and the child has no legitimate father and was born outside wedlock.

        If this is the case and the mother is the US citizen parent, then she can pass on US citizenship to her child and possibly without the need to file a N-600K, just a Report of Birth Abroad at the embassy. “Child born out of wedlock to a U.S. Citizen mother”
        “Children Born Out of Wedlock
        The rules for children born out of wedlock outside the US are more complex, and a child’s claim to citizenship will differ depending on whether it is the mother or the father who is the US citizen. A child born out of wedlock to a US citizen mother will be a citizen from birth if the mother, before the child’s birth, had one continuous year of physical presence in the United States ”

        There is a requirement for the child to be genetically related, but there would be an automatic assumption that this is the case for the birth mother (unless there is indication otherwise) so there is no need to prove it, however you maybe asked.

      • 582. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  July 29, 2012 at 10:55 am

        While as you know I think you do a great job on this blog and have been happy to help with questions, The legitimacy has become an issue as well as ART (Artificial Reproductive Technology) there fore either email me privately or suggest that people get in touch with me for these issues.

    • 583. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  July 27, 2012 at 5:48 pm

      You should contact me this is an issue

      • 584. Yetta  |  August 2, 2012 at 3:12 am

        I’m new to this page, so am not sure what is meant by emailing you ‘privately’.
        To clear up a few things that might have not been confusing. Yes, the mother is a US citizen, but has not lived in the States. Since she is not married, I think that her child is probably considered as having been born ‘out of wedlock’. Her baby was conceived through IVF with an anonymous donor father. It seems, from the instructions (which I will include below), that she somehow has to prove that there isn’t a father somewhere who might be claiming custody. That is why the child has to be ‘legitimated’ (that’s a word from the instructions), and I’m not sure how she can go about this. Here are excerpts from the instructions:
        7. Proof of Legitimation (Only required for applicants who were born out-of-wedlock).
        Documents must establish legitimation according to the laws of the child’s residence or domicile or father’s residence or domicile (if applicable).
        Legitimation for INA benefits requires that the child is in the legal custody of the legitimating parent(s) at the time of legitimation.
        9. Proof of Legal Custody – (Only required for applicants whose U.S. citizen parent(s) divorced and/or separated and for applicants who are adopted or legitimated).
        That’s the end of the excerpt from the instructions. Any advice that you might have as to how to get the child ‘legitimated’ in Israel would be appreciated. Thanks!

      • 585. Brian  |  August 3, 2012 at 6:11 pm

        Yes if your Niece is not married then the child is considered to be born out of wedlock.

        If it is as you state that there is no father on the birth cert, and with that and a sworn statement from the mother that she does not know who the father is, and that no one else to her knowledge could claim custody of the child, that should suffice the requirements(if that is what is being asked).
        Paper work that relates to the IVF would give credence to the fact that the genetic father is unknown, but that would not mean that possibly a common law partner may not have claims to the child under Israeli law.
        Also the introduction of IVF paperwork could be a double edge sword as it may also open up the question of whether the mother is genetically related to the child, so you may have to provide a maternity test which would require expeditious handling to the USCIS.

        I don’t know if proof of legitimization is applicable in this application given that the mother is the US citizen and it is not being claimed through the father, but I have found this for you:

        “The district director cites a Library of Congress
        Advisory Opinion (LOC 2008-01058) indicating that the State of Israel does not recognize a
        distinction between children born in and out of wedlock. The AAO therefore finds that the applicant
        was legitimated under the laws of the State of Israel prior to his 21St birthday. Therefore, the
        applicant has fulfilled the requirements of section 309(a) of the Act.”

        This would appear to indicate that the child born out of wedlock is already legitimated according to Israeli law, so there should be no further burden of proof required.

        Would I be right in assuming when you say that your niece has not lived in the US that you mean that she can not fulfill the required US physical presence, therefore you intend to use the physical presence of your nieces US citizen father/mother the child’s Grandparent?

        In any case I would also like to make you aware of another option for your consideration that maybe a possibility depending on your nieces circumstance, which may be easier legally or otherwise for her.
        If she was to apply for a permanent resident visa to the US for her child, and on entry the child with her for the purpose of residence, that child would now be deemed technically a US citizen.
        In the US she would need to file a N-600 and give proof to the quality of her residents to satisfy the USCIS. There is no minimum duration of residency to fulfill the requirements but there is a issue of quality. There is also no need to stay during the processing of the application and so you would be free to leave the country and take residence elsewhere.

        I would like to add I am not an immigration lawyer and I am merely storm braining this for you to hopefully put you in the right direction, therefore you can not take what I have written as legal advice or fact, implied or otherwise.


        • 586. Yetta  |  August 5, 2012 at 6:19 am

          Brian — thank you so much for your detailed help!
          Yes, my niece is using her father’s US residency, since she did not live in the US herself.
          I think that the best part of your response was the excerpt saying that Israel does not distinguish between children born in or out of wedlock. This seems to imply that her child is considered ‘legitimate’ by the country in which he was born, which means that the child’s legitimacy would then be accepted for purposes of the N600K.
          Thanks again!

  • 587. Oren  |  July 25, 2012 at 12:05 am

    Another question – does anyone know if they cross reference wether or not the citizen parent files taxes?

    • 588. isranglo  |  July 27, 2012 at 5:31 pm

      that’s a great question and there’s probably no way to know definitively. However it’s also true that many if not most of the people who do this naturalization process do so in part at least in ORDER to file taxes. It’s by filing taxes after all that you can get up to $1000 per year from generous uncle sam and his xmas elf the IRS. In any event you’re legally required to file taxes and an FBAR every year and if they want to find you they likely will.

      That said many DON’T bother filing taxes until they want the free money and yet I’ve never heard of anyone working on getting their first kid naturalized being audited.

  • 589. Dorotheen Strass  |  July 28, 2012 at 1:38 am

    We got my two granddaughters their citizenship certificates in Salt Lake City and it went very well – wait of less than 6 months from submission of N600K to interview, nice Immigration Officer who interviewed us, and the girls got to attend a little ceremony with some other newly naturalised adult citizens. There is no problem in leaving the US on the passport the new citizens arrived on (in our case British) Our problem was that the older child (15) had to turn around within 20 hours of returning to the UK and leave with her school group to go back to the US. As a US citizen you are bound by law to enter and leave the US on your US passport. Problem: mother staying in US for 2 weeks longer with younger daughter, father (UK citizen) in the UK, For a minor both parents should be present to get the first US passport, or the non attending parent must submit a notarised DS-5053 form, plus notarised copy of their passport ID. There are only about 4 US cities that do expedited passports and we were not near any of them, plus not enough time to get father’s consent papers to us in the US, so my daughter managed to get the US London Embassy (reluctantly) to give us an emergency appointment for the temporary passport upon our return to London. So as soon as we arrived back in the UK we were off to the US Embassy with notarised consent DS-5053 form and mother’s notarised photocopied US passport copy, daughter’s birth certificate, her British passport, parent’s marriage license, father’s passport, father’s birth certificate and were finally able to get her temporary passport so she could leave next day with her school to go back to the US.
    Phew! I hope my experiences help someone else who finds themselves in this predicament.
    Thanks for your wonderful website. I told the immigration officer who interviewed the girls about your website and he said he hoped I would report back to you on our experiences and help others. Well done, you!

  • 590. Brian  |  July 30, 2012 at 12:52 am

    I was hoping to get some advice on what is best to do.

    I contacted the USCIS (via email at this address concerned that I have not heard anything and so I was worried that I won’t get an interview when I am over on the last week of August.
    I informed them that my son will time out in December when he turns 18, and that 31st of August is the last date available before he starts back at school. and also that I requested the date of the 27th of August on the N-600K form.

    Hartford replied by email with two attached PDF files one which was generic headed “N-600K Document Checklist” and the other which stated the following:

    ” Email: Attached you will find the receipt letter confirming receipt of your application. Also attached is a checklist for your review in the event you have forgotten to submit all of the required documentation.
    N600K Unit
    Hartford, CT”


    This is to confirm that this office received your application(s) for your child(ren) on March 7, 2012
    Applications are processed in the order received.

    1) When communicating with this office, please include the file number(s) listed above.

    2) Once this office has reviewed your case, which may take up to 12 months, we will contact you by email (if you have given us your email address) to set-up an appointment. Applications are processed in the order in which they are received. Total processing time from submission to appointment is approximately 15 months.

    3) Attached you will find a list of documents that are required. Please read this list carefully and if you did not submit all the documents or you have not submitted a full set of documents for each child, please mail the documentation to this office with a copy of this letter. If you do not, the processing of your case may be significantly delayed.

    4) You must submit an official document as evidence of any legal name change. All name changes must be documented. Also, any and all discrepancies in the spelling of the name must be accounted for.

    5) We must verify the relationship between all parties, i.e., child and parent as well as parent and grandparent (if applicable). A Certificate of Birth Abroad (Form FS-545) may not contain the names of the parents. If you are a U.S. citizen born abroad, please submit a Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America (Form FS-240).

    6) All foreign documents must be accompanied by a full English translation which the translator has certified as complete and accurate. The translator must also certify that he or she is competent to translate from the foreign language into English.

    7) Advice to prove residence in the U.S.:

    • Submission of a diploma cannot be counted as four years residency in the United States unless it is accompanied by the school transcripts listing all the years attended.

    • The more evidence you have for establishing residency the better.

    • Affidavits alone are not sufficient. They must be accompanied by official documents.

    • The best document for proof of residency is a Social Security record of earnings if you worked in the US. You can obtain information regarding that document at”

    It seems like a generic template or are they telling that I will have to wait 12 to 15 months? Of coarse this will mean that my son will time out, can I request special handling due to the danger of timing out or is it to early?

    Any advice and help on how best to deal with this would be appreciated thanks.


    • 591. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  August 3, 2012 at 1:21 pm

      I would be happy to solve this for you
      Of course you would have to retain me to do so but I just did 2 aging out cases in 6 weeks from filing in AZ to appointment
      I would be happy to give you the client’s names to verify

      • 592. Brian  |  August 3, 2012 at 6:29 pm

        Thanks Michele for your advice I hopefully have it all sorted now.

  • 593. Brian  |  August 1, 2012 at 6:13 pm

    My previous post is awaiting moderation so I am posting again as I am looking for advice on what to do next.

    I contacted the USCIS via email at requesting news on progress and also that I will be in the US at the end of August and that I was worried that I may not get an interview.
    I also informed them that my son is turning 18 in December and risks timing out.

    However I received this response from Hartford in an attached email!?

    “2) Once this office has reviewed your case, which may take up to 12 months, we will contact you by email (if you have given us your email address) to set-up an appointment. Applications are processed in the order in which they are received. Total processing time from submission to appointment is approximately 15 months.”

    I don’t know what to make of it, although it appears to be a template but a lot of it is editable, so are they really saying it could take 15 months?
    Is there a process or appeal that I can request so that they will prioritize it due to the timing out issue or is to soon because it is just over 4 months away?

    Thanks for any help.

  • 594. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  August 1, 2012 at 6:21 pm

    They are taking a long time
    I would move it

    • 595. Brian  |  August 1, 2012 at 6:52 pm

      Hi Michele

      Do you mean making a request to have it sent to another office?
      Surely that may delay it further and mean that I would have no hope in getting my intended interview date at the end of August?

      Hartford had sent it to Vermont for processing, they contacted me after reviewing it requesting where I wanted the interview to be held, they also stated it was complete and no further documents required. That was 3 weeks ago perhaps I should have had the interview in Vermont?

      Regards Brian

      • 596. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  August 1, 2012 at 7:22 pm

        Vermont still has dates in August but not many
        I would say that almost no other office does I would send it back there, don’t know why you moved it and try to get an appointment. I strongly believe that Hartford and August is not a possibility

  • 597. Brian  |  August 1, 2012 at 7:41 pm

    Ok cheers for that, I didn’t know August was so much in demand. I will contact them and see what is the best to do thanks.

    On the N-600K form I had requested the 27th of August at Hartford perhaps they sent it to Vermont because they did not have that date available I don’t know?

    The only problem is Vermont is a 10 Hour drive or more which would mean staying the night there and maybe one on the way back too hence why I wanted the to have it at Vermont.

    Thanks for your help and advice Michele it’s much appreciated.


    • 598. Brian  |  August 1, 2012 at 8:04 pm

      I have sent an email to Vermont hopefully they will be able help me.

      I have checked back and Vermont sent the files to Hartford on the 2nd of July so there should have been enough time.


      • 599. Brian  |  August 3, 2012 at 6:27 pm


        Vermont have agreed to give me an interview at the end of August, I have to say they are extremely helpful, here are some of the messages they sent me.

        ” Just let me know when you hear back from Hartford or if you don’t hear back from them too and I will go ahead and work on getting the files for you.

        Have a great day!”

        “Hello Brian,

        I have no problem if you want to ask the Hartford office to return the files to us for interview scheduling. I checked my calendar and I do have openings between the dates of your trip so it wouldn’t be a problem scheduling the interviews for you. Let me know if you send Hartford the message and you do not hear back from them within 3-5 days and I can reach out to them and try to get the files returned here to St. Albans for you.


        Unfortunately I am still waiting on Hartford to get back to me but on the upside I have discovered that Vermont is only a 6 Hour drive not the 10 hour I initially thought.

  • 600. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  August 4, 2012 at 9:18 pm

    Glad to hear you seem to have it under control

  • 601. Rachel Pantaleon  |  August 14, 2012 at 2:28 am

    Hi! Thank you so much for all the information posted in this blog, it has been a rich resource for people like me.

    I applied for my sons in Guam using their grandmother’s residency and submitted the following thinking it would be enough proof of her physical presence in the US:
    a. Naturalization certificate
    b. US Passport as proof of US citizenship
    c. Social Security Statement 1992-2010
    d. NY Driver’s License: 1992-1996, 1995-2000, 1999. 2008-2016
    e. T-MobileCellular Phone Bills- 2006-2011
    f. ConEdison Electric Bills- 2003-2011

    I was surprised to receive a letter from USCIS asking for additional proof of physical presence. We are preparing to submit letters from her employer and church organization. Will these do? What else can I submit to convince them?

    • 602. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  August 20, 2012 at 2:43 pm

      What office did you send to?
      It sounds like it would be enough

  • 603. rachel  |  August 22, 2012 at 7:41 am

    I sent to USCIS Guam office because it’s nearer to my residence outside the US.

    Just today, I emailed letter from her employer and attestation from church organization. I hope and pray these will be enough for the processing to move forward.

    Thanks for your reply, Michele!

    • 604. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  September 13, 2012 at 8:51 am

      I hope it works
      I have never filed in Guam
      If you need more help you can contact me

    • 605. love  |  September 14, 2012 at 5:53 am

      i thought they dont accept N600k at local offices anymore — it ha sto be sent at the phoenix lockbox.. when did you send yours?

      wow, coz thats a lot of proof already and still not enough?!?

      • 606. rachel pantaleon  |  October 23, 2012 at 8:49 am

        Hi! I sent the applications from NY to Guam in October 2011.

        An update: received an email last week from Guam assuring me the applications are being processed, to wait for interview schedule, and that my other son will be scheduled before he ages out in April 2013.

        This makes the waiting a whole lot easier!

  • 607. Mike  |  October 7, 2012 at 4:58 am

    Hi Isranglo, Hi Michele

    Thanks for a great, informative blog that has helped alot and left me much more reassured about the N600-K process. I realize the blog is aimed for naturalization via grandparents, which is not my case, but my question may be useful to others. I am single, a US citizen, meet all the US residency requirements, and legally adopted two children in Brazil in 2004. I want to get US citizenship for them but am a bit worried about the “legitimization” question and the fact that I am a single parent (have never been married). This is no problem in Brazil. In fact, when the adoption is completed a new birth certificate is issued, with the adoptive parents inidicated, as if they were biological parents. In my case only the father (me) is listed, with no mother (it is quite common to have only the mother listed). I can easily prove the legal adoption and residency with my children since 2004. Am I likely to run into the “born out of wedlock” problem? Do I need to run out and get married just to get citizenship for my kids?

    Honestly I don’t really understand this part of the law. Seems like a relic from the 1950’s. What difference does it make if they child’s parents are married or not, as long as you can prove that one is a US citizen and meets all the other requirements?

    Once again, thanks Isranglo, Michele and all the others. And congratulations for keeping this thing going for 5 years!


    • 608. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  December 13, 2012 at 11:45 pm

      I can do this it is an issue but one that I have handled successfully see Adams post above. Adoption still requires the N600K and trip and the legitimization is part of this.

  • 609. Karen  |  October 15, 2012 at 5:12 pm

    Just to let you know, we went for the interview in Albany, and everything was great, fast and friendly. Tks to Michelle and Isrlanglo,
    my best, Karen

  • 610. shterny  |  October 16, 2012 at 1:31 pm


    just checking if any of you had this experience or have any advice.

    i had 2 of my 5 kids go through with the interview approx 5 years ago (fee has almost doubled since then!) and had two applications over the course of a few years open, with a follow up email every so often (just didn’t make a time for the interview) 4 months ago i received an email asking me for additional documents (which i didn’t have to present for my two first kids) i sent 2 of the 4 documents and totally forgot about the rest. today i received in the post a notice that my application for both kdis have been denied and if i want to appeal i have to pay $620 per child as an appeal fee. i have 30 days to respond. On what grounds can i appeal?

    any one experience this before? so far the only advice i have heard is to lodge a new application form ( $610 per child) and start again.

    has anyone used an immigration lawyer before? do you have someone to reccomend- for free or not so expensive advice?

    thanks in advance!
    Sydney Australia

  • 611. Ariela  |  October 28, 2012 at 10:35 pm

    Does anyone know the processing time for applications? Also how long does it take to get an appointment in Philadelphia?


    • 612. Martin Tenney  |  October 29, 2012 at 7:33 am

      Hi Ariela,
      I think someone near the beginning of the blog it is suggested to use USCIS offices in smaller cities, where few people might apply for citizenship, because large cities tend to have very long waiting times (many months). I have had a very good experience twice with the office in Portland Maine, and I have read in the blog recommendations for Buffalo, NY. My last time around, I sent in my documentation to the “lock box” in Phoneix around March 1, and by the end of March I was in direct contact with them by e-mail (we have all been warned that this doesn’t happen in real life, but I was lucky). In any case, they suggest that applications arrive in Phoenix at least 90 days before the period you plan to come. Once the Portland office received confirmation that my application was in order, they more or less let me choose any date in July-August that was convenient. As I have written before in this blog, they are friendly, efficient, and accommodating. If you want more details, feel free to contact me directly.

      • 613. hala  |  February 27, 2013 at 1:17 pm

        hi. I would like to ask u if u filed the form from the us or from abroad? I have three children who already have a B2 visa. I still didn’t apply for the n600k. I am thinking of travelling to the states to visit family and applying the form. Can i do that? or must i apply from abroad? Can I mail all three forms for my three children in the same envelop so they can be processed together?
        Thank u for sharing ur experience and if u can help me answer these questions, i will be grateful 🙂

        • 614. Martin Tenney  |  February 27, 2013 at 2:50 pm

          Hi. According to my experience, where you send the forms from is not important. What you have to keep in mind is that the processing of the form and all the supporting documents can take at least e months, and often more, depending on which branch office you are applying to. I think it would be OK to make one mailing of the 3 applications, but separate them into 3 envelopes with copies of the documentation in each one. The clerks that process these things do not take any prizes for creativity, and wouldn’t consider the possibility of copying one document 2 more times for 2 other N600k forms! I would also make a separate check for payment of each individual application. If you live in Israel you can email me and then you could ask any other questions I might be able to answer by phone, or by direct e-mail. All the best.

        • 615. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  February 27, 2013 at 4:24 pm

          N600Ks must be filed from abroad and you need lead time

    • 616. Maura Nic Dubdha  |  October 30, 2012 at 4:49 pm

      I applied in September and have an apointment for March 2013 in Albany New York

  • 617. Ariela  |  October 29, 2012 at 7:17 pm

    Thanks Martin!

    For various reasons I have to go to Philadelphia. Since I have limited dates (early March or late July) I was hoping someone might have the waiting times so that I know which date I should enter as my preferred date. I am not in a hurry to get it done by a specific date but airfare is cheaper in March.

    On another note, who signs at the end of the application me or my father (they are applying for citzenship based on him)?


    • 618. Martin Tenney  |  October 30, 2012 at 10:14 am

      Hi again, Ariela (BTW with a name like that, maybe you live in Israel as do I, and you could call me if you want help by phone-mail me direct to my e-mail if you like). The US citizen parent (whose parent is the grandparent) of the child applying for citizenship can fill in and sign the form (Part 7 on the N-600K form). In Part 5 you enter the info about the grandparent. On the USCIS webpage ( you can check for processing times by field office and type of service. Philly shows end of February for N-600 forms arriving up till Sep. 30. ie. about 5 months.
      Good luck and contact me if you wish.

      • 619. Ariela  |  October 30, 2012 at 4:30 pm

        Thank you so much!
        If I have any more question I will contact you. Asyou correctly assumed I live in Israel.

  • 620. Ariela  |  November 1, 2012 at 4:45 pm

    what does a certified copy mean?

  • 621. benny  |  November 9, 2012 at 1:42 pm

    Hi, I’ve finally gotten all documents together, ready to send them off with the n600k, only to realize I have a name issue. My middle name in English (and on by US birth certificate) is Philip, while on my Israeli ID card (and my son’s birth certificate) it’s Gidon. Any idea what I need to do in order to prove that I’m the same person?

    • 622. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  December 13, 2012 at 11:42 pm

      I also do these

  • 623. talya  |  November 27, 2012 at 5:21 pm

    Hi I just received an email from the Hartford office asking for three dates. I just replied to the email with the dates I wanted but now Im freaking out cause Im not sure if that is how I should have done it and I also noticed afterwards that I had a typo – Very bad – instead of january 2013 I wrote 3013 (for two of the dates I did write 2013) Is this very bad??? what should I do? I havent received any reply from them yet!!

    Thank 🙂

  • 624. David  |  December 12, 2012 at 11:20 pm

    Having just assisted in completing the process for the twin sons of a relative, I would like to thank this blog for all the useful advice and feedback, and share our own experience with the process. We filed in late May, requesting the West Palm Beach, Florida field office. In mid-September we received letters from that office asking us to provide three potential interview dates, no less than 20 days apart, and we immediately responded. Around late October we received notification regarding one of the appointment dates which we had requested – December 12. Unfortunately, all the communication with the field office was by regular mail and there is no phone number, though we did get a courtesy email when the appointment date was provided, since we indicated we need as much time as possible for travel arrangements, visa, etc. We got regular tourist visas for the boys from the US Embassy in Tel Aviv, even before getting the appointment date – better than waiting for the last minute. The interview today was a formality and they received the certificates on the spot. US passports will be obtained when they return to Israel.

    As for the application, the Israeli Ministry of Interior provides birth certificates in Hebrew and English, so there is no need for translation. Just make sure there are no English mistakes! Marriage certificates do require translation into English, and whoever does the translation can just certify it using the text provided by the USCIS in the instructions to the Form N600-K. As for establishing the physical presence of the grandfather, we used school records, military records, professional licensing and social security records, including yearly payments.

    We filed the two applications together under one cover letter, but included two complete applications with all the backup. We did not include any originals with the applications, but indicated we would bring them to the interview. If you follow the instructions and are well-organized, the process should be completed fairly easily.

  • 625. Tinamaria  |  December 30, 2012 at 5:09 pm


    my deepest appreciation for this blog that was very helpful and guided me through the whole process.

    I applyed for naturalization for my 12 year old daughter last year and I’m flying to NY end of January 2013 for the N600k interview. Officer in USICS told me we should get the certificate same day. Can you help with info on how to get her a passport right after the interview? I’m quite confused as is looks like I need a social security number to apply for a passport (DS11 form). How can I manage the situation considering that I’m travelling back to my country of residence after three days from the interview?

    • 626. Martin Tenney  |  January 24, 2013 at 11:10 am

      Hi, From my experiences (twice through the field office in S. Portland Maine) you can go straight from the interview with your new certificate of citizenship, to the closest Social Security office and apply for your daughter. They can’t issue the card immediately, but will mail it after 10-14 days. Good luck.

  • 627. Aryeh  |  January 7, 2013 at 11:26 am

    Hi all,
    I sent my documents a month ago requesting a meeting in the Albany office. Anyone else been in Albany latey and have estimation of times?
    Does anyone have an email contact for that office?

  • 628. Ariela  |  January 22, 2013 at 5:39 pm

    I know this is a long shot but does anyone have contact information for the USCIS office in Philadelphia?

  • 629. Ariela  |  January 22, 2013 at 5:48 pm

    two points
    1. you can try and track your case status online. I know that many have saud they were unable to and that the USCIS said there is no way to do it. but lo and behold I was able to about a month and a half after I sent the application. This was a month after I recieved the I797c . Basically it means that you need patience before it appears online.

    2. Processing times are based on what they processed until that date so for example on NOvember 30 the Philadelphia office processed the n600 that came in on MArch 21 2012. NOT that someone who applied by November 30 would be able to finish the process by MArch 21 2013.

  • 630. neva  |  January 22, 2013 at 10:03 pm

    Great site, thanks for the info.

    I wanted to ask if anyone can clarify the processing times for me.
    According to the USCIS website Hartford handles N600 forms within 5 months, but I noticed people here recommend to steer clear of their field office.
    Newark seems to have a shorter processing time than Philadelphia although it’s nearer NYC.

    In short, where should I request an interview around NYC (2-3 hour drive is fine, but I’d rather not go to Vermont), if I’m sending the forms within the next few days, and want to be there in August?


  • 631. Karen  |  January 23, 2013 at 1:31 pm

    I’m applying for citizenship for my 2 children through the grandparent route. I am a us citizen but I don’t fulfil the physical requirement. I have just a few questions. 1. Part 2 of the n600k which box do I tick? I think it’s a but not sure. 2. My dad can’t find his naturalisation cert but has a current us passport. Will this do? He has other documents proving he fulfils the physical requirements. 3. I will be going to NY for the interview if the application is successful. Is the city office very slow or isthere any easier local offices near the city? I will be on my own with the two children and don’t want to travel too far. 4. Finally! Where do I chose the local are office on the form?
    Many thanks,

  • 632. Neva  |  January 23, 2013 at 10:42 pm

    A couple more questions that came up as I’m working on this.

    Do I need my fathers birth certificate, or is a valid US passport enough? (Along with transcripts as evidence)

    My husband and I spell our last name differently in English, although the Hebrew spelling is the same. Can they give me trouble with that? The kids Israeli passports all have my spelling, and that’s the spelling I’m using on the forms.
    I’m attaching our marriage certificate, and a tamzit rishum (I guess for each of the kids and for me), which says we’re married, these are our kids and we all live in the same house. I hope that’s enough.

    • 633. isranglo  |  February 27, 2013 at 2:49 pm

      Neva – sorry – I just saw this now. Yes you need the birth certificate as they require it in the forms. The spelling you should use for your kids is probably whatever spelling they have on their Israeli passports or dual language birth certificates (at least that’s the way I’d go because it’s an official spelling in English. If I were you I might also do something like asking a lawyer friend to write a letter on an official looking letterhead (from their law offices) explaining that because of Israeli spelling English phonetic spellings differ. They should then write some statement along with the letter stating their name, their competence in both the English and Hebrew languages and signing that they affirm what they’ve said to be the truth.
      Good thinking on the tamtzit rishum – I used that too back in the day. In the end it’s maddening…THEY decide what they accept as proof and the onus of finding acceptable proof is on you. So it really depends on satisfying whatever case officer you happen to get. I’ve found the ones I ran into to be pretty openminded as long as you give them lots of nice official looking documents well organized to build your case. Generally they look at the folder i always brought in which I had everything in clear plastic sheets with labels well organized and barely glanced at the documents on the assumption that I’d built a pretty airtight case (which I had)

      • 634. Neva  |  April 22, 2013 at 9:59 pm

        Thank you.
        In the end I actually didn’t send the birth certificate. I’ll have to ask him for it.
        Do you know how I would go about sending it to USCIS? Do I write to Vermont if my case is on the east coast?
        I keep on hoping that if I can figure this out earlier rather than later, we won’t have trouble getting out appointment when we want it.
        Thanks again!

      • 635. Neva  |  May 30, 2013 at 11:30 am

        Last time I wrote, I got am email from Hartford within a few days, so let’s see if it works again.
        Hartford sent me an email saying they got my case on May 6th, they sent their standard checklist with the email. I emailed and Fedex’d a couple of documents, and now I’m waiting.
        How long is it reasonable to wait, if I need an appointment in August? (No, there’s no other time we can come)
        What should I consider the last minute to try and transfer our case to another office? (Albany or Vermont for example)


  • 636. Rachel  |  January 30, 2013 at 4:30 am

    Hi! This is an update since my my last post in October 2012, # 605.

    After all the evidence I submitted, they still needed more and I finally emailed scanned copies of my mother’s income tax returns for 5 consecutive years. If I had done this at the get go, they probably wouldn’t have needed additional evidence. Anyway, at last, they emailed the appointment notice for issuance of certificate scheduled on February 21, 2013 in USCIS Guam! If I may add, the officer I was emailing was very pleasant throughout our exchange and well-aware of the fact that our case was time-sensitive because my older son is turning 18 and aging out on April 2013.

    Last week, I took my sons to US embassy Manila for interview of non-immigrant visa. Aside from the basic documents required, I brought the appointment notice from USCIS. The consul who interviewed us was not familiar with N600K and had to check it out first before granting my sons their visa. He even asked how I found out about it and when he handed the notice back to us said to treat it like gold!

    At this time, I’m just waiting for the passports with visa to be returned to us and finalizing travel arrangements to Guam. In our case, from the time I filed in October 2011 until the interview and issuance of certificate scheduled in February 2013, processing took 1 year and 4 months. Like what I’ve read in other posts, processing time varies a lot and you can’t rely on what’s written on the USCIS website. All that matters to me now is that my son will get his citizenship before he ages out.

    Thank you, Isranglo, for generously starting this forum years back to help people like me. Thanks to Michelle,and everyone else who have contributed to this forum for selflessly imparting your knowledge regarding N600K. Cheers!

    • 637. isranglo  |  February 27, 2013 at 2:42 pm

      thanks for the update. It’s always nice to hear that the blog’s served some use for people and to hear feedback. I know what you mean about the embassy not knowing about the N600k. Even though the embassy in Israel knows about it by now, when I first did the process the only person who knew it existed was the deputy consul. Looking forward to hearing that your son finished the process on time to get the citizenship.

      • 638. Rachel  |  February 28, 2013 at 2:52 pm


        “…that the blog’s served some use” is an such an understatement; this blog is a goldmine of information on the N-600K that couldn’t be found on the USCIS website or anywhere else.

        I also want to share the wonderful news that my sons had their oath-taking and received their certificates of citizenship last week along with the small flag. The USCIS officer didn’t even ask to see any of the original documents I had with me. He computed the years of residency of my mother and did a question and answer to verify the identity of my sons (name, date of birth, place of birth, parents’ names, address). Thank you to whoever gave the tip on having the stamped immigration card photocopied, I guess it showed the adjudicator how well-prepared I was.

        Again, thank you all so much for all the knowledge and experiences you’ve shared here. Best of luck to all those who will follow!!!

  • 639. Marion  |  March 8, 2013 at 9:44 pm

    You mention citienship in US for children under 18 when one or both of the grandparents are US citizens. Do you know if there is a way of an adult child being able to apply under the same policy when grandmother was a US citizen.

  • 640. Aryeh  |  April 8, 2013 at 3:30 pm

    Thanks to this blog I had a very successful process that ended last week.
    December 10th I sent all the documents. I sent them while I was in the US and bought a money order from a post office.
    Feb 8th I got an email from the Albany office that they received my case.
    Feb 25th I got an invitation for March 29th (the date that I requested).
    We got the Visa from the embassy in Tel Aviv. (the Visa for the children was for only one year).
    The immigration officer in Newark airport asked no questions.
    When we came for the interview the officer did not want the photocopies I made of the I-94’s (she kept the originals), she didn’t want see the original documents and didn’t ask me any questions….
    Since my children are small I read the Oath and we got the certificates and flags. From there we drove to the social security building and requested cards.
    The whole process was very quick.
    We stayed in the “Homewood suites” which is a beautiful and not very expensive hotel.

  • 641. Kim D  |  April 10, 2013 at 4:03 pm

    Hi, I entered into the N 600 K process in July 2012, and succesfully ended the whole process for my 2 children on April 2nd 2013 in the Fairfax office, VA. I did it myself, so no lawyer etc… We live in Belgium and my father and I are US Citizens. I found this blog very interesting and am grateful for everyone who posted on this blog. My two children are now US Citizens living in Belgium like myself. The process of the interview and oath taking (they are 14 and 17 years old) was efficient, fast and friendly, and the crown on my work. Thank you Isranglo.

  • 642. Rabia S  |  May 17, 2013 at 3:19 pm

    Hi there

    I am starting the process for n600-K for my 2 daughters and would be really thankful if you help me with some basic queries.

    I was born in the US in 1984 and stayed there for 3 years and then came back to my grandparents house and stayed with them.
    My parents went to study in the US and stayed there for around 10 years (1981-1991). They became US citizen in Sep 1987 and then came back from the US in 1991. They then passed away in 1996.

    I am married to a non-US citizen and my kids were not born in the US. we live in hong kong and our kids are born here. Please can you let me know if I am eligible to apply for my daughters US citizenhips through N600-k

    1. I am a US citizen
    2. did not live in the US for 5 years
    3. My parents lived in the US for 10 years (after the age of 14). BUT they acquired the US citizen only in the last 3 years. so they lived in US for a total of 10 years but only 3 years after they actually got US passport.

    Can I now apply for my daughters who are 6 & 2 years ? please help me. thanks a lot!

    • 643. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  June 8, 2013 at 11:50 pm

      The short answer is yes
      As long as they lived there for 5 years and you can prove it and they were citizens when they died and you can prove it then yes.
      They could have lived there for 5 years gotten their Citizenship on the day before they left and you could use this procedure.
      Michele Coven Wolgel

      • 644. Rabia S  |  June 9, 2013 at 4:43 am

        Many thanks for clarification !
        One more thing please , I have his certificate of naturalisation and passport. How can I prove that he was still a US citizen at his death in 1996, he got the passport in 1987.
        Do I have to prove that he did not give up his us citizenship ? If so , how can I do it . Thanks again, really appreciate your help

        • 645. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  June 9, 2013 at 11:23 pm

          As long as your father meets the bill I have done these before see Adam Levine above someplace and many others if you call me I will give you referrals and will be happy to do the case, Michele Coven Wolgel, 025903444,

      • 646. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  June 9, 2013 at 11:26 pm

        If you have passport issued in 1987 it was valid until 1997 and thus when he died, you need to include his death, for any more info call me at 025303444

      • 647. Rabia S  |  June 10, 2013 at 1:08 am

        Thanks again !
        actually in 2001 I took his passport to the US consulate as I had to get my own passport issued ( I lost it)
        The guy asked put a stamp ” cancelled ” on my fathers passport when he came to know about his death in 1996
        He did not put the date or any other information
        Can this pose and issue for me now ? Considering they might think it was cancelled before his death ? Would the immigration system have all information of any passport cancellation since 1990s
        Many thanks !

      • 648. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  June 10, 2013 at 6:39 am

        Again call me

  • 649. Shira Shamir  |  May 22, 2013 at 1:56 pm

    I am trying to fill out the N600-K form, which has just been updated…In Part 3, question 8, does anybody know what is the “certificate of citizenship number” that they are requesting? – it relates to the U.S. citizen parent of the child…

    Thanks in advance:)

  • 650. Sdl  |  June 8, 2013 at 10:31 pm

    A little background info before I ask my question –
    I am a USC by birth but only lived in the USA till the age of 10.
    I have 3 children under the age of 18 who were born “out of wedlock” although their father is my life partner (not a USC) and all of us have always lived together. Both my parents are USCs by birth and resided in the States for 40 years.
    My question is, is it necessary to obtain citizenship for my kids thru their grandparents or is it possible to register them here in Israel? I saw in previous posts that if the USC parent is listed on the birth (check) and the couple is not married (check) then the Residency in the US requirement is one year continuous residence (check).
    You seem very knowledgable in all these matters, and I would be very grateful to receive your help.
    Many thanks in advance

    • 651. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  June 8, 2013 at 11:54 pm

      If you are listed as a single mother meaning children were born out of wedlock you only need to prove one year of continuous residence and can register here.
      I can refer you to people who did this or just go in and try
      Michele Coven Wolgel

  • 652. Sdl  |  June 9, 2013 at 6:15 am

    Thank you so much for your speedy reply, Michelle.
    What great news!
    On my ID card it says “divorced” (previously married but had no kids) and on my partner’s ID it says “single”.
    Is that sufficient proof?

  • 653. Amitai  |  June 9, 2013 at 11:55 am

    Hi, and thank you for this wonderful and informative platform!
    Here’s my background – I am a USC by virtue of a qualifying grandparent, who lived in the US for over four years after (and before) the age of 14. I am the father of two children under 18, for whom we are filing. Both were born ‘out of wedlock’ to my non-USC life partner and myself. We have been cohabiting for over 7 years and have many documents to prove this, as well as other aspects of physical family life (same health insurance account, kindergarten registration papers where I am listed as the parent, photos from all stages of children’s lives, etc).
    We plan to argue that as we are living as common law partners, which this country (Israel) considers as equivalent to marriage (see citation in comment 584), the children are legitimate – and hence fulfill all requirements for citizenship. Both my partner and I have signed the Israeli Ministry of Interior paternity acknowledgement document when they were born – and both children carry my family name.
    Do the experts here deem that we have a case?
    Has anyone argued a similar case?
    Any recommendations would be highly appreciated!

    • 654. isranglo  |  June 9, 2013 at 10:08 pm

      my recommendation is that you scan this list for Michelle’s details and talk to her about it. From what I can see it’s not a straightforward case of the kind that’s pretty much open and shut and needs to be dealt with by a lawyer expert in the field. I’m just a dad whose been through the process and wrote this blog in order to help the many other people with straightforward situations muddle through the process without the need of a lawyer. I think you’re best off with a legal expert like Michelle since your case doesn’t seem run of the mill.

    • 655. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  August 26, 2013 at 8:11 pm

      Hi Amitai I just saw this now and wanted to tell you that I do in fact do these cases and would be happy to give you references in fact there is an Adam above who got to me from this blog and I successfully handled his children who were in the same situation as yours.

  • 656. Neva  |  June 10, 2013 at 8:09 am

    I posted this already (634) but it got buried there, so I’ll post again especially since I see things are waking up here.

    Last time I wrote, I got am email from Hartford within a few days, so let’s see if it works again.
    Hartford sent me an email saying they got my case on May 6th, they sent their standard checklist with the email. I emailed and Fedex’d a couple of documents, and now I’m waiting.
    How long is it reasonable to wait, if I need an appointment in August? (No, there’s no other time we can come)
    What should I consider the last minute to try and transfer our case to another office? (Albany or Vermont for example)

    (No, don’t tell me I told you so, I’m trying to give myself enough time to avoid what happenned to Brian last year)

    • 657. Qawan  |  October 10, 2013 at 3:25 am

      How do you move a case? How can you contact the feild office to move it?

  • 658. yehudit  |  July 11, 2013 at 8:59 pm

    Hello. I am about to begin the process of filing the n600k form for my children. They will be applying for citizenship through their grandmother. If someone could please clarify a few questions I have I would greatly appreciate it!
    1) Section 3.8 Certificate of Citizenship Number – is it possible I
    don`t have this
    2) Section 3.10.C Spouse`s immigration status- has never applied
    to be a USC. He is a Canadian living in Canada.
    Would I just check other and say he is Canadian
    3) Section 5- Physical presence in the US- are these the dates
    when my mother was living there for an extended
    period of time or every time she has been in the US no
    matter the duration
    4) Section 8 – Signature- would this be my child`s signature if he is
    14 or older and my signature if he is younger than 14
    5) Is it ok to send copies of any supporting documentation or are
    originals necessary

    My apologies if these questions have been addressed previously in this thread. I have been delaying as the process seems somewhat overwhelming and a couple of my kids are coming up to 18 pretty fast…

    Thank you so much!

  • 659. Riyham  |  July 22, 2013 at 1:10 pm

    Thankyou for all your efforts, i just had one question: isit possible to file the form to an international USCIS office (in europe for example), and can the interview process take place there? Or does it have to be an office in the US?
    Thanks in advance 🙂

    • 660. isranglo  |  July 22, 2013 at 3:10 pm

      sorry but it has to be filed at the US office and yes, the interview must take place in the US

  • 661. rs2000  |  July 27, 2013 at 10:18 am

    Hi All,

    I am applying for the citizenship of my kids through N600k via the grandparents route. The Granparent died in 1996. I wanted to ask that what shall I put as the address of the grandparent in the form? and how about the email ID and telephone?

    1. Shall I leave these as blank?
    2. Shall I put my address and telephone number?
    3. Shall I put an address where he lives in 1980s and obviously its not valid now? how about the telephone number

    please kindly let me know. Thanks a lot!

  • 662. rs2000  |  July 27, 2013 at 6:13 pm

    Hi All

    Another question please. For the office in the US, which one shall I choose. I want to choose somewhere which is less busy and hence can process our N600K case relatively quickly.
    I do have relatives in Monroe NJ so anywhere close by (which is also not a busy office) would be appreciated. Please kindly let me know.

    Thanks a lot!

    • 663. Ican  |  July 27, 2013 at 10:45 pm

      Hi Rs2000,

      I wrote deceased with the date of death in the address box.

      You should also note you may have to prove citizenship up to the date of death as they may suspect that the grandparent may have renounced their citizenship before they died which they may if the grandparent lived and died outside of the US. I used his last current in date US passport at time of death as proof of citizenship.

      Regards Brian

      • 664. Rs2000  |  September 22, 2013 at 4:22 am

        Thanks a lot. I have his last US passport which has expiry date until 1997, m father died in 1996. however in one of my visits to US consulate in 2001 the officer put a stamp on it saying “Cancelled” without any date on it.

        Now as I understand, a “cancelled” passport, does not necessarily mean that the US nantionality has been given up? right? Would’nt the govt have a computerized record in 1990s if/when someone gave up US nationality?

        Thanks a lot!

      • 665. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  November 24, 2013 at 9:13 pm

        You can also get a Report of Death Abroad of a USC, cancelled usually means there was an application for a new Passport made

  • 666. rabi2013  |  July 28, 2013 at 10:38 am

    Hi All,

    Another thing please. I am filling in the form and it asks for the dates during which my father (kids grandfather) stayed in the US. I was very young at the time and can only ask relatives for rough dates (dad is not alive now). I roughly now the month and year and might miss some of the 3-4 weeks trips he would have made to visit his parents outside the US. Shall I mention these trips in the dates? or shall I just mention the overall period (skipping all trips < 3 months). Please help. Thanks a lot

  • 667. Pancho Panchow  |  August 16, 2013 at 8:10 pm

    First of all thank you So much for this article. I want to give the US Citizenship to my Kids through my Dad. Now I understand that I have to use the N600-K form and NOT the N600 form. Where can I find more information regarding what are the requisites the GrandParent has to full fill in order to be able to transmit the US Citizenship to his Grandsons?

  • 668. Ariela  |  August 22, 2013 at 6:01 pm

    Anyone know what kind of visa I need for my kids who will be getting citizenship via the n600k? how do I go about getting it?


  • 669. Ariela  |  August 22, 2013 at 7:26 pm

    and do I need to pay for it? As far as I could tell it $160 per child and only once you pay can you make an appointment
    Any info on this would be helpful to me


    • 670. Martin Tenney  |  August 22, 2013 at 9:37 pm

      Judging from your name, you are writing from Israel. You have to get visas at the Embassy or Consulate for any non-citizens accompanying you to the States for your appointment at the USCIS. This, of course, includes the children for whom you are applying for citizenship.

      • 671. Ariela  |  August 23, 2013 at 2:24 am

        Right but do I have to pay for the visas? if not how do I go about making an appointment without paying the mpv?`

  • 672. Martin Tenney  |  August 23, 2013 at 6:29 am

    Hi again Ariela, I am sorry but I don’t know what an “mpv” is. Are you referring to the appointment for interview at the USCIS offices in the States? If so, there is no prerequisite to show evidence of having visas prior to your travel. Of course you will need a visa for each non-citizen to go to the States for the interview. And yes, you do have to pay good old Uncle Sam the full fee for the visa.

    • 673. Ariela  |  August 23, 2013 at 7:57 am

      an MPV is proof of payment
      thanks for letting me know that I really have to pay, I was under the impression that as an n600k applicant there was no need to pay and was searching high and low for a clear answer so thank you !

  • 674. Neva  |  August 24, 2013 at 9:50 pm

    We returned a few days ago with four new US citizens.

    After sending our forms to Hartford I saw things weren’t moving so I wrote to St. Albans and asked to transfer our case there. They got our files, and within 10 days had contacted me requesting 3 dates.
    We got an interview appointment and filed for the visas (Yes, Ariela, you pay the full fee, even though you only need it for a month.)

    In St. Albans they were very friendly, the whole process was short and easy, and from there we went to Burlington to the Social Security office. We had brought all of our original documents but they didn’t ask to see them.

    By the way, there is no I-94 form any more, the record of entry into the US is computerized now.

    • 675. Qawan  |  October 10, 2013 at 2:14 am

      Hi I just wanted to ask that I applied an n600k for my son a year ago and haven’t gotten any interview date yet on May 20th 2013 I received a letter saying that my application was placed in line for interview scheduling and since then nothing came up I applied on oct 3rd 2012 last year in the Newark nj field office what should I do I am really worried as I have to go for my delivery to states after 4 months plz help I even mailed you Michele plz reply back and should I move the case to a different office and how should I do that

    • 676. Qawan  |  October 10, 2013 at 2:43 am

      Can u tell me how to move my case to St. Albans as well ? I have also applied n600k for my son a year ago at Newark feild office but still no answer yet… And could u also tell that how long does it takes for ur case to move?

  • 678. Paul Harmsworth  |  August 26, 2013 at 2:22 pm

    Hi Everyone,

    I now have three new US citizen children naturalized using their
    grandfather’s residency.

    Many thanks to Michele Coven of for all her help.

    My own US citizenship application which I made myself at age 40
    something was terribly complicated, but as a result I became very good at handling the USCIS burocracy.

    Nevertheless for my children’s application using N600K and using their grandfather’s residency I wanted an expert to check the applications, verify them and assist with USCIS.

    I wanted help because I needed to be 100% certain that the application was correct and that I had not:
    made any mistakes or errors,
    that the expensive USCIS fees would not be wasted ($1800),
    that I would get a date and location where I would be on holiday –
    because a transatlanic holiday for five is very expensive by itself.

    I am very happy with Michele Coven’s work. I chose her because she clearly has experience in the N600K field – I am not interested in paying lawyers to learn their work. Her fees are low for legal assistance I believe that this is because she knows this area of law very well and so is much more efficient than many others might be.

    I live in Europe and it was no problem working with Michele using
    Skype, phone and email.

    Should you wish to contact me please feel to email me:


    Paul Harmsworth

  • 679. Wolff  |  August 29, 2013 at 10:31 pm

    Hi. A few questiuons:
    1 – The mother and I are nor married – will that cause any problems?
    2 – Although the mother is not a US citizen her mum (our son’s Grandma on her side) is and she has lived there for 20 years.. I am a US citizen who does meet the 5 year residency requirement but my mum (our son’s Grandma on my side) is a US citizen who lives in the UK but left the US when she was 22. So as he has 2 Grandmothers who seem to be eligible should we send proof of both theri eligiblity and complete two forms?

    Any advice would be appreciated.

  • 680. Tom Wolff  |  August 30, 2013 at 12:09 am

    An additional question to my previous one – does the patent who completes the form has to be the parent who attends the interview?

    I’m US citizen (who doesn’t meet the 5 year physical presence rule) and my mum (our sons Grandson) is a US citizen (by birth) who now lives in the UK but lived in the US until she was 22. My partner (our sons mum – we’re not married) is not a US citizen but her mum (our sons other grandma) is a US citizen through naturalisation and has been living in the US for the past 20 years. So who presents the stronger case and thus should my partner or I complete the form?
    We’re both going to the US on the 23rd Dec. I’m staying till the 23 Jan (LA) and my partner and son are staying till 20th Feb. We’re hoping to get an appointment at one of the quieter California offices (any advice on which one). As my partner is there longer should she complete the form even if her case is not as strong as mine? Also irespective of her completes the form would a letter explaining both our cases (with evidence) be a help or hinderance?

    Sorry for all the questions!

    Tom Wolff

    • 681. Martin Tenney  |  November 24, 2013 at 7:08 am

      Mr. Wolff, I seriously doubt that your application could be processed at such short notice. Depending on the field office you choose, you must allow at least three to four months before you can expect to get a confirmed interview date. About you and your partner not being married: I would imagine that documenting the application based on your partner’s mother’s citizenship would be best. You will have to present some kind of affidavits establishing joint custody of your children, as well as written proof that both of you agree for them to be brought to the States for the process (this is for the kids’ entry Visa, if memory serves me). Good luck.

      • 682. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  November 24, 2013 at 11:27 am

        Martin I am sure you know and just missed this but according to Tom Wolff the mother is not a USC and thus in any event cannot file the N600K.

        • 683. Martin Tenney  |  November 24, 2013 at 2:16 pm

          You are right. I got it backwards, but the custody question is the fly in the ointment.

          • 684. Michele Coven Wolgel JD  |  November 24, 2013 at 6:53 pm

            You are correct about that


            Michele Coven Wolgel, Attorney and Notary American Immigration and Naturalization Law Mitzpe Nevo 27/6, Maale Adumim, Israel 02-5903444 Of Counsel: Bretz & Coven,LLP 305 Broadway, Suite 100 New York, NY 10007-1109 212-267-2555

            This message is intended solely for the designated recipient(s). It may contain confidential or proprietary information and may be subject to attorney-client privilege or other confidentiality protections. If you are not a designated recipient you may not review, copy or distribute this message. If you receive this in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you.

    • 685. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  November 24, 2013 at 11:18 am

      First of all only a USC can file an N600K so if the mother is not USC she cannot file, even if her mother is.
      If you are and your mother lived there for the requisite time then you can file.This filing needs to be done when you and children are residing abroad. If you would like my assistance you can email me at;
      You can call me at 97225903444
      Last note due to the new filing procedures minimum processing time is at least 2 months.
      Since you are not married we need to legitimize your children which I know how to do you can see Adam Levin’s posts above I did the same for him and for many others.

  • 686. Rs2000  |  September 22, 2013 at 4:23 am

    Hi All

    Just filling in the forms, Please can you tell me which centres tend to move faster with N600K recently? I would prefer east coast but can go anywehere which is 1. Safe and would move faster and in a friendlier way.

    Please let me know soon.

    Thanks a lot!

    • 687. Martin Tenney  |  November 24, 2013 at 6:58 am

      Based on my two visits to them, the Portland, Maine office is flexible about dates, and, again, from my experience, friendly and efficient.

  • 688. Kim  |  September 24, 2013 at 6:02 pm

    Hi! Just want to say thanks to Isranglo and all the other kind people who have posted tips on the blog. I read the entire thread, and because of all the valuable information here, I managed to get through the process of getting American citizenship for my two children, aged 10 and 12.
    The residence documentation I got from my father’s high school and college.
    First my plan was to use a USCIS office in one of the big cities of the US trip we were planning, but after having read a recommendation of using an office in a smaller city, I chose Portland Maine (recommended by Martin Tennay). The people there were most helpful and nice.
    The meeting itself was a very touching expereince for all of us. The kids had practised reciting The Oath of Allegience (Note: It’s much longer than the Pledge of Allegience!) – although I could have said it for them, they wanted to say it themselves. The officer said the oath one sentence at a time. She was very kind, and my kids got their citizen certificates and small US flags. It was a very special day that we will always remember.
    Thanks again!

    • 689. isranglo  |  November 24, 2013 at 2:05 am

      always great to hear a success story. That’s why i wrote this article 🙂

  • 690. Qawan  |  October 10, 2013 at 2:35 am

    Hi I just wanted to ask that I applied an n600k for my son a year ago and haven’t gotten any interview date yet on May 20th 2013 I received a letter saying that my application was placed in line for interview scheduling and since then nothing came up I applied on oct 3rd 2012 last year in the Newark nj field office what should I do I am really worried as I have to go for my delivery to states after 4 months plz help

    • 691. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  November 24, 2013 at 9:19 am

      I can in fact take care of this for you. I don’t know what country you are in but I can email Newark directly or another office to move it there. You can contact me by email or by calling me 97225903444, is my number in Israel.

  • 692. Ariela  |  October 12, 2013 at 9:53 pm

    So I just came back from the US.

    They asked me for the original of EVERY single document I had sent them (which I had) so make sure to take yours with you!

    • 693. isranglo  |  November 24, 2013 at 2:04 am

      this is always good advice. In fact I’ve generally found that being prepared with everything makes them less likely to ask questions. Once they see you with an orderly folder and that you know where to find every document they ask for they stop asking.

  • 694. rs2000  |  November 30, 2013 at 11:44 am

    Hi All

    I am about to apply for my 2 kids using my father’s residence as a proof for N600k. I have his SSN, I am wondering if I can get some details record of his residence, address etc using his US Social Security Number. Thanks a lot

    • 695. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  November 30, 2013 at 8:26 pm

      It is very hard to get a SS earnings statement for someone else. If he is not alive and he died abroad you need an original report of death abroad and the relative listed on it can get it. I have helped many people get this
      It also takes several months
      Last a letter from a lawyer explaining why you need it and your relation to him can help

  • 696. rs2000  |  November 30, 2013 at 11:45 am

    I forgot to mention that my father passed away 17 years back so that’s why I am asking if I can get some information through his SSN now.

    Many Thanks

  • 697. Terry  |  January 27, 2014 at 12:01 pm

    Dear Isranglo,
    Is there an age limit. My grandson is now about a month old, can we start to apply for citizenship for him now?

    • 698. isranglo  |  January 27, 2014 at 2:58 pm

      as far as I know there’s no age minimum per se. Keep in mind though that it’s necessary to have passport sized photos for him so consider the hassle of trying to get him to stay still for that without needing someone to hold his head :-). But in any case there’s no reason not to get started on the paperwork.

  • 699. Lisa  |  February 4, 2014 at 10:40 am


    i am planning to file for my two kids through their grandmother (my mother) who was born in the U.S and lived there till the age of 20.

    i have a couple of questions regarding the N-600K form:

    – do i have to write in all the dates my mother was present in the U.S (also for short visits) or only the dates that she actually lived there?

    – in section 8 regarding my U.S citizenship information: what is the certificate of citizenship number – where can i find this on my birth certificate?


    • 700. Lisa  |  February 5, 2014 at 10:27 am

      any thoughts?

      • 701. Gupsa  |  February 5, 2014 at 10:45 am

        If you remember the short visits I don’t think it will hurt to write them on the form. 1-2 wk visits maybe not that important though. the important thing is that she was there for at least 5 years 2 of which were after the age of 14.
        as for citizenship info If you were born in the US then all you have to mark is Birth in the US. if you were not born in the US then most likely your mother had filed you under “birth abroad”.For births abroad I believe they issue a Certificate of Citizenship. If you don’t have one then you should go to your local Embassy they should be able to retrieve one for you?
        I also found this
        Like I said it’s best you ask your local embassy or call the USCIS.

        Good Luck!

  • 702. Gupsa  |  February 4, 2014 at 11:26 am

    Hi Isranglo,

    Thanks for the great details. I’m planning on filling out the form for my 16 month old son. I got stuck on the method of payment. as it says that checks or money orders should be drawn from a bank in the US. If I’m applying outside the US then I have to contact my local embassy. I have done that and I did not get an answer for my question. as they are not aware of such form. They told me to get an immigration visa and once my son sets foot on US soil he will automatically be a US citizen. That’s great!!! But I am not planning on living at the US anytime soon.
    So I would like to ask how you paid for the n-600k application??


    • 703. isranglo  |  February 4, 2014 at 10:28 pm

      glad to help Gupsa 🙂
      What the embassy said makes no sense (although it’s totally unsurprising that they’re unfamiliar with the N600k – embassies seem to often be ignorant about forms they ought to be informed of). Obviously if the N600k is the proper form for you then what the embassy’s saying is nonsense (just going to the US won’t make your kid a citizen automatically nor should he be applying for immigration if he has the rights to citizenship).

      As for how I paid I just found someone with a US checking account (easier for me as I have relatives both in the US and abroad who maintain them for various reasons), had them write out the check and paid them in local currency. Generally it shouldn’t be so hard to find someone like that – American communities tend to be friendly and close knit and if you don’t know anyone you probably know someone who knows someone with a US checking account and on your mutual friend’s say-so they’ll probably be willing to help you out by writing out the check to the immigration services – especially if you offer to pay them the amount back in your local currency up front (which should be fine for you assuming you trust the mutual friend to introduce you to someone trustworthy – I’ve suggested this for years and never heard back that someone had a problem with this method).

      • 704. Gupsa  |  February 5, 2014 at 10:33 am

        Yeah I thought so, just wasn’t sure if that process was applicable! Thanks a lot again 🙂

  • 705. hala  |  February 9, 2014 at 4:14 pm

    How do i prove that the child is residing outside of the United States in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent? I got a letter (form N-14) which asked for proof such as school records or medical records.. I am the mother of the child.

  • 706. Tom Wolff  |  February 20, 2014 at 2:01 pm

    Hi, thanks for the advice given above on m previous questions. We submitted an application which was received and logged on 3rd December 2013. We selected San Diego as the office and it is now with them. They wrote in January requesting further documents which we submitted. We chose the San Diego office as have family in LA who we stay with but thought the LA office would be slow so went for nearby San Diego. Any opinions on the length of time San Diego takes?

    Some of our US family are now moving from LA to somewhere near Chicago and we arethinking about moving the office and hopefully interview location from San Diego to Chicago. Would that speed things up or slow things down? If we do decide to move the office how do we go about it? We phoned the USCIC number and they said we need to to contact the office to where we want the case moved and request theme to move the case. Is that correct? If so how do we do that – via email? Via post?

    Thanks in advance for any help and answers

    • 707. isranglo  |  February 21, 2014 at 8:09 am

      I’m not a lawyer or anything. Just a father with experience doing this for 4 kids. Personally I’ve never had to move an office but I have had to try and get in touch with an office personally and have generally found it quite difficult. However there’s a lawyer (Michele) whose posted in a number of the answers here and who seems to have been successful in the past at moving offices so you may want to give her a try. Good Luck!

  • 708. Row  |  February 20, 2014 at 4:22 pm

    Hi everyone, my name is Roxana Waid, I am a US Citizen, but had live almost all my life in Nicaragua, Central America. My problem is that I do not comply with the yeras of physical residency to pass citizenship to my children.
    With my two oldest boys, I was guided by the US embassy in Managua using the process so-called “expedite naturalization, before their 18th birthday.
    The law was changed, no one notified me! 🙂 :), So with my daugher ( third child) things started to look gray. Last december, she was six months away of her 18th birthday , and I found myself almost hopeless about her situation. I knew that the citizenship through a grandparent did existed, but was completly misguided about it at us embasy in Managua.
    So , after praying for a while, I searched the internet and found this wonderful blog. Got in contact with Michele, and let me tell you in 2 months I got my interview day for march 12 in Albany New York.
    Much more the time was taken for traslation from spanish to english, or waiting for the big december snow storm in Jerusalem to cease, than the actual time that Michele took to get the interview for my daughter. I am really, extreamely thankful to her, she is a very professional person.

  • 709. Aya  |  February 20, 2014 at 7:30 pm

    Hello and thanks for this wonderful explanation.

    I am about to apply for citizenship for my son, who is eligible by the grandparent law (my mom, who is deceased, came to Israel when she was 18. I am a US citizen but have never lived there).

    I have a few questions I’d appreciate if you could help me with:

    1. In part 3, section 8 of the N600K form, what is the “certificate of citizenship”? where do I get that from?

    2. I do not have my mom’s birth certificate. Do you have any idea how I can obtain it (she was born in the US)?

    3. What do you mean by “All non-English documents must be accompanied by an English translation with the translator affirming himself competent to do the translation”. Should the translator just write a statement saying he is both Hebrew and English speakers?

    4. Since, as I said, my mom passed away, we don’t really have that much documentation to prove her residency in the US. She left when she was 18, and didn’t really keep and documentation, We were able to track down her old high school and obtain records, but that only accounts for 4 years (other schools do not exist anymore), we have her SSN number and an amercian passport). Do you have any experience with such cases? Will they be considerate? Any idea what other evidence we could provide to convince them?

    Thanks in advance!

    • 710. Michele Coven Wolgel JD  |  February 21, 2014 at 8:21 am

      Hi there

      Just wondering I know a couple of my clients posted to you that I did work for them especially from abroad.

      I would appreciate it if you would approve the posts so that other people abroad will know that I can help them.



      Michele Coven Wolgel, Attorney and Notary American Immigration and Naturalization Law Mitzpe Nevo 27/6, Maale Adumim, Israel 02-5903444 Of Counsel: Bretz & Coven,LLP 305 Broadway, Suite 100 New York, NY 10007-1109 212-267-2555

      This message is intended solely for the designated recipient(s). It may contain confidential or proprietary information and may be subject to attorney-client privilege or other confidentiality protections. If you are not a designated recipient you may not review, copy or distribute this message. If you receive this in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you.

      • 711. isranglo  |  February 21, 2014 at 8:54 am

        sure thing Michelle. As you can see I’ve mentioned you in a number of places myself. I don’t exactly come on here every day but I generally try to get to approving comments and let most comments go through unless it’s obvious spam or a personal issue that can’t be of benefit to people who visit here. It’s possible that now and again I’ve missed something but I’ve let through any recommendations for you from site visitors that i saw. Thanks for always being so helpful :-). I know the people who come here appreciate your helpful (and more informed than mine :-)) answers!

  • 712. isranglo  |  February 21, 2014 at 8:21 am

    As I answered Tom I’m not an immigration lawyer and this piece was written for more straightforward cases. Most cases can be handled without the use of a lawyer (all mine were as were many of the cases of people who have posted here after reading the blog) but sometimes a little help is needed and it may be that Michelle who often helps with answers on here may be able to help you. She certainly has come warmly recommended by people who HAVE used her here so maybe consult with her.

    as for what i can answer
    1) a certificate of citizenship is either a) a birth certificate or 2) a naturalization certificate (such as the one your son will get at the end of this process) which has a picture of the citizen and an attestation as to his date and place of receiving citizenship

    2) You may be able to write and request it somewhere. As far as I can ascertain each state has its own place to appeal to for such documents for deceased relatives

    3) something to the effect that “I, John Smith, am fluent in English and Hebrew (or whatever languages apply) and am competent to translate the document below” has always sufficed with my kids. Ideally have someone not your own family member be the translator.

    4) social security records are generally good as are rental contracts and even utility bills. The problem (as in all cases with the INS is taht they won’t tell you “do x and you’re fine.” Rather they say “you build a case to prove it as best you can and then we’ll let you know if it’s good enough.” But the things I mentioned above have generally been accepted as proof.
    Good Luck!

  • 713. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  February 21, 2014 at 8:28 am

    It is more difficult but possible to obtain records when the grandparent is not alive. I have in fact helped many clients do this.
    I appreciate that the blogger has in fact mentioned that I have helped people in difficult cases and would be happy to help you need this.
    You can contact me at;


  • 714. willow  |  February 21, 2014 at 10:47 am

    Qawan: definitely try to contact the field office. When I hadn’t heard back from the Providence field office, I got in touch with them through the Embassy in Rome and it turned out they had sent me an email for an interview date six months earlier but I had never received it (maybe it went in the spam).

  • 715. rs2000  |  February 25, 2014 at 4:02 am

    Hi All,

    Thanks a lot for this helpful information. I have applied for the N600K process for my 2 daughters. I filed on 23rd Dec and received any email on 6th Feb asking me to give 3 dates for an interview.

    I had selected St Albans, Vermont office based on the feedback on this forum. Please can you kindly help me on the below questions

    1. The email that I received, asking for interview dates, is it from some centralized USCIS centre or is it from St Albans, Vermonth centre?

    2. I have family living in Monroe, NY and they have asked me to move the centre to Queens, NYC as he thinks that change of centre would not effect the process much. I am trying to schedule an interview in July 2014. Please can you help me decide if I should move the centre (just because its close to where I would stay) or will it adversely effect my application at this point of time? How busy is Queens NYC centre?

    Many Thanks for the help

    • 716. rs2000  |  February 25, 2014 at 5:27 am

      I have to reply their email and hence would appreciate if someone can please help me here. Many Thanks!

  • 717. Tom Wolff  |  March 4, 2014 at 1:46 pm

    I’ve phoned the USCIC to inform them of our new address. The person I spoke to said that as the address was outside of the US they were unable to change it and that i should contact my local US Embassy to change my address. Is that really correct? I’m sure the person I spoke to got that wrong as how would the embassy update the N600K application. Can anyone advice me on the correct procedure to change an address when outside of the US? Thanks in advance.

  • 718. David Olesker  |  March 21, 2014 at 8:19 am

    Does anyone have experience of/information about using the Sacramento field office for citizenship via a GP?

  • 719. Tom Wolff  |  May 6, 2014 at 3:17 pm

    I’m pleased to say that we’ve now had an interview scheduled for 19th May in Chicago.

    I’d really appreciate any advice from those who’ve attended an interview on what we should prepare. I’ve got originals of all the documents submitted in the application (birth certificates, evidence that my mum lived in the US for more than 5 years etc) Is there anything else we’ll need? Also the interview invitation letter says we should bring an “I-94” for my son. But he’ll be entering the US (from England on a British passport) under the visa waiver programme using an Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) so we won’t have an I-94. I’m assuming that won’t cause us any issues. Are there any questions we need to be prepared to answer? Any hints, tips etc would be gratefully revived


    • 720. Karen  |  May 6, 2014 at 4:01 pm

      Hi Tom
      We did our interview in Albany last August and everything was very straightforward. As we were coming from Ireland we brought in a copy of the esta form. I brought a folder with all my other information just in case they needed to check anything but all they wanted to see were the items on the checklist in the invitation later. As my children were younger the man doing the interview read the oath for them. The whole interview itself took approx 20 mins and we left with their certificates of citizenship!

  • 721. rs2000  |  May 7, 2014 at 10:19 am

    Hi All,

    I have been reading page and have got really good information from here. Please help me make another decision

    So we applied for the N600k for my kids and they gave us the date in July 2014. Now everything was fine but then we found out that it would be very tough for my husband to get time-off from work. Its his promotion year and his boss is going somewhere so he really cant take a time off.

    Now we have two options

    1. We email St Albans centre and tell them of this reason and request for the interview date to be change in July 2015 (1 year later)

    2. we try and go sometime time this year but it will be very inconvenient due to my husband’s work and school schedule of my kids.

    I applied in Dec 2013 and interview is scheduled for July 2014. Do you think if I ask them to delay it for a year, will they get pissed off? will they keep the file open? has anybody experienced and done the same? I want to do it next year if it does not adversely effect our decision.

    Many Thanks and regards

  • 722. Ican  |  May 7, 2014 at 7:37 pm

    Don’t worry they won’t get annoyed about it at all or close your file while you are still communicating with them.

    If your husbands work situation can not be resolved to allow your attendance this year then send them an email with the reason for the request for a change, and hopefully they will eventually send you a new offer of three news dates around July 2015.

  • 723. Fredel fruhman  |  May 11, 2014 at 8:25 pm

    This is a great website!
    In the past, on two separate occasions, I have helped Israeli relatives go through the N-600K process. At that time, they each went to Hartford.
    I have now been asked to help a third relative, but it seems that the process has changed since then. I’ve skimmed what is written above, and several people who applied to Hartford seem to have had their applications forwarded to Vermont, instead?
    My relatives were hoping to come to the States in December or January. I’ve told them that it is probably too late to hope for a December or January date, since they haven’t even begun to gather documents. Am I being too pessimistic?
    Shall I try to direct them to a warmer part of the U.S., so that they wouldn’t have to deal with driving to Vermont or Connecticut in the snow? (They’re actually coming from Australia; should I suggest that they go to Hawaii?)
    I’ve tried to look at the USCIS website for processing times, but I’m not sure if I have the correct page. I found
    but it only mentions N-600, not N-600K. Also, they either say “5 months”, or have a specific (expired) date mentioned, which I don’t understand at all.
    Any advice would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.
    Fredel Fruhman

  • 724. Duncan Sproule  |  July 11, 2014 at 5:17 pm

    Oh my goodness! I just happened to see this page come up in a “google” search. I found out a couple of years ago that my son, born in Canada, (although we have been living in the US since he was 2 – for 13 years now) was ineligible to derive his U.S. citizenship from me, his father (born in the US but moved to Canada 2 months short of the “2 years after the age of 14” requirement). So I knew that my US born and raised – for 35 years – mother could provide her grandson with US citizenship. BUT there is virtually no info on USCIS pages! One has to search and search. And even when you do find a bit of information there is nothing describing the entire process. I just read your page today and while I’m sure the process could take months and months, I feel energized and ready to seize the day!!
    — Thank you so very much for posting/creating this page and providing ALL the information/guidance on a single site!

    • 725. Ican  |  July 13, 2014 at 3:41 am


      If you and your son are US residents than all you need to do is file a N-600 “not a N-600K which is intended for those living abroad and therefore not applicable to you” at your local USCIS office. I believe your son technically became an US citizen the moment he and you became US residents.

      It should also be noted any time spent in the US such as vacations goes towards the requirements of physical presence before you sons birth, so you could have also fulfilled these requirements if you could have proved the additional 2 months and he would have then been a citizen from Birth.

      Good Luck

  • 726. gooding hinanui  |  August 23, 2014 at 12:07 am

    Hello , i’m really happy to see that this clause of grand parents exists for us the grand child ? but my question is/ It is always possible if my grand father is dead since 5 years ?

  • 727. coleen  |  September 29, 2014 at 1:09 am

    Hi there. What a great website! I’m just about to submit my N600k and supporting documentation. I am going to submit it with a USD bank cheque for fee payment (although it won’t be drawn on a US bank). Has anyone else done this before? I’m in New Zealand and therefore its the only option I can think of for payment. The embassy here is pretty unhelpful on all matters related to the N600k.

    Also any comment on the San Francisco office, as I have family there and was going to put that as my preferred place for interview….. Otherwise Honolulu….?

  • 728. Martin  |  October 1, 2014 at 10:00 pm

    I think any reputable bank’s cashier’s check is acceptable. I used such checks twice written on Israeli Bank. I suspect San Francisco office is busier than smaller field offices in CA. I would take a look at:
    and choose a smaller but convenient field office.The smaller the office, the shorter the wait usually. Just have to make sure the chosen office processes the N600k form. Good luck.

  • 729. Rivka  |  November 5, 2014 at 1:32 pm

    How old do the applicant’s photos need to be? I am applying for my 6m old baby and have passport photos from when he was 5 weeks old, will that be ok?

    If I am coming to the States in August, when should I apply? I am coming from Australia

    • 730. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  April 13, 2015 at 9:06 am

      If you want to go in AUgust you need to apply ASAP, I do these for people all over the world, if you are interested in assistance you can go to my website, International Services and email me.

  • 731. Rivka  |  December 25, 2014 at 12:13 pm

    How old do the applicant’s photos need to be? I am applying for my 6m old baby and have passport photos from when he was 5 weeks old, will that be ok?
    If I am coming to the States in August, when should I apply? I am coming from Australia

  • 732. isranglo  |  December 25, 2014 at 5:30 pm

    technically I believe they’re supposed to be at most 6 months old but that usually applies to an adult. For kids the rule of thumb should generally be the most recent you can get and at least one where the child is recognizable as themselves to an observer. In any case if it’s a really young child you may want to consider coming equipped with a few progression pics to show how the kid developed from the time of the pic to the time of the interview just in case the interviewer has any doubts. It’s not absolutely necessary but may be useful and at the very least I can tell you that interviewers like it when people seem well prepared and confident and ready to provide maximum identification and documentation.
    You should apply ASAP because there’s no guarantee as to when you’ll be processed. a friend of mine and I applied almost a year apart and ended up with interviews to the same office a week apart because mine got lost in the cracks and hers were dealt with directly. So apply and hope it gets dealt with in a timely manner on the government’s end.

  • 733. Salvo C  |  January 5, 2015 at 8:19 pm

    Hi everybody great blog
    I wanted to get information for my children ( 11 years – 5 years), I am an American citizen (New York) and I left at the age of eight years, but every summer and every Christmas I returned in the USA.
    Now I wanted to give my children American citizenship but the Embassy ask me to prove that after my 14 years I had to be resident in the Usa for another 2 years. I can not prove but i was there for more.
    I knew here that with my dad, Grandfather, I can do, “US Citizenship through a Grandparent – Naturalization under Section 322 of the INA” through the form N-600K application for US citizenship.
    -) But they made me frightened, cause if I do something wrong on the module we lose the chance to do it and I also lose the money for the fee ( $ 600,00) for every child??
    -) Another question to file N-600k on the USCIS website tells me to send it all to by mail “P.O. Box 20100 Phoenix, AZ 85036 ” I can no more choose other offices in the US ??
    -) My father (Grandpa)is naturalized American long before my children were born and am sending documents as his “Social Security Statement” where shows that he lives in the state United States for 34 years. It’s okay as a document proving he was in the US for more than 5 years ??
    I thank you a lot again in advance.

    • 734. Dennis Barry  |  July 9, 2015 at 7:10 pm

      As far as I know, you send the information to Phoenix, Arizona and then they send them on to whichever office you make the application to. My story is very similar to yours ie. using the Grandfather. Mine are in the process now. They did send me a letter to say that they received the application. with a receipt number and you can check the progress on their website. Their is a website that tells you exactly what you need for proof that your father lived in the US etc.

  • 735. isranglo  |  January 6, 2015 at 7:52 pm

    I understand your frustration with being unable to prove that you were there for more than 2 years – how come? what were you doing there? If you were a student or working there should be records of that. Even if only visiting if you have all the passports with the stamps etc. that should work.
    That said if you have to do the N600k from the sounds of it you should be ok. If you have 34 years of Social security records (essentially a government document) that sounds like pretty strong evidence. Can I guarantee it? no of course not and wouldn’t even if I were a lawyer (which i’m not). What’s more the main problem with immigration is that they won’t tell you what’s “acceptable” (because they don’t want to be committed and then get sued if something goes wrong) but the majority of cases I’ve heard of don’t tend to lose the $600. In fact I don’t think I’ve heard of any that have. What it comes down to though in my experience is that the field officers (and I’ve been with different ones at different offices and my documentation was always fine) want to “get a feel” for you. If you show up with handwritten notes from people who say they know your dad lived there they’re going to be a bit more wary. On the other hand if you show up with documents from official institutions that make a solid case then all they’re interested in is making a cursory check. The more organized you have your info and can provide them with details of where your dad lived and other details about him establishing his presence the smoother it should go. Incidentally I’ve only run across one case in which a person invited for the interview in the US failed to ail through smoothly. Generally they don’t invite you for the interview at all unless they’re fairly satisfied with the copies of the records (you have to bring the originals with you to the interview) are enough to prove your case once you get there.
    as for the address you need to send to a central office now I believe but I think you can ask to be assigned your interview at a specific place. I think it’s all just channeled through one central address but if someone here knows different feel free to correct me.
    The most important tip I can tell you once you get to the interview is be prepared and stay relaxed. The more at ease you are with knowing the details of your father’s life in the States and the more happy you are to offer them details to speed their way along the more likely the whole thing is to just be a formality.

    • 736. Martin Tenney  |  January 6, 2015 at 10:28 pm

      The N600 form and supporting documentation must all be sent to the “lock box” in Arizona but that has nothing to do with the plsce where the interview will take place. You can state your preference for a specific field office in the form itself. Remember to try to choose one not in a big city. Good luck.

  • 737. Salvo C  |  January 7, 2015 at 10:46 am

    Thanks for the quick reply !!!!
    Then I went over to my dad every summer and Christmas … but checking my passport there even a stamp by the two countries … it enters it out … crazy ..
    Then calling the embassy, they told me, that needed my “residence” for two years …
    However I am happy for N600K patience for $ 600 but this thing is very important, more now knowing that I can do it .. and feeling tell my son of 11 years, “let’s do it dad, it’s important for my future” …
    I have already some documents ready and have been made in two languages (English), I miss the most important that today my dad try ‘”Document naturalization” and my birth certificate .. as regards the evidence of my dad I downloaded his “Social Security Statement,” but there is’ only wrote the years one by one (34 years old) with income, I asked her online “Record of employment.” I hope that is enough I requested also to his adviser in the US its “Income Tax” we see some of them … as you say I have to send photocopies but also have the originals.

    -)So, i’m from New York, I have to send it by email to all “PO Box 20100 Phoenix, AZ 85036 “then on the form choose other offices in the US exp. Hartford Conneticuit ….

    -) Where do I put the cross here:
    1.The BIOLOGICAL child of a qualifying U.S. citizen (USC) parent filing this
    2.The ADOPTED child of a qualifying USC parent filing this form.
    3.The grandchild of a qualifying USC grandparent or the child ward of a USC legal
    guardian filing this form within 5 years of the death of my USC parent;

    -) Last thing what I write here:
    Spouse Immigration status : ?? She is Tourist … i put Tourist ??

    -)where there is nothing written in the boxes write “N / A” and “none” right ??

    thanks again for your courtesies and speed ‘!!!

  • 738. Ash  |  January 22, 2015 at 2:36 pm

    I’ve spent the past few weeks going through each and every comment on this website and I must say what a great resource this is – kudos Isranglo – this is truly a goldmine of information!

    I have three questions which I’m hoping someone can answer:

    1. I will be using my father’s residency to qualify my two children. What I’d like to know is the if social security earning statements procured as evidence of residency for him would need to be certified or if we can use the ones obtained free of cost online from the social security website. The certified ones cost $56 (without employer names/addresses) and $136 with employer names and addresses. I’d be grateful if people can relay their experience with this since this would be an added cost to the already astronomical $600/child processing fee.

    2. I’ll be sending the final package via certified mail – do I send to the PO Box in Arizona or is there a physical address I can/should use?

    3. Any experience in the Norfolk, Virgina office? That’s the one I’d ideally like to get this done through for the interview.

    Any insight into the above would be greatly, greatly appreciated!


    • 739. Gupsa  |  April 3, 2015 at 2:17 pm

      Hi Ash,

      I just noticed your post. Have you done anything since January?

      1- I had used my mother’s paychecks as evidence, so I think the social security statements could be used. just in case if I were you I would get the certified ones and send the copies with the application form.

      2- on the internet site is writes
      To submit an N-600K via express mail or courier deliveries, use the following address:

      Attn: Form N-600K
      1820 E. Skyharbor Circle S
      Suite 100
      Phoenix, AZ 85034

      3-We had our interview at the San Diego Office in California. The process went smoothly. Santa Ana was closer to were I was going to stay, but I was told that the SD office was a well organized office. They were right! the whole process took 4 months. our forms were received by the USCIS on the 20th of October 2014, the interview was given on the 24th of February 2015.

      hope all goes well!


      • 740. Ash  |  April 22, 2015 at 9:31 am

        Hi Gupsa,

        I’m just about to file – got distracted with other stuff but getting back on track. Thanks for your help. I’m thinking of calling the Norfolk, VA office to see what their criteria is wrt certified statements that cost $56 (without employer names/addresses) and $136 with employer names and addresses. I was hoping someone had experience using statements and could guide me.

        • 741. CP  |  April 22, 2015 at 11:47 am

          We just successfully completed the whole citizenship process through N600K for my son (using his Grandfather for the residency qualification). They requested his (Grandfathers) social security statement of earnings which he supplied me with. It wasn’t certified or anything, just the one he received in the post. This was accepted no problem.

          Re payment. I’m in NZ and I just got a bank draft here (in NZ) made out to US Homeland Security, in USD, drawn on HSBC Bank from memory. Just posted it off with the application. I think it likely that so long as the bank draft is in USD you won’t have a problem, as they are only going to bank it like a cheque anyway.

  • 742. Gupsa  |  February 16, 2015 at 7:21 pm

    Hi All,

    I applied for the n-600k on october 2014 just today I received the interview paper. one problem is that the interview is one week away 🙂 What type of visa should I apply for ? and will I get the visa quick? I don’t want postpone the interview.

  • 743. Salvo C  |  February 17, 2015 at 11:24 am

    I’m happy for you Gupsa … but you do not have a chance ‘of choice for the date .. ??
    So I understand how you have to go to the oath called in a week before ?? wowww
    Also can you tell me where you put as immigration offices.
    I’m still waiting for my father’s document’s, to send documents to Pheonix, we can’t found the “Certificate of Naturalization” ….

    Bye let us know how it end …. thank bye

    • 744. Gupsa  |  February 17, 2015 at 11:39 am

      Thanks Salvo but I don’t think I’ll be able to go at that date 🙂 I’m trying to contact the embassy for expedite visa but since everything is done my e-mail I’m unable to reach anybody. even by phone.
      They did not ask for a choice of date. I wish they did then I would have arranged the visa for my son. I’m going to try and contact the San Diego Office if they can change the date. I called yesterday which was president’s day so no one was there 🙂 I’m surprised that they did not inform the date via e-mail. I was informed that I will receive a date via mail 🙂 The letter was sent on Feb 2nd and came yesterday.
      I think you should be able to find the naturalization documents. do you know which office it was issued in? If you have a social security number then they should be able to see when he was naturalized.
      Good luck to you

  • 745. Gupsa  |  February 17, 2015 at 1:40 pm

    An update on my situation:
    the Consulate has approved my request for an expedite visa. hope all goes well.

    • 746. Gupsa  |  April 3, 2015 at 1:54 pm

      Another update
      I was able to get a visa the same day. we flew just in time for the appointment we got our certificate. The interview took 5 mins and it took us 1.5 hrs to get the certificate.

  • 747. Daniël  |  March 12, 2015 at 11:38 pm

    Can somebody tell me how to pay the $600 fee? I am able to pay from abroad or from inside the US. Thanks in advance.

    • 748. Gupsa  |  April 3, 2015 at 1:52 pm

      Hi Daniel,

      you need to send them a check or money order from a bank in the US. I had sent my forms to a friend of mine and she got a money order for me and sent it with the forms to the USCIS in Arizona.

  • 749. Martin  |  April 3, 2015 at 2:15 pm

    The check for the $600 does not have to be written on a US bank. I have twice used a cashier’s check issued by a major ISraeli bank (Leumi)

    • 750. Gupsa  |  April 3, 2015 at 2:22 pm

      I guess it depends on the country. When I contacted the embassy they told me that it should be from a bank in the US. Or a bank which has a branch in the US. I didn’t want to take that risk.

      • 751. Martin  |  April 3, 2015 at 4:05 pm

        Of course it’s best to be on the safe side. Our banks have corresponding US banks but I don’t know the situation where you are writing from. Good luck.

  • 752. Rivka  |  May 14, 2015 at 3:07 am

    I applied in February, it got sent back bc I forgot to tick one question, re-sent it in March. The website says it has been received by the local office. I selected Denver. I am scheduled to go to the US with my 15m old baby in August and am desperate to get an interview for then (coming from Australia, we don’t go to the US often 😉
    When should I start gettting nervous? Will I get the interview before we go? Any way we can rush them?

    • 753. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  May 14, 2015 at 5:28 pm

      if you would like me to contact the office and help please contact me but you should be fine. The info on the website is not accurate at all.

  • 754. lightbluemobius  |  June 10, 2015 at 12:28 pm

    My great grandparents from my mother’s side moved to the US one century ago. My great grandfather moved to New York between 1910 and 1915, and my great grandmother moved in the early 1950s. I’m not sure but I believe they had to give up their Italian citizenship in favor of US citizenship because the American law of the time didn’t allow dual citizenship at all, as it was in fact introduced years later.

    My grandmother stayed in Italy, though a couple of times she got the chance to visit her family in the US. She passed in 2012. Her sister, who passed away in 1998, moved to the US in the early 1950s. All of my ancestors living in the US have passed away; I only have second cousins (my mother’s cousins), third and fourth cousins there now.

    I’ve just heard of the “grandparent rule” and I would like to know if it would enable my mother, who was born in Italy in 1955 and has never been in the US, to apply for US citizenship. I would also like to know if this application, if accepted, would somehow allow me to apply for US citizenship within a few years.

    Thanks in advance for your attention and have a nice day.

  • 755. isranglo  |  June 11, 2015 at 12:31 pm

    Sorry, but the Grandparent option (if the law even existed at the time – I’m not sure) would have expired for your mom in 1973 when she turned 18. If you don’t claim it by that age the option is lost.

  • 756. Ariela  |  June 11, 2015 at 9:00 pm

    Who signs section 8 if my children are two and four?

  • 757. Toby  |  June 14, 2015 at 9:45 am

    We just completed the process for my 19 month old granddaughter. For reasons unknown, it took 18 months to get the interview invitation to the Baltimore office (I suspect that they misplaced the file). Obviously, the original photos we had sent were out of date, so we took new up to date ones with us. And good that we did, because another couple was sent out to find a place to take new photos. So if a long time has passed since you applied for a young child, think of all the things they might ask to update (photos, height, etc).

  • 758. goldie  |  July 1, 2015 at 7:06 pm

    The place to send the completed N600K is to Phoenix, arizona? Then from there they send it out to the area that I requested- is that how it works? thanks, goldie

  • 759. Yuval Weinstein  |  July 27, 2015 at 10:23 am

    Hi, First of all, thank you for all this information – with your help I was able to navigate the process and we now have an interview scheduled in Hartford, Ct. on Oct. 19. We plan to stay in the States for just a few days and are scheduled to depart the U.S. on Oct. 20th. Do you know if the child can leave the U.S using his Israeli passport, or is it required to get a U.S. passport before departing?

    • 760. isranglo  |  July 27, 2015 at 11:09 am

      The last time I left the States with such a situation I actually didn’t have a choice since I didn’t have a US passport for the child yet and there was no problem. I was actually told by a friend of a friend who was in charge of security at that airport that it’s actually preferable to fly out on the foreign passport even if you have a US one because that’s the one the kid flew in on. If oyu were to leave on the US passport then essentially they have a record of a kid entering the US on a visa (that’s good for X amount of time) and no record of the kid leaving – that’s a bureaucratic hassle at best and you can imagine the red flags that could set up at worst.

      • 761. Yuval Weinstein  |  July 27, 2015 at 11:24 am

        Thank you !

  • 762. Yuval Weinstein  |  July 27, 2015 at 11:31 am

    Another question – although my grandchild will be 18 on Sep. 9, the office is saying we should make an appointment within 6 months. I just don’t want to come across any “surprise” situations where they say he past age 18 and no longer qualifies. (I actually haven’t made the appointment yet and WANT to make it for Oct. 19).
    I assume if they say within 6 months, they know he will be over 18 by knowing his date of birth.
    Thanks in advance for any color on this.

    • 763. MICHELE COVEN WOLGEL  |  July 27, 2015 at 4:21 pm


  • 764. Francesca Squillante  |  July 29, 2015 at 2:27 pm


    great, very informative post! I have been trying to understand the ins and outs of this process for weeks and you seem to know more about it than USCIS who was pretty clueless when I contacted them with my questions! I was wondering if I could trouble you with a couple of questions? I am a US citizen applying for US citizenship for my son through N-600K because I don’t meet the requirements, so my father (the baby;s grandfather who is a naturalized US citizen will qualify instead). These are my questions: 1) whether it is still I (the US citizen parent) who should fill out the form even though it is my father who meets the requirements? 2) Also, I went through the instructions for the form and was wondering where it says that I need to provide proof that the baby is in my custody? (Me and the baby’s father are married and live together). 3) Does my father also need to provide his birth certificate if he wasn’t born in the US but naturalized at a later stage? 4) And lastly, on the UCSIS website it says to file at a specific address in Phoenix Arizona if sending the form via courier (which I am), but you advise we send direct to the actual office where we request the interview to take place? Is this allowed?

    Thank you so much for your help,


  • 765. isranglo  |  August 2, 2015 at 10:31 am

    1) yes you fill it out 2) there’s no absolute answer here and yes I agree it’s ridiculous. If asked the USCIS people will tell you that they’re not making any promises and the onus of figuring out what’s proof falls on you The best you can do is build a case to the best of your ability. If you can show on the one hand a marriage certificate and on the other recent bills or similarly official things showing you and the father reside together and have joint (non-kid related) utility bills or a rental contract etc. that should suffice though there’s no guarantee. 3) He probably should because it’s always best to do what’s asked – bureaucrats LOVE going by the book. That said he should of course also provide his certificate of naturalization as a US citizen. 4) not sure – the system has changed some since I did it so that may be dated. But if you scroll up here then I’m fairly sure the question’s been discussed by others. If there’s something more recent saying send to Phoenix by someone whose been through it – then send to Phoenix!
    hope this helps!

    • 766. MICHELE COVEN WOLGEL  |  August 2, 2015 at 11:27 am

      You have to send to Phoenix, you don’t need to prove custody unless there has been a divorce and custody or unless you file in one of the 2 offices that ask for it. The choice of office is very important here.

  • 767. Dana  |  August 16, 2015 at 10:35 am

    This is a very informative site indeed. Thanks much.
    I have a questions about custody. I am a US citizen by birth but left the US at the age of eight. My father qualifies for the grandparent citizenship application for my children. My husband and I live separately at present. The children stay with each one of us half the time. We are not formally divorced. We have agreed that whatever happens, we will share the custody of our three kids equally. I can provide a written agreement to that effect if necessary. My questions are: 1) Does such a shared (50%-50%) custody satisfy the custody requirement? If so, 2) Assuming that a written agreement has to be provided, should it be signed by a notary public or a lawyer?

    • 768. MICHELE COVEN WOLGEL  |  August 16, 2015 at 11:18 am

      This is an issue that if you answer wrong the citizenship will not be granted. If you would like professional help please contact me, you can view recommendations above and on my website, this is what I do, I am an American Immigration Lawyer and an Israeli Lawyer.
      My number is 025903444, my email; my website;

  • 769. isranglo  |  August 16, 2015 at 11:10 am

    I can’t and the US government won’t give you answers on this. Michelle who sometimes helps answer on this site and is a lawyer may have a more definitive answer. What I can tell you is taht the US government considers the onus as being on YOU the applier to prove you have the right to give your kid citizenship. Therefore regarding notaries, lawyers and such the likelihood is the more official documentation yo have the better your chances. If you’re just separated and not legally divorced than I think the children actually ARE in your custody legally. If their dad is ok with you doing this for them I see no problem though of course I’m not a lawyer. If he were to cause a stink there could be problems. But if you’re formally still married I’m not sure you’d really have to prove much of anything. You’re a married couple who between you have 2 domiciles and as a couple make a parental decision as to which one the kids sleep in on any given night. Of course that’s just my guessing and not a legal guarantee.

  • 770. Naomi  |  September 1, 2015 at 10:12 am

    First, a big thank you on this wonderful blog!
    I got an opportunity to visit my grandparents in the US during Chanukah (December 7-16 2015), I’ll only go if i can naturalize my children (2 children, regular N-600K).
    Do you think it will be possible to get an appointment at some field office if i send out the docs via UPS tomorrow?
    I know this is a short time for processing, but i really want to take this opportunity.
    My grandparents live in New Jersey, if the above is possible, what field office would it be possible at (from comments above, it seems like Vermont might be a good option but its 6 hours drive, I would prefer something closer although I’ll drive their if necessary)?
    In addition, does anybody have the phone numbers and / or email addresses to contact these field offices? (I found this online but the numbers are not correct…, I think it can be a good idea to ask them directly if they’re available during the dates I wish to be in the US)

    Thank you for your help!

  • 771. Emil  |  September 9, 2015 at 11:59 am


    Re-reading the application instructions I just noticed it says:

    ” The processing includes: interview of the applicant and qualifying relative (parent or grandparent) or guardian (if applicable) ”

    Does that mean that the grandparent must be present in the interview?

    I’m filing the application on behalf of my kids who are seeking naturalization through my mother. I was planning on taking them myself as my mother is getting old to travel.

    • 772. MICHELE COVEN WOLGEL  |  September 9, 2015 at 1:51 pm

      The grandparent does not need to appear.
      THe closest fast office is Vermont.
      YOu cannot call the office.

    • 773. Gupsa  |  September 9, 2015 at 2:13 pm

      My mom was not present at the interview. the officer asked where she was. I told them that she was unable to travel. and he said ok 🙂 gave us the certificate.

      hope all goes well

  • 774. wendz  |  September 16, 2015 at 7:20 am

    I have a question sir how about the over 18 years old, but when the law was applies she was 16 years old, is she eligible?

    • 775. MICHELE COVEN WOLGEL  |  September 16, 2015 at 3:55 pm

      No the child has to be 18 when they receive their citizenship

      • 776. wendz  |  September 24, 2015 at 7:57 am

        what about the form n600? it used for over 18 years old

        • 777. MICHELE COVEN WOLGEL  |  September 24, 2015 at 8:03 am

          Form N600 is for a child (person) living in the U.S. who is a Citizen but either didn’t know or wants a Certificate it is not for your sister.

  • 778. Dana  |  September 20, 2015 at 9:37 am

    I am getting confused about the fee method. Reading throughout this (great) blog and the instructions of USCIS, I have learned what seems to me contradicting claims:
    1. The instructions say that the $600 fee should be paid by “a check or money order drawn on a bank… located in the United States and mus be payable in U.S. currency.” There is no mention on whether it can be a personal check or it needs to be a cashier check.
    2. One post in the blog said that they rejected a personal check and demanded a cashier check or a money order.
    3. In another post it was said that a cashier check of Poalim bank is accepted, because the code (or something) on that check was that of the New York branch of the bank.
    4. In the Poalim bank I was told that their cashier check, whether in dollars or shekels, is drawn on the local branch that issues the check.
    5. Yet another post said that they used a cashier check of Poalim bank with no problem.
    For me a personal check would be the easiest and the cheapest method. Can you tell me what is the rule? Anyone knows?


    • 779. Paula  |  September 20, 2015 at 6:14 pm

      I paid by a personal check with no problems,

      • 780. Dana  |  September 21, 2015 at 10:58 am

        Thank you Paula.

  • 781. Guyl  |  September 29, 2015 at 7:15 pm

    Interesting articles. In my case, my mother just found out that her deceased mother was born in USA (May 1900). Her mother lived in USA in childhood, them moved to Canada and returned to USA after she married for about 8 more years. My mother was born afterward in Canada (July 1934) and never lived in USA. I was born in Canada as well (September 1964). Can we get US. Citizenship through my grandmother since me or my mother never resided in USA. If we don’t fulfill the residency requirement, could we claim citizenship under something called “Constructive citizenship retention” because we did not know that my grandmother was a US Citizen until recently, otherwise we would have taken actions. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  • 782. יעקב  |  October 6, 2015 at 9:25 am

    Any information regarding the cleveland branch regarding speed, availability etc.? planning to send now but with a date in late june 2016

  • 783. Ariela  |  October 17, 2015 at 7:52 pm

    anyone know from recent experience if one can use the Israeli passport to leave the US after getting citizenship? The office where we have an appointment said it used to be possible but no longer is.

    • 784. Martin  |  October 17, 2015 at 7:59 pm

      The certificate of citizenship that is issued to your child during your visit is not a valid travel document so I think it is only logical that the child, having entered using a non-US passport must also use it to leave, unless, of course, you managed to get a passport for the new citizen.

      • 785. Ariela  |  October 18, 2015 at 5:13 am

        I was told we must get an American passport. I wanted to know if anyone recently left on an Israeli passport and if they had issues with it.

        • 786. Martin Tenney  |  October 18, 2015 at 6:18 am

          Hi, I did the process 3 years ago, but again, logically, there is no reason to be forced to leave the States with a U.S. passport. Your child entered with an Israeli passport and a visa. I wouldn be surprised if the inland security people at the airport have a way of knowing that your child has had a certificate of citizenship issued for him. You can, in future, get the passport from the Embassy in TA . On the other hand, it is a good idea to get your child a Social Security card while in the States. You can’t get that done outside the country. B’ hatzlaha.

    • 788. Gupse  |  October 18, 2015 at 7:42 pm

      This past Feb. we got our certificate. Since we were at the states for a short time we were unable to apply for a US passport. So we returned with our foreign passport. Then applied for the US passport at the embassy with no problem. However I haven’t applied for a social security number yet.
      Good Luck!

  • 789. Ariela  |  October 18, 2015 at 1:21 pm


  • 790. salvatore  |  October 19, 2015 at 8:44 am

    Hello to everybody …. is a long time that I’m trying to put all the documents together, (February 2015) I was stuck because of the serious illness of my son of 12 years, now after 6 mounths, it seems to get better and I want to start to put it all right to citizenship.

    Can you tell me (again) if these are good documents:
    -) My father, the grandfather, can not find his “Certificate’s Citizenship”, but he has all passports since citizen since 1989, thy are fine as proof of his citizenship;
    -) As regards the period of work, takes me comfermate that we neeed “The Statment Certificate” and not that simple one, because the grandfather is also retired “Social Security USA”, after 38 years of work.

    Sorry if I make you the same questions but it was a very bad time for my family.
    thank you in advance …. again ….

    • 791. isranglo  |  November 9, 2015 at 1:28 pm

      there are no absolutes (the immigration services themselves can’t or won’t tell you what is or isn’t good as an absolute) regarding documents but those sound like useful proof. That said you could probably call the hotline (the phone number’s there on the immigration services website) and find out where you could get a copy of the naturalization certificate (SOME office somewhere must have a copy – it wouldn’t be a bureaucracy if they didn’t have copies of every document they ever issued) and send away for an official copy to bring with you.
      social security documents or anything else that can place him as having been in the US for the required number of years can only help! whatever you have that could be relevant give it to them.

  • 792. Erez  |  October 27, 2015 at 11:22 am

    About the check issue: Last time, we have paid with cashier check in shekel (Poalim bank) and the USCIS return it, so we send in dollar and it was fine.
    This time, we have paid with cashier check in and send all the page of the check (including the header), they return the check
    as it was incorrect. Then we send the same check again (without the header) and this time it was fine…

    • 793. isranglo  |  November 9, 2015 at 1:31 pm

      glad it finally worked out. Personally I always found someone with a US account, paid them the money in my local currency and had them right me a US check for the relevant amount to send to the USCIS. But nice to know that eventually you can do it the cashier check route

  • 794. adiel  |  October 27, 2015 at 6:29 pm

    Hey isranglo,

    Thanks so much for this info.

    So I am still a bit confused- if I am not an American citizen, but my father is, can my Israeli-born kids get American citizenship through their grandfather- it will be easy to prove since he is still living in the States. Is this a possibility? If so, what selection do I choose on the form?

    Thanks so much

    • 795. isranglo  |  November 9, 2015 at 1:22 pm

      as far as I know if you’re not it can’t be passed on to the kids via this method. This method is a way for US citizen parents to transmit their citizenship to their kids in a situation where they’re missing sufficient time residing in the US but its for children of citizen parents. The grandparents role is only to provide the residency time requirement.

  • 796. rs2000  |  November 23, 2015 at 3:49 am

    Hi All,

    Many thanks for the helpful information here. I needed to ask you some information on the application for my 3rd child (new born). I am a US citizen and will apply for his passport under N600k through grandparent route. I have already done this for my 2 kids in 2014. I currently don’t live in the US
    I am in a dilemma and will appreciate your help

    1. We thought that we would apply when he is 1.5 years and would go when he is atleast 2 years old. it will be easy rather than going with 3 kids (including1 newborn and my kids wanted to do some sight seeing) But will the elections in the US and all the political situation, I am having second thoughts on whether we shall apply now and as soon as we can. Would waiting another 1 years before applying be risky? Can I apply now and choose an interview date in 2017 summers please?

    2. Last time I chose Vermont as the center and the process went through smoothly. I am thinking if anybody has any experience with Hawaii? Its closer to us and will be convenient. can you please share your experiences and wait times for Hawaii?

    thanks a lot!

    • 797. isranglo  |  November 25, 2015 at 3:31 pm

      noone can know what will happen. The law could change tomorrow or next year or never. I don’t know if you can choose a 2017 date or whether even if you did it would save you if they decided to change the law before you finished the process. What I can say is I know that people have in the past been able to move their date and the USCIS has generally been more able to accomodate those who want their delayed than those who are asking them to put a rush on it. So logic would suggest it’s not unlikely that you’d be able to postpone if not to 2017 then at least to get a few more months than your initially assigned date.
      as for hawaii I guess if anyone here has used it you’ll get your answer but not having used it myself I wouldn’t venture to say.

      • 798. rs2000  |  November 27, 2015 at 8:17 am

        thanks for the reply.
        can anyone share any experience with N600k in Hawaii please

        • 799. rachel  |  November 27, 2015 at 8:50 am

          I wouldn’t know about Hawaii but I considered it when filing for my 2 sons. I ended up applying in Guam since it is nearer to the Philippines where we live. All the info I needed was in this forum, which I read from start to finish taking note of all the important details from the first-hand experience of Isranglo and everyone else. Although I hadn’t read from anyone who applied in US territory instead of Mainland, I decided to give it a try and was successful.
          Two months before my older son turned 18, I brought my him and his 16-yr old brother to the Guam office where they received their citizenship in Feb. 2013 (I wrote about it here, if you’ll backtrack to that time.)
          We stayed in Guam for 3 days, I scheduled our stay based on the appointment date they gave. The only hitch was the person in charge of our case was absent that day and the consul who took over had to review everything we submitted so it was quite a wait but we got the certificates, nevertheless. I planned on getting social security cards for my sons as adviced here but the lines in the office were too long.

          Hope this helps, goodluck on filing in Hawaii!


      • 800. rs2000  |  November 27, 2015 at 9:51 am

        thanks a lot Rachel

        Please can you let me know about how long did it take to

        1. between application date and when they got back to you for interview date
        2. between application date and actual interview date


  • 801. Salvo  |  November 23, 2015 at 9:55 am

    Thanks for your great informations.
    I want to share mine emails, I did for N600K to the embassy and the USCIS office in my country, I made them 5 questions here are the answers:
    “Dear Mr.
    The documents you need to submit are indicated on the N-600K instructions. Please refer to our website:
    Regards USCIS”

    “Dear Client,
    These documents are only obtainable from the US. Please read the instructions carefully on how/where to send these documents. Thanks. Embassy”

    Beautiful answers, are very interesting right ??
    Thanks again for your Forum.

    • 802. isranglo  |  November 25, 2015 at 3:33 pm

      thanks for the laugh. The sad thing is that the answers you got were actually more helpful than the ones I got when I was going through the process which is why I wrote this piece which has turned into a forum indeed in the comments.

  • 803. rachel  |  November 27, 2015 at 4:56 pm

    Glad to help, rs2000.
    1. USCIS received my applications in January 2012 and the processing was delayed because they needed additional evidence, which I supplied. By November 2012, I received notice via email we could be scheduled for interview already.
    2. I requested we be scheduled in February 2013 to give me time to make the necessary travel arrangements such as US visas. All in all, because of the delay due to insufficient evidence I initially submitted, it took 1 year and 1 month between application and actual interview.
    It helped for ease of correspondence with Guam USCIS office that they supplied me with an email address instead of relying on snail mail after the initial filing of application and fees.

    All the best,


  • 804. rs2000  |  November 30, 2015 at 6:53 am


    can anyone please guide me for a good location on the west coast where they had short processing time and trouble-free experience?

    Many Thanks!

    • 805. Gupsa  |  November 30, 2015 at 11:16 am

      We had our interview in San Diego. We applied around October 20th 2014. Our interview was set for the 28th of Feb.2015. I did not have the choice to select out interview date. I received the letter a week before the interview. So we had to apply for an expedite visa for my sun. Luckily we were able to fly the day before the appointment date. 🙂

    • 806. Daa  |  November 30, 2015 at 11:48 am

      I applied in San Bernardino, California. My application was arrived on March 21, 2015. I asked for a interview between July 28, 2015 and August 20, 2015. They called my grandfather on July 28 if I (grandson) was still coming. My grandfather chose a date in August for the interview and I got my Certificate of Citizenship.

  • 807. rs2000  |  November 30, 2015 at 11:55 am

    thanks for the reply! I thought these cities will be super busy due to being popular tourist destinations.
    I did the process for my first 2 kids in St Albans Vermont and it went super smooth and they were very accommodative with our interview schedule too.
    Now I am thinking of going to west coast/Hawaii etc as we live in HK and it will be great from a tourism and convenience point of view
    I am struggling to decide whether to choose Vermont and sacrifice on touristy and convenience part ? or go for west coast (if yes would LA or san Francisco etc) be better….

  • 808. Gupsa  |  November 30, 2015 at 1:21 pm

    No prob :=) I don’t know about San Francisco but LA and Santa Ana (Orange County) offices tend to be very busy. What I’ve heard is that they are not as organized. San Diego went very smoothly.when we got there it took us a total of 2 hrs. It’s walking distance from the train station.
    I don’t know how helpful it would be but you can check the link below

    • 809. MICHELE COVEN WOLGEL  |  November 30, 2015 at 1:45 pm

      I have better choice in CA but that’s where I send my clients. That website is not accurate.

  • 810. Vasileios  |  December 5, 2015 at 1:08 pm

    Hi to all,
    this is my situation:
    I am a US citizen by birth, born in Boston 1969, left with mother and brothers in 1976. My father was a US citizen by naturalization, and he lived in Boston from 1966 till 1977, when he joined us in Greece.
    I want to naturalize my children, 12 and 7 years old. Do you think i can do it throy my father, my kid’s grandfather? He is dead since 2008.
    1) I have his passports
    2) i have his social security number
    3) i have the contract of the house we bought in Boston
    – his certificate of naturalization
    -his certificate of citizenship
    – his employment record (They all appear to be lost).

    -I can obtain affidavits from my mother and my aunt who were with him in the states.

    I plan o request certificates of naturalization, citizenship and ebvery lelful document of his file sending Form 639.
    I plan to request my father’s employment record from Social Security.
    Do you think i have chances to naturalize my children through their grandfather?
    Many thanks in advance!!!

  • 811. Paloma  |  December 15, 2015 at 1:10 pm

    Am glad it all went well for you! But i was shocked by how many years it took you to complete the process! 2 years ! Didn’t expect it to take that long! Am planning to go to the USA for studies and applyfor my daughter while there! I dont know if thy is possible or do i have to be abroad for the N600k to be filed!!

    • 812. MICHELE COVEN WOLGEL  |  February 14, 2016 at 4:59 pm

      First of all it should not take 2 years, a normal case that I handle is less than 6 months. If you are going to study you HAVE to file from here with the N600K while you are living here and then she enters on the Tourist VIsa and you need to get her an appointment while her stay is still Temporary and she is in status. Once she is living there there is a different way to obtain Citizenship which is both longer and more costly.

  • 813. Natalya  |  February 14, 2016 at 9:40 am


    I have a question about the oath: does the child have to renounce any other citizenship? Or will he/she be able to keep dual citizenship?

    • 814. isranglo  |  February 14, 2016 at 2:34 pm

      technically one is only supposed to hold one citizenship but in practice it’s a given that they look the other way as long as it’s a citizen of a country that’s friendly to the US and with which there are deals in place for dealing with taxes and stuff.

  • 815. Vasileios  |  February 14, 2016 at 7:54 pm

    Dear isranglo, I obtained a certificate of residence from the city of boston for my father, and copies of the property tax for 7 years. Do you think that these documents, if added to social security records will make a good case for my children to get us citizenship through my father ( their grandfather)?. Many thanks in advance.

  • 816. nathaniel  |  February 16, 2016 at 11:37 pm

    Dear isranglo. Thanks for this useful and cordial blog. My status is quite simple: my parent was born and raised in USA and made Aliya, and easily has all proof of the required residence. I was born and raised here, and have a USA passport. I’m using my parent qualification for the citizenship of my below 18 yo children. However the first question on the form is quite confusing. Do I choose the first option (the biological child of a qualifying USC) or third option (the grandchild of…). The intuition goes for the latter, but the instructions seem to imply the latter option is only in case the parents are deceased. Lastly: I have a USA passport, Neither me nor my parent were aware of the existence of certificate of citizenship number. Can I fill in my USA passport instead , and likewise fill in my parent passport number where asked for certificate of citizenship ? Thanks.

    • 817. isranglo  |  February 18, 2016 at 12:51 pm

      I’ll leave the first part for someone else to answer – probably Michelle :-)) as for the latter question where were your parents born? If they were born in the US they won’t have a certificate of naturalization or need one.

  • 818. nathaniel  |  February 18, 2016 at 9:48 am

    (Apologies if this is a repeat, it seems my previous attempt to post this question failed) Dear isranglo. Thanks for this useful and cordial blog. My status is quite simple: my parent was born and raised in USA and made Aliya, and easily has all proof of the required residence. I was born and raised here, and have a USA passport. I’m using my parent qualification for the citizenship of my below 18 yo children. However the first question on the form is quite confusing. Do I choose the first option (the biological child of a qualifying USC) or third option (the grandchild of…). The intuition goes for the latter, but the instructions seem to imply the latter option is only in case the parents are deceased. Lastly: I have a USA passport, Neither me nor my parent were aware of the existence of certificate of citizenship number. Can I fill in my USA passport instead , and likewise fill in my parent passport number where asked for certificate of citizenship ? Thanks.

    • 819. MICHELE COVEN WOLGEL  |  February 18, 2016 at 2:41 pm

      The first the last is in fact only if you are deceased, you are applying for your child not your parent. If you have more questions I will be happy to answer but for a fee as this is what I do for a living. Michele

  • 820. nathaniel  |  February 19, 2016 at 2:20 pm

    Thank you very much Michelle, I’ll contact you offline.
    Thanks alot israglo.
    Just to clarify the certificate of citizenship. I (the parent) was born here, and hold a usa passport. I dont have a “certificate of citizenship”. So my USA passport number is good enough?

  • 822. Gavry  |  February 24, 2016 at 6:16 am

    Hi Isranglo. I am a U.S. Citizen, but lack the residency requirement and will use my parents (the grandparents) who lived there until their 20s. I have a U.S. passport which is long expired (I use my Canadian for everything). Will I need to renew my U.S. passport in order to go through the application process for my children?

    • 823. MICHELE COVEN WOLGEL  |  February 24, 2016 at 8:33 pm

      YES it is a required document

    • 824. isranglo  |  February 24, 2016 at 8:54 pm

      I’m not sure if you need it for the process itself – you’re proving your own status as a US citizen via your birth certificate anyhow – but in any event the interview stage will require you to travel with your child to the US where as a citizen so far as I know you’re legally required to enter with your US passport so you’ll need it anyhow at some point. Might as well do it now during the winter period when fewer people travel and there’ll be less of a wait to get an appointment and less of a hassle at the embassy.

      • 825. MICHELE COVEN WOLGEL  |  February 24, 2016 at 9:16 pm

        You do need for the process what if he gave up his Citizenship, no office will approve without.

      • 826. Gavry  |  February 25, 2016 at 5:33 pm

        Thanks so much!

  • 827. Mitchell  |  February 29, 2016 at 11:03 am

    Obviously, this is a very confusing issue and I have my own twist (of course).
    My wife and I made Aliyah when our two oldest children were 5.5 and 2. years of age.
    My daughter, who is also married to a US citizen, now has two children of her own, and wants to apply for citizenship for the 2 children.

    Neither of the two parents have spent any considerable time in the \states but BOTH are US citizens.
    From the top of this article:

    “1) Be married to another US citizen OR
    2) prove that you have lived for at least 5 years in the US of which at least 2 years have to have been past the age of 14.”
    it appears that they don’t need to go the grandparent route as BOTH are US citizens.

    Am I reading this correctly? Is it sufficient that both parents are US citizens or does the condition regarding time spent in the States still apply?

    • 828. ariela sher  |  March 2, 2016 at 11:34 am

      If they can prove they were in the USA for a summer camp or the like they might be able to get the citizenship here (Tel Aviv not Jerusalem) otherwise they might have to go the grandparent route.

    • 829. isranglo  |  March 2, 2016 at 12:01 pm

      unless things have changed that is the case. My sister married someone who got his citizenship through his parent and she left the states at age 5. Between them they didn’t have half the years in the US that I did – but all they had to do was register their kids at the US embassy because the kids were born to 2 US citizens. The residence time issue is only relevant to cases where only one parent is a citizen

      • 830. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  March 2, 2016 at 2:51 pm

        This is true if she lived there until age 5 they just have to register their children. Even if he was born here and was never in the U.S. it’s Section 301(c)
        Their children are all Citizens at birth just like her husband

    • 831. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  March 2, 2016 at 2:54 pm


  • 832. Salvo  |  March 2, 2016 at 8:59 pm

    Hi again …. finaly just yesterday I got the “Certification of extract from records”, from the Social Security Administration, of “statment of Earnings” Certified as proof of required “Physical Presence” from 1969 to 2008 in the United States issued January 2016. That shows that my father, the grandfather of the children was in the USA, for 39 years.
    How i told you my father lost the naturalizazzione Certificate, but ‘we have the certificate number and date of issue, which have given us the USCIS offices aboard in my country, so we can fill out the form.
    I also have the passports of the 1989/1999 and the 1999/2009, they proof when the grandfather become us citizen. We are going to renew your passport by date 2016.
    They are fine as proof of his citizenship before the child birth.

    In page 3 in the istruction there is a note under “Proof of Us Citizen”
    is the passport of 1989 good iven if it is expired ??
    I’m confused.

    • 833. Adrian  |  January 16, 2018 at 10:40 pm

      how long did you wait to receive the “Certification of extract from records”? thank you.

  • 834. Miryam  |  March 6, 2016 at 8:43 pm

    i’m looking for advice as to wich field office is faster, Hartford or Newark. much abliged

  • 835. Joshua  |  March 9, 2016 at 12:18 am

    Hello Isranglo.

    First off thank you for the great info and help to us all.

    If I may explain my situation and get some advise from you.

    I am an American father born abroad in Spain to 2 American citizen and born in the U.S. Parents (grandparents).
    Last year I had twin daughters and would love to get their citizenship through the grandparent clause using the n600k.

    The one issue that I don’t understand is, I’ve had my daughters with my long time girlfriend, so they were born out of wedlock.

    Is this a problem? Do I. We’d special paper work as I’m American but the mother is not?

    Hope you can help,

    Thanks again.

  • 836. Joshua  |  March 9, 2016 at 9:30 am

    Hi Isranglo,

    First off, thank you for the help with the documents needed and all the blog, it’s a huge help.

    I would like to explain my situation and see if you could give me some insight and help finishing up what with the paper work needed.

    I am an American citizen born abroad in Spain to 2 American born parents.(Grandparents)
    Last year I had twin daughters with my long time girlfriend which we are not yet married and at the moment will not marry soon due to work and other situations.
    My girls friend is Italian as I am the anerican father I wanted to pass on the citizenship through my parents the grandparents to my kids.
    1 Is it possible to do so if my kids were born out of wedlock?
    2 how do I legitimize my kids? Or what are they looking for me to present them?
    3 do I need to provide a check from a U.S. Bank account for the payment?
    4 and on the application, do I need to feel out the mothers information even if we are not married?

    Thank you for all your help, I hope you can be of assistance.


    • 837. isranglo  |  March 9, 2016 at 3:49 pm

      I’m not saying it can’t be done but this is already out of the scope of my expertise. I’m someone extremely well versed in the N600-k and how to do it without a lawyer for the %80-90 of standard cases but I’m not an immigration lawyer and so I can’t advise on these non-standard cases.
      Possibly Michelle our resident lawyer will weigh in though I don’t know if she handles cases in Italy or knows people to refer you to there.
      Meanwhile I can give you some general observations which are in no way meant to be construed as legal advice
      1) as far as I know there’s no law that says the parents have to have been married though they do ask for the parents marriage certificate so maybe so.
      2) In any event you’d need to prove that the kids are yours with some local documentation. what that documentation would be though or whether its sufficient to meet immigration authority standards is anyone’s guess. Their rule tends to be “we can’t tell you what will be acceptable proof. you do the best you can to build a case, submit it and then we’ll say yes or no”
      3) that or I think a money order works too. In any case it can’t be a check from an Italian bank paying in non-US currency
      4) I assume that you would since at the very least it’s information about the child applicant’s mother. Does the form ask for the applying child’s mother’s name or for the child’s US parent’s wife’s name?
      hope this helps

      • 838. Joshua  |  March 9, 2016 at 5:21 pm

        Thank you for the info, well appreciated. I’ll try and keep getting more paperwork as to be safe.
        Best wishes.

  • 839. Barbara Shivek  |  April 2, 2016 at 5:53 pm

    Thanks for all the information
    I have my Junior High school, High School and College diplomas. Is that enough to prove I was in the states for enough time? I was in high school almost 50 years ago and my high school has since closed down.
    I hope someone can answer

  • 840. Emil  |  April 7, 2016 at 10:13 am

    In case anyone is interested, 7 months after sending all the papers we received a letter asking us to go to the Las Vegas field office. Although they don’t clearly say that they will give the kids their citizenship, it just asks us to “come to the office in connection with an official matter”. So I suppose that’s it. Yay!!!

    I still have some questions I was hoping somebody here could help me with.

    1. In the letter they sent me they say we should bring “Legal Permanent Resident Card”. It’s like they don’t realize we are not living in the US. Do you think I should just ignore this?

    2. Since the date we originally asked for has long passed they ask us to give an “approximate date of arrival for interview”. What would be the fastest acceptable way to do this? We would like to go in three weeks but snail mail is taking nearly two weeks so I don’t know if it will work.

    3. Do we need to wait for confirmation from the field office or can we just chose a date and go? The letter says “Please advise/confirm with USCIS LVG your date of arrival to adjudicate your N600K application”. So do you think that means they need to assign us a date for the appointment and still get back to us one more time?

    4. Finally if we can’t go in three weeks like we want, it looks like our next opportunity (due to family matters) won’t be until about 18 months from now. Can you think of any reason they might not let us chose a date so far in the future?

    I already tried calling the 1-800 USCIS number to ask these questions but they say that since they already sent the application to the field office they cant help and as we all know there is no way to speak to the field office so once again this blog is my last resort.

    Thanks a million for your help,

    • 841. Salvo  |  April 7, 2016 at 10:50 am

      Hi Emil, Hi, I read that you did it for the kids. Apart making a form N600K for each child, do you sent the documentation of the dad, and the grandfather, twice ??

      • 842. Emil  |  April 7, 2016 at 12:06 pm

        Hi Salvo,

        Yes, I prepared two envelopes, one for each child with each child’s name on it. I put everything requested in each envelope as if they where unrelated. Then I put both envelopes inside a larger one with one cover letter and the two checks attached to this cover letter.

        Good luck,

      • 843. Salvo  |  April 7, 2016 at 12:54 pm

        Thanks, for the Tip !!!

  • 844. הגיון בריא של אדי ועדי  |  April 17, 2016 at 3:14 pm

    Hi Isranglo, im so happy i ran into this blog post! i was scrolling down hoping the information is still relevant and i was shocked to see the post is still getting comments since 2007!
    this is my situation:
    i am a us citizen and lived there for 5 years age 5-10 (not born there).
    My mother is American from birth and has spent 5 years over the age of 14. i also have the documentation to prove it.
    i am traveling for an important job interview in the states wich may lead to us (wife,baby,me) relocating to SF.
    should i start the proccess of my newborn childs citizenship from Israel or should i just get her a regular visa and do the proccess from there?
    also i would like to take them with me for the interview (next month) will it be possible to get her some kind of temporary travel visa that quickly?
    thank you so much for the information.

    • 845. isranglo  |  April 20, 2016 at 7:19 pm

      Eddie – not being a lawyer this is somewhat beyond my scope which is strictly that of a parent who went through the n-600k process and have been helping people on here for the last almost decade or so. Issues such as quick visas are already something you’d need to ask a lawyer or at least the embassy. I’d wait with the citizenship personally until your status is clearer. If you move there she should be automatically entitled to citizenship as the child of a US citizen bringing their child there. If you don’t go she’s still a baby and so you should have lots of time to do the grandparent method before time runs out on her at age 18. If you start the N600k and then want to move during the process that may be at least bureaucratically confusing. US bureaucrats are every bit as singleminded as Israeli ones – you really want to be careful before deciding to confuse them – it rarely sails smoothly.

  • 846. Salvo  |  April 19, 2016 at 8:06 pm

    Hi isranglo, I’m about to send the envelope with all the documents, I wanted to know,USCIS Processing Time Information, this tool really works ??? Teel me fron Long Iland NY they will call me in 10 mounts ?? Realy ??
    Let me know. Thanks

    • 847. isranglo  |  April 20, 2016 at 7:12 pm

      Salvo there was no tool to figure processing time when I did the process so I can’t speak from experience. That aid I haven’t seen complaints on here so I guess it must be reasonable at least.

  • 848. Bebolack  |  April 24, 2016 at 2:55 pm

    hi Isranglo, my spouse and i are applying for our children (2) on account of her father (she’s a US citizen and i’m not) and i have a couple of questions:
    1. we’re not married but a couple by common law (“yeduim batzibur”). do we need to provide a certificate for that even though i’m not part of their eligibility?
    2. do you know if we can send both forms together in the same envelope or does it need to be sent separately?

    thanx for your blog! helps a lot!

    • 849. isranglo  |  April 27, 2016 at 5:01 pm

      1) there’s no absolute answer to that although the fact that you’re the man makes it easier since if you were the citizen you’d need some sort of proof that you’re the father whereas with the mother there can’t be any doubt whose child it is. That said, from a bureaucratic standpoint it can get tricky and last time I inquired about it with their hotline they refused to commit to an answer. So the answer is yes – get any type of paper you can get to build your case with. But you also may want to consult a lawyer.

      2) yes and no. Each child needs their own “package” of forms to be filed separately. That said, you DO want to make sure they get the same field officer assigned to them and get to come to the interview together. What I did on my first trip (when I did 2 at once) and worked fine was I created 2 packages and put each in its own envelope. I then took the two envelopes together with a payment that covered 2 kids and a letter explaining that I wanted them to be assigned together and to be invited together and put it all in a larger envelope and mailed that. The kids were invited together – no hassles on that point.
      hope this helps.

  • 851. Arlene  |  April 27, 2016 at 2:25 pm

    Hi Isranglo, thank you for your wonderful blog! Maybe you can help me out with some questions I have regarding the N-600K process.
    I’m a US citizen born outside the US but have lived in the US for about 6 years, but sadly not after me 14th Bday. I’m now trying to obtain citizenship for my twins (born in Germany) and I’ve applied via my father (Grandparent route) born, raised and still living in the US. We’ve sent in all the paperwork (nov 2015 and it has arrived in the local office)
    My question is about the interview. Who has to be there?Of course my children ( the apllicants). Do BOTH parents have to be present? What about the grandfather (my father)
    Do you ( or anyone else) have any experience with the Philadelphia office? How long is the processing time?

    • 852. isranglo  |  April 27, 2016 at 4:48 pm

      Thanks :-). As it so happens I’ve actually used the Philly office. It was a number of years ago but they were very friendly there. The processing time seemed to be fairly quick (about 6-9 months) for most people. I however had the bad fortune of having my file misplaced by someone and so it took much longer. However another friend who applied there months after me had an appointment for a week after me so at least for her it was super fast. Philly is good because it’s not a major immigration center like say New York or Los Angeles or Miami but you can drive to it easily from places like NY, NJ, Maryland, Pennsylvania etc. if you want to base yourself there.
      Neither of your parents has to be present unless the imigration services specifically told you to bring them. I never brought anyone to any of the interviews (I have 4 kids) and no one even asked. My wife wasn’t even in the US for one of the interviews and even if she had been there was no reason for her to come, not being a US citizen herself same as you hubby (if our spouses were American citizens we wouldn’t need the N600k even if they’d never lived a day in the US). Unless told otherwise it’s you the citizen parent and the child applicant.

      • 853. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  April 28, 2016 at 9:49 am

        Grandparents do not have to be present they are not the ones making the application unless the USC is not alive.

      • 854. Arlene  |  April 28, 2016 at 1:13 pm

        Thank you so much for the info!

  • 855. Guylaine  |  April 27, 2016 at 9:23 pm

    Hi can I obtain citizenship through my mother born from a US mother outside USA? The grandparent was a US Citizen but never registered my mothers birth. We will apply for her US passport at a US Embassy. But I am unsure if I will be entitled as well since my mother or I never lives in USA. Also, my mother never knew until recently that her mother was American.

  • 856. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  April 28, 2016 at 9:54 am

    For any of you who are both citizens there is finally a hearing on the lawsuit filed 2 years ago. Here is the Press Release;

  • 857. Micheal  |  May 25, 2016 at 8:32 am

    Hello to everyone, great blog. I followed your advice, the only question is on citizenship of the grandfather, that not having the naturalizazione Certificate, we are using the old passport(prior birth of the child) and the new one, not expired, issued after the child birth. I called yesterday USCIS number 18003755283, they have told me that “I have to follow the instructions,” nice answer.
    Here what says on page 3:
    “”Proof of U.S. Citizenship of Qualifying Parent or Grandparent.
    Examples of this are a U.S. birth certificate;
    Form N-550, Certificate of Naturalization; Form N-560
    Certificate of Citizenship; Form FS-240, Report of Birth
    Abroad of United States Citizen; or a valid unexpired U.S.
    A passport must have been issued prior to your birth
    if it is being provided as proof of U.S. citizenship. You must
    provide additional documents including birth certificate or
    naturalization certificate as evidence that your parent was a
    U.S. citizen at the time of your birth if the passport was issued
    after your birth. “”
    It is confusion, before it’s speaking of the parent and grandparent, in the note “A passport must be issued prior your birth if it is being provided as proof of U.S. citizenship” instead speaks only of the parent, I’m okay I have all the documents. Here someone has had this experience and tell me that everything went ok. Or after you have sent all the documents with payments, they will seek me the duplicate of the “Certificate of Naturalizazione”, which in addition cost of $. 345,00, it takes a long time for the county of New York ???
    Thank to all

    • 858. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  August 23, 2016 at 3:44 pm

      The current passport is enough the other comment is an error on instruction page which would make anyone without a CRBA or US Birth Certificate unable to file an N600K

  • 859. Salvo  |  June 2, 2016 at 6:39 pm

    Hi isranglo, after a year and a half, tommorrow morning
    I am sending the two Form N-600K for my two children in Pheonix. These days I read your advice and all 800 messages again.
    It’s 10 days I reread everything, to not forget anything, here is the summary of my documents, 31 pages of documents, of course I removed the data here in the message:

    Documents of the Child
    1) Copy of Birth certificates issued and certificate by the Cityhall , in international format, with traslation below and behind in the numbered boxes;
    2) Copy of Certificate of “Family Status” and Residence issued and certificate in June 2016 by the Cityhall ;
    ·3) Translation of the Certificate of Family Status and Residence of the US citizen son;
    4) Copy of valid unexpired foreign Identity Card expiration date 2021 and valid unexpired Italian Tin number card (health card) expiration 2020;
    5) Copy of a valid unexpired foreign passport issued 2016 (years 2016/2021).

    Documents of the Us father of the child
    1) Copy of a valid unexpired U.S. passport issued 2015 (years 2015/20125);
    2) Certificate of birth issued by Department of Health as proof of parent U.S. citizenship before the birth of the children;
    3) Certificate of Birth Registration from the City of New York, Bureau of Vital Records;
    4) Copy of the Marriage, issued and certificate by the foreign Cityhall in multilingual format, with traslation below and behind in the numbered boxes;
    5) ) Copy of valid unexpired foreign Identity Card expiration 2026.

    Documents of the US grandfather
    1) Copies of passports, first passport issued 1989 (years 1989/1999), since he became a US citizen and the penultimate passport issued 1999 (years 1999/2009), these passports are issued prior the birth of the children;
    2) Copy of a valid unexpired U.S. passport issued 2016, as proof of U.S. Citizenship of qualifying Grandparent;
    3) “Certification of extract from records”, (Form SSA-7050-F4) from the Social Security Administration Baltimore Maryland, of “Statment of Earnings” Certified as proof of required “Physical Presence” for more then 35 years in the United States, Form SSA-473 issued 2016;
    4) Certificate marriage grandfather at the “Saint Finbars Roman Catholic Church” Brooklyn, NY;
    5) Social Security Benefit statment Form SSA-1099, 2015, this payment shows that my father (grandfather), is a retired Social Security, which is it needs number of credits to get retirement benefits, they are 40 credits (10 years of work);
    6) Copies of three driver licenses of New York State;
    7) Copy of lasts “Resident Income Tax Return IT-201”, of the last 5 years of work of 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008;
    8) Copy of lasts “W-2 Earnings Summary”, of the lasts years, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 before he retired on Social Security in 2008.
    9) Original and copy of the check of the USA Bank from personal account of grandfather of $. 600,00 made payable to U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

    How’s that work ?? Are they good documents ??
    Theres new updated news

    PS: The only document that I do not have is the “Certificate of Naturalizazion” Grandpa, that many have confirmed that the renewed passport is a good proof of citizenship.They will seek me the duplicate ??

    THANKS AGAIN !!!!!

    • 860. isranglo  |  August 2, 2016 at 2:22 pm

      it sounds like good documentation. Of course as always with the immigration services they’ll never commit to something’s being good or not but insist you decide what’s good and send that to them and then they’ll let you know what they think of them.

  • 861. Salvo  |  June 29, 2016 at 8:07 pm

    Bad News there are updates on Fees by Immigration Benefit
    Immigration benefit request
    N-600/N-600K Application for Certificate of Citizenship Current fee $. 600 to Proposed fee $ 1,170 …..
    hurry up

    Isranglo do you know something about this, when these increases will be operating …

    I sent all early June.i just received my two Receipt Notice (Form I-797) one for each kid !!! hope everything go’s OK.

    • 862. isranglo  |  August 2, 2016 at 2:20 pm

      had not heard of this salvo but thanks for the heads up

  • 863. JP  |  July 19, 2016 at 9:14 pm

    Salvo, if you’ve submitted your application before it’s put into affect, you are golden! And USCIS website still shows the fee as $600.

  • 864. JP  |  July 19, 2016 at 9:17 pm

    I will say they received my application 10 December 2014. We involved our congresswoman who helped get information. Twice they requested more information or were going to deny. The office we chose just seemed incompetent. I’ve read many other posts that had a much better experience. Our congresswoman advised the appointement was approved for May….we never received anything. So they rescheduled for us. Hoping all goes well on the interview.

    • 865. isranglo  |  August 23, 2016 at 3:41 pm

      kudos to your congresswoman. My congressman’s webpage has a notice saying specifically that his message system for voters to express their concern is set up not to accept messages from constituents physically residing outside the district which I guess is diplomatic language for “voters abroad can go find someone who cares!”

  • 866. may  |  July 29, 2016 at 6:10 pm

    Nice thread! helped me understood alot :)Anyway, I think no one has ask nor answered wether can or should both parents be present at the interview in th US? TIA 🙂

    • 867. isranglo  |  November 14, 2016 at 8:24 pm

      thanks and sorry i only just noticed this – hope its still relevant. Only the citizen parent needs to be present. I’m guessing the non-citizen parent would probably be allowed to attend the meeting if they really wanted to but never had a reason to ask. In any case they certainly don’t expect the non-citizen parent to be there.

  • 868. isranglo  |  August 2, 2016 at 2:25 pm

    ok question for any of you who have gone through the process with an older child. I went through the interview with my kids when they were all young (the oldest was 4) and so they always interviewed me and didn’t ask them anything. However I understand that with older kids they may decide to interview the kid as well. So if you’ve been through it 3 questions:
    1) is that the case (that they interview older kids)? and if so
    2) from what age do they interview them? and
    3) what kinds of questions do they ask them?

    • 869. Ariela Sher  |  August 2, 2016 at 4:43 pm

      I went with 16, 15 ,14,12 and 10 year olds. No questions were asked of the kids besides their name and grade and that was just trying to make small talk

      • 870. isranglo  |  August 23, 2016 at 3:39 pm

        thanks. Their interview’s this morning US time. Guess I’ll find out soon 🙂

    • 871. Vasileios  |  August 10, 2016 at 6:43 pm

      Hi there,

      I would really appreciate if anyone could tell me what does he think about my documentation for the grandfather:
      1. Copy of his green card
      2.his petition for naturalization
      3. His naturalization certificate
      4. His original passport application
      5. His alien and first us passport, which if combined show that he never left the usa, but lived continuously in the usa , except of a period of a month, when he returned to Greece, to marry with my mother.
      6. Social security statement of quarterly earnings, for a period of 12 years
      7. A copy of a deed which records him as buying a house in the usa.
      8. “Certificate of residency” from the city of boston, which says that he lived in specifically named addresses for 12 years.
      9. Every year , and for 12 consecutive years, he was recorded in the official list of residents, a list which contains every resident in a road/street per year, issued by the city of boston.
      10. Copies of property tax records, billed to his address, obtained by the city of boston.
      11. All his us passports
      12. A hospital card, which mentions some visits of him to the local hospital
      13. Photos of him in the usa, colored, Polaroid, and dated.

      I tried to obtain tax records and utility bills, but it was impossible, after almost 40 years, the irs and the utility companies had nothing…

      Dear all, I would really appreciate your thoughts about my evidence! All the best!!!

      • 872. Salvo  |  August 10, 2016 at 7:23 pm

        Hiiii Vasileios here too !!! The Social security statement is best if “Certified” it cost $196,00. Hurryup they want to raise up the fee. There is the new Form N600K, but you can use the old one too.
        I recived mine pratice number from Uscis for each child on 7 June 2016 then nothingelse ….. let’s see.

        Bye Vasileios and isranglo.

      • 873. Ariela Sher  |  August 10, 2016 at 7:24 pm

        Sounds good to me

  • 874. Shterny  |  August 4, 2016 at 9:15 am

    Hi just looking for advice.
    I have a 6 week old baby I want to apply for. Have successfully applied for my 5 other children through the los Angeles office- (we live in australia )But wanted to check what’s the fastest location in California for processing as I have a wedding to come to September 13 in los Angeles and would be amazing if I can get the babies citizenship done in that time. Is it wishful thinking or has anyone had experience getting an interview within 6 weeks of lodging the form ?
    I have yet to send the form but have everything ready.

    • 875. isranglo  |  August 23, 2016 at 3:38 pm

      best of luck – I once heard of a fluke where someone got an appointment in 3 months (the same processing center took me over a year at around the same time) but I wouldn’t base my plans around it – especially in 6 weeks and in summertime which is their busiest period. If you succeed let us know – everyone will want to use that center!

  • 876. Vasileios  |  August 10, 2016 at 8:34 pm

    Hi salvo, I’ve got it certified from ssa. Good luck with your application, I am optimistic things will go fine for you!

  • 877. sara  |  August 15, 2016 at 2:14 am

    hi does anyone know which office has the shortest wait time In california? i am planning a trip to the USA from australia in 6 weeks and ready to lodge forms and being hopeful maybe i can get an appointment??

  • 878. Jose Antonio  |  August 23, 2016 at 10:33 am

    Hi Michele, Vasileios and everybody participating in this grate post.

    I have some doubts and I hope you can help me to figure out if my brother and I are eligible to apply for the American citizenships. I expose my case briefly as follow.

    – I am a 36 years old guy (I was born in 1986)
    – My father was an American citizen, he was born in Venezuela but my granpa was American.
    – My father lived 4 years in US but when he was between 3-7 years old, I mean he was under 14 years old and obviously before I was born as well.
    – When me father was 42 (and I was 17) he moved (alone) again to US specifically to CT and lived there for 16 years until Octuber 2013.

    As you can see my father do not achieve/accomplish the physical presence requirement, I have red ( that there is an option to get the citizenship through granparent or to accomplish the physical presence through (rely on) grandparent if the parent does not but some previous comments in this post let me figure out is just for kids under 18.

    My grandpa lived uninterruptedly in America until he was 25 (he even fought in Korea). After that my grandfather lived again for 4 years in Denver (as I mentioned before, the same period of time that my father lived in US when he was a kid).

    In addition to this I have two aunts (born in 1980 and 1971) that were able to get the American citizenship demonstrating 10 years of physical presence of my grandpa, before they were born.

    Do you have any idea if I can use my granparent phisical presence even when I am a grown man? Do I have any chance to get the citizenship?

    Thanks in advance for your answer, and congratulations for this amazing and useful post. Sory for my english.

    Jose Antonio

    • 879. isranglo  |  August 23, 2016 at 3:35 pm

      I’m sorry to disappoint you but you were out with the first sentence. Citizenship through a grandparent is only relevant up till the age of 18. I myself actually have a niece and a couple of nephews doing the interview today in the US. Their older sister (since my brother never took my advice over the years to get her the citizenship) is now 19 and will now have to go through the whole lengthy green card process.

      if your dad was a citizen then if you were now pre-18 you could have gotten the citizenship thanks to your grandfather. It’s possible that being his grandchild – especially since you say he’s a veteran) you might get more favorable treatment in trying for a regular green card process (my advice would be to try and get in touch with the US Veteran’s administration tell them your story and see if they’d be willing to help out the grandsons of a US armed forces veteran) but its 18+ years too late for the naturalization through a grandparent method to help you

  • 880. Cas piggott  |  September 23, 2016 at 3:14 pm

    Hello and thank you for this amazing and helpful blog. I have trawled through many years of posts bur haven’t found a similar quandary to mine. I am a citizen grandparent seeking citizenship for my two grandsons born abroad (in England). My son, their father was born in England and registered as a birth abroad and we have the Report of a Birth Abroad. He had an American passport. However, he died this year in a boating accident and his wife is not a US citizen. I’m having trouble finding out how to fill in the N600k form, and don’t want to make a costly mistake and have it rejected. I have gathered enough documents to fulfill my residence requirement. And both boys are under 18. I’m sure there must be others in the same boat, somewhere. Thank you!

  • 881. tali  |  September 25, 2016 at 11:57 am

    can anyone say witch office around New York is best? we are planning a visit in New York, but can also go to Boston\ Philadelphia if they are better and faster.
    thanks, Tali

    • 882. isranglo  |  September 26, 2016 at 2:20 pm

      of those 2 I’ve used Philly a couple of times and got good service one there although once they lost my documents for awhile which delayed things. Nonetheless as mentioned once I got there they were quite nice and efficient.
      as for New York I always recommend NOT to use a city with a large presently popular immigrant population – New York, LA, Miami…those places can take YEARS to process (I knew someone who waited 8 years till they got an appointment in NYC back in the day). Everyone and their brother has a relative there they plan to stay with while in the US and so they all register there. You don’t have masses of Cubans or Africans or Arabs rushing to stay with family in Rhode Island or Buffalo or even Philly. Yes Philly has a large Italian population and Boston a large Irish one – but most of those Italians and Irish that were planning to get citizenship did it awhile back – they’re not a fresh immigrant population with relatives likely to fill up the Immigration offices.

      • 883. Tali  |  September 26, 2016 at 2:56 pm

        Thank you so much for your answer!
        Do you know anything about upstate NY?

  • 884. Salvatore  |  September 27, 2016 at 11:59 am

    Hello ….. i send everything on 6 June 2016 my documents are at Philly on 25 June, i have my A-Number, but no more information …. i hope they contact me ….
    do i have to to something else ??
    When then take my document and respond me how many days i have to wait …. ??

    • 885. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  September 27, 2016 at 12:18 pm

      Philly is sometimes slow and sometimes good, I don’t use them for that reason. If you want to move offices and get an answer I could take care of it, email me at;
      I of course charge.
      My website is;

  • 886. Salvo  |  October 24, 2016 at 7:45 pm

    Hi to all again .. here we are whith the new Fees :
    N–600K Application:
    now $ 1,170 before $600,00
    Hurry Up !!!

  • 887. Niove  |  October 28, 2016 at 7:52 pm

    Hello everyone! We submitted all the necessary documents on August 2015. A month ago received an email requesting documents that proved that we have lived outside the US from August 2015 to present. We complied (bills, school certification for the kids, insurance records, etc.). A week later received another email requesting prove that the kids live with us. Sent those last Monday (letter from school, pediatrician, more bills and our condominium administration stating the address we all have in their records). Now I am so anxious waiting for a response because my brother in law went through the whole process and was denied because his kids had never travel to the US. This requirement can not be found anywhere in the instructions and although mine have been to the states several times I am nervous that they come up with some other strange reason for denial. 😮

  • 888. rs2000  |  November 9, 2016 at 10:00 am

    Hi All

    I used N600k route for my 2 older kids a couple of years back. My son was born last year and I planned to apply for him when he turns 3 so that it gets easier to travel to the US and also do some sightseeing.
    Now with Trump winning the elections, I am getting nervous about the immigration laws getting changed and thus making it possible to get US citizenship through the grandparents route.

    please could you suggest if I can wait another 1.5 years before applying or is there a credible risk of the laws changing now as Mr Trump is the president. We aren’t Caucasian.

    Many Thanks!

    • 889. isranglo  |  November 14, 2016 at 4:42 pm

      I honestly believe that it will make no difference what your color is although I can’t claim with absolute certainty whether your country of residence will have an affect. I suppose it IS possible that if you hold syrian or yemenite or iranian citizenship for example that it could have an affect. I doubt that the law is any more or less likely to be changed under Trump than under Obama. If anything laws that Obama passed making citizenship a burden for citizens living outside the country actually make it more likely that Trump will want to keep this law in place. What Trump is worried about on immigration are 2 things 1) illegal immigrants (which hopefully we can all agree on. look at us all on this thread jumping through hoops to get citizenship honestly and legally at inconvenience to ourselves be in favor of people sneaking around the laws to get the same thing dishonestly) and 2) anchor babies which is when a kid gets citizenship by being born on US soil so that the parents can then leverage that to get citizenship for themselves so they can move to the US.

      The grandparent law is meant for the exact opposite type of filer. think about it…even without the grandparent law if any of us wanted to get our kids citizenship we could do it much more simply by moving with them to the US in which case they basically get automatic citizenship as the child of a US citizen. So why is noone here using that route? simple – we’re not looking to move to the US and live there! So when Trump looks at those using our law what he sees are parents who are making their kids US citizens and jumping through hoops to AVOID having to actually move to the US to live. kids who’ll have to file taxes in the US but will live somewhere else where they’re not using US resources or competing for jobs in the american market but being a burden on a foreign system. All this is to Trump’s advantage thinking as a businessman. It was actually Obama who in his criminalizing FATCA and FBAR violations made it less attractive for people to want to use the grandparent law.

  • 890. Vasileios  |  November 12, 2016 at 7:42 pm

    Hi to all,
    My application was received in the boston field office. Any information about the time it takes to them to process the n600k applications?

    • 891. Sena  |  June 12, 2017 at 8:10 pm

      Hi Vasileios. How long did the entire procedure take for you? I’m considering the Boston office and would appreciate some feedback. Thank you

  • 892. Salvo  |  November 14, 2016 at 9:51 am

    Hi Vasileios you made it finaly …. on USCIS Tool say 5-6 mounts.
    You remember mine was recived on 25 June, hope to have notice on end November. Crossfingers. Good Luke to you and a great Thanks to isranglo. bye again to all.

    • 893. isranglo  |  November 14, 2016 at 8:18 pm

      always happy to help 🙂

  • 894. Avraham  |  November 20, 2016 at 5:55 pm

    Thanks for your informative website.

    I am a grandparent born in the US and living in Israel with my American wife. My married son and his wife live in Israel but obtained US citizenship through birth of their American parents (both sets of parents).

    My son visited the US for a two-week vacation before age 16.
    Would that qualify for the “physical presence” condition for his son (my grandson) to automatically obtain US citizenship at a US consulate?

    If not, who would have to visit the US to apply for naturalization under the “grandparent” clause?

    Thank you,

    • 895. isranglo  |  November 21, 2016 at 10:46 am

      if your son and his wife are both US citizens their kids are automatically US citizens to the best of my knowledge and it shouldn’t matter whether they’d ever stepped on US soil – the very fact that they’re both Americans should grant the kid citizenship. Certainly I’d figure that 2 week visit should be enough if anything’s needed. I haven’t dealt with that kind of citizenship route so I can’t say that with %100 knowledge but that’s what I’ve always understood. have they applied to the embassy for a certificate of a child born abroad and been turned down?
      that said, if for some reason the grandfather route was needed only the US citizen parent whose own parent (the grandparent) was applying for the grandchild needs to go to the US with the child. so if your son did it using you or his mom as the grandparent he’d go. If your daughter in law did it using her parents she’d go. either way the kid needs to be with them.

      • 896. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  November 21, 2016 at 12:43 pm

        Unfortunately the moderator is not correct they are not automatically Citizens if both parents are, however it is supposed to be that if one of the was there for any time they are. They are not doing this and I am sueing them on this subject. If they were refused the CRBA then do the Grandfather clause before fee increase and for next child take steps to have a “residence” when they are there. Please contact me if you have questions. The whole issue and lawsuit can be sen on my facebook page;


      • 897. isranglo  |  November 21, 2016 at 3:34 pm

        I stand corrected. Thanks for bringing this to our attention Michelle. I probably got it mixed up with the fact that in the grandparent route you need 5 and 2 but with the 2 parent route both parents put together could have less than that and still be fine passing it on. To be fair I did note that this is not an area I have dealt with – I’m a parent whose done the N600k on my own but not a lawyer :-). Therefore Avraham I’d suggest either joining Michelle’s lawsuit. If you go the grandparent route instead then the information I outlined regarding that is still accurate. child of citizen parent + parent goes to the interview.

  • 898. Sarah  |  December 5, 2016 at 5:05 am

    I’m just completing part 5 of the form n600k form and had a question. If my mother was in the usa for the first 21 years of her life and then moved abroad only visiting every two years (approximately ) from 1981 how do I complete all those dates if there are so many visits and no records to prove it and she can’t even recall exact dates. Is it better to leave it blank or estimate the year she visited ? Any one in a similliar scenario ?

  • 899. Daya Rosenblum Belzer  |  December 13, 2016 at 12:21 pm

    I’m an American citizen through my deceased father. I was born in Israel but lived in the US for 7 years, and unfortunately returned to Israel before I was 14 yrs old. From what I read here, I understand that my only option for getting my 2 year old daughter citizenship is through the grandparent clause, correct?

    What I wasn’t sure about after reading your (very thorough) explanation, is where to send all the forms and certificates of proof? To a USCIS office of my choice? To the American Embassy in TLV?

    Also, the link to the list of USCIS offices no longer leads to the webpage. Does anyone here happen to have the link for the relevant webpage?

    Thanks a lot, great information and good work!

  • 900. Salvo  |  December 29, 2016 at 1:07 pm

    Hi to All, Niove do you have notice of your case. ??

    I did not understand this rule “kids had never travel to the US” I do not find it anywhere, someone else tells us this rule.
    My oldest son travel once in USa, the little one not.
    Let us know.

  • 901. Reena  |  January 23, 2017 at 8:24 pm

    HELP! Anyone know how long I have to wait in order to hear from the uscis office? I sent n600k applications for 2 of my children on 22/12/16/ (from Israel) so far I havent heard a thing. Am I supposed to receive an email or letter in the mail?How does it work? And how long will it take? Do I have to worry?
    BTW I love your website. Soo helpful!!

    • 902. isranglo  |  January 24, 2017 at 12:30 am

      Hi Reena
      Glad I was able to help. As for your question the panic time is far off. In the past the quickest time I ever heard of someone getting a date was 3 months and i generally waited 6 months and once over a year. In some states I’ve heard of waits of up to 8 years though i hope that those days at least are long past. That said I wouldn’t even be looking for a reply in the mailbox for between 3-6 months with a greater likelihood of the 6 month-1 year time frame. If you get lucky then great but you’re certainly nowhere near having a reason for concern yet if you’re talking about the appointment. If you’re talking about that you sent it registered and didn’t receive the post office receipt that’s a different story but processing the forms themselves takes time.

      • 903. Magicpotte  |  January 24, 2017 at 5:20 pm

        Hi Reena,

        If it’s any comfort to you, I also sent a N600k application from France around the same date and did not receive any notice of receipt or anything yet.
        I read somewhere it usually takes around 10 (but up to 30) days to get processed in the Phoenix lockbox…

        I was actually also worried about the lack of reply, so thanks to your message 🙂

        Thinking about it, I would not be so surprised if it takes a bit longer right now, because of season’s holidays and the probably big amount of cases sent just before the huge increase of the fee!

        I also thanks Isranglo for this great website, which was of great help when preparing the file!

  • 904. Reena  |  February 16, 2017 at 9:27 pm

    Its me again. G-d bless you! Its such a lifesaver that theres someone to contact with questions regarding this process… I finally recieved a receipt and my check was cashed. What now? I wait for another letter in the mail with a date?
    And BTW, nowadays, even our old-fashioned Bituch Liumi lets you fill in applications and upload the needed documents via internet. Why is it that the great USA is still using snail mail??

  • 905. icicles  |  February 24, 2017 at 12:29 pm

    hi isranglo,
    Thank you so much for your blog! Before coming across this I didn’t think it would be possible to pass on citizenship. I am overjoyed to try this route.
    I have a question regarding the N600k form. Part 3: Information about the US citizen biological parent.I was born abroad and have a US consular report of birth abroad and a US passport. However, on the form in only asks for a certificate of citizenship number. I don’t have this. Does this mean I need to apply and get a number before I can process the N600k document for my son?
    Thanks again!

  • 906. Shaé Jana Williams  |  March 4, 2017 at 12:29 am

    Hi, my daughter turns 18 inDecember 2017. I am a US citizen. My two other children were born out of wedlock and aquired citizenship at birth. then we gor married and the youngest was not eligible. I did not meet the residency requirements. My problem is the following. I do not have a close relationship with my father (the US grandparent). He does not want to be involved and supply me with the documents I need to prove his residency. I have multiple affidavits but no official documents from him because he does not wish to provide them.Are my chances so slim I should not even bother to try? That’s a lot of money to lose…Is there any way to obtain legal documents about his residency without his consent while he is still alive?

  • 907. Vasileios  |  March 4, 2017 at 8:17 pm

    Hi to all,
    My applications for my two children were processed by the boston office, and iwas asked for and interview. If took them 4.5 months. Suprisingly quickly, imust admitt. Good luck, to all applicants here!

    • 908. Salvo  |  March 6, 2017 at 9:31 am

      Hello, I’m very happy for you !!! I saw the “processing time” of Boston, they were arrived at 2 August 2016 and as I remember, your was in October 2016. WoooW
      But tell me, how you were contacted by Email, on the “status case” or via postal letter ??
      How much warning time, they gave you ??

      Hello and best wishes to you and your children.

      • 909. Shaé Jana Williams  |  August 7, 2017 at 9:15 pm

        Hi, we started this process for my daughter who turns 18 (in Dec of this yr) this past April. I just received our interview date a few days ago. We got to pick the exact date. Our field office is in Charlotte NC.We had some challenges. One was the US funds to pay the application fee. We reside in Finland. They do not issue any paper checks here, only electronic ones. I had to wire the funds to a friend in the States, he purchased a cashiers check from Bank of America and sent it to me, I then sent that with my application. I received a receipt in the mail it had been processed.My other obstacle was that the grandparent in question did not wish to help by providing needed documentation. So I could not send primary evidence and had to rely solely on secondary evidence. Statements and documentation from third parties. We had email contact all the time with the field office agent. It never took more than a day for them to respond. I was asked to provide more evidence, which I then tried to produce, scanned and emailed. Finally I was able to submit enough evidence to receive an interview date. We are overjoyed, I gave up a few times during the process. Our interview is mid Oct. So we managed to do the entire process in 6 months. We wouldn’t have had much more than that since my daughter ages out very soon. I received such good and friendly service from the Charlotte field office I would recommend it for sure. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. This thread was extremely helpful to me so I want to help any way I can.

    • 910. Salvo  |  April 5, 2017 at 9:34 am

      Goodmorning to all.
      Do someone file at Philadelphia Local Office in 2015 or 2016 and have’s updates ??

      Arlene and Tali where do you file when you decide ??

      Do other who file in 2016 being called to go in the US ??

      Thanks in advance bye

  • 911. Philip  |  March 6, 2017 at 7:51 pm

    Hello everyone. I am going to apply the N-600K application soon.
    Ihave proof of citizenship of my father (my daughter’s grandfather)
    Only proof of residence, the certified quarterly earnings from 1968-1982 (non-stop) from Social security and sworn affidavit from my father’s first cousin who worked with him non-stop 1972-1978 verifying that he worked and lived in Connecticut. I have read the blog and it seems that this might be enough. Any thoughts?

  • 912. Vasileios  |  March 8, 2017 at 12:40 am

    Hi Salvo, imwas contacted by email only. They provided me with an appointment in mid august, but asked for december, diring the christmas break, which was satisfied. All the next to you too! Good luck, keep in touch!

  • 913. fintranslator  |  March 14, 2017 at 1:12 pm


    Does anyone know if the West Palm Beach, Florida office contacts with email once the forms are sent in?

  • 914. Christina  |  March 20, 2017 at 6:11 pm

    Dear Salvo,
    reading that also you are from Italy made me very happy.
    I’m trying to submit 600k for my child and it’s very hard 😃
    Can I ask you how did you got the “Certification of extract from records”, from the Social Security Administration, of “statment of Earnings” Certified.
    I tryied to register to the social security web site but ask me an US address that I don’t have, we all live in Italy now. How can I do?
    Thanks to isranglo for this useful blog!

    • 915. Salvo  |  March 22, 2017 at 2:40 pm

      Hello Cristina, then I registered with the old address of my father (grandfather) even if no longer lives there.
      There is a form to be completed and signed by a US parent, (the grandfather), to be shipped to Baltimore, to pick up the “Statment of Earnings “Certified, it costs a bit, but it’s a good proof.
      By now, I’d tell you to wait how it ends my practice, because I’m very doubtful, since has been more than eight months without updates, I’m losing hope. ciao

  • 916. amarefamily  |  March 22, 2017 at 10:34 am

    I am getting ready to go to the US for my son’s N-600K interview. We live in Ethiopia. Can anyone advise me how long we should plan to be in the US following the interview. I assume he should leave on his US passport. (From what I have read in various posts, I should be able to find out the SS# on the date we apply for social security card, even though we won’t have the card. And also we need to have the SS# to apply for the passport.) From what I can tell, we might need to be there for a whole month to wait for the passport to be processed.

    • 917. Gupsa  |  March 22, 2017 at 8:22 pm

      We had our interview on February 2015. We stayed for a week and returned back with the passport we entered with. We applied for the US passport on August 2015. I believe you don’t have to have a SS# if your child is small. but if you have time there then I would suggest you apply for the SS# while you’re there.

    • 918. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  March 23, 2017 at 12:51 am

      I agree with post that says to leave on passport that you entered on. In addition you don’t get the SS number on the spot you apply and they send to you but it takes a few weeks to get. While you are supposed to have a SS number to get a passport you can write 00000 on the form then cannot prevent an american ciitzen from getting a passport. You only need to be in the U.S. for a day or 2.

  • 919. isranglo  |  March 22, 2017 at 1:38 pm

    I’m not so sure about that. While I have in the past managed to leave with the child on the American passport I’ve also left on the other one. back in the day a friend of a friend who was head of security at one of the airports told me they actually prefer that you not leave on the American one but on the one the child entered with because that way they have a complete record of them whereas if you come in say with an Ethiopian passport and leave on the american one they have an Ethiopian kid whose entered the country on a limited time visa who’s not listed as having left..

  • 920. rachel  |  March 23, 2017 at 3:39 am

    I brought my sons to Guam for their interview and stayed for 4 days only (sight-seeing included.) They used their Philippine passports when they left. They will apply for US passport in the US Embassy in the Philippines.
    When applying for the passport, like Michelle said, you can write 0’s also :
    If you have been a U.S. citizen for a long time already and still do not have a Social Security number, you must submit a signed statement including the phrase, “I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the following is true and correct: I have never been issued a Social Security Number by the Social Security Administration.” This declaration or statement of “NO SSN” does not need to be notarized, but must be signed and dated and attached to the passport application. If applicant is a minor, this declaration will be done by the parent. (From Checklist for US Passport Application, First-time Passport Application, Rev – 12/2016)

    Good luck!

    • 921. Reena  |  March 24, 2017 at 3:17 pm

      Hello everyone! few quick question: Once my paperwork has arrived at the uscis po box, ( i was updated abt that,) and then the paperwork made its way to the uscis branch i requested, 1. how long to i have to wait until i can get a date? 2. will they contact me via email? or only snail mail?

      • 922. fintranslator  |  March 24, 2017 at 4:45 pm

        After reading all of tye above comments, this is a list of USCIS sites which complete the process with you via email rather than snail mail. Bare in mind that this list is based on the testimonies in the previous comments.
        The list is:
        Albany, NY
        Providence, RI
        Charlotte, NC
        Boston, MA
        Fresno, CA
        St. Albans, VT
        Portland, ME
        Baltimore, MD

        • 923. ariela Sher  |  March 24, 2017 at 4:50 pm

          Also Philadelphia and Mt. Laurel, NJ

  • 924. Salvo  |  March 24, 2017 at 5:49 pm

    Hi ariela Sher

    But they will contact you only once with an email, they do not update the site on “Case Status Online” ?

    If they are looking for other evidence, they do it by email or post ?

    And if the email gos in spam or deleted by mistake, they do not contact you again ?

    Sorry I’m scared, it could happen.

    • 925. ariela Sher  |  March 25, 2017 at 6:47 pm

      I am commenting from my experience . Case status gets updated no matter how they reply to you. As to more documents I was never asked for more but imagine this is done by email as well. Good luck!

      Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

  • 926. rosemary  |  April 1, 2017 at 4:29 pm

    Hi, Could I ask a couple of questions please?
    We are at interview stage – will they ask waht is the intention of getting the citezenship? As in is there a presumption that we are going to live in the states with the children or is it ok to apply just to have it for the future?

  • 927. Jules  |  April 3, 2017 at 2:31 am

    Hi. Thank you isranglo for this blog! I didn’t know my son could get US citizenship until I found this. So thankful!

    I’m hoping to apply for my son’s citizenship through his grandfather who is deceased. The papers I have for proof my dad lived in the US are:
    1. High school transcripts (4 years)
    2. University transcripts (2 years)
    3. Death certificate
    4. US passport
    5. US birth certificate
    Can anyone please advise if this is enough?

    Thanks in advance!

  • 928. Salvo  |  April 5, 2017 at 9:47 am

    Goodmorning to all.

    Do someone file at Philadelphia Local Office in 2015 or 2016 and have’s updates ??

    Arlene and Tali where do you file when you decide ??

    Do other who file in 2016 being called to go in the US ??

    Thanks in advance bye

  • 929. Salamon  |  May 2, 2017 at 7:42 pm

    can we do use the grandmother clause for kids that are 20 and 21 years old ? Somebody told me if you come as a Family Unit (we have two other children under 17)they might accept them too.

    • 930. isranglo  |  May 5, 2017 at 1:15 pm

      that might make sense in a system that ran on personal feelings and friendship. In a bureaucracy the day the kid hits the age at which eligibility ends (in this case 18) it’s no longer relevant to them. You can try bringing them along and letting us know if they get the citizenship via the N600k but if they do it will shock me. At most they might point you towards forms to request a green card under sponsorship from a US citizen relative (their younger siblings).

  • 932. menashe  |  May 4, 2017 at 11:12 am

    hi mo, i read your blog post about n600k, which was very helpful. I have an urgent question, if you could please contact me, thank you!

    • 933. isranglo  |  May 5, 2017 at 1:21 pm

      Menashe with all due respect I’m a parent not a lawyer. Anything I know will relate to anyone on here in general terms and can be shared with everyone reading the post to help them. Any more complex individual questions that are so case specific they can’t help anyone in the group is something you should be asking an immigration lawyer such as Michelle Coven Wolgel who you can contact by scrolling up the answers here. I’m not trying to avoid answering. I’m just noting that this is a general thread and my knowledge is limited to that of a standard parent with a standard situation who has been through the N-600k process and wrote an article based on my total knowledge which is what a standard parent who has been through it learns. It would be wrong and possibly illegal to represent myself of knowing any more or being a professional in the field of immigration.

  • 934. menashe  |  May 4, 2017 at 11:44 am

    Thanks for this very helpful post!
    background: I am a US citizen married to an Israeli citizen and we have a daughter (6 YO) wich is an Israeli citizen.
    I have some urgent questions:

    1. I have applied for citizenship through grandparents (N-600K) for my daughter and received an email from the Hartford, conneticut office, requesting to “give them 3 dates that the USC parent can come to the United States with the child” and that “If we do not hear from you within 30 days, your case will be closed”.

    I replied by email with optional dates (10 days ago) and another email asking if my first email arrived (7 days ago) and have not received any response.

    They sent their email on April 17th, so the 30 days they mention end on May 16th or so. I am starting to get nervous that there is no response. All they asked for is to “give them” dates but not mention how to do that – by a reply email? through a web site?

    Does anybody have a similar prior experience and answers?

    2. We plan to arrive to the US around the end of August (2017), for the interview and for a relocation of about a year and a half.
    What kind of visa should i apply for my daughter?
    When they will confirm the interview appointment, do they send instructions regarding the child’s visa?

    3. We plan to send my daughter to a public school during our relocation. The right to public education is given to citizens etc. but not to visitors (such as b-2 visa holders).
    assuming the appointment takes place around August – October, the citizenship is granted immediately, during the interview, right?
    how long it can take to register my daughter to school after receiving her citizenship?

    Many many thanks!

    • 935. isranglo  |  May 8, 2017 at 12:32 pm

      I don’t know what to tell you about number 1. Regarding number 2 when they schedule your appointment they’ll let you know what kind of visa she needs and when you apply for it you do so with a copy of the letter you got inviting her for the interview.

      As for 3 assuming everything goes smoothly you generally get the citizenship at the end of the interview or maybe an hour or two later depending on the office.

      I don’t know how the public schools work wherever you’re going but I do know of someone who did the process and then had to wait quite some time to get into school because their kids couldn’t get the medical forms they needed signed (standard – none of the kids had any conditions) because it took them time to get put onto a healthcare plan and until they did they didn’t have a US doctor to sign the standard school forms. So if you have a way of making sure you’ll have healthcare from when you arrive, do so (probably a good idea even not related to school).

      • 936. menashe  |  May 16, 2017 at 8:55 am

        Hi “isranglo”,

        Thank you very much for the info and healthcare plan tip.

        Despite my efforts, I could not reach the Hartford office. Hopefully the reply emails i sent were enough, and now I’m waiting for them to send me the interview date.

    • 937. Salvo  |  May 8, 2017 at 1:02 pm

      Hi what do you see on the site “Check your case status online” ??
      You could see if there is an update.

      • 938. menashe  |  May 16, 2017 at 9:02 am

        I tried, The status is not updated. Not alot of info there. I think once the case goes out to the field office, they stop updating. That’s at least my experience.

      • 939. Salvo  |  May 16, 2017 at 9:31 am

        Thank you for the reply.

        So, on yoru case status, in addition to the inscription:

        “Next Steps Next upcoming event: We will prepare your case for officer review.” If we need more information, we will notify you. ”

        Have not ever appeared, something else or other written?

    • 940. Yaakov  |  May 15, 2017 at 4:08 pm

      Why didn’t you just get her an immigrant visa? she’ll become a citizen once arriving in the states under section 320 of the citizenship act.

      • 941. isranglo  |  May 15, 2017 at 11:47 pm

        according to the government’s website 320 applies when
        “The child is residing in or has resided in the United States in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent pursuant to a lawful admission for permanent residence.”
        so if the purpose is to come and stay there permanently then yuo can go that route – but you may have to meet with someone anyhow to prove that that’s your intent. With the N600k you’re not moving there – you’re just claiming citizenship via the grandparent.
        Incidentally the related section 322 (both were declared at the same time and are located on the same page of the government’s website) notes more clearly that when discussing a US citizen parent for its purposes it is referring to one who has the ability to transfer citizenship directly with their own 5 and 2 status. We N600Kers are USA citizens who don’t have the ability to do that because we don’t have 5 and 2.

      • 942. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  May 16, 2017 at 7:56 am

        If a child is eligible to get Citizenship under using an N600K meaning the USC grandparent has the requisite residence it is the correct path to take, an immigrant visa is used on in cases where the USC parent does not have parents with Citizenship. The Immigrant visa is more expensive, longer and while the child becomes a Citizen he or she does not get a Certificate of Citizenship only a passport. I use the Immigrant Visa method only when there is no other path to obtain Citizenship.

  • 943. Salvo  |  May 8, 2017 at 12:55 pm

    Hi Menashe, could you tell how much time has passed since submitting the Form N600K to the call for the interview ?? thank you

    • 944. menashe  |  May 16, 2017 at 9:38 am

      Hi Salvo,
      I submitted the forms right before the fees increased, mailed them on 12/22/2016. My form I-797C’s notice date is 01/11/2017.
      I received the email from the Hartford office asking for optional interview dates on April 17th. I will update when they’ll send me the interview date.

      • 945. Salvo  |  May 16, 2017 at 11:06 am

        Wow … never heard a story in 19 days ……very efficient

  • 946. Yaakov  |  May 15, 2017 at 4:13 pm

    Hi everyone,
    I’m helping a friend with the N-600K process; he’ll be in Chicago IL, any thoughts about what field office to elect?
    I was thinking Milwaukee or Indianapolis, any experience with them?
    Thanks in advance
    and thank you Isranglo for the wonderful blog.

    • 947. Riyham  |  May 16, 2017 at 6:54 am

      Why go far? I used the office in Chicago ( 101 W Congress Pkwy) and they were wonderful.

      • 948. Yaakov  |  May 21, 2017 at 1:15 pm

        Hi Riyham,
        Thank you so much for the response.
        How much time did you wait untill getting an interview?
        do you have by any chance their direct contact? my friend is really trying to aim for the late summer, though I’m a bit sceptical.

        • 949. Riyham  |  May 23, 2017 at 8:57 am

          For both my daughters it was approximately 5 months from the date I sent out their paperwork till the interview date. I used the Chicago office once and the Sacramento office for the other.
          No, I don’t have a personal contact for them. The process is extremely simple though, she should need to call them. Also, if they give her a date that is inconvenient she could always reschedule for a more suitable time.

      • 950. Yaakov  |  May 26, 2017 at 12:19 am

        Hi Riyham,
        Thank you so much for your answer below regarding the timing (for some reason I can’t reply directly to that message).

  • 951. Guylaine  |  May 16, 2017 at 7:25 pm

    Good Day. We just found out that my grandmother was a US Citizen, we didnt know before so my mother and I applied for a US passport at a US Embassy abroad. My mother got it and mine still in process (9 months now). THey initially said that my mother has to be resided 10 years for me to get it. But I claimed that we didnt know about the US Citizenship of my grandmother and that is why we could not fulfill the residendy requirement, and I asked to be excused of the residency requirements due to our ignorance. Could I apply for N-600k even if a passport application is processing? And what are the chances of me getting it?

    • 952. Yaakov  |  May 21, 2017 at 1:19 pm

      You must be under 18 by the day of the interview, if your grandmother was 5 years in USA of which 2 over the age of 14, then you meet the criterios.

  • 953. Reena  |  May 18, 2017 at 7:00 pm

    Hi everyone!
    Anyone have an idea whats going on with the Philli office? Where are they holding? For months now my case status states that my paperwork arrived on March 1st. Thats was over 2 months ago. When should I expect to hear from them?

    • 954. Salvo  |  May 18, 2017 at 7:38 pm

      Hi Reena, March 2016 or 2017 ??
      My case came from them on June 25, 2016….. I can not contact them in any way ….
      Let’s get in touch right here on isranglo Forum … is the Best.

  • 955. Reena  |  May 20, 2017 at 9:34 pm

    What do you mean by “my case came from them”? A case number?? Or do you mean you havent been invited for an interveiw yet? its bee almost a year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • 956. Salvo  |  May 22, 2017 at 8:54 am

      I have not been called for an interview yet.
      The case number arrived afther 14 days, on June 14 2016. and arrived on Local Office June 25.
      Until now, no update news.
      But now I’m worried.
      That’s why I ask you when you’ve sent the practice and if you have update news.

      • 957. Reena  |  May 22, 2017 at 8:24 pm

        Maybe Michele Coven Wolgel can help us out here… Is there a way to contact the Philli uscis office?????

      • 959. Ariela sher  |  May 22, 2017 at 10:40 pm

        Here is a link that tells you how to inquire about where you are holding. It also refers to another webpage that shows the processing times in each office. As of Febuary 28 they claim they processed requests that came into Philly up until July 13 2016, so I think you need to start by making an e-request

        Good luck

      • 960. Ariela sher  |  May 22, 2017 at 10:41 pm

        Here is a link that tells you how to inquire about where you are holding. It also refers to another webpage that shows the processing times in each office. As of Febuary 28 they claim they processed requests that came into Philly up until July 13 2016, so I think you need to start by making an e-request

      • 961. Salvo  |  May 23, 2017 at 12:02 am

        Update, after a call at 1800 of one hour, the operator try to help me, but she can’t do nothing, after i try to make an e-request with the USA address of my aunt, because you can put only an US State address. But when i try to found the form there was only N600 no N600K and when i put my NBC Number the Page say it was uncorrect i have to chose the correct form (N600K) to the correct Reciept Number. So no email, no telephone, no E-Request.
        I have to go in the US?? Any help ??

        • 962. willowgene  |  May 23, 2017 at 7:42 am

          I don’t know if this is of any help because the procedure was different 7 years ago, but I never heard anything back so I contacted the Rome embassy (I live in Italy) via email and the got in contact with the Providence office. It turned out they had sent an email more than 10 months earlier but I had never received it! Good reminder to always check your spam/junk folder. And try your embassy for help. That’s what they’re there for.

      • 963. Salvo  |  May 24, 2017 at 8:41 am

        willowgene THANKS !!!! I think the same thing, thet they contacted me and I have not received anything …
        I sent so many emails to the embassy, but they always answered that they could not help me.
        The night of the 1800 call, I thought of what the operator said to me, she initially told me to contact the embassy, then I forgot that particular.
        Yesterday I called the embassy, she told me that 11 months were too many and that she would help me to contact Uscis.
        Cross my fingers, sometimes the phone is better than email.

        Michele Coven Wolgel Thank you, you are always helpful, meanwhile we see how it ends with the embassy.

        Thank to isranglo – Ariela sher – Reena

        Vasileios where are youuuuu !!!

        • 964. Yam  |  May 24, 2017 at 11:44 am

          Hi! Same thing is happening to me. I applied my son last august 8, 2016 then they recieved it on aug. 15. Then i was advised that it has been received in the local office on september 20, 2016. But that was the last update i got. Help!!! I beleive it is already outside the normal processing time. The uscis office that we chose was des moines iowa. I keep following up with the main uscis office but they couldn’t do anything. I wanted to apply my son US tourist visa instead of the long wait since we plan to have a white christmas this year in the US. Would that be an issue? I hope someone can help me..

          • 965. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  May 26, 2017 at 9:45 am

            I actually have email for Iowa their processing time is not that long usually. If you are interested in my help please contact me. SOme offices the processing time is actually 1 year or more it all depends.

        • 966. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  May 24, 2017 at 2:37 pm

          I cannot see the embassy helping but let us know

      • 967. Yaakov  |  May 26, 2017 at 12:51 am

        Hi all,

        I’ll try to throw a few ideas that helped me in the past with another field office, and might be helpful here as well.
        In my opinion the key is to get an hold of someone within the office (assumoing they’re not trying “not to help”).
        1. many field offices publish a number for updates in case they’re closed due to weather, it makes sense that staff phone numbers would be sequential numbers to the number published, try it out.
        it worked for me with RI, no guarantee for other places, but why not try, worse scenrio they’ll hang up on you…
        2. following step 1, if some the numbers are fax lines, try sending a fax, it worked for a friend of mine with NJ office.
        3. try mailing the field office a letter, the address of each field office can be find in the link above.
        4. if you have an email of somebody within the office obviously contact them (if a friend received an email for his case), if not try emailing the field office director. the default email would usually be
        5. try contacting one of USCIS Service Centers emails found in this link, someone from the above replies (way above) said they helped him out (Vermant service center, took a few weeks)

        Good luck and please let us know if something worked for you.

  • 968. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  May 23, 2017 at 1:52 pm

    I can in fact contact a different office and move your file and find out where it is, if you are interested in doing this call me 025903444-

    My clients all get a date within months of being sent

    • 969. fintranslator  |  May 23, 2017 at 3:07 pm

      I can attest to that. Last year had a problem with the Cleveland office, and Michelle moved it to the Vermont office, and within a month of my contacting her we had the citizenship (not saying this will be the case this time).

      Bear in mind that as any service, it costs money 🙂

  • 970. cmaxwellyoung  |  May 23, 2017 at 7:05 pm

    Hi all, my grandfather is an American citizen who meets the above requirements for transfer of citizenship. However, my Father recently renounced his citizenship of the US and is a citizen of another country. Does that mean – given he would have to be the ‘citizen parent’ – that my options are closed? I’m over 18 – Thanks in advance for your help

    • 971. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  May 24, 2017 at 1:46 pm

      You cannot do it for 2 reasons one your father is not a citizen and 2 you are over 18.

  • 972. Sena  |  June 12, 2017 at 7:53 pm

    Hi everyone. This blog has been really helpful. I’m filling the N-600k for my daughter. She’s just 8 months old. I have old passports and school records of her grandmother showing she went to high school and college in the US. She also worked there for a bit even though she moved to Ghana when we married my dad. she does visit at least twice a year since also. Will we need more than that as evidence? If so, what else should I add.

    Furthermore, my grandmother lives in the US and is not doing so great. I’d like my daughter to meet her before she passes on and would really like to do the interview at the same time? What field office will be the fastest? We will be staying in Portsmouth New Hampshire but we can easily get to Boston Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Portland Maine and Manchester New Hampshire. We are however willing to go anywhere that is super fast and can process within 3 to 4 months as we want to be in the US by November.

    Thank you all

  • 973. Sena  |  June 12, 2017 at 7:55 pm

    Oh and also. There is a field office here in Ghana. Can i process it here? or it has to be in the USA?

  • 974. Kary  |  June 18, 2017 at 5:51 pm

    Hi I’m kary, this blog has been very helpful, thank you all for sharing your opinions, I’m about to start my N-600K journey.

    My brother died october 2016, so I’m gonna try to build my case with enough evidence with my mom and dad for both of my nieces who were born and reside in Domican Republic , one was born in wedlock and one was not but he did legitimized both of them.

    Question should I pick my mom or dad and send physical presence in the US evidence for just one of them or for both of them, everything I can find?

    The becamen U.S citizens both of them by naturalization on december 1981, got both certifications, they lived in the US from their teen years until they were 30. But like 3 years ago we move back to NYC, should I get evidence of those last 3 years, do they count?, or just evidence from before both my nieces we born?

    If we curently live in NYC, do I have to pick a NY office or can I pick boston, hartford, newark or other office less busy?

    Anyyyyy help would be greatly appreciate.


  • 977. Yaakov  |  June 18, 2017 at 10:28 pm

    One thing worthwhile to mention is – that for those eligible you can apply for a fee waiver with form I-912. Basically your household income needs to be up to 150% of US poverty line.
    I have applied successfully for my children and helped some friends, they tend to reject the application and then you need to appeal to – and if you had provided sufficent evidence they will approve your request.
    @Isranglo if you’d like I can explain more about this.

  • 978. kary  |  June 19, 2017 at 5:27 pm

    I need help please! I have some questions..

    today I started to get all the physical evidence as possible from my mom.

    I found a cd with the medical record of my brother (the U.S citizen, father of my nieces, he died in 2016), that I can print, it has all the visits from him to the doctor when he was baby it goes from 1981 until 1984 or so I saw, even when that’s about my brother, do you think is relevant?, cause my mom was the one who took it to every doctors appointment, is that relevant or should I leave out? in some doctor’s note I read it says, the mother of child said this and this about her baby.

    another one big for me, explain me something, since my mom is the one submitting her physical evidence and everything for my nieces, does it matter that she lives in the U.S or she has submit the application from abroad??.. to be honest if “she can send it from the U.S, I’ll be the one sending it cause she’s on a very long vacation in Dominican Republic, she kinda lives in countries if not I could very easily can put everything together and send it to her to the Dominican Republic and then she can from there send it phoenix

    thank you!


    • 979. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  June 19, 2017 at 5:35 pm

      Your brother’s proof of residence is probably not relevant, the N600K based on your mother seems to be the best, however she needs to accompany the kids to the states and needs to be the one to file.
      this is complicated, it has to be done quickly. I will help you but I charge. Please call me on my american number but check the time difference first and I will discuss with you how we can work together.
      My american number is 9174750833
      Go to my website;
      There is an international service page where you can reach clients that I have helped from abroad.

  • 980. Reena  |  June 22, 2017 at 8:53 am

    Thank you for the info. i send in a request to waive the fee, but never got a response, and they did cash my check. since i really make very little i would be happy if i could have the fee waived. what needs to be sent in order to appeal? and would they refund me if they already cashed my check?

    • 981. Yaakov  |  June 23, 2017 at 12:56 am

      Hi Reena,

      If I understand correctly, you submitted the applicable fee alongside the fee waiver. Unfortunately this is a common mistake, the USCIS will not consider the fee waiver appliaction if a payment is attached (please see quote below). Therefore I don’t see any way to appeal.
      Sorry about this, but thank you for raising the point – it you wish to apply for a fee waiver, don’t attach payment.

      (6) Submission of Both Fee and Fee Waiver Request. When a form is submitted with
      both the appropriate fee for the form and a fee-waiver request, the form should be
      processed, if otherwise acceptable, as properly filed with fee. No subsequent
      consideration should be given to, nor action taken on the fee-waiver request.
      source: page 5

      • 982. Reena  |  June 23, 2017 at 1:05 pm

        WoW! thaks for clarifying. i hope others will learn from my (1200$) mistake…….
        Please help me understand. if i would have sent in my request for citizenship for my kids with a request for waiving the fee, and not attached the fee- they would have processed my paperwork anyways???

    • 983. Yaakov  |  July 2, 2017 at 12:04 am

      Yes, assuming you provided sufficient documents. The fee waiver is a substitute for payment.
      As I mentioned before they tend to reject the application and then you need to appeal to – and if you had provided sufficent evidence they will approve your request.
      But no reason to give in, unless you’re excited to pay the fees…

      • 984. Reena  |  July 5, 2017 at 9:27 am

        You think theres any chance to get a refund?

  • 985. Vasileios  |  June 28, 2017 at 9:49 am

    Hi Salvo,
    I hope things with your applications will go fine! As an alternative, why dont you send to the field office a letter, with all details of your applications, and your efforts to reach them by various ways (phone, embassy,etc), and express to them your worries and your intention to come to the state for an infopass, a very costy decision? Take the timistic point of view:if your applications was not complete, if they needed more documents, you would be notified, i assume…
    I am active in the british expats forum. Feel fees to contact me whenever you wish!

  • 986. Famdu  |  July 5, 2017 at 1:25 am

    Hi,form n-600k for my two kids were received at the USCIS on April 18th. We actually live in Spain. I haven’t heard back from the USCIS uptodate. Form N-600k is not listed at the processing times tool and it is impossible to ask anyone regarding the status of the files (the consulate, embassy, international uscis office in Rome are not competent), uscis field office in San Juan does not respond to phone calls ans USCIS 1-800 absurdly requests a US phone number to have a second level officer call you back when form N-600k is usually used by US citizens living abroad. So when they call my relative in the US they say he is not the applicant nor the petitioner and so I cannot get any kind of update. Does anyone know if I can still wait for a notice to have the interview on July 18th or it is not a feasible time? Any help will be appreciated.

    • 987. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  July 6, 2017 at 10:39 pm

      I don’t know what office you asked for but the cases have not been moving and I would not count on that date anywhere

  • 988. Salvo  |  July 17, 2017 at 8:25 pm

    Hi to all …. just return from USA … my sons are US Citizen.

    I went in USA with out call.

    Vasileios did it !!!

    • 989. Vasileios  |  July 21, 2017 at 5:45 pm

      Hi Salvo, so you made it! Your children are us citizens! That is great! Congratulations!!

    • 990. Christina  |  July 21, 2017 at 5:59 pm

      Hi Salvo, I’m very happy for you, tanti auguri!!!
      You said you’re italian.
      I’ll be very happy to write you in Italian to know wich document you did.
      I autorize isranglo to give you my email, if he can.

      • 991. Salvo  |  July 21, 2017 at 6:25 pm


  • 992. Nicholas Schott  |  July 19, 2017 at 3:08 pm

    Hi all …
    I’m about to start the process of collecting information about my father (deceased almost 14 years ago). He lived almost all his life in the States but I assume that I must still collect a lot of proof.
    Me and my 2 brothers live in Denmark and we’re US citizens. But our children are not US citizens and we have to apply the grandparent rule for them.
    My first problem is requesting transcripts from his high school, college and university. It does not seem like it is possible for any other than the person who attended school (or a government authority) to request transcripts.
    I’m sure there is a simple solution! Thanks in advance 🙂

  • 993. Sena  |  July 25, 2017 at 5:24 pm

    Hello, I’m filling the N-600k and I just realized I do not have a certificate of citizenship number. There is a portion on the form that is requesting a certificate of citizenship number. I have a certification of birth abroad issued by the US embassy in the country i was born and a valid US passport. do i need to apply for a certificate of citizenship before i fill the form or are the documents i have enough proof of my citizenship. Thank you.

    • 994. Yaakov  |  July 25, 2017 at 6:07 pm

      No, the documents you have are sufficient.
      Just leave the section about the certificate of citizenship blank.

      • 995. Sena  |  July 26, 2017 at 12:31 pm

        Thank you very much for your prompt response.

  • 996. Adam  |  July 25, 2017 at 8:59 pm

    Hi, thanks for the valuable info, I have filed in June and until now didnt receive the receipt by mail (form I797 )
    when I follow up online with the case number, i get that the case have been received,, thats all, and if i want to change my address!
    can you guide me on the next step plz

  • 997. Reena  |  July 26, 2017 at 10:38 am

    quick question: i received an email with a list of dates to choose from, for an interveiw for my kids (n600k…) i reponded right away but havent heard from them since. (over 2 weeks) is this normal? how long does it take for them to give me a final date?

  • 998. Sena  |  August 17, 2017 at 1:19 pm

    Hi everyone. I received a notice in my email that our application has been received and the cheque has been cashed. But i just realized we did not add a cover letter to our documents. Will this hurt our chances?

  • 999. Arlene  |  August 22, 2017 at 10:50 am

    @Reena: Are you using the Philly office? I sent in the applications for my twins in Nov 2015! and have now finally gotten an email from them. There was no further info in the email, not even a NBC Number. They gave me dates to pick from too. The Email came July 10th and I’ve answered back several times but have not heard back from them (only the auto email). The first dates they offered have already passed!
    I’ve had two case inquires stared via the hotline, but they always say “…your applications are still pending consideration at the Philadelphia Field office. We regret that we are not able to give you a time frame for when we will complete the processing of your application…”
    They sent me the almost exact same letter twice, once in July 2016 and in July 2017! My cases have been pending for almost two years!!!
    How can I find out what’s going on? Have you heard back from them?

  • 1000. Fran  |  September 8, 2017 at 1:51 pm

    Hello, this is my second time at requesting US citizenship for my second child through a grandparent. This time, I need to contact an office that doesn’t have a long wait time for an appointment. The baby is due in early May and I need an appointment for August. I managed to do this last time by selecting the appropriate office. For several reasons, I would like to chose the South Portland field office in Maine. Does anyone have experience with this one with regards to wait time and flexibility with dates?

    Many thanks for your help

    • 1001. Yaakov  |  September 11, 2017 at 11:14 am

      Yes, I used them December 2015 and they were amazing! I had a very positive experience with them. If you need I have their email for contact.

      • 1002. Fran  |  September 11, 2017 at 1:55 pm

        That would be great, thanks so much! My email is: fsquillante@ Thank you

  • 1003. Arlene  |  September 12, 2017 at 11:13 am

    After waiting since Nov. 2015 we have finally been invited for an interview by the Philly office!
    I had received some weird emails from them in July but never heard back from them. I contacted the CIS ombudsman and got them involved and I guess that did the trick!
    I hope everything goes well with our interview in November.
    Has anyone had recent experience with the Philly office? Is there anything specific I should consider?

    • 1004. Yaakov  |  September 12, 2017 at 11:26 am

      I have a friend who was there a couple months ago, I think they’re very strict with the documents and want to see original copies of most of the documents at the interview, if you have an issue with that or anything else you would like me to ask my friend please let me know.

      • 1005. Arlene  |  September 12, 2017 at 11:45 am

        Thank you so much for your quick reply. I’ll be sure to have originals of all our documents and will contact you if any other questions arise.

  • 1006. Arlene  |  October 12, 2017 at 2:59 pm

    Hi everyone, our interview date for our twins is coming up and I have another question concerning their passports. They have German Passports that were issued when they were approximately 4 months old, they will be turning 3 in December so obliviously their passport picture doesn’t really resemble them anymore. Will this be a problem. The passports were issued for 6 years in Germany and are valid until 2021…
    Should we expect problems at immigration or at the interview?
    There is still time to apply for a new (express) passport, but we don’t want to pay for new passports if we don’t have to.
    Sadly there is no way to just update the picture…

    • 1007. Willow  |  October 12, 2017 at 3:19 pm

      US passports are also valid for 5 years (as in most countries for children) so the problem isn’t only German and isn’t only for the interview. I travelled a lot with my kids when they were little and when they were 5 and had a newborn picture, immigration officers usually just smiled and even comment “Wow, you’ve grown! “. So not an official answer, but I wouldn’t worry about it.

    • 1008. Riyham  |  October 12, 2017 at 4:08 pm

      I don’t think you should change the passport, but I would suggest bringing some photos of your kids progression just in case, regular photos of them growing up. This has been asked if others that I know for visa interviews.

  • 1009. Reena  |  October 17, 2017 at 1:13 pm

    We are going to the states for our interview!!! can anyone direct me. what do they mean when they request: “Evidence that you have legal and physical custody over your child”?

    • 1010. Arlene  |  October 17, 2017 at 3:35 pm

      @Reena Are you usingthe Philly office? When ist your interview?
      I don’t know how to proove legal custody if the child. We are married so we don’t have anything stating that we have custody. As for the phsical custody; everyone living in Germany has to register their address with the government that I got a certificate of registration and will be bringing English translation of this I hope it will be enough. It states where I am living and that my husband and my children are living at the same address with me.

  • 1011. Dimitrios Lygoura  |  December 5, 2017 at 11:48 pm

    If You Use The Grand Parent avenue, does the Grand Parent has to Be alive or the you just use the qualifying part that he was a US citizen. The reason the mother can not apply she was not in US for 5 yrs. Thank you. DL.

    • 1012. Yaakov  |  January 21, 2018 at 10:54 am

      No, the grand parent does not need to be alive at the time of the process but had to be a US citizen at the time of his death.

  • 1013. Karl Hunt  |  December 8, 2017 at 8:19 am

    Hi All,

    I used st. Albans (Vermont) center in 2014 to get the passports for my daughters. My son was born in Aug 2015 and I am planning to apply for his passport through N600k (grandparent route).

    Can yoi please give your valuable input on

    1. I am thinking of using the same center St. Albans as I had a good experience last time (applied in dec 2013, heard from them Feb 2014, took interview date in July 2014). Although i would like to vist west coast this time, I think it will be easier if I use the same center?

    2. how is the latest experience at st. Albans experience?

    3. I will send the same set of documents I sent last time by 20th Dec and plan to schedule the intervie around 5 April (around easter) 2018. is it too close? The fligs from HK (where i live) are so much affordable now so I am thinking of buying tickets now. do you think the timeline is too tight?

    i am not sure if I am reading correctly but the link below says that as at Sep 2017, St Albans center is processing cases as of dec 2016 for N600? Is this same as N600k?

    I will really appreciate your help here

    thanks a lot

  • 1014. Shaé Jana Williams  |  December 27, 2017 at 11:24 pm

    I just completed this entire process with my daughter and would like to share my experience in case it helps someone else. I read everyone’s comments while going through the process and found a lot of useful information. So here is my story:
    My daughter just turned 18 a week ago. She nearly aged out. We were under extreme time pressure. I had to choose a field office that would not take long to process. So California (where I’m from) and Florida (friends and family) were out of the question. We would be flying in from Finland so we wanted some place warm and a mini vacation out of this as well.We decided on Charlotte, North Carolina (a couple hrs drive to Myrtle Beach South Carolina where we would stay). It was a really good decision. I did not have a co-operative relative supplying me with the documents necessary, the primary evidence needed to prove residency. I relied solely on affidavits and secondary evidence because I couldn’t get any agency to supply me with social security or employment or residency papers because the parent ( my daughter’s grandparent used for this process) is not deceased. I had statements from 3 ex-wives and some other close family, along with whatever they could provide as far as documents. I had trouble getting the cheque to pay the application fee because Finland only sends money electronically, paper cheques are outdated. So I had to wire money to a friend, he purchased a Bank of America cheque in Florida and sent it to me which I then sent with my application fee of 1,170 dollars. I included the form that asks for a receipt when they receive it which is actually meant for the lock box option, although I sent mine via UPS to make sure they get it. I received an email from them promptly that they have received my application and a receipt in the mail a week later. This was in April that I sent it and beginning of May they were processing it. I was in contact with a woman who told me what I have submitted is not sufficient and I need to submit more. I kept gathering more and more documentation as I was able to and would pdf it to her, she would always respond the same day or the day after. That went on for a few months. She made suggestions and tried to help as much as she could. Finally beginning of August I got the email that she is excited to finally offer me an interview, which date would I like. We got to choose the exact day. I chose for it to be in October during my daughter’s fall break from school, a 9 day trip with the interview day in the middle of it.We brought all originals with us, although some of our ” originals” were copies of divorce decrees etc supplied by the exes. The day of the interview went smoothly. My daughter read an oath and signed it. They had a binder with everything I had submitted and requested to see certain documents from me.The woman who handled her case was not the one I had been emailing, but we got to meet her at the end as well and gave her a hug and thanked her for all her help. Everyone was so friendly. Then we waited as they made the citizenship certificate for my daughter and she got a flag and we could leave.We drove back to SC to vacation. I have applied for her passport and social security number through the consulate in Finland. She entered and left the States with her Finnish passport and Esta.(visa waiver program). She is now 18 and the process is finished. What a relief.The entire thing took approx 5-6 months.I highly recommend the Charlotte field office.

  • 1015. Yael  |  January 18, 2018 at 6:40 pm

    Hello good people.. hope you can help me with my issue – I want o get as much proof as I can for my father’s stay in the US, the problem is that he lived there from 1950-1970. Do you know if the IRS / Social Security have records that far back? I should point that my father dies 10 ears ago, I will need to file for these documents my self. Did anyone go through this process and can share what they did.


    • 1016. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  January 21, 2018 at 10:48 am

      You can order your father’s earning statement from SS.
      You need the proper proof to obtain it including the Original Report of Death Abroad, I will be happy to help with all. I however do this for a living and would charge I would also be happy to help you with the entire case.

    • 1017. Yaakov  |  January 21, 2018 at 10:49 am

      Maybe from SSA, I don’t think you can obtain that far back from the IRS.
      Try this

  • 1018. Salma  |  February 11, 2018 at 10:28 pm

    Hi all,

    I am a US citizen by naturalization, I receieved it from my mother who lived over 12 years in the United States between the late 60’s and 80’s, however I myelf have barely lived in the US and do not have the physical presence requirement. I am now pregnant with my first child and my options for insuring my child gets citizenship are:

    1- Either to travel to the states to give birth there. This might be alittle difficult as I am not insured and without insurance it will cost me overall around 15000 dollars which Icannot afford.

    2- My second option is to give birth in my country and rely on the grandparent law.

    I do have a couple of questions for you though:

    1) Does the grandparents have to attend the interview or not, as different sources online are saying different things?

    2) How soon can I apply for my chid or in other words, how soon can I take him/her to the interview? Can I take him/ her as an infant or do I have to wait a couple of years?

    3) If for any reason this law changes or becomes invalid, will this take effect immediately or how do such things work?

    4) Are there any cases here that got rejected for any reasons other than missing the 18 years old deadline or having insufficient documents?

    Thank you in advance!

    • 1019. Yaakov  |  February 12, 2018 at 12:02 am

      1. No, the grandparent doe not need to attend the interview (or even be alive…, though I wish everyone a long and healthy life).
      2. As soon that you get the childs foreign birth certificate.
      3. Depends, Usally laws are affected when signed by the president, some laws will have a farther date that take affect. However I’m not aware of any intention to change this law.
      4. If you file correctly and have sufficent evidence of your parent’s physical presence in the USA, there should be no problem.
      Much luck

  • 1020. shoshanah  |  February 13, 2018 at 7:16 pm

    Hi everybody,
    I thank you so much for this page as it has been so helpful. I am an American citizen who moved to Israel in the 70’s. My children were born there, hey are second generation and are American citizens, but their children are third generation and as such are stateless and must get their citizenship thru me. I tried to read everything (all 249 printed pages) but couldn’t and I have one question that I need help with. I want to know if getting a fee waiver, which is inability to pay the filing fee because of income restrictions, only applies to the immediate parents of the individual applying for citizenship or the grandparent that is putting the application in?

    Thank you

  • 1021. Salvo  |  February 14, 2018 at 1:00 pm

    It applies to the immediate parents of the children, who must reside in the same house, that is another important reference.
    Another important thing that with the “fee waiver”, they need much more time because they have to do some official checks, so it is not within the normal process times of other N600K.

  • 1022. shoshanah  |  February 15, 2018 at 5:08 pm

    Thank you I sort of figured that.Wish me luck we are sending the forms off this week to start the process. My granddaughter ages out in September and we are praying to get seen before then.
    Also I was told that children under 4-years of age do not have to pay the fee, is this correct?


    • 1023. Yaakov  |  February 15, 2018 at 10:13 pm

      Hi Shoshanah,

      Applicants of all ages need to pay the appropriate fee unless you apply for a fee waiver. The means tested basis of request refers to the home of the applicants, I’m assuming your grandchildren live with their parents (your children).
      If you’re interested, I do offer these services for a fee (very reasonable), and have experience with both the citizenship and fee waiver forms. you can reach me via email at, (I’m willing to give a short free consultation).
      Please note that I’m not an attorney or legal representative.

      Much luck,

  • 1024. Francesca  |  February 16, 2018 at 4:21 pm

    Hello, can anyone tell me if the san diego immigration office has fast turnaround of applications? Is it a good option for someone needing an appointment within 3 months from when they receive the application? Many thanks, Francesca

  • 1025. Salma  |  February 16, 2018 at 10:46 pm

    So I just found out that the 5 years my mom spent in the US she was a Green Card holder and that when she became naturalized and git the citizinship she soon moved back to her country of birth and only went back to the US for visits. She was still working and paying taxes as a Green Card holder in those 5 years. So does this count? Or does she have to have been a citizen during those 5 years?

    Thanks in advance!

    • 1026. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  February 17, 2018 at 9:49 pm

      Those years count, there is no requirement that you lived for 5 years as a citizen just that the USC is a USC and was physically present in the U.S.

      • 1027. Salma  |  April 18, 2018 at 4:22 pm

        thanks a lot!

  • 1028. fintranslator  |  March 5, 2018 at 8:19 am

    Hello, I have submitted the 600K to teh west palm beach office because of a relative who lives near by. Now it seems they will not be at home, so I am looking to move the appointment to the vicinity of another relative.
    Does anyone know the procedure for moving a field office? The status is the have received the forms and supporting documents on Nov. 26, 2017, but have yet to send an appointment date.

    • 1029. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  March 5, 2018 at 5:23 pm

      I can request the files to be moved but that is a great office.
      I can also contact them for you but if you want me to be involved you need to pay for my service.

      • 1030. fintranslator  |  March 6, 2018 at 10:24 am

        Thanks for the offer, I will try and contact them directly and if find myself in trouble will contact you.
        Are they supposed to be fast? We sent in the documents in October, were hoping to have it done by the end of April

        • 1031. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  March 6, 2018 at 11:21 am

          They are a good office, the files were all delayed due to glitch in the system, I was able to move my clients files but naturally she probably got them within the last 2 weeks. If you need my help let me know.

  • 1032. Salvo  |  March 6, 2018 at 11:23 am

    USCIS Processing Time Information for the
    West Palm Beach FL Field Office

    Field Office Processing Dates for West Palm Beach FL as of: December 31, 2017
    Processing Cases As Of Date:
    N-600 Application for Certificate of Citizenship 27 gennaio 2017

    This means that they are 11 mounths back.

    This can help:

    • 1033. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  March 6, 2018 at 2:35 pm

      Not at all accurate in either directions, they are much faster and other ones say they are fast are slow.

      • 1034. fintranslator  |  March 6, 2018 at 4:00 pm

        I figured as much. Do you think now that the glitch is fixed, is it feasible to get a date within the next two months?

  • 1036. Dezzy  |  April 13, 2018 at 3:37 pm

    Hi all, quick question, my mum is a US citizen who satisfies the qualifying criteria for physical presence in the US but we live in the UK where I was born. It was only after the birth of my eldest child that I realized I was eligible for a US passport which I now have. Does it matter if I seek the grandparent route for citizenship of my children that the birth of one of my children predates the date of my obtaining a US passport ?
    Many thanks in advance

    • 1037. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  April 15, 2018 at 12:22 pm

      Not at all, first of all you just need to be a citizen now. Second you were always a Citizen you just didn’t know it

      • 1038. isranglo  |  April 17, 2018 at 8:38 am

        well put and is what i tell people with this and also alas with the other side of the coin as relates to taxation issues. Not registering as a citizen doesn’t make you not a citizen as far as the US is concerned. As far as they’re concerned if you were born with the automatic right to be a US citizenship you’re a citizen registered or not with all the responsibilities and rights of any other US citizen. That means you have to file all required tax information etc. as is required of a US citizen or be called to account for not doing so at such time as they catch up with you. But it also means you have all the rights of a US citizen as soon as you take care of letting them know you are one and apply for those benefits coming to you.

        And of course a passport itself is irrelevant to citizenship anyhow. I just googled it and saw (on several sites) that according to the state department only 36% of US citizens hold valid passports. That doesn’t make them non-citizens – it just means they’re not traveling outside the US.

  • 1039. KatKat  |  April 14, 2018 at 9:24 pm

    Hi. I am an american citizen through my father, who is a US born citizen. I have never lived in the United States. I do not have the “Certificate of Citizenship”, only my US passport. The form requests me to put the “Certificate of Citizenship”, is it mandatory to have this document?

    • 1040. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  April 15, 2018 at 12:29 pm

      There is no mandatory certificate of Citizenship

      • 1041. KatKat  |  April 15, 2018 at 4:07 pm

        Oh, thanks MIchele.

  • 1042. Liz  |  April 16, 2018 at 1:46 pm

    Once one is called for an interview, what other paper work is required, does one apply for social security number if not resident in US

  • 1043. Dezzy  |  April 16, 2018 at 4:29 pm

    many thanks for the helpful reply Michelle

  • 1044. Liz  |  April 16, 2018 at 4:38 pm

    Hi, I have applied for citizenship through grandparent for my 2 children and have received a letter with date & additional info request for Boston, should I apply for social security number for my children when I am in Boston?

    • 1045. isranglo  |  April 17, 2018 at 8:30 am

      If you have the time while there you might as well. Be aware thought you need to bring proof of identity and so you should be prepared with several forms of that. When I went they wouldn’t accept their non-US passport (which they’d just used an hour earlier at the citizenship interview and had used to enter the country) as identification because as far as they’re concerned the moment a person is a US citizen they no longer have a foreign citizenship or passport and therefore that ID is invalid. They also wouldn’t accept the US government travel visa stamped in that passport because as a US citizen you don’t have a visa and therefore cannot use it as ID. Yes it’s absurd that they can look at these documents with the pictures and the certificate of naturalization it enabled and claim it doesn’t identify you for their purposes – welcome to bureaucracy…:-(

  • 1046. francesca  |  April 16, 2018 at 5:24 pm

    Hello, I did this application a few years ago and the fee was $600, but I just saw that the fee has now increased to $1,170, can anyone confirm this??? Also, is a certified check acceptable? Many thanks

    • 1047. Salvo  |  April 17, 2018 at 8:33 am

      Yes last year they up the fee to $ 1.170.

      For the fee yes here what they say:
      “You may pay the fee with a money order, personal check, or cashier’s check. When filing at a USCIS Lockbox facility, you may also pay by credit card using Form G-1450, Authorization for Credit Card Transactions. If you pay by check, you must make your check payable to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Please note that service centers are not able to process credit card payments.”

  • 1048. KatKat  |  April 17, 2018 at 2:35 pm

    Is the Certificate of Citizenship issued right after the interview, or should I wait?

    • 1049. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  April 17, 2018 at 9:12 pm

      Should be issued at interview

    • 1050. isranglo  |  April 23, 2018 at 2:50 pm

      both…either :-). For example I went 2 of the times to the Philly office. Once they gave it to me on the spot after the interview. The second time they told me to come back in an hour (no problem – the office is right next to historical philly – between the interview and the certificate we got to see the liberty bell :-)). But you should get it handed to you within a reasonable amount of time after the interview. Just that if you were counting on catching a plane out of the country which requires leaving straight from the interview, probably a bad idea as you may not get it on the spot..

  • 1051. Salma  |  April 18, 2018 at 4:17 pm

    Hey all,

    I am currently about to order documents from SSA to show my mothers employment history during the 70’s and I have the following options to choose from:

    1) Itemized statement of earning (costs $115, includes the names and addresses of employers for the years Ive selected, takes up to 120 days according to one website)

    2) Certified Yearly totals of earning (for the years selected by me, costs $33 but does not include names or addresses of employment)

    3)Non-certified yearly totals of earning which I can FREE from her SSA account, but obviously not as official like the above options.

    Which one would you advise me to go for according to your experiences?

    Thanks you!

    • 1052. KatKat  |  April 18, 2018 at 4:42 pm

      Hi,I used the first one. It includes the employer’s names, the years worked at each company and the amounts earned. It’s nice, since is more detailed, and it’s an official document. Was the big proof. The bad thing is that I had to deliver my birth certificate (to proof our relationship) and death certificate of my dad. And it lasted to arrive more than 120 day… I calculate that they were more than 150 days. Also, I would recommend you to put an address of a relative living in the US, since the mail service is the public one, and they send it through ordinary mail.. not certified… this in any option the you choose.

      • 1053. Yael  |  April 19, 2018 at 5:40 pm

        I did the same thing, I am still waiting for the documents to arrive.. I took into consideration that it would take a long time..
        Was these documents (with the birth certificate + death certificate) really enough proof for them? Did you go through the whole process already and got the citizenship for your son/daughter ?

      • 1054. KatKat  |  April 19, 2018 at 11:13 pm

        Hi, Yael. I used the Itemized statement of earning as a Citizenship proof for myself, since my father passed away and he did not registered me at the Embassy, so I never had a CRBA. Finally, it was a nice proof. I also contacted the school where he attended, to request the transcripts, but they did not gave me them, so I requested them a proof letter declaring the years that he attended to that school and they sent me an scanned letter with the information. Altought the letter was not something official nor original, I also showed that to the officers at the embassy. I think that the SS Itemized statement of earning was the most strong proof of presence at the US, since it is an official document issued by a government entity.
        I’m just beginning with the citizenship process for my daughter. As we want to move to the US soon, someone recommended that I make an immigrant visa request, and according to other section of the INA Children Citizenship act of 2000, she would be a US citizen just upon her arrival to the US.

      • 1055. Yael  |  April 19, 2018 at 11:46 pm

        Hi KatKat,

        I did the immigration process visa with my older kids 12 years ago, it was much easier then.. If you are planning to move to the US than it is better to do this process instead of the grandfather..

        Good luck

        • 1056. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  April 19, 2018 at 11:55 pm

          If you can do the grandfather clause you do the grandfather clause, it is easier, faster, cheaper and better! You get a certificate of citizenship. I cannot even begin to tell you how many people did through immigrant visa and are now having passports taken away if they did not really Immigrate. Even if really immigrating it is faster and cheaper these days. This was not always the case but you always got the certificate and I always recommended it. However if a client walks into my office today I explain all and convince them to do the Grandfather clause. This is VERY good advise.
          The only time to do the Immigrant is if you are not eligible for the Grandfather clause

  • 1057. Salvo  |  April 18, 2018 at 4:47 pm

    Everyone wants to become US citizens, we all think we are doing a good thing for our children,but then what is this problem of FACTA, that all citizens also living abroad must pay taxes in the USA.

    What did you understand or know from your consulates about ??

    • 1058. isranglo  |  April 23, 2018 at 2:44 pm

      well…I wouldn’t quite agree with that – and remember this is my blog! Yes I agree that we think we’re doing something good for our kids and back when I wrote the original piece that was the case – but that’s not so clear any more by any means. The fact is that nowadays it’s becoming worse and worse to be a US expat. The US is a great country to be in – but a lousy one to be FROM. Between FATCA, FBAR and possible new taxation in the wings it’s never been worse to have US citizenship if you live outside its borders.

      Now that’s to say that that can’t change but that’s taking a gamble. The main 2 reasons many people take the US citizenship is 1) why not?! – always good to have another passport and there are advantages if they ever decide to go to the US for whatever reason and 2) the “free $1000 (now moving up to $1400) per kid per year

      However the first may no longer be true as the costs and risks of holding US citizenship now may outweigh any possible advantages you could get if you even decide to use them and as for the second just as it’s gone up it could go down and that 1400 dollars mostly goes to the lawyers you and later that kid will need to hire an accountant to do the paperwork on the tax filing to the US.
      I made my kids American back when this wasn’t at all clear that this was the case. If i had to choose again I’m not so sure I’d make the choice to make them citizens. It really is an individual choice but just don’t assume it’s all positive.

  • 1059. Liz  |  April 20, 2018 at 3:40 pm

    I have recently received my interview date for children to become citizen’s can I just enquire, I read somewhere that a citizen child is entitled to $1000 per year up to 18th birthday, is this true,

    • 1060. Salvo  |  April 20, 2018 at 4:54 pm

      This is the dilemma, you should make your Tax Returns on your foreign income in the USA. Then you will have your $. 1.000.
      It seems to me that it is so.

      “The U.S. taxes based on citizenship as well as residency, unlike all other developed countries. Generally speaking, U.S. citizens living abroad, who may never have lived in or even entered the U.S., are still required to file U.S. tax returns.”

      • 1061. fintranslator  |  April 20, 2018 at 5:25 pm

        It is in fact true, and I get the $1,000 per year per american child under 17. In fact, as of 2018 the refundable child tax credit is going up to $1,400 per child.

        However, not all so rosy. Most foreign citizens use a Foreign Earned Income exclusion (FEIE) on their rax return and this disqualifies you from getting this refund.
        The way to get the refund is to use the Foreign tax credit (FTC). Alas, this method is way more complicated so you need to factor in whether the cost of a professional to fill out your tax forms, or the coat of youe time if you donit yourself outweighs the benefit of the refund.

        In my blog, I compare the two methods and provide a google spreadsheet which compares the two for your personal situation. If our gracious host will allow I can provide a link. Keep in mind that my blog is in Hebrew and that I am not a tax professional.

      • 1062. isranglo  |  April 23, 2018 at 2:46 pm

        for some reason I can’t reply to fintranslator’s comment so if s/he can read this feel free to add the link to your spreadsheet for those that it can help.

      • 1063. fintranslator  |  April 24, 2018 at 5:29 am

        Thank you @isranglo ! You probably have in your wordpress settings a depth of 2 allowed for comments. You can change this.

        Here is the link to my blog post comparing the two main methods for mitigating us tax for foreign citizens: Thank you @isranglo ! Here is the link to my post which provides a link to copy said calculator:

        • 1064. isranglo  |  April 29, 2018 at 12:25 pm

          it was set to 3 (the default I guess) and I’ve changed it – good call! And thanks for both the wordpress tip and for the calculator.

  • 1065. francesca  |  April 23, 2018 at 11:59 am

    Hello, I am filling out the N600K form and I have a few questions:

    1) I am filling out the application and I am the US citizen parent of the child for whom I am requesting citizenship through the grandparent clause. Do I need to fill out the section about the “Preparer” or leave it blank since it is me?
    2) Also, my son’s name has an accent in it, but the form will not let me include it, will this be a problem?
    3) In the instructions it says that if you receive an electronic form of I-94 issued by CBP (which I understand is the case now) then it is important to fill in passport numbers where requested on the application, but I can’t find any place to put this information on the form, nor do I find any request for I-94 information on the form.

    Thank you to anyone who can help,


    • 1066. Francesca Squillante  |  April 30, 2018 at 8:32 am

      Hello again, can anyone help me with my questions? Thank you so much for your help!

      • 1067. KatKat  |  April 30, 2018 at 5:49 pm

        1. If you filled the form by yourself there is no need to fill the “preparer” part. It is just in case that some other person did it instead of yourself.
        2. I think it would not be a problem. But I am not sure.

        • 1068. francesca  |  April 30, 2018 at 7:09 pm

          Thank you for your help. Any clue about my last question (I-94 and passport information to include on form)? Thanks so much

          • 1069. Yaakov  |  April 30, 2018 at 8:38 pm

            You present the child’s foreign passport with the stamp of entering the US by the CBP.
            That’s it.

            • 1070. Francesca Squillante  |  April 30, 2018 at 9:26 pm

              Thank you Yaakov, always very helpful:))

  • 1071. Salma  |  April 28, 2018 at 11:17 pm

    Hey all,

    I have collected the following documents and would really love your input on whether they are sufficient or not based on your personal experiences.

    1- original certificate of naturalization.
    2- original high school diploma.
    3- copy of high school reports. (2 years)
    4- birth certificate and hospital records of my older sister born in US.
    5- Social security statement (showing benefits as per taxed earning collected per year) – 9 years in total (1973-1976 and 1978-1982).
    6- (Detailed) Itemized statement of earnings showing employment history (in detail as in names of employers and years spent working at each employer).
    7- copies of US passports and old passports (showing entry to US with a green card number)
    – I also have an original translation of my mom’s divorce papers which explain why her last name has changed (before and after divorce).

    What do you think?



    • 1072. isranglo  |  April 29, 2018 at 12:21 pm

      no guarantees obviously but it looks generally good to me. The high school diploma will only give you one year and one of those you would have gotten from the high school transcript anyhow but the other material looks like it will provide a lot.
      Look…in the end this isn’t an exact science. They won’t tell you what they consider enough or not enough beyond “you send us what you have and we’ll decide.” This is why what you’re doing (and which I’ve always advised) is very sound. Bury them in a multitude of proofs. The more you pile up the less likely they are to decide that something shady is going on and to be generally satisfied with what you have. The only other thing I’d advise at this point is organization. When you go in they may well want to see originals of documents. Have a looseleaf type folder with you with plastic sheets in it. Have each sheet labeled with things like “birth certificates,” social security records” etc. The more easy and confident you seem and the more ready to give them anything they might ask for at a moment’s notice the less they’ll need or ask for. It’s the people who are all over the place that they need to look into. If you come off as “speaking and operating bureaucrat” you’re one of them and the whole process goes super fast.

      • 1073. Salma  |  May 28, 2018 at 5:34 pm

        Dear Isranglo,

        As per your advise I am trying to be as organized as possible and to present them with all the evidence in a clear and organized manner. I was advised by a family friend who once worked in a US embassy to prepare an excel sheet showing 1) exit dates from home country, 2) entry dates into US, and 3) entry dates into home country (as per the grandparents passport stamps) and to use these dates calculate the duration of residence within US.

        I have done so however some passport stamps are stamped in foreign languages.

        Any advise on what I can do about that? Do I get them translated? Should I rely on translation office certified by the US embassy in my country maybe?



        • 1074. isranglo  |  May 28, 2018 at 5:47 pm

          well done being super prepared but let me temper this by saying you also don’t have to drive yourself crazy about it. The idea is to show them that you’ve done due diligence and given it your best shot. I’d advise simply showing the passport at the interview and saying something like “as you can see there are a few places where I was unable to figure out what’s going on because I don’t know that language but I’ve given you the gist of it to the best of my ability. Sloppiness will bother them – lack of perfection not. Most people divide into 2 groups – expats that go back and forth to the states a couple of times or not at all after moving abroad and those who go back often. Those for whom it’s a couple of times is generally fairly straightforward. those who return repeatedly they just want a general idea – MOST people don’t remember every single trip they made 20-30 years back! Do your best and don’t stress 🙂

        • 1075. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  May 28, 2018 at 5:52 pm

          If passport photos are your proof of presence it won’t be enough

  • 1076. David  |  May 3, 2018 at 7:29 am

    Hi Isranglo,

    I was just wondering if there has been any changes recently to the system that would help me become an American citizen. My grandmother is a US citizen, however, my mother is a Canadian citizen and has never lived in the US or pursued her US citizenship. Also, I am 24 years old. Is there any hope for me to becoming a US citizen through my grandma’s citizenship?

    Thanks for your time,

    • 1077. isranglo  |  May 4, 2018 at 2:08 pm

      Sorry – not that I know of. It may be that you’ll have an advantage in applying to move to the US on a green card if your grandmother resides in the US and is willing to sponsor you for citizenship. But the maximum age for applying via the N600k which is what I deal with here (and not being a lawyer of any kind this is the only method I can claim any knowledge of since I have experience in it albeit not formal education on the subject) is 18.

      Michelle who visits here often IS an immigration lawyer and may have ideas but it’s outside the topic for this post. On the other hand, in any case unless you want to live IN the US getting US citizenship is more trouble now than it is an advantage.

      • 1078. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  May 4, 2018 at 3:15 pm

        You cannot get Citizenship through your grandparent. A green card also can only be done if your mother is a citizen. She would start this process by getting a green card. If you would like to discuss I would be happy to speak with but it seems like a long shot.

  • 1079. Jules  |  May 15, 2018 at 8:45 am

    Hi, we received the an email a few weeks ago asking to confirm the date of our appointment and the officer said that upon confirmation they will send us an email with a copy of the appointment notice. I wrote back right away to confirm. It’s been a few weeks now since we confirmed we were available for the dates. I’m wondering, for those of you who have already done the process, how long did it take to receive the official appointment letter once the dates were confirmed? and did you get it via email or snail mail? Please can you tell me your experiences? Thank you!
    (We’re so happy and would really like to get a jump on booking flights, etc).

    • 1080. Yaakov  |  May 15, 2018 at 11:02 am

      what field office?
      Did you try reaching out again to the officer?
      In most cases they can email the appointment, maybe just got overloaded with work, send a reminder.

      • 1081. Martha  |  May 15, 2018 at 11:12 am

        I received the confirmation email in march and the appointment letter in April via snail mail. Our appointment date is in July. We’re using the Manchester field office. They are very good with replying emails within a few minutes.

  • 1082. Martha  |  June 7, 2018 at 12:18 pm

    Hi. USCIS gave us an appointment date but my child was denied a tourist visa to enable him make the appointment, even though i explained to the consular officer what the trip was for and gave him the letters from USCIS to prove it. The Interview is in 4 weeks and we will not be able to apply for another visa within that time. Is it ok if i reschedule the appointment.
    Also, Is a n600k an immigrant petition? We did not insert this information on her application because we did not think it was an immigrant petition. We just explained to the consular officer at the counter and gave him the documents. He did not seem to understand what kind of application it was. Was that the wrong thing to do?

    • 1083. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  June 7, 2018 at 1:00 pm

      You can ask to reschedule and give the reason,
      the consular officer is completely off base.
      They have to give a visa if there is a date with USCIS.
      No you did NOT file and Immigrant Visa petition.

      • 1084. Norman Griff  |  June 12, 2018 at 4:34 pm

        Hi, Is there anything in the US citizenship laws to cause a rejection of a citizenship application for a two-year old applying under Section 322 (600K) only because the child already has TWO prior citizenships (one by virtue of being born in Israel, and a second from a west-european country through application by the parents.
        The situation becomes evident on the 600K form because the child/parents’ address is in the birth country (Israel), while in Part 2/Item 8 (prior country of citizenship) I will have to show a different country (West-european country). Dual citizenship!!!.
        No way out of this if you read and comply with the USCIS instructions for that item.
        I would really appreciate replies based on solid fact/experiences by people who had a similar backgrounds when applying for citizenship when they already had dual citizenship, and not well meaning guesses or theories.
        As to the blog itself, really a great service to all potential applicants, it really earns my respect and admiration for all the effort that you have put into it.
        Whether I get an answer or not, many thanks!

        • 1085. isranglo  |  June 17, 2018 at 11:42 am

          I have no actual expertise on this issue but thanks for the compliment on the blog in general. The only thing I can help is by approving the question and hoping maybe someone else will have an answer.

          My only observation here is that, as I’m sure you’re aware the US in general doesn’t really recognize dual citizenship. That is it realizes it exists and it doesn’t toss people in jail or anything for having it but in their eyes the US citizenship is the only one that really counts. So I could see why drawing their attention to it could be problematic though as you notice inescapable. That said, I find myself having to ask…are you planning to move to the US? Because if not then I have to ask why you’d WANT to give the kid US citizenship. The US is becoming a worse and worse place to be FROM. It’s a fine place to BE if you want to live there but the US is the country toughest on its expats worse than any country in the world – even Eritrea to which it’s usually compared. Now I get that someone with just one citizenship might want a fallback citizenship because hey…you never know. But if they already have a western European citizenship I’d think long and hard about getting them US citizenship unless I was planning to actually relocate to live IN the US. Otherwise you’re potentially exposing them to a lifetime of tax filing (and even paying) headaches. Some of these existed back when I originally wrote this article but mostly as a nuisance and most didn’t know about them (me included). But Mr. Obama and then Mr. Trump have since made things far worse for US citizens living abroad. Just something to consider…

        • 1086. Yaakov  |  June 19, 2018 at 12:44 am

          Just follow the instructions:
          “Item Number 8. Prior Country of Citizenship or Nationality. Provide the name of the child’s Country of Citizenship
          or Nationality before the child became a U.S. citizen.
          NOTE: If the country no longer exists or the child is stateless, provide the name of the Country of Citizenship or
          Nationality where the child was last a citizen or national.
          If the child is a citizen or national of more than one country, provide the name of the country that issued the latest
          The US has no problem with multiple citizenships, though it is silent about multiple you can understand that by the way it refers to dual citizenship.

  • 1087. Aryeh  |  June 13, 2018 at 6:41 pm

    Thanks to this forum my children got US citizenship and passports (they were then aged 2 & 5). Now I need to renew the passports. Do I need to bring old pictures to prove that these are the same children?

    • 1088. Aryeh  |  July 9, 2018 at 8:45 am

      To answer my own question – No need for the photos

  • 1089. Martha  |  June 25, 2018 at 2:21 pm

    Thankfully my child’s visa issues have been resolved and the embassy has given her the b2 visa for her trip, after writing countless emails. But now I’m just nervous because of . Are we going to face problems with Customs and Border Protection just as we did at the embassy? Will they understand when we tell them we’re bringing her in for her n600k appointment? Can anyone share their experience with Border Protection at the airport?

  • 1090. Mark Robinson  |  July 8, 2018 at 9:14 am

    I’m trying to find a list of the field offices and available appts. and am not having a great deal of success. Can you please help me

  • 1091. Aus-->USA  |  July 10, 2018 at 6:27 pm

    Thanks for the information, this blog was invaluable. We were in a relatively unique situation having previously applied for US passports for our children with half of them being rejected and the other half of them being issued and then later revoked on a technicality… after a painful experience we were grateful to find this blog and lawyer Michele Wolgel! Having had issues already we wanted to make sure everything was completed properly and as quickly as possible. I had spoken with many US based lawyers from abroad and none sounded confident or like they knew the process well – I often knew more about the process than them having read through much of this blog… and I was paying them consult fees… painful! We engaged Michele Wolgel who was professional and knows the N600K process extremely well. We had a few speed bumps along the way which Michele helped us navigate confidently. All communication was remote as we were in Australia which was no problem at all. Michele was quick to respond to emails and happy to take our calls throughout the process. We also needed assistance to maintain my wife’s green card… Michele helped us find an excellent US based lawyer in the city in which my wife would be visiting the USCIS office. We successfully obtained US citizenship for all of our children at the Las Vegas office earlier this month. I’d highly recommend engaging Michele to assist with an efficient and painless process if you’re feeling a little lost or overwhelmed!

    • 1092. isranglo  |  July 11, 2018 at 12:15 am

      I’m glad if I was able to be of help to some extent. Obviously, being a parent and not a lawyer (though after all the time I’ve spent dealing with the issue since publishing this post I probably know more than the average parent at least) I would never claim to be a specialist in the field. I believe that the vast majority of cases can be dealt with by parents without the need for legal counsel.

      That said, there are obviously cases outside the norm where I’m out of my depth as are other laypeople here. As such I’m grateful to Michelle for hanging around and dispensing useful advice that’s beyond my ken to visitors to the post. I’m sure many here have had reason to be grateful for her help and while I was able to deal with my own case myself and haven’t used her personally, the feedback here over time has shown me that people who have used her have found her to be very professional and efficient at dealing with the tough cases.

      So thanks Michelle for all you do to help out people who show up here looking for help!

    • 1093. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  July 11, 2018 at 9:38 am

      I am happy to give the answers and advice on this blog that I d,when the blogger does not have the answer. This family had a lot of interesting issues that I was able to resolve. If anyone else needs my assistance I am also happy to take any complicated cases. Michele

  • 1094. Martha  |  August 3, 2018 at 2:28 pm

    Hurray. We had a successful appointment and my child is now a US citizen. The field office in Manchester was very lovely. They looked through our documents for about 5 minutes. I took an oath to say that the evidence i had given was true and 10 minutes later they gave us her certificate. We were in and out in 30 minutes.

  • 1095. or  |  September 15, 2018 at 7:09 pm

    It seems that USCIS now accepts (since around April 2018) credit card payment for N-600K, using form G-1450

    However, it doesn’t specifically mentioned they accept international foreign credit cards. Moreover, the section for filling billing information in G-1450 seem to show only American address format (namely, “State” and “ZIP code” fields exist but not “Country” or “postal code” fields.

    Does anyone know for sure (experienced or got trusted info) whether foreign (Israeli, for instance) card would be accepted?

    • 1096. Yaakov  |  September 15, 2018 at 9:10 pm

      yes it works.

      • 1097. or  |  September 16, 2018 at 8:05 am

        Thanks for the answer.
        I assume you personally did that. How did you fill the billing address? what did you fill under “state” and “zip”?

        • 1098. Yaakov  |  September 16, 2018 at 9:01 am

          Yes, I’ve done that for clients interested in this form of payment.
          Manually write country in the “state” section, and postal code in the “zip” section.
          Please note the USCIS will only try one attempt to charge your card, therefore it is crucial you notify the credit card company about the charge prior to submitting the form, so they don’t reject the charge. However it may still not work due to some technical error (for example, officer typing by mistake the wrong digit), but usally it does work.

          • 1099. or  |  September 16, 2018 at 9:14 am

            Thanks very much indeed 🙂

  • 1100. Shery  |  September 24, 2018 at 4:30 pm

    Thank you for all the helpful information! This process is very stressful (and I did not even send the applications yet!), this blog really helps.
    I am a U.S citizen by birth, living abroad. Almost done with gathering the documents for my (minor) children’s applications and have a few questions, maybe someone can help me:
    1. The current instructions state that “if the child legally changed his or her name submit evidence of an issued and certified document by the court that authorized the legal name changes”. It does not state anywhere that the parent needs to add evidence of their name change. I changed my name due to marriage, which is stated in my U.S passport (which I am adding as evidence). Do I understand correctly and I do not need to add a name change certificate?
    2. Anyone had any experience with the Cincinnati Ohio field office? We have family there and wish to have our interview there on October 2019.
    3. I am attaching my father’s (children’s grandfather) High school and university transcripts (not diplomas) which total in 10 years, as evidence of his physical presence. I am also attaching a copy of his valid U.S passport as proof of his citizenship. Are these enough?
    4. I am signing and filling the forms on behalf of my children. So in part 8 of the form, I select the first option – the applicant read and understood everything? No preparer or interpreter details required in the next parts, is that correct?

    Thank you

    • 1101. Yaakov  |  September 27, 2018 at 12:15 am

      1. Marriage certificate is sufficient.
      3. Add birth certificate or naturalization certificate, you might be asked for his marriage certificate.
      4. Correct

      • 1102. Shery  |  September 27, 2018 at 4:29 am

        Thank you Yaakov.
        Unfortunately, I do not have his birth certificate. I might have it ready for the interview. I do have his marriage certificate (Israeli, to my mother).
        Thank you again

        • 1103. Yaakov  |  September 27, 2018 at 12:25 pm

          You can order a copy of your father’s birth certificate here:, I don’ think you need to delay sending the files for this document.
          Israeli marriage certificate is fine, just remember to add a translation.

      • 1104. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  September 27, 2018 at 5:33 pm

        I agree with Yaakov you can order and you need to sent translation, if you are really overwhelmed or need help now or in the future you can contact me.

  • 1105. Salma  |  October 17, 2018 at 4:43 pm


    I have a question, how do I mail documents to a PO box from abroad? None of the international couriers in my country including FedEx, DHL and UPSP agree to mail to a PO box and insist it must be a proper address or a post office. However the Social Security Administration says in the form that I need to mail it to a PO box in Baltimore Maryland. Did anyone else face this issue? What should I do?? Thank you!

    • 1106. Shery  |  October 17, 2018 at 5:28 pm

      From the USCIS site, Where to file the N-600k:
      For U.S. Postal Service (USPS):
      P.O. Box 20100
      Phoenix, AZ 85036

      For FedEx, UPS, and DHL deliveries:
      Attn: Form N-600K
      1820 E. Skyharbor Circle S
      Suite 100
      Phoenix, AZ 85034

      • 1107. Shery  |  October 17, 2018 at 7:32 pm

        I am sorry, I now see your question is not about the USCIS. Please ignore my answer (didn’t find how to delete it).
        Good luck

    • 1108. Yaakov  |  October 17, 2018 at 6:43 pm

      Try this:

  • 1109. Sarah  |  October 24, 2018 at 7:38 pm

    If Parts 9 and 10 (Interpreter and preparer information) are not relevant, do I leave all the fields in them empty or type N/A in all of them?
    Thank you

    • 1110. Yaakov  |  October 29, 2018 at 2:29 am

      Leave empty

  • 1111. Dezzy  |  November 11, 2018 at 6:25 pm

    Just to say we used Michele for our application and we were all done from start to finish in 6 months. She knows what you need and the best place to go for the appointment. Would thoroughly recommend her,

    • 1112. or  |  November 11, 2018 at 6:30 pm

      Thanks for sharing! can you also mention which office did you go to?

    • 1113. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  November 11, 2018 at 6:58 pm

      Thanks- Michele

  • 1114. Dezzy  |  November 16, 2018 at 8:51 pm

    Michele recommended St Albans in Vermont, about 4 hours from Boston. They were very quick, no real interview as such, just signing a few forms and the girls then took the pledge. After we went to the Social Security office in Burlington to apply for the SSN, this took about an hour including half hour wait, but this wan no problem as we didn’t need to make an appointment

    • 1115. Ors  |  November 16, 2018 at 9:03 pm

      Sounds so perfect. Congrats and thanks for the info!

  • 1116. knight poet  |  December 14, 2018 at 10:01 pm

    This blog is wonderful, all this info is priceless for those of us in similar cases. Thank you so much, Isranglo.

    I think my kids meet the requirements to become citizens through my father, but I’m not sure if time-wise it would better to go the green card route these days–I’d love to have a consultation with Michele Vogel to discuss the details of my case.
    My email is
    Thank you!

    • 1117. isranglo  |  December 16, 2018 at 12:27 pm

      glad its been helpful. I’m sure that Michelle will be able to offer a constructive explanation of the alternative advantages or disadvantages of the 2 methods. She drops by here fairly regularly and I’m sure she’ll see this and get in touch with you. If not, I believe she’s given her contact info from time to time so you can search her out.

    • 1118. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  December 16, 2018 at 3:18 pm

      First of all the green card route is longer and more expensive.
      Second you don’t get a Certificate of Citizenship
      Third unless you are going there to live they may or may not give a passport but can always take away years later if they think you went just to get Citizenship.
      I can give you many people to contact who had to use the green card process as were born there and their parents (the grandparents) were not American, I would be very happy to put you in contact with them. This is a black and white, if you can use grandfather clause you do.
      I handle both BTW.

  • 1119. fintranslator  |  January 28, 2019 at 10:42 am

    Hello all, does anyone know how to navigate the phone operator of the FBU in Jerusalem? We went in to apply for a SSN for my son on Dec 28, 2018. I want to call to find out the status. I push option 6 which is for SSN applications but all they do is have a recorded message about how to apply and what documents you need. The other options also lead to recorded messages.
    I also sent an email, does anyone know how long it takes them to reply?

    • 1120. Yaakov  |  January 28, 2019 at 11:09 am

      0 for call center, they answer Mon & Thu 8:30-11:30 (I was never successful getting through).
      The response time for email is usually around 3 weeks.

  • 1121. Shery  |  March 5, 2019 at 8:12 am

    We finally received the invitation for interview and now I have a question I’m worried about:
    Currently, my kids have an Israeli citizenship and a European citizenship.
    In part 2 item 8 of the for N-600K, we were asked to write “Prior Country of Citizenship or Nationality”. The instructions say “NOTE: If the child is a citizen or national of more than one country, provide the name of the country that issued the latest passport”.
    So, I wrote “Israeli”, since I was in the process of renewing their Israeli passports.
    We plan to enter the U.S with the kid’s European passports, using ESTA.
    Now I am wondering – since we were asked to bring to the interview “Passport and any other document relating to your entry into the U.S”, Will the USCIS ask to see the Israeli passport for this evidence (since I wrote “Israeli” in the forms), or will the European passport be enough?
    Should I just get them a Visa on the Israeli passports?
    Thank you

    • 1122. Yaakov  |  March 5, 2019 at 12:45 pm

      None of my clients ever had an issue with this, if you’re worried just bring both passports to the interview.

      • 1123. Shery  |  March 5, 2019 at 2:48 pm

        Thank you.
        I also spoke with Michelle who was very kind and explained that there was nothing to worry about.
        Now just need to sit and wait 🙂

  • 1124. Nicholas  |  March 26, 2019 at 5:18 pm

    Since this may also affect ones decision to go ahead with getting citizenship for your kids (through the grandparent rule), I would appreciate if someone could clarify an issue regarding the ‘Child tax credit’. I understand that all american citizens are required to file taxes and an FBAR every year, but a lot of people do not bother. I am one of them. My question is: Will filing taxes and an FBAR mean that I have to pay additional taxes in the US? I allready pay more than enough in the country where I live 😉

    • 1125. isranglo  |  May 23, 2019 at 1:38 pm

      there are 2 issues here: filing taxes and paying taxes. If you’re legally obligated to pay taxes then you already have to pay them as far as the US government is concerned and won’t need to pay more of them because of FBAR and taxes
      When you say “a lot of people don’t bother” you’re essentially saying “a lot of people are breaking the law.” Not bothering doesn’t mean you’re exempt. It just means that you’re ok until they catch you and then you risk catching hell. So if you’re already keeping the law you’re fine. If you’re breaking the law then yes it may well get noticed when you file taxes for the child credit that you’ve previously been dodging your legal obligations.

      The fact is most US citizens don’t owe any taxes to the US. the real expense is paying a niche accountant where you live money yearly to file for you. So no you won’t have to pay more taxes than you were obligated to pay before (if you owe at all) but if you weren’t filing previously expect to add on (depending on your situation and the accountants where you are) around 500 dollars a year on US tax preparation. at the beginning it’s no big deal as it’ll all be defrayed by the credit money you get. But once the kid is around 17-18 you no longer get money from them but will still be required to file taxes for the rest of your life and the US government will be more likely to see it if you stop filing at which point they can try and come after you.

  • 1127. Nick  |  April 5, 2019 at 3:30 pm

    Hello, I am an US citizen by naturalization; I would like to know if the 5 year residency requirement must be prior or after I got my US citizenship? …or it does not matter? basically they require proof of 5 years physical presence as a US citizen? …I could not find any info about that, thank you.

    • 1128. isranglo  |  May 23, 2019 at 1:44 pm

      as far as I know it only counts from the point at which you’re a US citizen but perhaps Michele can verify or correct this.

      • 1129. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  May 23, 2019 at 1:50 pm

        Not correct, it is just 5 years and being a citizen, you could have left the U.S. the day after you became a Citizen

        • 1130. isranglo  |  May 23, 2019 at 1:52 pm

          thanks. I stand corrected 🙂

    • 1131. Yaakov  |  May 23, 2019 at 1:55 pm

      “physical presence is calculated in the aggregate and includes time accrued in the United States during periods when the parent was not a U.S. citizen”
      Please note that if you had been physically in the US for 5 years and were a US citizen by the time of the birth of your child, you child is a citizen from birth, and does not need to apply for a certificate (you register him at the embassy where you live).

  • 1132. Salma  |  May 22, 2019 at 11:30 am

    hi there!

    So I just started filling out the online form and just realized my son’s name (as it appears on his birth certificate) will not fit as it is too long (7 names) any Idea what I can do? Note: I probably cant change it on his birth certificate as this will require changing his father’s one first and that will be too much of a hassle at the moment..

    • 1133. isranglo  |  May 23, 2019 at 1:26 pm

      ok despite that being his full name let’s be honest…unless his room is really really messy the chance that you’re going to call him by his full name is highly unlikely 🙂 I’d say just put in as many as you can in the spaces they offer and explain the situation in a separate letter/note enclosed with the application. If they ask at the interview why you didn’t supply all his names on the form just smile and point out that they didn’t give you all the lines you’d have needed for it and you didn’t know if it was ok to add lines to the form but you have no problem if they want to put all the additional names on the citizenship certificate. If the case officer is a normal human being than he’ll smile and appreciate the situation. If he’s a bureaucrat he’ll likely for not adding unauthorized lines to a form without having received official permission from the office of whoever authorizes adding lines to government forms. Either way you should be good 🙂

    • 1134. Yaakov  |  May 23, 2019 at 1:58 pm

      You can add the names in part 11, however I’m not sure the USCIS will actually list all of them.

  • 1135. kary0611  |  May 25, 2019 at 8:03 pm

    Today I drop both my nieces applications at fedex. Such a relief after 2 years that I found this blog. Hope to hear good news soon.

    Thanks for everyone’s contributions, so helpful!

    Will share updates when I get them.

    • 1136. isranglo  |  June 10, 2019 at 2:15 pm

      glad for any help provided and look forward to hearing how everything went stateside. Best of luck!

      • 1137. kary0611  |  June 11, 2019 at 4:14 pm

        You’re very kind. Thank you!

        So far on June 1st I received a text with both my nieces receipt numbers and that the receipt notice it was gonna arrive in the mail (it hasn’t so far). when I track it online it said that it was processed on May 31th and then now it says that as of June 7th is being active revewied by uscis and no further action is needed.

        I guess that’s like a preliminary review maybe.. I always assume that in the lockbock facility all they did was process the payment and forward everything to the field office of choice.

        Anyway all that is left it’s to be patient. 👌

  • 1138. kary0611  |  June 1, 2019 at 12:25 pm

    Hi, just curious does anyone know if the Phoenix AZ lockbox for courier deliveries is open 7 days a week, after a quick goggle search those are the suggested days/hours (Mon-Sun 9-5 p.m)

    You think they’ll be processing applications during weekends too?..

    Thank you

  • 1139. Nicholas  |  July 4, 2019 at 2:44 pm

    Did anyone ever get approved if physical custody was *joint* (shared) between the U.S. citizen father and the mother of the child? (The U.S. citizen father was never married to the mother of the child, but both legal and physical custody is shared).
    And is it a requirement that the official home address of the child is with the father?

    • 1140. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  July 4, 2019 at 6:03 pm

      You would need to legitimize the child and also you need to prove the child resides with you.

      • 1141. Nicholas  |  July 4, 2019 at 6:26 pm

        The legitimize part – when marrying is not an option – is possible? I have a hard time figuring out what ‘legitimate’ involves.
        And proving that the child resides with me if the public registers do not show it? It seems a bit ‘uphill’.I can provide some pictures from birthday parties and other occasions, but it might be easier to arrange a ‘temporary’ address change with the mother of the child! And is it a requirement that the child resides 100% with the U.S. citizen father? Is 50% (or maybe 35%) enough?

  • 1143. Salma  |  July 20, 2019 at 9:50 am

    Hi to everyone,

    So I have finally submitted the application on the online system last week. I chose the Charlotte NC office however I might need to change that to the Hartford CT. Can I make this request now or do I have to wait till the application has been reviewed and a decision made? Also would you recommend this office?Why or why not? What other offices would you recommend in the East side area?

    Thanks alot in advance.

    • 1144. Philip  |  December 6, 2019 at 1:02 pm

      Hello Salma. Did you use the online system from outside the U.S.?It says in the instruction section that online is not availabe for use outside of the U.S. and I am preparing my application also

  • 1145. yael  |  July 21, 2019 at 9:25 am

    Hello everyone,

    I am having trouble getting some crucial documents from the Social security administration about my late father’s earning information (so I can prove he was working and living there for 20 years so that my son could get the citizenship).
    It’s been a year since they charged my credit card.. but I haven’t received anything yet (they say you should wait at least 4 months..) – I keep writing to them, I even wrote to he local embassy and they try to help me – but no success so far , talking to them over the phone seems useless, no one understands what I want from them.. it’s not a routine request I guess.
    Anyone encountered a similar problem? Who can I urn to to get an answer or at least someone who can check the status of the request?
    I really need these documents, I have nothing else that proves he lived there.. (utility bills ect. – it was in 1950-1970.. where would I get them?)



    • 1146. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  July 21, 2019 at 10:49 am

      You need do send the SS7050 to the U.S. with payment, since you state that your father is not alive you need his death and your birth showing that he is your father, This takes a couple of months to get.
      If you would like help you can contact me. If they already charged you then it may have gotten lost in the mail, You need to call them, the Embassy has nothing to do with this

      • 1147. kary0611  |  July 21, 2019 at 3:04 pm

        Hi yael. After 1 year I really think you should had get whatever documents you requested at this point, I’ve never heard of anyone having to wait so much, when I requested my mom’s it took about 3 months.

        I don’t get it when you say no one understand what I want from them? That’s what they do, I’m guessing you want your father’s earning records and they get requests like this all year around.

        I don’t think it should be a problem that it’s from 1950-1970 because I remember when I got my mom’s it said that they have records of everything after 1950 or so and that before that date they don’t have everything accurate.

        When you call the social security administration, did you ask to speak with a supervisor because the fact that they already charge you over a year ago and no answer yet should put you in the top of their concern🙆.

        When you say you write them, do you use a U.S address or an international one? Do you have friend or family in the U.S. that you can use their address to recieve your mail maybe.

        For what it’s worth the person the sign my mom’s certified earning was Monica De Los Reyes, Director Division of Earnings and Business Services Office of Central Operations, if some how you can Google and get lucky with Google and find her email or somewhere to reach out to her.

        Good luck and keep trying becaus you are absolutely way past any deadlines.


        • 1148. yael  |  July 22, 2019 at 2:26 pm

          Thanks Karina,

          I am using my local Israeli address – I did get letters from them before, I don’t think this is the problem..
          I will try to get on the phone with a supervisor , might help.
          BTY – when you applied for the documents for your mother – did you ask for certified doc. or not? I wasn’t sure what to ask for..


          • 1149. kary0611  |  July 22, 2019 at 11:10 pm

            Hi. Yes I did ask for the certified earning records. It’s a bit more expensive than the regular and I believe it takes longer too but as far as I can remember I think 120 days was the deadline for them to send it to me and I got it before 3 months, I chose that one because like it says it’s certified by this person that I told you Monica de los Reyes and it has a cover letter from her saying that all the information in the record it’s verified and it really has all the details of each job your parent had.
            Good luck.


      • 1150. yael  |  July 22, 2019 at 2:05 pm

        Yes – I sent all the necessary documents (his death certificate, my birth cert. showing he is my father – all of that).
        The Federal Benefits Unit at the embassy actually tried to help out and sent a request on my behalf. I will try calling them again – it seems hard to get them on the phone, writing is easier.
        Let’s hope I get them soon enough



  • 1151. kary0611  |  August 15, 2019 at 1:25 am

    Hello greetings to all.

    Can someone share their experience of how long it took for their applications to arrive to the field office of choice from the lockbox in Arizona.

    Both my nieces applications arrived at the lockbock on 5\28\19 and still they haven’t gotten to the field office.

    Just want to know the average time of some of you.



    • 1152. Yaakov  |  August 15, 2019 at 5:11 am

      Hi Karina,

      Beginning January 28, 2019 USCIS switched to an electronic system, where all forms are scanned and just the digitised version gets sent to the processing center and then to the field office, this whole process shouldn’t take more than a few weeks. So probably sometime during mid / end June your forms were ready for review.
      What field office did you request, and did you ask for a specific date?

      Good luck,

      • 1153. KARINA M  |  August 15, 2019 at 1:05 pm

        Hi Yaakov!.

        Field office we choose it’s Vermont and specific date for interview 8/28/19 .

        I do have both tracking numbers and in both cases when I track them it says that as of June 7th both cases are being review by uscis, so maybe that means their in that field offfice already?.


        • 1154. Yaakov  |  August 15, 2019 at 1:13 pm

          Try contacting the field office if you want a specific date.

  • 1155. Salma  |  September 3, 2019 at 10:41 pm

    Hi there,
    has anyone heard about the changes made to the INA 322 law? How does this affect the grandparent law? And if it says that these changes are effective 29th of October will it effect my application which was sent out and received and as been in process since mid July?

    The following is a link to the new updated from the USCIS website

    • 1156. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  September 4, 2019 at 8:30 am

      The changes are for children of military personal

      • 1157. Salma  |  September 4, 2019 at 11:28 am

        ok thanks alot!

  • 1158. Francesca  |  September 24, 2019 at 10:44 am

    Hello everyone!

    I am helping my brother fill out the N600K form (through grandparent), which I have already done twice for my own children. I have two questions and would greatly appreciate if anyone can help. 1) My brother has 2 middle names on his US birth certificate. Only 1 of these middle names appears on his US passport that he will providing as proof of his citizenship. Do you think this will be a problem?
    2) I cannot remember if in the very first section of the form (part 1) I am supposed to select “The BIOLOGICAL child of a qualifying US citizen parent filing this application” OR “The grandchild of a qualifying USC grandparent or the child ward of a USC legal guardian filing this application…” My brother is filling out the application BUT it is our father who is passing on the citizenship.

    Thank you so much for your help,


    • 1159. KARINA M  |  September 24, 2019 at 12:51 pm

      Hi Francesca. On your first question I wouldn’t think it’s an issue and I would just put the middle name that appears on his passport since that’s the proof of citizenship he’s gonna provide. And about your other question it’s the option that says grandchild of a USC qualifying grandparent.

      Good luck.

      p.s since you already did it before for your own children. Do you remember how much time the whole process took?

      • 1160. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  September 24, 2019 at 1:03 pm

        Just to correct it is the first choice unless the US parent is dead it is the qualifying child of a USC.
        If adopted the second choice
        The same choices were on the old N600K

        • 1161. Francesca  |  September 24, 2019 at 2:06 pm

          Thank you for your reply Michele. Do you think the fact that both middle names do not appear on his passport (but they are listed on his birth certificate) will be an issue?

          • 1162. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  September 24, 2019 at 2:37 pm

            i don’t think it is important

            • 1163. Francesca  |  September 24, 2019 at 2:53 pm

              ok great, thank you so much

      • 1164. Francesca  |  September 24, 2019 at 2:09 pm

        Hi Karina, both times I received a reply after about 2-3 months and I was granted an interview for shortly after. Both times I was pressed to get an early appointment so I chose offices that are not too busy (first time Vermont, second time south portland Maine.) Hope that helps!

        • 1165. KARINA M  |  September 28, 2019 at 9:26 pm

          Hi! Thanks for replying. I just wanted to know how much time it took you to have it as a reference. My mom applied for both my nieces in late May for Vermont office too. Hope they get an interview date sometime this year. 🙂

  • 1166. Adi  |  September 28, 2019 at 9:38 pm

    I applied in April for my kids for Florida office and so far no response, the uscis website said 7-10 months waiting time…we are still waiting

    • 1167. isranglo  |  October 1, 2019 at 7:51 pm

      the 7-10 is a general estimate. I once got an appointment 3 weeks before a friend of mine at a place that estimated 6-12 months. he had sent her documents 9 months after I’d sent mine. Sometimes you get a slow case officer or things fall through cracks etc.

      Also I tend to recommend to people to stay away from officer like NY LA and Florida – in short from places that have huge immigrant populations. Let’s face it – people going to the US don’t have where to stay there so they either pay for a hotel (expensive) or stay by a friend or relative. Since population groups tend to stick together it means that lots of people are planning to go to places where there are populations of immigrants causing a backlog there. There aren’t a lot of legal immigrants living in places like Oregon and Rhode Island so lines there are short whereas (hopefully its better now – this was years back) I knew someone who waited 8 years going through New York.

  • 1168. Salma  |  September 30, 2019 at 2:52 pm

    Hi there,

    So I finally received an appointment at the Charlotte North Carolina office for next month. Thanks a lot for everyone who has answered my questions, this blog has been of great help really!

    I do have another question though, the officer with which I am corresponding is telling me that the grandparent (who in my case is still alive) needs to attend the interview.. her exact words were “..the applicant’s relative on which the eligibility is based must appear for the interview. So if the applicant is basing their eligibility on the grandparent then the grandparent must appear at the interview.”

    This of course was big news for me as I had not planned at all for this. From what I understood from the blog here is that the grandparent does not need to appear in person? So is this like a new rule, or should I try and clarify this further with the office?

    Thanks again

    • 1169. isranglo  |  October 1, 2019 at 7:42 pm

      I have never been required to bring my dad and generally speaking in hundreds of cases I’ve only heard of this request once or twice – where there were problems with the proof that had been sent. Perhaps they have problems with the material submitted.

      On the other hand, even if it isn’t a law that you have to up front, it’s also true that the case officer has wide latitude and more or less sole discretion to decide what they want in order for you to satisfy their requirements. So if this is just some functionary making the calls they may simply not know you don’t need to bring the grandparent but if it’s coming from the case officer themselves you should probably try to find out what the issue is because it’s not standard to request the grandparent come in.

      • 1170. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  October 1, 2019 at 11:33 pm

        It is the law the grandparent does not need to physically be there, does not even need to be alive.
        If the office does not know they should check but 100% the grandparent does not need to appear only the USC parent and the child. (Unless the USC parent is deceased the the grandparent can file and bring the child) I am not trying to just use Death as examples but they are both in the law and are good examples as to who has to appear at the interview.

  • 1171. KARINA M  |  November 8, 2019 at 10:53 am

    Is anyone patiently waiting/hoping to hear from their field office of choice soon.

    It’s almost 6 month since my nieces applications were sent out and still haven’t heard back from Vermont, i know it’s only 6 month but I don’t know why reading this blog in the past and the people who chose Vermont usually had recieve a response way faster so I kinda was hoping for the same.

    Slowly but surely holidays are approaching and I’m crossing my fingers we hear from them before before the year is over.

    And btw if anyone is thinking to apply I would strongly suggest to do it online and not by mail like I did, i may be wrong but I think it gives better chances for the case to move faster.


    • 1172. Nick  |  November 8, 2019 at 11:24 am

      USCIS has enlarged the waiting times for N600K filings, they have changed it from 6-12 months to…. 6 to 29 months!! also check the link below, I do not see field office for N600K filing in Vermont:

    • 1173. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  November 8, 2019 at 11:29 am

      On line does not move any faster. All of the offices are bogged down right now but are catching up.

  • 1174. KARINA M  |  November 28, 2019 at 12:44 am

    Hi! Ok this might be long but I have a lot to say, sorry in advance 😊.

    First, just wanted to share that today finally both my nieces were offered an interview in Vermont and i just wanted to say thank you to everyone’s contribution, opinions and suggestions whenever I reach out for help.

    And above all a million times THANK YOU MICHELE, your hard work was invaluable and I have no doubt that without you this would had never happen and so fast!.

    This case was not straight forward, the father of my nieces died 3 years ago, one of my nieces was born in wedlock and the other was not while my brother was still married, girls have no visa, my brother died in the U.S and didn’t had custody of his girls at the time, basically a lot of things that made the case complicated.

    Really if anyone is having trouble with their cases or not sure how to proceed, believe me when I say Michele will take care of everything.

    My whole family is so extremely happy and satisfied, along the way there were a few bumps in the road and they kept asking for documents and evidence and claiming things, but Michele handle everything with such knowledge and professionalism.

    Good luck everyone who’s expecting to hear from your cases.


  • 1175. KARINA M  |  January 21, 2020 at 7:32 pm

    Hi it’s me again, just wanted to share that both of my nieces as of this morning are U.S citizen, we went to their appointments in the field office of Vermont and they were very nice, they didn’t ask to see any document just the girls passports and to verify their info in the certificates.
    Michele thanks again for your services, my family is forever grateful!

  • 1176. Shery  |  January 12, 2021 at 8:03 am

    Any of you know if it is possible to file online the N-600K, from Israel?
    Thank you

    • 1177. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  January 12, 2021 at 11:40 am

      Of course, i do it everyday for my clients. The online form is different, make sure not to answer irrelevant areas.

      • 1178. Shery  |  January 12, 2021 at 11:46 am

        Thank you so much Michelle, we came across a sentence in the USCIS website that stressed us (“If you are applying from outside the U.S., are applying for a fee waiver, or are a member or veteran of any branch of the U.S. military filing on your own behalf, you cannot currently file your Form N-600K online”).
        But your answer reassures us 🙂
        Thank you!

  • 1179. fintranslator  |  January 31, 2021 at 9:26 am

    Has anyone renewed an adult american passport by mail recently in the embassy in Israel? Is the only way to pay really with a banker’s check? As per:

    • 1180. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  January 31, 2021 at 9:59 am

      The only way to renew by mail in Israel is the bank check. Yes that is what is says on their website and they say it for a reason.

  • 1181. pessie  |  August 19, 2021 at 11:48 pm

    we filled the N-600K for my doughter, we got a reciept for payment.
    we requested an interview in Mount laurel New Jersey, we really want to go before the end of 2021 is it possible? does anyone have an email of the office or of one of the workers?
    can we change the place where we want the interview?

    Thank you

    • 1182. KARINA M  |  August 20, 2021 at 12:49 am

      I live in NY and historically the tri state are it is so busy and so much delays that we did it in Vermont about 5h driving from NYC to expedite the process, I remember in NY waiting was average 2 years and Vermont we got it done in less than 6 months. You can definitely change office/location of interview if you choose to, not sure how.. But I can tell you for both of my nieces we worked with Michele (you can find her multiple post all over the thread), I am almost 100% she has work with NJ offices and she most definitely has emails and channel of communications that we regular people do not and can move your case from one office to another if choose to.

      Good luck!

    • 1183. Michele Coven Wolgel  |  August 21, 2021 at 9:56 pm

      I can move any file, i cannot guarantee before the end of the year but i can try. I have many contacts in Mt Laurel but they are swamped

  • 1184. Salvo  |  November 25, 2022 at 11:49 am

    Hi, i made my child US citizen using the tips of Isranglo, i think before sending the fom N600 K you can see processing time here:

    • 1185. wolgelaw  |  November 27, 2022 at 2:33 pm

      The processing times on line are not accurate

  • 1186. IoneSpain  |  November 27, 2022 at 11:44 am

    We had no idea this was even possible!! Thanks to this link our children are now US citizens with a US passport. We started this journey back in 2020. Thanks again!!


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